Quinqueviri in Aquileia and Emona? PDF

Title Quinqueviri in Aquileia and Emona?
Author Marjeta Šašel Kos
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CENTro dI ANTIChITà AlToAdrIATIChE A CASA BErTolI - AQVIlEIA NTIChITà lToAdrIATIChE – volume lXXXV ‘Voce concordi’ Scritti per Claudio Zaccaria a cura di Fulvia Mainardis EditrEg 2016 I ‘Voce concordi’ Scritti per Claudio Zaccaria a cura di Fulvia Mainardis COPIA ELETTRONICA IN FORMATO PDF RISERVATA...





NTIChITà lToAdrIATIChE – volume lXXXV

‘Voce concordi’ Scritti per Claudio Zaccaria a cura di Fulvia Mainardis

EditrEg 2016


‘Voce concordi’

Scritti per Claudio Zaccaria a cura di Fulvia Mainardis






Rivista fondata da Mario Mirabella Roberti e diretta da Giuseppe Cuscito

LXXXV volume

Editreg TRIESTE 2016


«Antichità Altoadriatiche» © Centro di Antichità Altoadriatiche

Via Patriarca Poppone 6 - 33053 Aquileia (UD) http://editreg.wixsite.com/centroaaad https://www.facebook.com/www.aaad.org/

ISSN 1972-9758

Autorizzazione del Tribunale di Udine n. 318 del 27 ottobre 1973

© Editreg di Fabio Prenc

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ISBN 9788897557944

Direttore responsabile: Giuseppe Cuscito Comitato scientifico: Fabrizio Bisconti, Jacopo Bonetto, Rajko Bratož, Giovannella Cresci Marrone, Heimo Dolenz, Sauro Gelichi, Francesca Ghedini, Giovanni Gorini, Arnaldo Marcone, Robert Matijašić, Emanuela Montagnari Kokelj, Gemma Sena Chiesa

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Claudio Zaccaria

La foto di Ortolf Harl, creatore e fondatore del progetto “ubi erat lupa”, è un omaggio offerto all’illustre collega e prezioso collaboratore del progetto. VII

INDICE Premessa della curatrice ...................................................................................... p. XIII Tabula gratulatoria .............................................................................................. » XVI 1976-2016: 40 anni di studi. Bibliografia di Claudio Zaccaria, a cura di Fulvia Mainardis ................................................................................................. » XVII

Studi Samir Aounallah, Louis Maurin, Aventius, proconsul d’Afrique, et la porticus pagi de Thugga (Dougga, Tunisie) ........................................................... Giulia Baratta, L’evergetismo dei pesi e delle misure: i ponderaria ................ Lucio Benedetti, Maria Letizia Caldelli, “Un volume di sasso”. La gemma di un pantomimo tra Roma e Perugia. In margine a CIL VI, 10115 ........... François Bérard, Remarques sur le commerce du vin et de l’huile à Lyon ...... Christer Bruun, Problemi economici o demografici per il corpus lenunculariorum traiectus Luculli ad Ostia nel periodo tardo-antonino? Un’analisi di CIL XIV, 246 e ScO XI, C 46 ................................................................... Marco Buonocore, Theodor Mommsen, Luigi Viola e la lex municipii Tarentini Alfredo Buonopane, François Chausson, Francesca Elisa Maritan, Tuiles estampillées portant le nom d’une dame dans la regio X (Padoue, Vérone) ..................................................................................................... Maurizio Buora, Stefano Magnani, Laterizi con marchi inediti utilizzati nel sistema fognario di Aquileia romana ....................................................... Giuseppe Camodeca, Il censorium di Beneventum: un nuovo vocabolo del lessico latino .................................................................................................... Valentina Casella, Maria Federica Petraccia, Evoluzione di una realtà urbana nell’Italia centrale: Sentinum ............................................................. Francesca Cenerini, Il monumento funerario dei Caecilii piacentini: una proposta di interpretazione ............................................................................ Marcella Chelotti, Iscrizioni inedite e poco note dall’Apulia ......................... Monica Chiabà, ... eam autem invenire nequivi (Inscr. Aq. 39b). Sul “ritrovamento” nell’ex Villa Toppo (Buttrio - UD) dell’iscrizione del quattuorviro aquileiese Cn. Octavius Cornic(u)la .................................................. Laura Chioffi, Il sociorum Sisapone(n)sium vilicus e l’argentum da Sisapo(n) a Capua ..................................................................................................... Michel Christol, Les affranchis et leur descendance: épigraphie et ascension sociale en Narbonnaise à la fin du Ier et au IIe s. apr. J.-C. .................... Lorenzo Cigaina, Tribules alieni in due iscrizioni di Aquileia ........................... Elena Cimarosti, CIL X, 7845: proposte da una rilettura autoptica ................

