What was happening in Emona in AD 14/15? An imperial inscription and the mutiny of the Pannonian legions PDF

Title What was happening in Emona in AD 14/15? An imperial inscription and the mutiny of the Pannonian legions
Author Marjeta Šašel Kos
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MESTO V IMPERIJU A CITY OF THE EMPIRE 19 EUR Ulična tabla Rimska cesta / Street sign Rimska cesta, Kip Emonca (kopija, detajl) / The Emonan statue (copy, detail), kovina / metal, 43 x 70 cm, 1990–2012, MGML, 510:LJU;0055983 mavec / plaster of Paris, 54 x 150 x 35 cm, MGML, G0000006 9 789616 509381 7...


Ulična tabla Rimska cesta / Street sign Rimska cesta, kovina / metal, 43 x 70 cm, 1990–2012, MGML, 510:LJU;0055983

19 EUR


9 789616 509381

Kip Emonca (kopija, detajl) / The Emonan statue (copy, detail), mavec / plaster of Paris, 54 x 150 x 35 cm, MGML, G0000006


Kaj se je leta 14/15 dogajalo What Was Happening in Emona in AD 14/15? v Emoni – cesarski napis An Imperial Inscription and the Mutiny in upor panonskih legij of the Pannonian Legions Marjeta Šašel Kos


140. Oljenka / Oil lamp, keramika / ceramic, 11 x 7,6 x 4,9 cm, druga polovica 2. stol. n. št. / second half of 2nd c. AD, ZVKDS, CPA, PN 75 141. Balzamarij / Balsamarium, steklo / glass, d 2,9 x 19,5 cm, druga polovica 2. stol. n. št. / second half of 2nd c. AD, ZVKDS, CPA, PN 76 142. Vijček / Spindle whorl, jantar / amber, 2,3 x 1,1 cm, druga polovica 2. stol. n. št. / second half of 2nd c. AD, ZVKDS, CPA, PN 77

Petnajsta Apolonova legija leta 14 v Emoni? Kratek epilog nekdanje polemike

Was the legion XV Apollinaris stationed at Emona in AD 14? A brief epilogue to an earlier question

