A walk along the traces of Roman Emona PDF

Title A walk along the traces of Roman Emona
Author Bernarda Zupanek
Pages 20
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Uvod Introduction Emona je odločilno vplivala na Emona exerted a decisive influence urbanistični razvoj Ljubljane. on Ljubljana’s urban development. V zahodnem delu današnjega mestnega Especially in the western part of today’s središča lahko še danes brez težav city centre, it is easy to discern the...


Introduction Emona exerted a decisive influence on Ljubljana’s urban development. Especially in the western part of today’s city centre, it is easy to discern the traces of the Roman town. More or less the entire street system of the western part of today’s city centre is based on the grid of Emona’s insulae, or rectangular housing blocks. Slovenska cesta (Slovenia Street) runs almost entirely along the line of the cardo, or north-south street; Rimska cesta (Rome Street) largely runs along Emona’s decumanus, or east-west street. Traces of the Roman town can also be seen in toponyms; the name Ajdovščina (literally, ‘heathendom’) refers to the area of an ancient cemetery, and Gradišče (literally, ‘fortress’) as the name of a neighbourhood and part of today’s Slovenska cesta (Slovenia Street), refers to the centre of ancient Roman Emona. 58

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Uvod Emona je odločilno vplivala na urbanistični razvoj Ljubljane. V zahodnem delu današnjega mestnega središča lahko še danes brez težav razberemo sledove rimskega mesta. Tako rekoč celotna ulična mreža zahodnega dela današnjega mestnega središča je nastala na osnovi emonske, v rastru emonskih insul. Slovenska cesta poteka skoraj popolnoma po trasi emonskega karda, Rimska cesta pa v veliki meri po trasi emonskega dekumana. Sledovi rimskega mesta so vidni tudi v toponimih, npr. Ajdovščina kot ime za območje antičnega grobišča ali Gradišče kot ime za četrt in del današnje Slovenske ceste, na območju katerega je bilo središče rimske Emone.


Razen zidu na Mirju, ki je v celoti izkopan in restavriran, so v današnji tlorisni strukturi mesta ohranjeni tudi ostanki vzhodnega, severnega in zahodnega dela rimskega obzidja, po katerih so lahko arheologi natančno določili potek celotnega rimskega obzidja. Arheološke raziskave Vegove in Turjaške ulice ob koncu osemdesetih let prejšnjega stoletja so dale natančen odgovor na vprašanje, kje je potekal rimski zid na Vegovi in v kakšnem odnosu do njega je bilo obzidje srednjeveške Ljubljane. Ostanki severnega mestnega obzidja so bili odkriti v južni zazidalni liniji Kongresnega trga in pod Slovensko cesto, kjer so bila izkopana in predstavljena severna emonska vrata, traso zahodnega obzidja pa označujejo ostanki rimskega obzidnega jarka zahodno od Snežniške ter Hrovatinov vrt med gostilno Lovec in hišo Rimska cesta 24.

In addition to the wall in Mirje, which has been entirely excavated and restored, the structure of today’s city layout also preserves remains of the eastern, northern and western parts of the Roman walls, based on which archaeologists were able to precisely define the entire course of the Roman walls. Archaeological studies along Vegova ulica (Vega Street) and Turjaška ulica (Auersperg Street) at the end of the 1980s precisely determined where the Roman wall ran along Vegova ulica (Vega Street) and what its relation was to the walls of medieval Ljubljana. The remains of the northern town wall were discovered in the southern construction line of Kongresni trg (Congress Square) and below Slovenska cesta (Slovenia Street), where Emona’s northern gate was excavated and put on display, and the course of the western wall is marked by the remains of the Roman moat west of Snežniška ulica (Snežnik Street) and Hrovatinov vrt (Hrovatin Park) between the Lovec Inn and the house at Rimska cesta (Rome Street) number 24.

Znotraj sodobne Ljubljane so ohranjene in predstavljene številne antične ostaline v dveh arheoloških parkih in kot posamezni spomeniki v mestnem javnem prostoru (npr. kip Emonca na Kongresnem trgu). Spomin na antično mesto se ohranja tudi simbolično v zazidalni zasnovi posameznih delov mesta in mestnem tlaku (npr. v kompleksu Trga republike) ali v antičnih oblikah in elementih, uporabljenih v moderni arhitekturi (npr. polkrožni pomol na fasadi stanovanjske stavbe v kompleksu Ferantov vrt kot spomin na krožno obliko poznorimske rotunde).

Modern Ljubljana preserves and presents many remnants of Roman antiquity in two archaeological parks and as individual monuments in public spaces (e.g., the Citizen of Emona statue in Kongresni trg (Congress Square)). The memory of the ancient town is also symbolically preserved in the construction of individual parts of the city and the paving – for example, the Trg republike (Republic Square) complex – and in ancient forms and elements used in modern architecture; for example, the semicircular projection on the residential building in the Ferantov vrt (Ferant Park) complex recalling the round shape of the late Roman basilica.

Sprehod predstavlja Arheološki park Emona, ki ga upravljajo Muzej in galerije mesta Ljubljane, in najpomembnejše arheološke spomenike, označene s tablami in povezane v turistično krožno pot po rimski Ljubljani. Na zemljevidu so označeni s številkami kot slike v sprehodu.

This walk presents the Emona Archaeological Park, which is managed by the Museum and Galleries of Ljubljana, and the most important archaeological monuments, marked with signs and connected into the Roman Ljubljana circular tourist route. The sights along the route are marked with numbers on the map. 60

Emona Emona



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