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143 153





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183 193 205 IX

Silvia Cipriano, Stefania Mazzocchin, Le produzioni di anfore adriatiche della gens Iulia .................................................................................................. Giovannella Cresci Marrone, Economia antica e studio del latino attraverso l’epigrafia: esperimenti e spunti di riflessione per la didattica liceale in Italia ......................................................................................................... Patrizia Donat, Olle con marchio anepigrafe dell’età della “romanizzazione” in Cisalpina nordorientale ....................................................................... Werner Eck, Eine Laufbahninschrift aus Sicca Veneria und die Stadtpräfektur des Cornelius Repentinus ......................................................................... Silvia Evangelisti, Un nuovo procurator Augusti libertino della prima età imperiale e gli Iulii di Privernum ............................................................. Mounir Fantar, Attilio Mastino, Raimondo Zucca, Nota sull’amministrazione e l’economia delle città del promunturium Mercurii (Africa Proconsularis) ........................................................................................... Daniele Foraboschi, Economia e società a Narmouthis (Egitto) ...................... Cristina Gomezel, Il bollo su laterizio Sex.Erb. Alcuni aggiornamenti ........ Maria Grazia Granino Cecere, Un procuratore imperiale a Bovillae ............. Gian Luca Gregori, Un’inedita e monumentale dedica a Claudio, Messalina e Britannico da Salerno .............................................................................. Manfred Hainzmann, CVRA(M) • AGENT(ES) • CIVITASQ(VE) adnotationes ad CIL III, 5319 (Noricum, Flavia Solva) ............................................... Antonio Ibba, Agglomerati pre-urbani nelle Moesiae (I-III secolo): riflessioni e confronti .................................................................................................... Anamarija Kurilić, Roman tile stamped [C]AESAR III COS ............................ Renate Lafer, Miliaria als topographische und historische Quellen? Überlegungen zur Funktion von Meilensteinen am Beispiel von Noricum ........ Patrick Le Roux, Pœtovio, colonie de Trajan, au miroir des inscriptions ........ Cesare Letta, L’arco augusteo di Susa: qualche precisazione .......................... Paola Maggi, Tituli picti su anfore di produzione adriatica dallo scavo di Canale Anfora ad Aquileia ....................................................................... Andreina Magioncalda, Un patrono di Aquileia: il cavaliere Q. Axilius Urbicus Silvia Maria Marengo, Scritture e immagini di una base settempedana con scene di apoteosi ...................................................................................... Yolande Marion, Francis Tassaux, Road movie chez les Carni. Routes et agglomérations de l’Italie nord-orientale IIe s. a.C. - VIe s. p.C. ....................... Robert Matijašić, L’iscrizione di Acerrentino (Inscr. It. X, 2, 22) e lo status giuridico di Parentium ................................................................................... Marc Mayer i Olivé, La progresiva institucionalización de una ciudad adriática: Narona ................................................................................................ Giovanni Mennella, Tra Seviri, Seviri Augustales e Seviri et Augustales a Eporedia (Ivrea) ........................................................................................ Guido Migliorati, Acculturazione nell’epigrafia di Brescia romana? ..............