Leto 14 je bilo za Emono nedvomno razburljivo, saj me-

Given its closeness to the border with Illyricum, AD 14 must have

sto ni bilo daleč od meje Ilirika, kjer je tega leta izbruhnil

been an exciting year for Emona. It was in this year that a mutiny of

upor panonskih legij, in sicer v poletnem taboru panon-

the Pannonian legions stationed in the Pannonian army’s summer

ske vojske. Panonija se je v tem času (konec Avgustove

camp broke out. During this period (the end of Augustus’ reign and

in čas Tiberijeve vlade), kot vse kaže, uradno imenova-

during Tiberius’ reign), Pannonia seems to have been officially called

la Spodnji Ilirik, kar sklepamo iz dejstva, da je bil ura-

Lower Illyricum. This can be inferred from the fact that the official

dni naziv Dalmacije v istem času Zgornji Ilirik; to ime je

name of Dalmatia at that time was Upper Illyricum: the latter name

ohranjeno na napisu iz Epidavra (Cavtat).1 V panonskem

has been preserved in an inscription from Epidaurum (Cavtat).1 After

delu Ilirika so bile po koncu velikega panonsko-dalma-

the great Pannonian-Dalmatian Revolt had been put down, three

tinskega upora (6–9 po Kr.) nameščene tri rimske legi-

Roman legions were stationed in the Pannonian part of Illyricum: the

je; Osma Avgustova (VIII Augusta), ki je imela zimski tabor

Eighth Augustan (VIII Augusta), whose winter camp was in Poetovio;2

v Petovioni,2 Deveta hispanska (IX Hispana), ki v provinci

the Ninth Hispanic (IX Hispana), which has left no conclusive traces

doslej ni zapustila zanesljivih sledov, morda je imela svoj

in the region, although its camp might have been located in Sirmium

tabor v Sirmiju (Sremska Mitrovica), in Petnajsta Apolonova

(Sremska Mitrovica);3 and the Fifteenth Apollonian (XV Apollinaris),

(XV Apollinaris), ki je bila najverjetneje v Sisciji (sl. 1), in za

which most probably was stationed in Siscia (Fig. 1) and whose camp

katero je zlasti od Balduina Sarije dalje veljalo, da je imela

has been thought, particularly since Balduin Saria, to have been lo-

tabor v Emoni.4 To mnenje, ki je bilo še dolgo let po obja-

cated in Emona.4 This suggestion, which continued to be salient long


vi njegovega članka zelo vplivno, je bilo izraženo že prej, 5


after Saria’s article was published,5 had been put forth before then6

temeljilo pa je na dejstvu, da je bilo več nagrobnih napi-

and was based on the fact that several gravestone inscriptions for

sov veteranov te legije najdenih v Akvileji; Petnajsta legija

veterans of this legion had been discovered in Aquileia; hence, of all

naj bi torej med vsemi panonskimi legijami imela svoj tabor

the Pannonian legions it was the Fifteenth Legion whose camp was

najbližje Akvileji.

believed to be situated the closest to Aquileia.

Saria je poleg tega sklepal, da nagrobniki veteranov

Saria also argued that the tombstones of the veterans of the

Petnajste legije iz Emone dokazujejo, da je bilo mesto

Fifteenth Legion unearthed in Emona bore witness to the fact that

veteranska kolonija, ustanovljena na prostoru nekdanje-

the city was a veteran colony founded on the site of a former camp

ga tabora te legije, na kar bi kazal tudi pravilni tloris me-

of the legion, which would have been confirmed by the city’s layout

sta, ki posnema legijski tabor. K veteranskim napisom je

imitating a legionary camp. As regards veteran inscriptions, it has to

treba pojasniti, da jih je bilo v Emoni najdenih razmeroma

be noted that relatively few have come to light in Emona. Although

malo. V Akvileji je bilo odkritih precej več napisov vete-

Aquileia yielded many more inscriptions for veterans of the Fifteenth

ranov Petnajste legije, ki seveda ne dokazujejo ničesar

Legion, this does not prove anything about the status of this colony;

1 2 3

1 2 3

4 5 6

Šašel Kos 2010c. Horvat et al. 2003, str. 156. Mócsy 1974, str. 42s.; Šašel Kos 1995, str. 237; cf. Fitz 1993, str. 206; Dzino 2010, str. 168. Saria 1938. Mócsy 1962, str. 548; 596. Ritterling 1925, str. 1748.

4 5 6

Šašel Kos 2010c. Horvat et al. 2003, p. 156. Mócsy 1974, p. 42ff.; Šašel Kos 1995, p. 237; cf. Fitz 1993, p. 206; Dzino 2010, p. 168. Saria 1938. Mócsy 1962, pp. 548; 596. Ritterling 1925, p. 1748.


Sl. 1: Območje tromeje med Deseto regijo, Norikom in Ilirikom. Fig. 1: The area where the borders of the Tenth Region, Noricum and Illyricum met. (Računalniška grafika / Computer graphics by Mateja Belak)

