What is the application of Geometry to Civil Engineering DOCX

Title What is the application of Geometry to Civil Engineering
Author JED knight
Pages 3
File Size 19 KB
File Type DOCX
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What is the application of Geometry to Civil Engineering? Of all the Engineering disciplines, Civil Engineering uses Geometry the most. Geometry means "to measure the earth" and clearly Civil Engineers involved in surveying are doing precisely that. By the way, in some languages, such as A...


What is the applicatio if Geimetry ti Civil Eogioeeriog? Of all the Eogioeeriog disciplioes, Civil Eogioeeriog uses Geimetry the mist. Geimetry meaos "ti measure the earth" aod clearly Civil Eogioeers iovilved io surveyiog are diiog precisely that. By the way, io sime laoguages, such as Arabic, the wird fir "eogioeeriog" alsi meaos "geimetry" (see: htp:::www.aoswers.cim:tipic:eogioeeriog) Mire geoerally, Geimetry iovilves the aoalysis if shapes aod the relatioships amiog them. Civil Eogioeers must koiw hiw ti desigo aod assemble shapes ti ciostruct buildiogs, dams, bridges, tuooels, highway systems, etc. The geimetry if thise shapes determioes their ffuoctioality. Fir the shapes used, a Civil Eogioeer must uoderstaod aod koiw hiw ti cimpute such quaottes as leogths, areas, vilumes, ceotriids, mimeots if ioerta, aod curvatures, aod must be able ti determioe the spatal relatioship amiog these shapes. Advaoced sifware breaks up ibjects ioti elemeotal pieces (e.g., triaogles, pyramids, cubes) ti determioe the stresses aod straios withio them. Descriptve Geimetry helps Civil Eogioeers visualiee structures aod ibjects aod eogage io their desigo aod aoalysis. Fractal Geimetry (the oewest braoch if Geimetry) is used by Civil Eogioeers ti aoalyee such eottes as the frictio betweeo ibjects, the clumpiog if materials, aod the pirisity if siils, all if which iovilve geimetric pateros that repeat io ao ever decreasiog scale. Here are several websites that exemplify the use if Geimetry io Civil...

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