WIS2552 Exam 2 Notes PDF

Title WIS2552 Exam 2 Notes
Author Amir Erian
Course Biodivers Cons Global
Institution University of Florida
Pages 23
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___ is not a South American candidate species for farming.:::Helmeted Guinea Fowl ___% of cane rat farmers in Ghana rely on wild stock for breeding animals.:::90 Alligators are farmed and ranched on large scale in Florida and ___.:::Louisiana American Alligators are listed on Appendix II of CITES to help control the trade in ___.:::Look-a-like species Barking Deer are candidate species in ___ for farming.:::Asia Capybara were officially classified as ___ by the Roman Catholic Church:::Fish Chinese Soft-shelled Turtles have become pests in ___ where they were introduced.:::Malaysia Flying Foxes are poor candidates for farming because they ___.:::Have low biological productivity Frugivores like the ___ are popular as wild game but difficult and expensive to farm.:::Paca If you were to farm wildlife, which of the following species would you choose as the most cost effective?:::Capybara In ___ the state of Florida introduced legislation to protect Alligators.:::1944 It is easier to farm species that are naturally ___ because they can be housed in groups.:::Gregarious It takes ___ to produce one ton of cattle.:::14 months Most examples of successful wildlife ranching operations are confined to ___ regions.:::Tropical and temperate savannah One ton of rabbits can be produced in ___.:::3 months Origins of domestic stock date back ___ years.:::12000 Pacas are tropical ___.:::Rodents Scientists conducted domestic experiments on Paca in ___.:::Panama Species most suitable for farming have some of the same characteristics as species that might become ___.:::Pests Sustainable use of alligators generate $___ per year.:::60 million The ___ is the most valuable part of a Capybara carcass.:::Skin The "grass cutter" is a species of ___ indigenous to Africa.:::Rodent The reproductive efficiency of Capybara is ___ that of cattle.:::Six times To be a good candidate for wildlife farming a species should have a ___.:::High reproductive output Tropical forests are about ___ as productive as savannahs.:::1/10 True or false: Captive populations can act as a reservoir for diseases that can spread to wild populations.:::True True or false: Flying Foxes are threatened with extinction largely because they are considered a delicacy.:::True True or false: In this day and age, in tropical forests wildlife is never an essential food source for humans.:::False True or false: In tropical forest areas, all indications are that wildlife farming for meat is economically viable compared with hunting or farming domestic species.:::False True or false: It is legal to hunt alligators.:::True True or false: It is usually more cost effective to farm wildlife than to hunt it.:::True True or false: Long term studies show that alligator populations remain stable even when as many as 50% of nests are collected for ranching.:::True True or false: People in the world's tropical forests have little or no tradition of raising domestic livestock.:::True True or false: Some Venezuelan ranch owners are more inclined to protect wetlands because they support Capybara.:::True True or false: The Large Flying Fox is indigenous to Africa.:::False True or false: Wildlife farming complicates law enforcement.:::True Wildlife ranching operations often combine that sale of hides and licenses to hunt with the sale of ___.:::Meat +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ___ families of Marsupials occur in Australia.:::15 ___ of cane rat farmers in Ghana rely on wild stock for breeding animals.:::90% ____ families of Marsupials occur in South America:::3 _____ is a wildlife trade monitoring network of the IUCN and WWF.:::Traffic

