WORD Formation Exercises PDF

Title WORD Formation Exercises
Author Andrea Cano
Course English Language level B2
Institution Università degli Studi dell'Aquila
Pages 5
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WORD FORMATION EXERCISES. 1. You need to take three of these red pills __________________________. DAY 2. He is being very _____________________ about his whereabouts last night. MYSTERY 3. It is his _____________________________ which I find so unbelievable. He is normally such a truthful boy! HONEST 4. If you look on the other side of the cup, you will find a small __________________________ with the name of the original manufacturer. ENGRAVE 5. Reports on the invasion are still very unclear, as are the _________________________ of what this will prompt the government to do. IMPLY 6. The next time you are in a dark place in the countryside at night, look up at the night sky and wonder at the ___________________________ stars set out in the heavens before you. NUMBER 7. This new law will not only affect cinemas in the United States but could have dramatic and significant effects on the film industry ___________________________________. WORLD 8. As he was walking home late last night, Mr. Jones saw a strange ________________________ shape in the sky and rang the police immediately. SPHERE 9. The survey showed many young offenders had had difficult _______________________. BRING 10. Despite the striking similarities between the two paintings, the court decided the artist was not guilty of making a ______________________________ copy. FRAUD 11. You should dress ______________________ for the party. No tuxedo required! FORMAL 12. The stray dog spent his days following tourists hoping to ______________ one of them. FRIEND 13. Severe __________________________ problems in the country's prisons persuaded the government to invest more money in its prison rebuilding programme. CROWD 14. The child's inability to hear his mother calling was blamed on a slight hearing disability which was eventually solved using a _____________________ new technique from Norway. REVOLUTION 15. Put your things on that small ________________________ table over in the corner. WOOD 16. The tunnel under the river is near _________________________ now and should be open before next summer. COMPLETE 17. I am looking to leave in order to find a new job, ______________________ of whether Mr. Perkins offers me more money or not. REGARD 18. It was a ____________________ minor accident but tragically, one of the two drivers died. SEEM 19. Most of the activities we did on the course were _____________________ and irrelevant. I think it is very wasteful to spend money on these things. MEAN 20. The best way to solve this dispute is to find a neutral, ______________________ third party and follow his or her suggestions. INTEREST 21. To join the police, there is normally both an age and a height _______________________. REQUIRE 22. You have been _________________________ important to the success of this company. I don't know what I would have done without you. MEASURE

23. His performance in the match today ____________________ his reputation as a great player. LIE 24. Rabbits are often seen as ______________________ figures at Easter, representing rebirth and springtime. SYMBOL 25. Your father is ____________________________ worried about the scores you've been getting at school. INCREASE 26. After a difficult ___________________________, Michael went on to be a successful lawyer. BRING 27. Don't use paper to clear up the water. A sponge will give you much better __________________________. ABSORB 28. Do you understand the __________________________ of the bear on this coat of arms? SIGNIFICANT 29. Jacklyn came up with ______________________________ excuses as to why she was always so late. VARY 30. Everyone thinks Ben is a weatherman, but he's actually a ________________________ which is far more advanced. CLIMATE 31. _______________________ Crime is making living in this city intolerable. RISE 32. Because of the nature of the scandal, the politician had little choice but to offer his _____________________________. RESIGN 33. This tree has grown _______________________ since I last saw it. SIGNIFICANT 34. You're the boss. You have the responsibility for these errors. You're not ____________________. ACCOUNT 35. My aunt acted with complete ________________________ when I told her I'd seen her husband with another woman. BELIEVE 36. Carbon Dioxide is known to have a __________________________ influence on the Earth's atmosphere. WARM 37. Do you agree with the chief _____________________________ of the report? FIND 38. Every one of your ____________________ is wrong. You'll have to go and take them again. MEASURE 39. The theft of so much money proved both _____________________ and embarrassing for the company. PROBLEM 40. There was a huge volcanic ________________________ in 1883 in Indonesia. ERUPT 41. As the disease became more _______________________ in the region, a medical emergency was announced. SPREAD 42. The wren's Latin name, which means 'cave dweller', comes from its _________________ to seek out dark places. TEND 43. The earthquake was so destructive that local maps needed to be ____________________. DATE 44. Once the scientists were sure the islands were ______________________, they disembarked and began their studies. INHABIT 45. You can pay funds into this account but that money will not be ______________________ for at least a year. DRAW 46. The diplomat, as he __________________________ is, was humble and polite in the face of unfair criticism. VARIABLE