o naravi te kolonije; podobno tudi v Emoni njihova majh-

similarly, their scarcity in Emona has little bearing on the genesis

na prisotnost nima velike teže pri ugotavljanju nastanka

of the city. The fact that there were a few veterans of the Fifteenth

mesta. V Emoni majhno število veteranov Petnajste le-

Legion in Emona cannot prove that the legion’s permanent camp had

gije nikakor ne more dokazovati, da bi imela legija prej v

previously been situated in Emona. And finally, Emona yielded simi-

Emoni svoj stalni tabor. Predvsem pa je bilo v mestu naj-

larly few tombstones of veterans of the Eighth Legion, which, admit-

denih tudi podobno majhno število nagrobnikov vetera-

tedly, had its camp in Poetovio. Accordingly, a handful of veterans of

nov Osme legije, zanjo pa je znano, da je imela svoj tabor

these two legions can by no means prove that Emona was a veteran

v Petovioni. Peščica veteranov teh dveh legij nikakor ne

colony, whereas the fact they belonged to the Fifteenth and Eighth

dokazuje, da bi bila Emona veteranska kolonija, njihova

Legions only suggests that these two were stationed in Pannonia,

pripadnost Petnajsti in Osmi legiji pa le to, da sta bili ti dve

most probably closer to Emona than the Ninth Hispanic Legion. Upon

legiji nameščeni v Panoniji, in sicer verjetno bliže Emoni

discharge, veterans were sometimes assigned their place of resi-

kot Deveta hispanska. Veteranom je ob odpustu iz vojske

dence by the state, whilst some veterans received a bounty in cash

kraj naselitve včasih odkazala država, včasih so dobili de-

and could settle anywhere in the Empire. They often chose a place

narno odpravnino in so se lahko naselili kjerkoli v imperiju.

not far from the legionary camp in which they had served for a long

Velikokrat so si izbrali mesto blizu legijskega tabora, kjer

period of time;7 several veterans of the Fifteenth and other legions

so dalj časa služili vojsko;7 več veteranov Petnajste in tudi

are thus documented in Aquileia. The contention that Emona was the

drugih legij je npr. dokumentiranih v Akvileji. Mnenje, da bi

camp of the Fifteenth Legion is, apart from long being obsolete, fur-

bila Emona tabor Petnajste legije, že dolgo velja za preži-

ther refuted by the most recent research.8

veto, ovrgle so ga tudi najnovejše raziskave. 7 8


Mann 1983. Tako že Schmid 1941; Šašel 1968, str. 562 ss. (1992, str. 571 ss.); Wells 1974; Kos 1986, str. 54–56; Šašel Kos 1995; Plesničar Gec

7 8

Mann 1983. Thus already Schmid 1941; Šašel 1968, p. 562ff. (1992, p. 571ff.); Wells 1974; Kos 1986, pp. 54–56; Šašel Kos 1995; Plesničar Gec 1998; Plesničar Gec 1999, pp. 100–106; Šašel Kos 1998c; Vičič 2003, p. 23f.; Mosser 2003. Also see Gaspari


143. Prstan / Ring, zlato / gold, d 2,3 x 0,5 cm, druga polovica 2. stol. n. št. / second half of 2nd c. AD, ZVKDS, CPA, PN 78 144. Odlomki posodice / Fragments of a small vessel, steklo / glass, druga polovica 2. stol. n. št. / second half of 2nd c. AD, ZVKDS, CPA, PN 79 145. Žara / Urn, steklo / glass, d 16,9 x 21,5 cm, druga polovica 2. stol. n. št. / second half of 2nd c. AD, ZVKDS, CPA, PN 80