_____ is the oldest species in the genus Homo.:::Habilis ______ in the Australian Zoogeographic Region fills the niche of the sloths in the Neotropics.:::Koala _______ came up with the notion of Zoogeographic Regions.:::Wallace ________ is a rocky semi-desert dweller.:::Dorcas Gazelle ________ of the following is a hindgut forager.:::Zebra ________ of the following is an odd-toed ungulate.:::Zebra ________ was the first species of the genus Paranthropus.:::aethiopicus ________ were introduced to Bermuda to control introduced Anolis lizards.:::great kiskadees _________ _________ is now considered to be the oldest member of the human tribe.:::Ardipithecus Kadabba _________ is an example of a group that has undergone adaptive radiation in islands.:::Darwin's Finches __________ is an African antelope of tall grass.:::Roan Antelope __________ is not a South American candidate species for farming.:::Helmeted Guinea Fowl __________ of the following is an odd-toed ungulate.:::Rhinoceros __________ were introduced to Laysan Island to produce a food supply for future visitors to the island.:::guinea pigs ___________ were introduced to cane fields in Australia to control cane grubs.:::Cane Toads ____________ is the main effect of introduced pigs on islands.:::habitat destruction _____________ are the most arboreal Old World Monkeys.:::Colobus Monkeys _____________ is a group of bird species that is severely impacted by size of protected areas.:::Forest interior nesters _____________ is the habitat of the Hartebeast.:::Short-Mid Grassland ____________________ is the first step in adaptive radiation.:::Increase population size A Capuchin is a species of _______:::New World Monkey A Dinoflagellate species that causes red tides was introduced to ________ in ship's ballast.:::Tasmania A major difference between the European and North American system of wildlife management is that in Europe the wildlife belongs to the _________.:::landowner About ____ of all mammal species are in the Order Rodentia.:::40% About ____ of the Marsupials have a permanent pouch for carrying young.:::1/2 According to a 2006 study by Camille Parmesan, the recent relatively mild climate change of 0.6 C has impacted ___ of all wild species.:::41% According to a book by Meshaka, there are ___ species of introduced geckos in Florida.:::13 According to an Ohio State University report __________ once were commonly introduced to the US in bunches of bananas.:::tarantulas According to Lever's book on naturalized mammals the highest number of mammal species has been introduced to ____________.:::New Zealand According to long's book on introduced birds the highest number of bird species has been introduced to _______.:::Hawaii According to Michael Huston, species from _______ seem to dominate the invasion process.:::Eurasia According to Moulton, early hunters probably helped wipe out ______ in New Zealand.:::Moa's According to the IUCN Red List human hunting is responsible for the decline of ___ of the mammals and birds threatened with extinction.:::1/3 According to the IUCN's Red List of threatened species, human hunting is responsible for the decline of ______ of mammals and birds threatened with extinction.:::one-third Alligators are farmed and ranched on a large scale in Florida and ________.:::Louisiana American alligators are listed on Appendix II of CITES to help control the trade in __________.:::look-alike species. An opposable thumb is seen in the ________.:::Catarrhini An unexpected consequence of the bushmeat trade is the threat to plant species that depend on animals for ________________.:::pollination and seed dispersal As many as 11 species of deer have been introduced to ___________ for recreational hunting.:::New Zealand As many as 38 species of passerine birds were released in Tahiti ______________.:::for aesthetic reasons At polar latitutes, declines in the abundance of ____ have affected a wide range of species from seabirds to marine mammals.:::krill

Atkinson argued that ___ were a major threat to Hawaiian forest birds.:::rats Barking Deer are candidate species in ______ for farming.:::Asia Be a good candidate for wildlife farming...:::high reproductive output Because of the impact of roads on certain species, the FWC and DOT ______________________.:::built tunnels under some roads Between 1976 and 2004 about _______ bears were killed on Florida roads.:::1356 Bolger and his colleagues studied the distribution of ____ in chaparral fragments and plots.:::birds Bolger and his colleagues tested the notion that a pattern of nestedness might be due simply to _________.:::sampling Bolger and his team found that the effect of reducing area of habitat was ____________________.:::greater in fragments Burmese pythons in Everglades National Park were likely introduced by _______ ______.:::private citizens Capybara were officially classified as ____ by the Roman Catholic Church.:::fish Cathi Campbell found that humans were harvesting large numbers of Green Sea turtles off the coast of ___________.:::Nicaragua Changes in hunting technology radically affect hunting. Wire snares and shotguns allow hunters to be more ______________.:::effective and less discriminating Chinese soft-shelled turtles have become pests in ________ where they were introduced.:::Malaysia Colonists from _______ brought House Sparrows to Hawaii.:::England Darlington observed a relationship between species number and _______.:::island area Dropithecus died out about _______ years ago.:::8 million Dryopithecus was a fossil ape that inhabited ______.:::Spain Elephant shrews are found only in the ________ Zoogeographic Region.:::Ethiopian English colonists introduced _____ _____ into Lake Victoria.:::Nile Perch Extinction rates are higher where area is _______.:::smaller Flightless cormorants are native to the _________ islands:::Galapagos Flying foxes are poor candidates for farming because they ___________________.:::have low biological productivity. For the sake of our bushmeat discussion _ kinds of hunting are defined.:::2 For tropical forest species the mortality from hunting is largely ________ to natural mortality.:::additive Frugivores like the ____ are popular as wild game but difficult and expensive to farm.:::Paca Global warming will seriously impact Florida because it has lots of ______________.:::low lying areas Golden moles are found in the ________ zoogeographic region.:::Ethiopian Green crabs were first reported on the West Coast of the United States in ______.:::1989 Green crabs were introduced to the United States from _______.:::Europe Homo ______ gave rise to three lineages.:::ergaster Homo floresiensis fossils were discovered in __________.:::Indonesia Hunters often select for ________ and __________ species, which can change the composition of the biological community.:::granivorous and frugivorous Hunting _____ population densities of hunted species.:::lowers Hunting lowers population:::... If no action is taken to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, scientist predict that the planet's average temperature will increase by __________ C in 50 years.:::2-3 degrees If you were to farm wildlife, which of the following species would you choose as the most cost effective?:::Capybara In ______ the state of Florida introduced legislation to protect Alligators.:::1944 In a completely nested fauna, the best strategy would be to protect _______________.:::as a single large area In a completely nested pattern all the three species fragments would have the _______________.:::the same 3 species In our example, people in the Philippines were over-harvesting __________.:::sea horses In the 1970s 12,000 ________ were introduced to Washington State from South America for sport hunting.:::Tinamous In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the duiker populations has declined ____ due to subsistence hunting.:::43%

