Word Parts & Abbreviations PDF

Title Word Parts & Abbreviations
Author Abigail Wood
Course Medical Surgical Nursing
Institution Mercer University
Pages 23
File Size 165.9 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 12
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List of medical common abbreviations ...


Word Parts Prefixes  a- : without  ab- : away from  abdomin-, abdomino- : abdomen, abdominal  acro- : extremity, end, tip/extreme  ad- : toward  aden-, adeno- : gland, glandular  adip-, adipo- : fat  adren-, adrenal-, adreno- : relating to the adrenal gland  alge-, algesi- : pain  allant-, allanto- : allantois (a fetal membrane), allantoid, sausage-shaped  allo- : other, different  alveolo- : alveolus (air cell), alveolar  ambi- : both sides  ambly- : dullness, dimness  amino- : compound containing NH2/amnion (innermost embryonic membrane)  amph-, amphi-, ampho- : on both sides  amyl-, amylo- : starch  an- : without  ana- : up/not  adnro- : man, masculine  angi-, angio- : vessel, vascular  ankylo- : bent, crooked/stiff  ante- : before, in front of  antero- : anterior, front  anti- : against  anthraco- : coal, charcoal, carbon  ap-, apo- : separated from, derived from  appendico- : appendix  arch-, arche-, archi- : primitive, ancestral  arteri-, arterio- : artery, arterial  arthr-, arthro- : joint/articulation  astro- : star-like  atel-, atelo- : imperfect, incomplete  athero- : fatty, pasty materials  atrio- : atrium  audio- : sense of hearing  auri- : ear  aut-, auto- : self  azo- : nitrogen  bacteri-, bacterio- : bacteria  balan-, balano- : gland penis  basi-, basio-, baso- : base, basis

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bi- : two bili- : bile blasto- : process of budding blephar-, blepharo- : eyelid brachio- : arm brachy- : short brady- : slow bronch-, bronchi-, broncho- : bronchus, windpipe bucco- : cheek calc-, cacli- : calcium/relating to calcium calcaneo- : heel, calcaneus capsul-, capsulo- : capsule carcin-, carcino- : cancer cardi-, cardio- : heart carpo- : carpus (wrist), carpal cata- : down, opposite caud-, caudo- : tail cec-, ceco- : cecum celio-, celo- : abdomen, belly centi- : one-hundredth (0.01)/hundred cephal-, cephalo- : head cerebr-, cerebri-, cerebro- : cerebru cero- : wax cervic-, cervico- : neck, cervix chem-, chemo- : chemistry chol-, chole-, cholo- : bile chondrio-, chondro- : cartilage chord- : cord choroido- : the choroid chorio- : membrane, fetal membrane, chorion (outermost embryonic membrane) chrom-, chromo-, chromat-, chromato- : color, colored chron-, chrono- : time chrys-, chyrso- : gold chyl-, chylo- : chyle, fat droplets in lymph/milky fluid taken up by intestines cine- : movement, relating to motion pictures circum- : around colo- : colon colp-, colpo- : vagina contra- : against cortico- : cortex costo- : rib crani-, cranio- : skull, cranium cry-, cryo- : cold, freezing cyan-, cyano- : blue crypt-, crypto- : hidden, concealed

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cyst-, cysti-, cysto- : bladder cyt-, cyto- : cell de- : from, away dec-, deca- : ten (10) deci- : one-tenth (0.1) dendro- : tree-like dent-, denti-, dento- : teeth, dental derm-, derma-, dermat-, dermato-, dermo- : skin dextr-, dextro- : right, toward the right/right side di- : two diplo- : double duoden-, duodeno- : duodenum dynamo- : force, energy dys- : painful, difficult ec- : out of, away from electro- : electricity embry-, embryo- : embryo encephal-, encephalo- : brain end-, endo- : within, inner enter-, entero- : intestine epi- : upon, following episio- : vulva equi- : equal, equally erythr-, erythro- : red or red blood cell esthesio- : sensation, perception ethmo- : ethmoid bone etio- : cause eu- : good, well, normal/true eury- : broad, wide ex-, exo- : out, outside extra- : without, outside of facio- : face/fascia, a band femor- : thigh fibr-, fibro- : fiber fibrino- : fibrin fluo- : flow galact-, galacto- : milk gastr-, gastro- : stomach gero-, geront-, geronto- : old age glio- : glue, glue-like gloss-, glosso- : tongue gluco-, glyco- : glucose, sugar granulo- : granular grapho- : a writing, description gyn-, gyne-, gyneco-, gyno- : female, woman hecto- : one hundred (100)

