Wk 2 Individual Assignment Group Counseling Session Video Analysis PDF

Title Wk 2 Individual Assignment Group Counseling Session Video Analysis
Author Cynthia Ann
Course Group Counseling
Institution University of Phoenix
Pages 9
File Size 267 KB
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Group Counseling Session Video Analysis Cynthia Pacheco CCMH/568 August 12,2019 Dr. Kim Sexton 1




Week 2 Individual Assignment - Group Counseling Session Video Analysis:

Group Grief Counseling Session

Led by Jordan Skinner In week 2 this assignment is a video analysis of a 17-minute session dealing with grief. This is a group session. In this paper will be discussed a summary of the content of the session. Group dynamics and communication is essential for any group especially if it is going to be successful, and those dynamics will be discussed, along with the roles of the group leader, there is no co-leader in this session. A group leader has to manage the group dynamics in order to be 2

successful in setting goals or tasks for this.

ffective group leader has responsibilities within

the group to ensure the group moves forward and is successful. There are factors that make up a



therapeutic group which is discussed in this paper. The video is also linked into this paper at the 3

top. Lastly this paper will be wrapped up with a conclusion. Briefly summarize the content discussed in the session: 4

beginning of the session the leader introduces herself and has the group do an icebreaker in order to get to know one another since this is the first session. Heidi (Helium), Eric (Earnest), and Flint(Fantastic). Jordan has the group place an adjective in front of there name as she introduces herself as Jordan(Joyful). The team during this first session will refer to the others by their adjective as opposed to the first name. Jordan Skinner ( the leader ) lets them know they are in the Grief Help House as each individual in the group has lost someone close to them to death. She asks each member to share their story. Before they all share, she discusses the rules and confidentiality asking them about rules. She establishes the rules along with the goal for these sessions. Heidi lost her grandfather due to an aneurism, he died due to what she thinks is negligence by the hospital and feels it could have been prevented. She is still angry; he died a year ago and wants help dealing with the anger. Eric lost a friend who died in a motorcycle crash two years ago and he is still hurting and is in need of dealing with it. Flint lost a buddy due to a mountain bike accident, eight months ago, and needs help dealing with this death. Each of them including the therapist have this in common. Jordan self-disclosed someone close to her died, however she did not over share her story. She discussed with the group the stages of grief and how there are five, and all of them seem to be at the acceptance stage, however, wants to help them deal with it, while addressing Heidi’s anger. The therapist discusses with the group about self-care and the importance of that and asked each member what they did for self-care. Heidi



mentioned she likes to work outside, as well as a hiking vacation. Eric mentioned outdoors and hiking. Heidi and Eric are married. Flint likes working with his hands and likes alone time along with hiking trails and fishing. Jordan established a meeting date and time for future sessions, along with giving them a homework assignment two things to do two times each and for the married couple to hold one another accountable, and not to discuss it unless with group. She okayed for the married couple to discuss it since they are helping each other through this. As the session ended, she asked them on a scale of one to five to rate how they feel after the session. 5

Both Heidi and Flint stated a 3, and Eric stated a 2. Describe the observed group dynamics and communication: Jordan Skinner started the group off with the three members introducing themselves using an adjective in front of their name. Once that was finished, she described the goals of the group emphasizing on communication, rules of the group, and confidentiality. The group seemed concerned mostly about confidentiality, however she put their minds at ease. Communication seemed to stand out and is effective. Jordan empathized with the group communicating that death is hard and everyone grieves differently while there is no wrong way to grieve and she shared a bit with the group. She let everyone speak and share their story, encouraging them and asking probing questions while not interrupting, at the appropriate times. She appeared genuinely interested in helping the group further. Things were clearly communicated including respect all the way around. She communicated clearly the rules, confidentiality and the goals of the group. Explain the role of the group leader and co-leader (if applicable) in this session:




There was no co-leader in this session within this group. The only one leading the group was Jordan Skinner. Her role was to listen, speak to the group with techniques to help them deal with their grief in a healthy way, confidentiality, rules, the purpose of the group, along with her


role being committed to helping each member achieve the goals that will be set in next session She explained why that will be the next session since this was the first session and an introductory session. She assigned homework for the next session and explained her role in this so they could hold each other accountable and a way for her to do such. Jordan appears empathetic and seems confident that she can aide the group in working through the grief. She made it clear to the group communication and reporting back to her the following session is important. She seems to have integrity and is confidentiality are important group roles. She 7

mentioned the exception to the confidentiality and why it would be broken. She is fair and kind. Describe how the group leader managed the group dynamics: This group leader seemed to focus on actively listening to each member, not interrupting except to ask vital pertinent open-ended questions to get the dialogue going further. She seemed interested in getting to know her group, along with paying close attention and maintaining proper eye contact with each individual, not making them feel uncomfortable. She put them at ease and made them feel this way by the way she appeared in her body language and her tone of voice showed this as well. Jordan values the goals and purpose of the group to better help them deal with their issues in a healthy way. This group dynamic made it possible to get to know one another, making it possible for Jordan to proceed to further sessions down the road. All the members of the group including the therapist have this in common making it possible to get to



know one another, feel safe, creating an open environment. This leads to trust, building good rapport, and communicate including the leader. There was both explicit and implicit norms 9

within this group. Jordan emphasized the need for self-care. Explain other responsibilities the group leader and co-leader (if applicable) demonstrated in the session: There were no other real responsibilities other than what has previously been discussed. They were emphasized though and clearly understood with the main thing being discussed confidentiality. Jordan made her role pretty clear at the beginning of the session demonstrating how devoted she is to each member, along with helping them achieve their goals. She let the group know where she stood, the responsibilities of each member along with herself and making 10

this a safe and open environment. Describe the factors that made this a therapeutic group: Some of the factors that make this a group is the interpersonal communication and active listening that is shown and presented while session is going on. Jordan imparted some pertinent information, along with the stages of grief and where they were and teaching them what self-care 11 is. She asked them what they do for self-care and gave them homework to hold them accountable for the next session and moving forward. Another factor is the universality of the group to help them realize they are not alone in this. They all have this in common including the therapist. I can see the future therapy group sessions using the psyho-educational technique, thus making this a psycho-educational group to teach them how to effectively deal with grief. Conclusion:



This group was brought together with something in common, losing someone they love. This was a short session(first session) with introductions, description of the group, including rules, discussion of confidentiality, expectations and what will happen moving forward, along with setting up the next appointment. This paper discusses a summary of the session, group dynamics, communication within the group, roles of the leader, and how it is managed. A group leader has responsibilities to the group and there are factors that make this a therapeutic group. This was a short video only 17 minutes in length and more will be discussed in future sessions, this was just the beginning. Expectations, rules, confidentiality and an introduction and the mention of who had died by name was brought up and discussed. The session was wrapped up 12

with a homework assignment, followed by setting up future sessions, the time and place.



Skinner, Jordan. “Group Grief Counseling Session.” YouTube, YouTube, 17 Apr. 2017, www.youtube.com/watch?v=D7_eo5tnQm8.



Comment Summary Page 1 1. Great title page! Page 2 2. Great point! It may help, though, to review sentence structure and clarity. Page 3 3. Great! 4. Indent. Page 4 5. Great observations. It may help to break up the paragraph to avoid an overly lengthy paragraph. 6. Great information and observations. Page 5 7. Excellent! 8. It would help to cite a credible source backing your statement pertaining to the counselor's role. Page 6 9. Great! i. It would help, though, to cite credible sources supporting your statements. 10. Great! 11. It would help to include a credible source of information to support your statement. Page 7 12. Excellent! Page 8 13. At least two sources were required for this assignment....

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