(2014) Prehistoric and Roman Emona. A Guide through the Archaeological Past of the Ljubljana's Predecessor PDF

Title (2014) Prehistoric and Roman Emona. A Guide through the Archaeological Past of the Ljubljana's Predecessor
Author Andrej Gaspari
Pages 146
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File Type PDF
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Andrej GAspAri PREDGOVOR . PREFACE Avtor Author Obdobje, v katerem prebivalci glavnega mesta države obeležujemo The time in which the inhabitants of Slovenia’s capital are commem- Andrej Gaspari Andrej Gaspari 2000-letnico pomembnega dogodka v urbanizaciji rimske Emone orating two millennia since a...


Andrej Gaspari




Obdobje, v katerem prebivalci glavnega mesta države obeležujemo

The time in which the inhabitants of Slovenia’s capital are commem-

Andrej Gaspari

Andrej Gaspari

2000-letnico pomembnega dogodka v urbanizaciji rimske Emone

orating two millennia since an important event in the urbanisation

Naslov knjige


oziroma gradnje ene od najpomembnejših mestnih stavb, je zagotovo

of Roman Emona, namely the construction of one of the city’s most

Prazgodovinska in rimska Emona: vodnik skozi

Prehistoric and Roman Emona: a Guide through

enkratna priložnost za vsestransko predstavitev bogate preteklosti

prominent structures, offers a unique opportunity to give an overall

arheološko preteklost predhodnice Ljubljane

the Archaeological Past of Ljubljana’s Predecessor

Ljubljane, kot jo je mogoče razbrati iz antičnih literarnih in epigraf-

presentation of Ljubljana’s colourful past, a past which can be deduced

Izdal in založil

Published by

skih virov ter arheološke interpretacije materialnih ostalin, pa tudi za

from Antique literary and epigraphic sources as well as archaeological

Muzej in galerije mesta Ljubljane

Museum and Galleries of Ljubljana

osvežen pregled dinamične zgodovine raziskav, njihovih vsakokrat-

interpretations of material remains. It also provides an opportunity


Represented by

nih okoliščin in glavnih osebnosti od razsvetljenstva do danes.

to offer an updated overview of numerous past research efforts, their

Blaž Peršin

Blaž Peršin

Rimska osvojitev Ljubljanske kotline, ustanovitev kolonije

particular circumstances and the main researchers involved from the

Jezikovni pregled

Language editing (Slovenian)

Emone in gradnja mesta na območju današnje ljubljanske četrti

Enlightenment through until today.

Katja Paladin

Katja Paladin

Gradišče so neločljivo povezane s slavnima osebnostma Gaja Julija

The Roman conquest of the Ljubljana Basin, the founding of the


Translated by

Cezarja (100–44 pr. n. št.) in njegovega pranečaka in posinovljenca

colony of Emona and the construction of the town in the area

Marjana Karer

Marjana Karer

Oktavijana, poznejšega Avgusta (63 pr. n. št.–14 n. št.). V času

of Ljubljana’s present-day district of Gradišče are inseparably

Jezikovni pregled prevoda

Language editing (English)

Cezarjevega prokonzulata v Galiji Cisalpini je bila Ljubljanska

connected with the famous figures of Gaius Julius Caesar (100–44

Murray Bales

Murray Bales

kotlina, prej pod oblastjo plemenske zveze Rimu sovražnih keltskih

BC) and his grandnephew and adopted son Octavian, later Augustus

Oblikovanje in prelom

Graphic design and print layout

Tavriskov, priključena Galiji Cisalpini, kar se danes upošteva kot

(63 BC–14 AD). Previously under the rule of a tribal union of Celtic



regionalna kronološka ločnica med prazgodovino in antiko. Avgust

Taurisci that were antagonistic to Rome, the Ljubljana Basin was



je v desetletjih po Cezarjevi smrti razširil ozemlje pod oblastjo

annexed to Cisalpine Gaul at the time of Caesar’s proconsulate.

