Wildlife Exam 1 Document PDF

Title Wildlife Exam 1 Document
Author Jackson Plank
Course Wildlife Issues
Institution University of Florida
Pages 10
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Questions covering Exam 1...


• A favorite food of fishers in some areas is /porcupine# • A favorite food of fishers in some areas is ___________ / porcupine# • A female snow goose can lose ___ of her body mass producing a single clutch. /40%# • A female snow goose can lose _____ of her body mass producing a single clutch. /40%# • A frog gig is basically a /multi-pronged spear# • A frog gig is basically a ________________ /multi-pronged spear# • A hunter from Louisiana, who shot a radio-collared lynx in Colorado, was fined /greater than 18000# • A hunter from Louisiana, who shot a radio-collared lynx in Colorado, was fined _________ />18000# • A pseudocoelom is characteristic of the ____________ / nematodes# • A species of lobe finned fish still occurs in ________________ /the Indian Ocean# • A study of 24 species of __________ birds in Britain conducted by the BTO found that although many species were declining.. breeding# • A total of ____ nutria was processed in 1996-1997 for human consumption 0# • A total of __nutria was processed in 1996-1997 for human consumption in Louisiana. /zero # • A true coelom is a secondary body cavity that is surrounded by ______________________ /mesoderm and mesoderm# • About 150 nutria were able to escape from "escape proof" cages in Louisiana in 1940 following /a hurricane# • About 150 nutria were able to escape from escape proof cages in LA in 1940 following a ____________ hurricane# • According to MPM many wildlifers, if given a choice would study _______ /CMVs# • According to Moulton the Wildlife Management view basically follows that of the /Animal Reformists# • According to Moulton there are basically __ categories of wildlife issues /two# • According to SUSA about _______________ of Swordfish are consumed by the US public each year /30 million pounds# • According to Sea Web as many as 1.1 million pounds of ________ were discarded by the swordfish industry between 1995-1996. /marlin# • According to Seton, at the start of the 20th century there were _____________ prairie dogs on the Great Plains /5 billion# • According to Seton, at the start of the twentieth century there were--- prairie dogs on the Great Plains. /5 billion# • According to Swordfish USA about 2/3 of the swordfish consumed in the US comes from the __________ Ocean. / Pacific# • According to Viva!, _______ is the nation that imports the greatest amount of kangaroo meat. Bulgaria# • According to ___ the majority of people in the US favor hte re-introduction of hte Gray Wolf to Yellowstone National park /Defenders of Wildlife#


• According to a Time Magazine survey of 10007 adults ___ claimed to be vegetarians /4%# • According to hte St. Petersburg Times, by summer of 2000, manatee protection plans had been filed by __ of the 13 counties that were ordered to file them in 1989 /4# • According to moulton, perhaps the best definition of habitat was advanced by /Caughley and Sinclair# • According to the Miami Herald in 1996 people were killing $___ worth of frogs per night. /700# • According to the Miami Herald in 1996 people were killing _____ worth of frogs per night. /$700# • Act that ultimately stopped the trade in wading bird feathers from Florida by banning interstate commerce in wildlife products taken illegally /the Lacey Act /# • After the scallops declined, the state (through the MFC) banned commercial harvest of scallops ______________ / statewide# • Agriculturalists in Britain blamed the declines in some species on predation by ___________ Sparrow Hawks# • All chordates have _________________ /dorsal hollow nerve chord# • All chordates have _________________ /pharyngeal gill slits# • All lampreys are parasitic. /false# • All ranchers in the US oppose wolf re-introductions /False# • All ranchers in the US oppose wolf re-introductions /false# • Although Japan supported the one time sale of ivory, the sale was opposed by _______ China# • Americans supported the re-introduction of ____ to Yellowstone National park in te 1990s /wolves# • Among the vertebrates a prominent notochord is found in adult members of the class ____________ /Agnatha# • Amphioxus is a typical member of the subphylum _____________________ /cephalochordate# • Any swordfish that are caught that are not large enough by established standards are ____________________ /thrown overboard# • As noted in lecture, there are __ main foraging types (not species!) of gulls. /2# • As noted in lecture, there are ___ main foraging types (not species!) of gull /two# • Asian Carp may actually leap into boats because _________________________. /outboard motors frighten them# • At the 2002 CITES meeting, the US agreed with the motion to allow a one time sale of ivory stockpiled in 5 African nations. true# • Australians use hte "Judas" technique to manage populations of /donkeys /# • BLM is an agency under hte US Department of __ /Interior# • BTO researchers found that the ___ had increased to higher numbers than ever reported throughout history /grey heron# • BTO researchers found that the _________ had increased to higher numbers than ever reported throughout history. / Grey Heron# • Beau Geste Effect, Over-simplification, and fear-mongering /all hallmarks of propaganda#