In the US each person is responsible for releasing approximately __ tons of CO2 emissions compared with an average 6 tons per person throughout the rest of the world.:::22 In the USA, a rise in sea levels would have the greatest impact on which two states_____________.:::Louisiana and Florida Increasing spring temperatures have caused the annual first dates of calling by frogs in New York to _________ by 10-13 days.:::be earlier Islands, in general, are characterized by having _________________:::high extinction rates It is easier to farm species that are naturally ________ because they can be housed in groups.:::gregarious It takes _______ to produce one ton of cattle.:::14 months Ladybird beetles were introduced to _______ to control a leaf scale insect that was destroying native cedar trees.:::Bermuda Land managers cleared pinyon-juniper woodland in the Piceance Basin using _____________________.:::chaining and burning Leopold's model of resource use was based on management of upland game populations, habitat management and __________.:::control of hunting Levels of important greenhouse gases have increased by about __ percent in the last 150 years.:::25 Mammals all have ___ cervical vertebrae.:::7 Mammals all have _________ dentition.:::heterodont Mammals are characterized by having __ occipital condyles.:::2 Mammals have ____________ jaw articulation.:::dentary-squamosal Many markets in Indochina now only sell birds, bats and frogs because _____________.:::large animals are nearly gone McNabb argued that flightlessness was common in islands because of ______________________.:::reduced energy expenditures Meerkats are indigenous to the ______ desert.:::Kalahari Members of the genus Paranthropus apparently became specialized for a diet of _____________.:::roots and tubers Modern ________ are thought to be most like the first mammals.:::insectivores Most examples of successful wildlife ranching operations are confined to ________________ regions.:::Tropical and temperate savanna Most observations of climate change responses in plants and animals have involved alterations in species' phenologies, otherwise known _______________.:::as timing of events Neanderthals apparently were adapted for feeding on __________.:::large mammals Numbats feed almost exclusively on _______________.:::ants and termites Of the following groups only the _____________ have a non-opposable thumb.:::New World Monkeys Of the following, ____________ is an example of a species that is endangered by roads in Florida.:::black bear Of the following, pigs are most closely related to _____.:::deer On Madagascar the _____ is a tree climbing predatory species of the Old World weasel family Viverridae.:::Vassa Once the Pinyon-juniper woodland was cleared the areas were seeded with _________________.:::crested wheatgrass One author hypothesized that Neanderthals may have had a gestation period of ____ months.:::11-12 One of the major factors that causes a shift to non-sustainable hunting is when nomadic tribes become ___________.:::sedentary One ton of rabbits can be produced in ___________.:::3 months Orangutans are native to ________.:::Southeast Asia Origins of domestic stock date back _____ years.:::12,000 Otters belong to the same family as the _____.:::Fisher Pacas are tropical ______.:::rodents Pigeons and doves on islands have commonly shifted their diets toward feeding on more _____.:::fruit Primate populations in Equatorial Guinea have been reduced by ___ in some areas.:::90% Recent climate trends in mountainous areas in Central and South America have produced optimal conditions for chytrid _______, which is the likely cause of amphibian extinctions.:::fungus