Saria je za natančnejšo opredelitev nastanka rimske

In trying to date the foundation of a Roman colony at Emona more

kolonije v Emoni pripisoval velik pomen tudi cesarske-

accurately, Saria attributed much relevance to the imperial inscrip-

mu napisu iz časa Avgusta in Tiberija (datiran je v čas po

tion from the reigns of Augustus and Tiberius (dated to the period

Avgustovi smrti, avgusta leta 14) ter odlomku drugega

after Augustus’ death in August AD 14) and a fragment of another im-

cesarskega napisa, od katerega je ohranjenih le nekaj

perial inscription, of which only several letters survive. He erroneous-

črk. Napačno je menil, da je tega leta Petnajsta Apolonova

ly suggested that in this year the legion XV Apollinaris left its camp

legija zapustila svoj tabor v Emoni in odšla v Karnuntum,9

situated in Emona for Carnuntum9 and specifically that the inscrip-

in da je prav napis, ki naj bi govoril o gradnji obzidja (ka-

tion, which purportedly refers to the construction of the city walls (in

kor je oba napisa hipotetično dopolnil), dokaz, da je bila

accordance with how he hypothetically reconstructed both inscrip-

v Emoni takrat ustanovljena rimska kolonija. Vrsta pol-

tions), must be considered as proof that a Roman colony had been

preteklih in novejših študij je pokazala, da med graditvijo

founded then in Emona. A series of recent and even the very latest

mestnega obzidja in nastankom rimske kolonije ni vzroč-

studies demonstrate there is no causal link between the construc-

ne povezave.10 Obzidje, zlasti tisto, ki je bilo grajeno v

tion of the city walls and the foundation of a Roman colony.10 City

času relativnega miru, je predstavljalo predvsem statusni

walls, in particular those erected during periods of relative peace,

simbol mesta; v času principata je cesar mestu gradnjo

were mainly intended to signify the status of the city; during the time

obzidja lahko odobril ob raznih priložnostih, ne glede na

of the Principate, the emperor could approve the construction of city

to, da je mesto kot kolonija obstajalo že več (deset) let

walls on various occasions, regardless of whether the city had exist-

prej. S stališča zgodovine Emone je zelo zanimiv primer

ed as a colony for several (or dozens of) years before. In the context

julijske kolonije Fanum Fortunae v Umbriji (Fano) – tudi

of the history of Emona, one interesting case is that of the Julian

Emona je bila colonia Iulia! –, ki jo je ustanovil Oktavijan

colony of Fanum Fortunae in Umbria (present-day Fano) – Emona was

(torej še v času pred letom 27 pr. Kr., ko je postal Avgust),

a colonia Iulia, too! – that was founded by Octavian (i.e. before 27 BC,

obzidje pa je mestu dal leta 14 po Kr., torej več kot tride-

when he became Augustus), and received its walls in AD 14, i.e. over

set let po njegovi ustanovitvi.11 Emoni najbližji primer je

30 years after it was founded.11 Another example, closest to Emona,

Tergeste, verjetno pod Cezarjem ustanovljena kolonija,

is Tergeste, a colony presumably founded under Caesar, which was

ki je dobila obzidje pod Oktavijanom, leta 33–32 pr. Kr.12

granted its walls under Octavian in 33–32 BC.12 Similarly, the author of

Tudi avtor novega poskusa dopolnitve in datacije grad-

the most recently attempted reconstruction and dating of the impe-

benega cesarskega napisa iz Emone, Zsolt Mráv, ki je za

rial building inscription from Emona, Zsolt Mráv (whose starting point

izhodišče vzel Sarijevo dopolnitev, obzidja ni povezoval z

was Saria’s reconstruction), did not relate the city walls to the founding of a colony at Emona, which he instead dated to the Augustan period.13

1998; Plesničar Gec 1999, str. 100–106; Šašel Kos 1998c; Vičič 2003, str. 23s.; Mosser 2003. Glej tudi Gaspari 2010, posebej str. 113ss. 9 V članku Šašel Kos 1995 je to z argumenti ovrženo in že vrsto let splošno sprejeto; zbrana je tudi vsa starejša literatura o tej problematiki. 10 Kljub novim dognanjem sicer prim. Kovács, v Fehér, Kovács 2005, str. 206s.; Gaspari 2010, str. 147s. 11 CIL XI 6218 = ILS 104 = Horster 2001, str. 308–311 (VI 2,1). 12 CIL V 525 = Ins. It. 10.4, 20 (Lupa 16234); glej Zaccaria 1992, str. 152 in 213, k št. 20; Harl, v Harl, Niederstätter 2011, str. 701– 714.


10 11 12 13

2010, especially p. 113ff. This suggestion was rejected, based on valid arguments, in the 1995 article by Šašel Kos. The article, whose plausibility has been generally recognised for many years, also contains all earlier literature dealing with this issue. Despite new discoveries, cf. Kovács, in Fehér, Kovács 2005, p. 206f.; Gaspari 2010, p. 147f. CIL XI 6218 = ILS 104 = Horster 2001, pp. 308–311 (VI 2,1). CIL V 525 = Ins. It. 10.4, 20 (Lupa 16234); see Zaccaria 1992, pp. 152 and 213, to No. 20; Harl, in Harl, Niederstätter 2011, pp. 701–714. Mráv 2001.