• Beaver and muskrats are classified as ___ /furbearers# • Before 1996, frog gigging for consumption by a person's family was legal in Big Cypress National Preserve. /true# • Before 1996, frog gigging for consumption by a person's family was legal in Big Cypress National Preserve. /true# • Before 1997 the scallop season ran for __ months in Florida. /9# • Black Skimmers benefited from gull control at Monomoy National Wildlife Refuge. /true# • Black Skimmers benefited from gull control at Monomoy National Wildlife Refuge. /true# Black-footed ferrets are vulnerable to ________________ as • well as sylvatic plague canine distemper# • Black-footed ferrets are vulnerable to as well as sylvatic plague. /canine distemper# • Bleaching of coral reefs can be caused by ___________ / environmental stress# • Boating rights advocates in Florida calim that increase manatee deaths must mean that ____ /there are plenty of manatees so it doesn't matter# • Both the frogs and the salamanders produce ____________ eggs. /anamiote# • Buros were introduced to the US in the ___ century /17th# • By 1984 the Schaus Swallowtail Butterfly was reduced to a total of ____ individuals. /70# • By the late 1950s there roughly --- nutria in the US. /20 million# • By the late 1950s there roughly _________________ nutria in the US /20 million# • CARA has been advanced as a superior method for funding the initiative called /teaming with wildlife# • CARA was passed by the ___ in the summer of 2001 / House of Representatives# • CWD has been known to infect ____ as well as deer. /Elk# • CWD is caused by /prions# • CWD is caused by _____________ /Prions# • CWD was first seen in captive deer in /colorado# • CWD was first seen in captive deer in ______________ / Colorado# • Caecilians are characterized by having _______________ / internal fertilization# • California Condors vanished from the wild in California in about /1987# • California condor re-introductions were carried out by a partnership between the USFWS and the___ /Peregrine fund# • Canada Lynx feed principally on /snowshoe hares# • Canada Lynx feed principally on _______________ / Snowshoe Hares# • Cannonball jellyfish are a good species for commercial harvest because they ________________ /have high reproductive rates# • Cannonball jellyfish belong to the Phylum _________ / Cnidaria# • Cape Sable Seaside Sparrows typically nest in ____________________ /one meter tall saw grass#


• Cape Sable Seaside Sparrows typically nest is /one meter tall saw grass# • Chirping frogs were first seen in Hawaii in the _______________. /mid 1980s# • Chirping frogs were introduced to Hawaii from ___________ Puerto Rico# • Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) is similar to ____________ seen in England. /mad cow disease# • Coral reefs are formed by species in the phylum ___________ /Cnidaria# • Cougars have recently been found in SD and ___________ Minnesota# • Creating stepping-stone habitat is a technique used by Dr. Tom Emmel to aid the ______________________ /Schuas Swallotail Butterfly# • Currently the market for US caught cannonball jellyfish exists especially in _________ /Korea# • Deformed frogs were first seen in ____________ in the 1990s. / Minnesota# • Dr. Julie Savidge confluded that___was the cause of declines of forest bird populations in Guam /Brown-tree snake predation# • Economically well-developed nations are called /MDCs# • "Egging", means the removal of eggs from snow goose nests will likely be ineffective in managing snow geese because /nests are far from any people# • "Egging", means the removal of eggs from snow goose nests will likely be ineffective in managing snow geese because _____________________ /nests are far from any people# • Embyonic genes switch on during the __________ phase of development. /gastrula# • External fertilization is characteristic of the _______________________ /frogs and toads# • External fertilization is seen in _________ salamanders. primitive# • Fish that live in marine environments and ascend creeks and streams to breed are called ___________ /anadromous# Fishers (Martes pennati) have recently been re-introduced • to the state of /Tennessee# • Fishers (Martes pennati) have recently been re-introduced to the state of __________________ /Tennessee# • Fishers are members of the ___ family /weasel# • Fishers are members of the _______ family /weasel# • Flatworms belong to the phylum ______________ / Platyhelminthes# • Following passage of the clean water Act in the early 1970s, several species of water birds have returned to __ / New York Harbor# Game Species are those that are hunted for ___ /for sport# • • Game species may become non game species when___ / when they become rare# • Grass Carp were introduced to the US to control ___________. /aquatic weeds# • Icthyostega fossils are known from what is now ____________. /Greenland#