Collegium Graphicum

Collegium Graphicum

rimskega ljudstva, ki je poslej obsegalo vse Sredozemlje in pokrajine

Today, this event is thought to be the regional chronological divide


No. of copies printed

v njegovem zaledju od Grčije, Male Azije, Sirije, Egipta oziroma

between Prehistory and Antiquity. In the decades following Caesar’s

500 izvodov


severne Afrike, Iberskega polotoka, Galije, velikega kosa ozemlja

death, Augustus expanded the territory ruled by the people of

Germanije onstran Rena in Ilirika do Donave vse do obal Črnega

Rome which then spread over the entire Mediterranean and the

morja. Odločitev za dedukcijo kolonije v Emoni je najverjetneje

regions in its hinterlands, stretching from Greece, Asia Minor,

sprejel sam Avgust, in sicer v okviru kolonizacijskega programa

Syria, Egypt and Northern Africa, the Iberian Peninsula, Gaul, a

ustanavljanja avtonomnih mest v severni Italiji, gradnja obzidane

large section of the territory of Germania across the Rhine and

mestne naselbine sredozemskega tipa v strateško pomembni ožini

Illyricum up to the Danube and the Black Sea coasts. The decision

Ljubljana, maj 2014

Ljubljana, May 2014

Na naslovnici

Front cover

Ljubljanskih vrat pa je monumentalno simbolizirala utrditev

on the deduction of a colony in Emona was most probably taken by

Fibula na šarnir italskega tipa Aucissa iz zgodnjih plasti

A hinged fibula of the Aucissa type recovered from the

imperialne oblasti na severovzhodni meji Italije po zadušitvi

Augustus himself as part of a colonisation programme that involved

emonske insule XXXII (območje OŠ Majde Vrhovnik v

early layers of Emonan insula XXXII (the area of the Majda

Ljubljani) je na podaljšku noge okrašena z moško glavo,

Vrhovnik Primary School). The extension of the foot is

panonsko-delmatskega upora v letih 6–9 n. št.

setting up autonomous cities in northern Italy. Along with this, the

izdelano v značilno keltskem umetnostnem slogu

adorned with a male head fashioned in typical Celtic style

Celovito razumevanje in razlaga fragmentarnih navedb antičnih

construction of a Mediterranean-type walled urban settlement in the

(MGML; foto: M. Paternoster)

(MGML; photo by: M. Paternoster).

avtorjev in napisnega gradiva v zvezi z Emono danes nista več

strategically important narrow passage of the Ljubljana Gate served

mogoča brez upoštevanja rezultatov terenskih arheoloških raziskav,

as a monumental symbol of the consolidation of Imperial power on

specialističnih analiz najdb iz zaključenih stratigrafskih celot

the north-eastern border of Italy after the Pannonian-Dalmatian

in študij arhivskega gradiva, ki so v zadnjem desetletju poleg

Rebellion had been put down in 6–9 AD.

pomembnih dejstev v zvezi z vlogo ožjega območja Ljubljane

Today, it is not possible to comprehensively understand or

v zgodnjerimskem obdobju, začetki rimske Emone in njenim

interpret fragmentary texts by Classical authors and the epigraphic

urbanističnim razvojem prispevale izjemno pomembna in

materials relating to Emona without taking account of the results

v marsičem neslutena spoznanja o prazgodovinski poselitvi

of archaeological excavations, specialist analyses of the finds from

vznožja Grajskega griča in začetkih srednjeveške Ljubljane.

closed stratigraphic units and inquiries into archival materials. In

Celovita obravnava arheološke preteklosti Ljubljane, vključno z

the last decade, all of these, along with some significant facts about

CIP - Kataložni zapis o publikaciji Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, Ljubljana 903/904(497.4Ljubljana) 94(497.4Ljubljana) GASPARI, Andrej Emona : prazgodovinska in rimska : vodnik skozi arheološko preteklost predhodnice Ljubljane = prehistoric and Roman : a guide through the archaeological past of Ljubljana's predecessor / [avtor Andrej Gaspari ; prevod Marjana Karer]. - Ljubljana : Muzej in galerije mesta Ljubljane = Museum and Galleries, 2014 ISBN 978-961-6509-37-4 1. Gl. stv. nasl. 273839104

interdisciplinarnim pristopom k spoznavanju dinamike naravnih in

the role of the inner area of Ljubljana in the Early Roman period,

z IzA ZRC SAZU, Bojanu Djuriću z Oddelka za arheologijo Filozofske

National Museum of Contemporary History (MNZS), Metka Košir

antropogenih sprememb okolja, je zato lahko le rezultat prizadevanj

the advent of Roman Emona and its urban development have

fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani, Boštjanu Laharnarju, Barbari Jerin,

from the INDOK Centre of the Ministry of Culture, Marko Mele and

projektnih skupin strokovnjakov za posamezna obdobja in področja

yielded extremely important and – in many aspects unprecedented

Heleni Bras Kernel in Veroniki Maček Pflaum iz NMS, zasebnemu

Daniel Modl from Universalmuseum Joanneum, Maria Cristina Ronc

arheoloških, zgodovinskih in naravoslovnih znanosti, z vidika

– insights into the prehistoric habitation of the area at the foot of

raziskovalcu Drašku Josipoviču in Luki Rozmanu iz podjetja Magelan.

from Dipartimento Soprintendenza per i beni e le attivitá culturali

predstavljanja pomembnejših raziskovalnih dognanj širši javnosti

Castle Hill (Grajski grič) and the emergence of medieval Ljubljana.