146. Predmet / Object, bron / bronze, 2,9 x 1,7 x 1,3 cm, druga polovica 2. stol. n. št. / second half of 2nd c. AD, ZVKDS, CPA, PN 81 147. Odlomki posodice / Fragments of a small vessel, steklo / glass, druga polovica 2. stol. n. št. / second half of 2nd c. AD, ZVKDS, CPA, PN 82 148. Odlomki posodice / Fragments of a small vessel, steklo / glass, druga polovica 2. stol. n. št. / second half of 2nd c. AD, ZVKDS, CPA, PN 83

ustanovitvijo kolonije v Emoni, ki jo je časovno umestil v avgustejsko obdobje.13

The mutiny of the Pannonian legions and the presumed visit of Tiberius’ son Drusus to Emona Four years after the Pannonian-Dalmatian Revolt, the situation in

Upor panonskih legij in domnevni postanek Tiberijevega sina Druza v Emoni

Illyricum must have still been very tense because in the summer

V Iliriku so morale biti razmere po štirih letih, ki so pretekla

probably to appease the discontent of the local population, act as a

od konca panonsko-dalmatinskega upora, še zelo napete,

judge on certain controversial questions, and supervise the launch

saj je poleti leta 14 Tiberij na Avgustovo željo odpotoval v

of new military and administrative measures.14 Immediately after he

provinco, verjetno zato, da bi pomiril nezadovoljstvo do-

arrived, however, he was called back because Augustus, who had ac-

mačega prebivalstva, razsojal v raznih spornih vprašanjih

companied him to Benevento, had fallen seriously ill and died in Nola

in nadzoroval uvedbo novih vojaških ter administrativnih

on the 19th of August of the same year. Fearing a revolt, Augustus’

of AD 14 Tiberius travelled to the province at Augustus’ wish, most

ukrepov. Vendar so ga takoj po prihodu odpoklicali nazaj,

wife and Tiberius’ mother Livia decided to keep the news of his death

kajti Avgust, ki ga je bil pospremil do Beneventa, je hudo

secret until Tiberius’ return; like the Roman historian Tacitus, who

zbolel in 19. avgusta istega leta v Noli umrl. Avgustova

wrote in the late 1st century AD, the Greek historian Cassius Dio, writ-

žena, in Tiberijeva mati, Livija je iz strahu pred uporom nje-

ing almost 150 years later, claimed that Tiberius was called back im-

govo smrt prikrila, dokler se Tiberij ne bi vrnil; podobno kot

mediately after having arrived in the Dalmatian part of Illyricum.15 Dio

rimski zgodovinar Tacit, ki je pisal proti koncu 1. stoletja

writes that upon his accession to the throne Tiberius trusted neither

po Kr., tudi grški zgodovinar Kasij Dion skoraj sto petde-

the Pannonian nor the Germanic legions, and was anxious about the

set let pozneje omenja, da je bil Tiberij odpoklican takoj po

popularity of his nephew Germanicus, then serving as a commander-

prihodu v dalmatinski del Ilirika. Dion piše, da ob nasto-

in-chief in Germania.16



pu vlade ni zaupal niti panonskim niti germanskim legijam

The Pannonian legions had their summer quarters somewhere in

in se je bal priljubljenosti nečaka Germanika, ki je bil tedaj

the area of Poetovio or, even more likely, Siscia (Sisak),17 from where

vladarski namestnik v Germaniji.16

their detachments were dispatched to faraway Nauportus (Vrhnika).

Panonske legije so imele poletni tabor nekje v območju

They were tasked with building roads and bridges, and with other

Petovione ali še bolj verjetno Siscije (Sisak),17 od koder so

services. Discontented with their military service, particularly its

bili njihovi oddelki poslani v oddaljeni Navport (Nauportus,

duration, the legionaries in the summer camp mutinied against their

Vrhnika) gradit ceste in mostove ter urejat še druge neime-

commanders in AD 14, i.e. soon after the death of Augustus, which is

novane zadeve. Legionarji v poletnem taboru so se leta 14 po

described in detail by Tacitus.18 Tacitus paid considerable attention

Kr., kmalu po Avgustovi smrti, zaradi nezadovoljstva z vojaško službo, predvsem zaradi predolgega vojaškega roka,

13 Mráv 2001. 14 Vell. Pat., 2, 123, 1; prim. Suet., Aug. 97 s. in Tib. 21; Kovács, v Fehér, Kovács 2005, ...

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