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David Nonnis, A proposito degli askoi del “Gallonios Group”: un nuovo esemplare da Lavinium .................................................................................... Silvia Orlandi, Una nuova dedica a Ercole da Roma ....................................... Gianfranco Paci, Anfora Lamboglia 2 con luogo di produzione, da Matelica ... Silvio Panciera, Bona Dea Romana ................................................................... Ioan Piso, Ein sextarium aus Potaissa .................................................................. Fabio Prenc, Minuzie bujensi. Dal toponimo prediale “Ursinins” al bollo su laterizio C. Oppi Vrsini ........................................................................ Mauro Reali, Un magistrato comense, oltre vent’anni dopo ............................ Cecilia Ricci, Michele Roccia, Ferrazzano (CB) in età romana. Tra topografia ed epigrafia ............................................................................................... Robert Sablayrolles, Les marbres pyrénéens à l’époque romaine dans le haut bassin de la Garonne: une économie, une société, une culture ............... Olli Salomies, Prolegomena to a study of the nomina ending in -(i)enus ........ Antonio Sartori, I minori nella macchina municipale ...................................... Rita Scuderi, Ascesa socio-economica di liberti a Ticinum .............................. Marina Silvestrini, Prefetti municipali come sostituti di personaggi di alto rango ........................................................................................................ Heikki Solin, Sulle trasformazioni amministrative di Casinum ......................... Alka Starac, Sull’origine delle proprietà imperiali in Istria ............................ Marjeta Šašel Kos, Quinqueviri in Aquileia and Emona? ............................... Elisabetta Todisco, Ripensare lo spazio delle città in crescita: gli aedificia continentia ................................................................................................ Paola Ventura, Un’iscrizione dimenticata da Aquileia .................................... Reinhold Wedenig, Überreste kommerzieller Transaktionen in der römischen Kaiserzeit: außergewöhnliche Bleifunde aus Salzburg und Trier ............ Christian Witschel, La trasformazione delle forme di rappresentazione epigrafica nelle città dell’Italia centro-settentrionale in età tardoantica ...........

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Indice epigrafico, a cura di Cristina Gomezel e Fulvia Mainardis ................... »


Norme redazionali ............................................................................................... »



Marjeta Šašel Kos

Quinqueviri in Aquileia and Emona?

Anton von Premerstein’s list of quinqueviri and his interpretation Anton von Premerstein was the first and may have been the last to have written an article dedicated to the municipal quinqueviri  1. There were not many and they were only known from Italy. In his list he included a quinquevir from Nuceria Alfaterna (regio I), M. Virtius, M. f. Men(enia) Ceraunus, who had also been aedilis, IIvir iure dicundo, and praefectus fabrum  2, three quinqueviri from Interamnia Praetuttianorum (regio V), who had all been freedmen  3, as well as one C. Marcilius Eros from Truentum (regio V), who was Vvir Truenti and also purpurarius (either an artisan who dyed cloth purple or someone who traded in purple cloth)  4. The next three were documented in three towns of regio X in northern Italy. One was from Aquileia, but attested in a dedication to Diana found in Emona: T. Vellius Onesimus, who was sevir and Augustalis in Emona, and subsequently quinquevir in Aquileia, and Augustalis in Parentium  5. One C. Aquillius C. f. Cla(udia) Mela is known from Concordia; he was from a company of arms workers (ex decuria armamentaria) and twice quinquevir  6. In Emona, for which Premerstein emphasized that it had belonged to Italy  7, one L. Caesernius Primitivus was quinquevir (IIIIIv(ir)) and the head of the decuria of the college of artisans (decurio collegii fabrum)  8. When discussing both inscriptions from Emona, Premerstein noted that according to Theodor Mommsen both examples represented a stonecutter’s error for IIIIIIvir  9. However, Premerstein was convinced that Mommsen was wrong. Premerstein included two more inscriptions in his short catalogue. In Luna (regio VII), quinqueviri may have been indirectly attested, since in a list of names of the members of the college of carpenters (collegium fabrum tignuariorum), five among the decuriones are listed first, followed by an empty space of three lines and by a further seven names  10. In an