Zahtevno izdelavo preglednih načrtov regije v antiki je prevzela

(Assessorato Istruzione e Cultura, Regione Autonoma Valle D’Aosta),

in njenega ozaveščanja o pomenu varovanja kulturne dediščine pa

A comprehensive study of Ljubljana’s archaeological past, including

Mateja Belak z IzA ZRC SAZU, kartografsko analizo optimalnih

Matej Draksler, Rok Klasinc and Rene Masaryk from Skupina Stik,

so potrebna tudi poljudnejša pregledna dela. Poskus v tej smeri je

an interdisciplinary approach to identifying the dynamics of both

naravnih poti skozi Ljubljanska vrata je prispeval Benjamin Štular,

Mateja Ravnik from the Tica Sistem company, Janez and Peter Škrlep

tudi pričujoča publikacija, k pripravi katere me je spodbudila zlasti

natural and anthropogenic changes in the environment, can thus

načrte z geološko vsebino in spremnim komentarjem Tomaž Verbič

from the Mengeš Town Museum and Katarina Glavan Batagelj. For

ocena o potrebnosti tovrstne monografije, usposobilo in usmerjalo

only be the result of the endeavours of a project team of experts in

iz podjetja Arhej, shematizirane preseke vojaškega oporišča na Prulah

the explanations provided, I would like to thank Petra Vojaković

nekajletno sodelovanje in spremljanje arheoloških raziskav na

individual periods and fields of the archaeological, historical and

ter zgodnjerimskih ostalin na lokacijah Šumi in NUK II pa Rene

and Iris Bekljanov Zidanšek from the Arhej company, Dragan

območju Ljubljane in okolice, motivirala pa podpora mojih najbližjih.

natural sciences. As regards the presentation of more significant

Masaryk iz Skupine Stik. Fotografije najdb so delo Tomaža Lauka iz

Božič and Jana Horvat from IzA ZRC SAZU, Bojan Djurić from the

Pri pripravi vsebine sem se oprl na precejšnje število arhivsko-

research findings to the general public and raising public awareness

NMS, Matevža Paternostra in Matjaža Bizjaka iz MGML, Maje Lavrič z

Department of Archaeology at the Faculty of Arts of the University

dokumentarnih virov in študij uglednih predhodnikov, zlasti

about the significance of protecting cultural heritage, general

ZVKDS in Slobodana Olića iz podjetja Arhos, posnetke iz zraka so mi

of Ljubljana, Barbara Jerin, Helena Bras Kernel, Boštjan Laharnar

Walterja Schmida, Jaroslava Šašla in Ljudmile Plesničar Gec.

popular science works are also necessary. This publication may

prijazno odstopili Arne Hodalič, Stane Klemenc in Jože Hanc. Novejše

and Veronika Maček Pflaum from the NMS, the private researcher

Poleg mentorjev in ključnih sodelavcev s terenskih raziskav med

therefore be seen as an attempt in this vein. My main incentive to

terenske fotografije so posneli David Badovinac, Matej Bregar, Matej

Draško Josipovič, and Luka Rozman from the Magelan company.

letoma 1996 in 2008, ki sem jih navedel v predgovoru k monografiji

compile it was the perceived need for such a monograph. Several

Draksler, Maja Lavrič, Marko Lukić, Rene Masaryk, Mateja Ravnik

Complex overview maps of the region during Antiquity were drawn

o začetkih Emone iz l. 2010 (Apud horridas gentis ...), se tokrat za

years of participating in and pursuing archaeological research in

in Benjamin Štular, zahvaljujem pa se tudi vsem neimenovanim

by Mateja Belak from IzA ZRC SAZU, the cartographic analysis of

vsestransko podporo pri pripravi publikacije na prvem mestu

Ljubljana and its surrounding area have qualified and directed me

avtorjem načrtov in fotografij. Posebno zahvalo namenjam Petri

the optimal natural routes leading through the Ljubljana Gate was

zahvaljujem kustosinji Ireni Šinkovec in direktorju Blažu Peršinu

in this, whilst the motivation came from those closest to me. In

Vojaković, Borisu Vičiču, Milanu Lovenjaku in Benjaminu Štularju,

made by Benjamin Štular, the plans with geologic contents along

iz Muzeja in galerij mesta Ljubljane (MGML) ter Mestni občini

preparing the book, I was able to draw on a considerable number

ki so mi pomagali izboljšati zgodnejše različice besedila, lektorjema

with a commentary were produced by Tomaž Verbič from the Arhej

Ljubljana kot založniku. Uporabo slikovnega gradiva mi je omogočila

of archival-documentary sources and studies by my renowned

Katji Paladin (slovenščina) in Murrayu Balesu (angleščina) ter

company, while the schematised cross-sections of the military base

vrsta posameznikov, med katerimi posebej izpostavljam Matjaža

predecessors, in particular those by Walter Schmid, Jaroslav Šašel and

prevajalki Marjani Karer. Odgovornost za neizogibne napake, za

at Prule and the early Roman remains at the Šumi and NUK II sites

Novšaka iz podjetja Arhej, Bernardo Županek. Martina Horvata,

Ljudmila Plesničar Gec.