47. After the accident, the police officer asked if anyone required ___________________ attention. MEDICINE 48. At the ________________________of his powers, Alfred Hitchcock was producing a hit movie every year in Hollywood. HIGH 49. Shy children can ____________________ completely from social contact at school and this only worsens the problem. DRAW 50. Who were the most __________________________ figures in your childhood apart from your immediate family? INFLUENCE 51. Malaria is a serious disease, made _______________________ to humans by mosquitoes. TRANSFER 52. I find Charlie's ______________________ to talk down to people absolutely infuriating. TEND 53. Despite the number of vehicles involved in the accident, police say there were no _________________________. FATAL 54. The fraud team looked into every financial ______________________ made by the bank since 2007. TRANSACT 55. The teacher was concerned about the _________________________ smell in the laboratory and told the students to leave. PLEASE 56. Gunpowder was _____________________ used in celebrations, not warfare. INITIAL 57. This letter is just to let you know how much we appreciated the ____________________ of the donation that you made. GENEROUS 58. Though he'd read _____________________ on the subject of ancient Egypt, he couldn ´t answer a single question. EXTEND 59. Would it be ________________________for you if I asked you to pay by credit card? CONVENIENT 60. Young people often have a creative and ______________________ side to them that they lose as they grow. INVENT 61. The hit TV series 'Friends' was _______________________ called 'Six of One'. ORIGIN 62. You've made a lot of wild accusations against Betsy, but is any of it __________________? PROOF 63. _______________________ Children are not permitted to enter the shop without an adult. COMPANY 64. Caffeine and other similar ______________________ shouldn't be taken shortly before going to bed. STIMULATE 65. When Jack Lobato was an ____________________ gangster, local politicians would come to meet with him weekly. INFLUENCE 66. Local legend says the land is protected by a giant tiger, but few believe in these old ________________________ any longer. TRADITION 67. This boxer is the ______________________ champion of the world after this sixth victory. DISPUTE 68. I stretched and stretched, but simply didn't have the _____________________ to reach the shelf. HIGH 69. Deborah was ____________________ furious when she heard the comments that had been made about her. PREDICT

70. Barry is only four years old and will be _____________________ by both his parents for the audition. COMPANY 71. 7. After hearing his heartbreaking story, we were filled with ___________________ for him. ADMIRE 72. The hotel was harshly _____________________ for refusing to give refunds and the bad publicity harmed it. CRITIC 73. The arrival of the summer tourists is very _____________________ for the local economy. BENEFIT 74. Graham rushed to sell his house before the end of the _____________________ year. FINANCE 75. If you are over twenty-one years of age, you'll be able to see the _____________________ version of the book. CENSOR 76. The final draft of the treaty included a few minor _____________________ to keep everyone happy. MODIFY 77. If you approached your studies as ___________________ as your spare time activities, you'd be going to Cambridge! ENTHUSE 78. The tiger is a very efficient __________________________ hunter, living most of its life alone. SOLITUDE 79. The detective concluded that it was _________________________ for the suspect to have made the journey so quickly. CONCEIVE 80. Few can match the ______________________ of Jack The Ripper, a 19th century London murderer. NOTORIOUS 81. Harrison Ford wasn't the ______________________ choice to play Han Solo in the Star Wars movies. ORIGIN 82. There will be a total solar eclipse at 2.14pm today. Such _____________________ are very rare. OCCUR 83. Even short bursts of physical activity are believed to be very _______________________ to health. BENEFIT 84. The ___________________________ of the town react negatively to crowds of tourists filling the roads and beaches each year. INHABIT 85. Police are investigating the strange _____________________ in street robberies in the west of town. GROW 86. Leyton city council have started towing all badly parked cars in what is a very ________________________ move. POPULAR 87. Conclusive proof that the Earth orbited the Sun was a great _______________________. DISCOVER 88. Being so close to the Atlantic, the weather in Ireland is often both changeable and very _____________________________. PREDICT 89. Despite injuring his leg near the start of the race, Larry managed to finish a very _______________________ Fourth. CREDIT 90. Rory always has plenty of money, but I've never been sure what he actually does for a __________________________. LIVE 91. What ________________________ do you take in the workplace to prevent accidents? CAUTION

92. The bomb caused _________________________damage to the older buildings in the town and had to be demolished. EXTEND 93. The road was _________________________ closed due to a spilled load of children's toys that created Hasbro. TEMPORARY 94. Though a talented doctor, she found that most skills were not _________________ when she began working as a vet. TRANSFER 95. This new design of the radio ______________________ all the best features of our previous model. CORPORATE 96. Maggie is always displaying great _________________________ to those less fortunate than her. GENEROUS 97. Educational TV programs like this are very _____________________ for young children. STIMULATE 98. Ben insisted on his articles being ________________________ by editors and left when his boss said that was impossible. MODIFY 99. I am looking for a ________________________ jeweler who will be able to appraise this watch and tell me how much it's worth. REPUTE 100. Jan Welbech was a reputable physicist until his main two theories were completely ___________________________. PROOF...

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