Premerstein 1903; see also Wesener 1963. CIL X, 1081 = Forbis 1996, p. 142, no. 138 = EDR075801, with further literature. 3 CIL IX, 5070 (= EDR113451); 5072 (= EDR113482); 5083 (= EDR113483); they may have been more, since the first and the third inscriptions are fragmentary. 4 CIL IX, 5276 = EDR118079, with further literature. 5 CIL III, 3836 = RINMS 9 = EDR128978 (see below), interpreted as sevir, since the inscription is slightly damaged in the beginning of the line and it has been assumed that the first vertical hasta is missing. 6 CIL V, 1883 = EDR097756, with further literature. 7 Premerstein 1903, p. 241: “Emona (zu Italien gerechnet...”); cf. Šašel 1989, p. 170 (= Šašel 1992, p. 708). 8 CIL III, 3893 = EDR155047 (see below). 9 Premerstein 1903, p. 240, n. 4. 10 CIL XI, 1355 = EDR129455 and EDR129457 (with further literature). 1 2


Marjeta Šašel Kos

honorary inscription for three seviri Augustales from Brixia (regio XI), quinqueviri are not mentioned directly, but their existence would have been suggested by the five officials who had erected the monument  11. These last two cases are certainly problematic. Premerstein interpreted these officials as members of a municipal board of five, documented in Rome both in the Republican and Imperial periods, as well as in the cited Italian towns. In Rome they were known as quinqueviri cis Tiberim and were at first subordinate to the tresviri capitales. These officers, who were in charge of the prison, also supervised the security of streets in the city and were responsible for fire brigades. Towards the end of the Republic, supervision of the maintenance of public security and the duties carried out by street and fire police, particularly by night, was transferred from the tresviri capitales to the aediles. From then on, they were also in charge of the quinqueviri (cf. Pomponius, Digest. I 2. 2 § 33: et tamen hi, quos Cistiberes dicimus, postea [per] aediles senatus consulto creabantur). Quinqueviri in Rome were freeborn and were aided by municipal slaves. In terms of social position, the quinquevirate was the lowest municipal office  12. Let us first of all re-examine the two inscriptions from Emona, in which quinqueviri would have been mentioned, since prior to Premerstein they were identified as seviri and were also regarded as such by several subsequent scholars. The dedication to Diana from Emona Two votive altars to Diana with identical texts, composed of three fragments (most probably from the 1st century AD)  13, were discovered in the mid-19th century at Gradišče in Ljubljana, on the edge of the area of Roman Emona, near the remains of the western section of the town-walls. The fragment with the dedication to Diana was found outside the walls, while the second was “enclosed in the wall”, which means that they were not found in situ. Indeed, they were reused in the construction of a grave from the late Roman period (?), which was dug out together with the fragmentary altars directly adjacent to the town-wall of Emona  14. The two altars are made of bluish-grey limestone quarried at Glince on the northwestern outskirts of Ljubljana and are now in the National Museum of Slovenia. The altars are interesting from various points of view, not least because obviously they were inscribed with the same text, one with larger and the other with smaller letters. Nonetheless, the dimensions of both altars are more or less the same, since both measure 24.5 cm in width. The upper part of one altar is preserved with the moulded crown and the first eight lines of the inscription: the height of the letters is 3.5-3 cm. Of the second altar, only the lower section has been preserved, but without the base; the height of the letters is 2.2-2 cm. The third fragment is a damaged base of one of the two altars, although given the uniform dimensions of both altars it is not possible to know which of

CIL V, 4449 = EDR090238 (with further literature). Premerstein 1903, pp. 234-240; cf. also Forbis 1996, p. 142 and n. 71. 13 See Šašel 1968, p. 565 (= Šašel 1992, p. 573); RINMS 9. 14 CIL III, 3836 (seen by Mommsen) + p. 1734 = RINMS 9 = EDR128978; see also Müllner 1879, pp. 44-45, nos. 2 and 3; nos. 184 and 185; Panciera 1957, p. 76 and n. 162; Zaccaria 1985, p. 112, no. 47; Šašel 1989, p. 170 (= Šašel 1992, p. 708), no. 4; Buonopane 2003, p. 344 and p. 361, no. 76. 11



Quinqueviri in Aquileia and Emona?

the two it matches. Mommsen, in contrast to the first editors, did not specifically mention that the fragments fitted two altars and not a single one. However, it is absolutely certain that the three fragments do not ...

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