katere se bralcem vnaprej opravičujem, je seveda moja.

were compiled by Rene Masaryk from Skupina Stik. The finds were

Matjaža Bizjaka, Alenko Drol in Mateja Satlerja iz MGML, Petra

Apart from the mentors and key colleagues in the field research

photographed by Tomaž Lauko from the NMS, Matevž Paternoster

Turka, Janko Istenič, Alenko Miškec, Timoteja Knifica, Polono Bitenc

undertaken in the period 1996 to 2008 who were mentioned in the

from the MGML, Maja Lavrič from the ZVKDS and Slobodan Olić

in Tomislava Kajfeža iz Narodnega muzeja Slovenije (NMS), Borisa

preface to the 2010 monograph about the beginnings of Emona

from the Arhos company, whereas the aerial pictures are courtesy of

Vičiča, Mijo Topličanec, Tino Žerjal in Tadejo Mulh z Zavoda za

(Apud horridas gentis ...), this time I would especially like to thank the


Arne Hodalič, Stane Klemenc and Jože Hanc. The more recent field

varstvo kulturne dediščine Slovenije (ZVKDS), Jano Horvat in Snežo

curator Irena Šinkovec and Blaž Peršin, the Director of the Museum

Medvode, 11. januarja 2014

photographs were taken by David Badovinac, Matej Bregar, Maja

Tecco Hvala z Inštituta za arheologijo Znanstvenoraziskovalnega

and Galleries of Ljubljana (MGML), for their universal support in

Lavrič, Marko Lukić, Mateja Ravnik and Benjamin Štular. I would also

centra Slovenske akademije znanosti in umetnosti (IzA ZRC SAZU),

preparing the publication, and the City Municipality of Ljubljana as

like to express my gratitude to all the unnamed authors of maps and

Gašperja Šmida iz Arhiva Republike Slovenije (Arhiv RS), Dragana

the publisher. The use of photographic material was made possible

photographs. My special thanks go to Petra Vojaković, Boris Vičič,

Matića iz Zgodovinskega arhiva Ljubljana (ZAL), Iva Vraničarja iz

by several individuals, especially including Matjaž Novšak from

Milan Lovenjak and Benjamin Štular who helped me improve older

Muzeja novejše zgodovine Slovenije (MNZS), Metko Košir iz INDOK

the Arhej company, Bernarda Županek and Martin Horvat from the

versions of the text, to the language editors Katja Paladin (Slovenian)

centra Ministrstva za kulturo, Marka Meleta in Daniela Modla iz

MGML, Peter Turk, Janka Istenič, Alenka Miškec, Timotej Knific,

and Murray Bales (English) and to Marjana Karer, the one responsible

Universalmuseuma Joanneum, Mario Cristino Ronc iz Dipartimento

Polona Bitenc and Tomislav Kajfež from the National Museum of

for the challenging translation work. I am solely responsible for the

Soprintendenza per i beni e le attività culturali (Assessorato

Slovenia (NMS), Boris Vičič, Mija Topličanec, Tina Žerjal and Tadeja

inevitable mistakes for which I offer my apologies in advance.

Istruzione e Cultura, Regione Autonoma Valle D'Aosta), Mateja

Mulh from the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage

Drakslerja, Roka Klasinca in Reneja Masaryka iz Skupine Stik, Matejo

of Slovenia (ZVKDS), Jana Horvat and Sneža Tecco Hvala from the

Ravnik iz podjetja Tica Sistem, Janeza in Petra Škrlepa iz Mestnega

Institute of Archaeology of the Research Centre of the Slovenian

muzeja Mengeš in Katarino Glavan Batagelj. Za posredovana

Academy of Sciences and Arts (IzA ZRC SAZU), Gašper Šmid from the

The author

pojasnila se zahvaljujem Petri Vojaković in Iris Bekljanov Zidanšek

Archives of the Republic of Slovenia (Arhiv RS), Dragan Matić from

Medvode, 11 January 2014

iz podjetja Arhej, Draganu Božiču, Jani Horvat in Benjaminu Štularju

the Historical Archives of Ljubljana (ZAL), Ivo Vraničar from the

Kazalo . Index 124 Grobišče prebivalcev zgodnjerimske naselbine



134 Traces of the early Roman army on the left bank of the

Zgodnjecesarsko vojaško oporišče in logistična baza na Prulah

5 Predgovor

5 Preface




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