Recent discoveries indicate that the limb structure of Dryopithecus was similar to that of modern ________.:::Orangutans Reducing carbon emissions can help to reduce ______________.:::global warming Richard Kilitie found a relationship between frequency of forest fires and the ________________ of Fox Squirrels.:::amount of black fur Rodents, Pangolins and Primates make up about ___ of the bushmeat taken in west and central Africa.:::1/4 Schmidt's Spot-nosed Guenon is a species of ____________.:::Old World Monkeys Scientists are able to compare levels of greenhouse gases from thousands of years ago with present day levels by analyzing __________.:::ice cores Scientists conducted domestication experiments on Paca in _______.:::Panama Scientists have concluded that human consumption of __________ is the major force driving global warming.:::fossil fuels Sea Lampreys invaded the Great Lakes following ________________.:::construction of canals Sivapithecus fossils have been found mostly in ______.:::India Sloths are adapted for a diet of _______.:::leaves Smaller fragments of habitat might not support a species because there is _____________.:::not enough food Smaller fragments tend to have relatively more ______, which can increase predation pressure.:::edge Species are more resilient to harvest if they ____________.:::can recolonize easily Species most suitable for farming have some of the same characteristics as species that might become _____.:::pests Species that are vulnerable to local extinction are usually __________.:::large-bodied Species that occur in one place and are not known to occur anywhere else are said to be ______ to that area.:::endemic Species with ___ intrinsic rates of population increase are less resilient to harvest.:::low Sustainable use of alligators generates ___________ per year.:::$60 million T/F About half of all oceanic islands were formed as a result of continental drift.:::False T/F According to Moulton there are fewer examples of introductions to LDCs than MDCs.:::True T/F According to Moulton, Global Warming will be greatest in sub-arctic boreal forests of Siberia and North America.:::True T/F As rising temperature disrupt natural systems most species will be able to migrate or change their behavior.:::True T/F Bolger and his team did not explicitly test the degree of isolation of a fragment age was important.:::True T/F Bolger and his team did not explicitly test the idea that fragment age was important.:::True T/F Captive populations can act as a reservoir for diseases that can spread to wild populations.:::True T/F Communal nesting birds are especially vulnerable to harvest.:::True T/F Driving a car generates more greenhouse gas than almost anything you do.:::True T/F Flying foxes are threatened with extinction largely because they are considered a delicacy.:::True T/F Greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide regulate our climate by trapping heat and holding it like a warm air blanket around earth.:::True T/F Human hunting increases the population of predators.:::False T/F Hunting can lower the age of first reproduction in a hunted species.:::True T/F If the bird fauna in a series of fragments is nested then the mammals and flowering plants would also have to be nested.:::False T/F In Indochina, many large animals have been almost eliminated by hunting.:::True T/F In the Piceance Basin, some bird species of the Pinyon-Juniper Woodland would not cross even the smallest cleared areas.:::True T/F In this day and age, in tropical forests wildlife is never an essential food source for humans.:::False T/F In tropical forest areas, all indications are that wildlife farming for meat is economically viable compared with hunting or farming domestic species.:::False T/F It is legal to hunt alligators in Florida.:::True T/F It is usually more cost effective to farm wildlife than to hunt it.:::False T/F Lemurs reach their greatest species diversity in Madagascar.:::True

T/F Leopold's classic treatise on game management argues for the use of natural resources without destroying the possibility of future generations using them.:::True T/F Long term studies show that alligator populations remain stable even when as many as 50% of nests are collected for ranching.:::True T/F Many species of cloud forest frogs have declined or gone extinct in Cost Rica.:::True T/F Methods for conserving biodiversity include reducing carbon emissions.:::True T/F Mountain Lions and Florida Panthers are members of the same species.:::True T/F Neanderthals and modern humans did not coexist.:::False T/F Neanderthals were genetically distinct from modern humans.:::True T/F Neotropical migrants are all passerine birds.:::False T/F Odd-toed Ungulates typically have less efficient digestive systems than the Even-toed Ungulates.:::True T/F People in the world's tropical forests have little or no tradition of raising domestic livestock.:::True T/F Sloths and anteaters are toothless.:::False T/F Some reptiles exhibit temperature sex determination.:::True T/F Some Venezuelan ranch owners are more inclined to protect wetlands because they support capybara.:::True T/F Spring in Alaska now arrives 2 w...

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