What is The American Dream PDF

Title What is The American Dream
Course English
Institution Kean University
Pages 6
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Essay about the story of the American Dream ...


What is The American Dream? The writer, Brandon King discusses his position on the future of America’s economic stability in The American Dream Dead or Alive, King points out that the American Dream is to work for an honest, secure way of life and save for the future. In my perspective, I believe that the American dream is for everyone who has a stable living and is satisfied with their socioeconomic class. Brandon points out that the American dream is someone who works hard enough, and knows the hardships from economics is the correct path for our nation to take in order to maintain economic stability. King’s point is valid, because seeing how my family works hard to make a living shows that if they did not work and make money we would not be living the way we do now. In King's view, economic stability is lowering stock prices and taxes to lower the unemployment rate in order for the money coming through the government to always be steady. During the great recession the government raised the minimum wage thinking it would close the income gap, which would also raise prices so that companies can cut back and hire fewer employees. I feel that the way the economy is ran today is different than how it was back in the day. It is wrong that people have to lose their jobs because of the way the companies themselves carry their money. I feel that many people love when minimum wage is increased but some of those people do not understand all the bad side effects and issues other people have to deal with. King points out that This would create stability after the past economic crash because the only way that we can keep the government running the way it does is by keeping the circle going and allowing the wealthy to keep spending their money instead of paying taxes. I disagree with the way the wealthy class and the lower classes get treated. Taxing only the poor is wrong, many

individuals cannot even afford to own a house anymore because of the expenses that come from taxes. The upper class should be taxed especially because they have a higher money income compared to others. Taxes them should not stop how they feel like spending their money. The writer, Brandon King discusses his position on the future of America’s economic stability in The American Dream Dead or Alive, King points out that the American Dream is to work for an honest, secure way of life and save for the future. In my perspective, I believe that the American dream is for everyone who has a stable living and is satisfied with their socioeconomic class. It shouldn’t be because of how much money you owe or the way you are living it should be more defined as to a happy and positive life. Brandon points out that the American dream is someone who works hard enough, or is killed dead by the great recession and the hardships from economics is the correct path for our nation to take in order to maintain economic stability. King’s point is valid, because seeing how my family works hard to make a living shows that if they did not work and make the income flow at our business, we would not be living the way we do now. Back in the day the way that money was being used for example a penny for a soda, shows that the economy did not have high prices on taxes and other products but the minimum wage was not high either. The only way that kept things stable was not having the best of both worlds and I completely feel that it is wrong. It was not easy for my grandparents to start a business especially because of how low prices had to be, think about how it is now, it is so hard for a small business to run when prices have to be high in order to be stable. The way the government feels is best for everyone to be happy is only making them happy, which I feel is undesirable for the public.

In King's view, economic stability is lowering stock prices and taxes to decrease the unemployment rate in order for the money coming through the government. During the great recession the government raised the minimum wage thinking it would close the income gap, which would also raise prices so that companies can cut back and hire fewer employees. This would create stability after the past economic crash because the only way that we can keep the government running the way it does is by keeping the circle going and allowing the wealthy to keep spending their money to stimulate the economy. In my opinion, I feel that King’s view gives a point when it comes to keeping the economy flowing. It is wrong when companies have to fire someone just because of what is going wrong with the companies themselves especially when you get fired not because you did something wrong but because of how the company is doing with cash flow in their system. King’s believes that the real signs of success is someone who owns expensive things and is only known as wealthy.Which means, the more money they spend on companies and products is helping businesses keep their money for companies flowing. This would create stability after the past economic crisis because if the wealthy starts spending their money in stores and corporations it allows the money flow to keep circling while the stock and government get back to the process it was in. In paragraph one he says ” Is that dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and the fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability and achievement, regardless of social class or circumstance of birth” (King Paragraph 1). In my perspective, I believe it means everyone has the opportunity to be wealthy when it comes to achieving it, ignoring what class they are coming from or the way they were brought into this world. I agree

because if everyone was wealthy it would make them happy and fortunate, but the government would never allow that to happen. If everyone had money businesses would have to increase prices and so would the government which would make everyone poor. The writer uses the position of wishing the “thought of” American dream is about the wealth and this is faulty because I know my family is not that wealthy and we are happy and stable with the way we live and feel like we are enjoying the “American Dream”. However, his position on feeling that the American dream is to work for an honest, secure way of life and safe for the future, He states that “ Many liberal economics and activist say that the American Dream is dead, but I say that it's more alive and important than ever – and that it is the key to climbing out of the great recession, overcoming inequality, and achieving true prosperity.” This would mean that there is no one wealthy anymore and the percent of Americans that would be considered rich is at a low rate. The way America is run today is nowhere near the way it was years ago. Our century in my opinion is dealing with a lot of money issues and that is my percent is decreasing. Many families are becoming middle class people because they cannot afford living the rich life when unemployment and raises in prices is very broad in America today. In conclusion it is my belief that I feel that the American dream can be lived by anyone as long as they work for it. By using resources from Brandon Kings article The American Dream: Dead, Alive, or on Hold? ,he supports his position by making a valid, balanced argument when dealing with the way our Nation is ran today. I agreed with him when he stated that American Dream is someone who works are enough, or is dead killed by the great recession and the hardships from economics. Along with feeling that the only way the nation can run the way it does is by allowing the stock market to keep steady and

pricey and allowing the wealthy people to not be taxed but only keep them spending their money in businesses and stores to allow smooth money income. But, it is also known that there are rarely any wealthy people in America anymore. Along with everything I have read in this article, I agree with everything King says about society today.

Work Cited King, Brandon. "The American Dream: Dead, Alive, Or on Hold?" (n.d.): n. pag. Norton.com. Web.

Questions: Answer each question between 2-4 sentences. 1.

Explain what aspects you liked and disliked about the argumentative essay?

Some of the things I did not like about writing this argumentative essay was that in my opinion I liked a lot of what Brandon King was explaining in article and it was hard to find anything I disliked. 2.

Do you believe the assigned readings and the writing assignment have helped

you with becoming more analytical writers for your other classes?

Yes, because those papers give us a good idea on how we should be writing our papers. Having useful example is always a good helping hand when it comes to writing. 3.

Did you use an outline before you wrote your rough draft? Why or why not?

Yes, I outlined everything I was going to write about in an order to keep myself organized while writing. 4.

Did you compare/contrast the two writers you were assigned to choose from

in this essay? I did not talk about both writers perspective on the american dream I only wrote about brandon kings article. a.

How did this help the organization and presentation of the essay?

It helped me be organized when I was writing, on the other hand, the outline sheet helped me tremendously. But most importantly the articles themselves had lots of information i was about to talk about. 5.

Did you use outside sources?

No, I did not. a.

How did this help your organization and presentation and support of your

essay? I did not use the outside sources so it did not help me be organized and or support my presentation at all....

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