• In 1985-1986 the division called Anicmal Damage Control was transferred to the US Department of ___ /Agriculture# • In 1990, the US banned imports of ________ from Mexico because of dolphin mortality. /tuna# • In 1994 the Florida DEP became concerned about the high number of deaths of ___ /manatees# • In 1996, public outcry led to a ban on the harvest of _____ in Big Cypress National Preserve. /frogs# • In 1996, six California Condors were released in the state of /Arizona# • In 1997, the __________ decided to lift the ban on imports of Mexican tuna. /the US senate Atlantic Swordfish feed chiefly on squid and _________ as adults. /mackeral# • In 1999 petitoners listed ______ threats to the Black-tailed Prairie Dog /3# • In 1999, the USFWS ruled that there was sufficient evidence to warrant an emergency listing for the Blacktailed Praire Dog False# • In 1999, the USFWS ruled that there was sufficient evidence to warrant an emergency listing for the Blacktailed Prairie Dog. /false# • In April 1996 a ranger in Big Cypress found that 67 boats of frog leg catches weighed /4500 pounds# • In April 1996 a ranger in Big Cypress found that 67 boats of frog leg catches weighed _____ lbs. /4500# • In August 2004, based on new information, the USFWS ruled that the Black-tailed Prairie Dog should /not be listed# • In August 2004, based on new information, the USFWS ruled that the Black-tailed Prairie Dog should ____________________ not be listed# • In Darwin's frog in Chile, the young frogs develop in _________________. /father’s vocal sac# • In Louisiana, authorities recently hoped to persuade the public to /eat nutria meat# • In Wisconsin, authorities plan to kill _______ deer in a circle with a 10 mile radius around a spot where 18 deer tested positive for CWD. /25,000# • In Wisconsin, authorities plan to kill----- deer in a circle with a 10 mile radius around a spot where 18 deer tested positive for CWD. /25000# • In _______, CITES banned international trade in ivory 1989# • In a poll, __% of Australians favored the killing of feral cats /75%# • In a poll, ____ of Australians favored the killing of feral cats. /75%# • In a study, British farmland birds researchers found that about ______ of all european birds are now a conservation concern 20%# • In addition to being toxic bufotenine is also an ______________. /hallucinogen# • In deuterostomes the ______ froms from the blastopore. / anus# • In order for hte public to effectively resolve wildlife issues they must first ___ /be concerned about the issue# • In order for jaws to function properly an animal must be able to overcome ______, pitch, and yaw. /roll#


• In order to protect Mule Deer on the Kaibab Plateau, 300 wolves and more than seven hundred mountain lions were killed, and /deer and hunting was banned /# • In the 1970s Bighead and Silver Carp were introduced to the US to control _________________. /Mollusks and Algae# • In the 1990s, snow-mobiling was banned in Denali Naitonal Park by the ___ /National Park Service# • In the 1996 Congress places the NBS under the /USGS# • In the early 1900s, many people in the US supported the extermination of wolves in ____ Naitonal Park /Yellowstone# • In the film The Perfect Storm, the crew was fishing for _____________. /Atlantic Swordfish# • In the late nineteenth century, the Office of Economic Ornithology and Mammalogy spent most of its effort on / predator control# • In the vertebrates the gills are internal and _____________________ /connected to the digestive tube# • International trade in endangered species is monitored by ___________ /CITES# • Intracellular digestion by amoebocytes is typical of _____________ /sponges# • Issues involving rare and endangered species generally fall under the US Department of ___ /Interior# • Jaws evolved from the _________. /gill arches# • Just a state of mind / beliefs# • Kirtland's Warblers build their nests /on the ground# • Kirtland's warblers winter in /Bahamas# • Lampreys are chiefly catadromous. /false# • Large scale commercial fishing for Patagonian Toothfish began in the _______. /1990s# • Lobsters and shrimp are species in the phylum ____________ /Anthropoda# • Management efforts on the Kaibab Plateau were aimed mostly at pleasing _______ /the public# • Management of snow geese legally falls under the / Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918.# • Management of snow geese legally falls under the ________________ of 1918 /Migratory Bird Treaty# • Many sea horses are harvested by fishers from /Philippines# • Many sea horses are harvested by fishers from ____________________ /The Philippines# • Members of the Phylum Platyhelminthes (Flatworms) have ___ secondary body cavity. /no# • Modern hagfishes are found only in ______________ environments. /marine# • Most non-phylogenetic wildlife classification schemes are based on ______________ /distribution and abundance# • Most of the kangaroo meat commercially harvested in Australia is exported to ____________ countries. European# Most of the so-called upland game birds belong to the • order ___ /Galliformes# • Most of the species listed by CITES are categorized in Appendix ___ /II# • Moulton believes that few invertebrate species are federally listed in Florida because invertebrates ___________________ /have not been studied extensively#

• Moulton was able to buy some dried seahorses at a market in /tarpon springs# • Moulton was able to buy some dried seahorses at a market in _________________ /Tarpon Springs# • Mountain Lions have never been known to kill humans. / False# • NBS was renamed the ___ in 1996 /BRD /# • Natives on the Yukon River harvest nemeryaq which are actually ____________ /lampreys# • Nutria was introduced to the US from _____________ Argentina# • Nutria were introduced to the US from /argentina# • Nutria were originally introduced ______________ /to establish a fur industry# • Nutria were originally introduced to /establish a fur industry# • Officials in Lubbock plan to use _____________ to kill prairie dogs /phostoxin# • Officials in Lubbock plan to use ____to kill prairie dogs. / phostoxin# • Once thought to be extinct, a population of Black-footed Ferrets was found in ____ in 1964. /south dakota# • Once thought to be extinct, a population of Black-footed ferrets was found in _______________ in 1964 /South Dakota# • One concern regarding the harvest in Big Cypres NP was the amount of airboat damage to the habitats of the Snail Kites and __________________ /Cape Sable Seaside Sparrows# • One concern regarding the harvest in Big Cypress NP was the amount of air boat damage to the habitat of Snail Kites and /cape sable seaside sparrows# • One problem with harvesting sharks commercially is that they are ____________. /viviparous# • One proposed way to kill non-indigenous Mute Swans is to pour ___ on the eggs /bleach /# • Only species in the class ________ can be exempt of provisions in the Endangered Species Act. /insecta# • PITTMAN-ROBERTSON MONEY IS NEVER USED LEGALLY FOR HABITAT MANAGEMENT /false# • Pacific Ocean tuna were considered "Dolphin Safe" after ___________ criteria were established. /IATTC# • Paedomorphosis is a characteristic of certain _____________. /salamanders# • People in Kentucky developed Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease like symptoms after eating /squirrel brains# • People in Kentucky developed Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease like symptoms after eating _________ brains. /Squirrel# • Petitioners originally sought an "emergency" ____ categorization for the Black-tailed Prairie Dog in 1994 / candidate 2# • Petitioners originally sought an "emergency" ___________ categorization for the Black-tailed Prairie Dog in 1994. / candidate 2# • Phostoxin reacts with ________ in the atmosphere to become activated. /h20# • Phostoxin reacts with ___in the atmosphere to become activated. /water#


• Piping Plovers are restricted to the east coast of the United States /false# • Piping Plovers are restricted to the east coast of the United States. /false# • Piping plovers in Monomoy National Wildlife Refuge were mostly preyed on by /great black-backed gulls# • Piping plovers in Monomoy National Wildlife Refuge were mostly preyed on by ___________ gulls. /great blackbacked# • Pittman-Robertson money is only used legally for game species /false# Plants are not listed by CITES. / false# • • Prairie Dog inhabits the short grass prairie zone of the Great Planes. /black tailed# • Prairie dogs are especially vulnerable to /sylvatic plague# • Prarie dogs are especially vunerable to ______________ sylvatic plague# • President ____ called for a ban on all recreational snowmobiling in all National Parks /clinton# • Priority numbers for listing species under the ESA are based on /population size# • Priority numbers for listing species under the ESA are based on _______________ population size# • Priority numbers for listing species under the ESA are based on _______________________ /population size# • Propaganda is used in order to ____ /gain support from the masses# • Punt guns were commonly used for commercially harvesting __ /waterfowl# • Re-introductions of Canada Lynx in Colorado all took place on /national forest land# • Re-introductions of Canada Lynx in Colorado all took place on ______________ /NAtional Forest# • Recently monocrotophos was implicated in the poisoning deaths of Swainson's Hawks in___ /Argentina# • Recently trappers in LA were earning ______ per nutria pelt. /< $3# • Recently trappers in Louisiana were earning about $__ per nutria pelt. /less than 3# • Recently, the National Park Service banned ___ in Denali National Park /snow-mobiling# • Red Tides toxins are produced by _______________ / Dinoflagellates# • Red tides are caused by a species from the kingdom ____________ /protista# • Red tides are not always characterized by a change in the water color. /true# • Researchers believe that the declines seen in British farmland birds are due to ______________ farming practices# • Respiration occurs across a pharyngeal membrane in the _________________. /rplethodontidae# • Rhode Island was the first state to close thehunting season on___ /white-tailed deer# • Roughly _____ nations have signed the CITES agreement. / 164#

• Scallops are members of the phylum ___________ / Mollusca# • Scallops began to disappear in the region of the G...

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