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hem-, hema- : blood hemat-, hemato-, hemo- : blood hemi- : half hepat-, hepato- : liver hernio- : hernia heter-, hetero- : other, different hex-, hexa- : six hidr-, hidro- : sweat histio-, histo- : tissue homeo- : same, steady homo- : same/alike hyal-, hyalo- : glassy, transparent hydro- : water hyper- : above, beyond, over/excessive hypn-, hypno- : sleep, hypnosis hyo- : U-shaped hypo- : below, under, beneath/deficient, below normal hyster-, hystero- : uterus/hysteria giga- : one billion (1,000,000,000) gluc-, gluco- : glucose glyco- : sugar hydr-, hydro- : water iatro- : physicians, medicine, treatment ichthyo- : fish ili-, ilio- : ilium, hip bone ileo- : ileum im- : not, in, within immuno- : immune, immunity, protected in- : not, in, within; appears as im- before b, p, or m infra- : below, under ino- : muscle fiber inter- : among, between intra- : within, inside irid-, irido- : iris iso- : like jejun-, jejuno- : jejunum juxta- : near/adjacent karyo- : nucleus kerat-, kerato- : horny tissue or cornea keto- : containing a ketone group (chemical compound) kilo- : one thousand (1000) kin-, kine-, kino- : movement, motion kinesi-, kinesio-, kineso- : motion labio- : lips lact-, lacti-, lacto- : milk laryng-, laryngo- : larynx, laryngeal

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latero- : lateral, to one side leio-, lio- : smooth leuc-, leuco-, leuk-, leuko- : white or white blood cell linguo- : tongue lip-, lipo- : fatty/lipid, fat lith-, litho- : stone, calculus log-, logo- : speech, words lymph-, lympho- : lymph (tissue fluid in a lymphatic vessel)/colorless fluid lymphaden-, lymphadeno- : lymph nodes lymphangi-, lymphangio- : lymphatic vessels macr-, macro- : large mal- : abnormal, bad, ill mammil-, mammili- : nipple mamm-, mammo- : breast mast-, masto- : breast maxi- : extra large meato- : passage mega- : big, large, great/ one million (1,000,000) mel-, meli-, melo- : honey, sugar melan-, melano- : black mening-, meningo- : meninges meno- : menses, menstruation mes-, meso- : middle meta- : between, behind, after, beyond/change of position metr-, metra-, metro- : uterus micro- : small/ one-millionth (0.000001) micturit- : urinated mid- : middle milli- : one-thousandth (0.001) mini- : small, miniature mono- : one morph-, morpho- : form, shape mort- : death muc-, muci-, muco- : mucus multi- : many muscul-, musculo- : muscle my-, myo- : muscle myco- : fungus myel-, myelo- : bone marrow/myelin sheath of nerve fibers myring-, myringo- : tympanic membrane (eardrum) myx-, myxo- : mucus nano- : one-billionth (0.000000001) narco- : stupor, narcosis nas-, naso- : nose necr-, necro- : death neo- : new, recent

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nephr-, nephro- : kidney neur-, neuri-, neuro- : nerve, nerve tissue neutr-, neutro- : neutral noct- : night noni- : nine nucl-, nucle-, nucleo- : nucleus/nuclear occipito- : occiput, back part of the head oct-, octa-, octo- : eight oculo- : eye or ocular olig-, oligo- : few, little/too few onco-, oncho- : tumor onych-, onycho- : fingernail or toenail oo- : egg, ovary oophor-, oophoro- : ovary ophthalm-, ophthalmo- : pertaining to the eye optico-, opto- : optical, eye orchi-, orchido-, orchio- : testes oro- : mouth orth-, ortho- : straight osseo-, ossi- : bone ost-, oste-, osteo- : bone ot-, oto- : ear ovari-, ovario- : ovary ovi-, ovo- : egg oxy- : presence of oxygen palato- : palate pan- : all, entire pancreat-, pancreatico-, pancreato-, pancreo- : involving the pancreas papillo- : small, rounded projection papulo- : pimple, circumscribed solid elevation par-, para- : adjacent to, near/alongside parieto- : body wall or parietal bone/wall of the body path-, patho-, pathy- : disease ped-, pedi-, pedo- : foot or child pelvi-, pelvio-, pelvo- : pelvis pent-, penta- : five per- : through peri- : around perineo- : perineum peritoneo- : peritoneum phaco- : relating to the lens phago- : eating, devouring pharmaco- : drugs pharyng-, pharyngo- : pharynx, pharyngeal, throat phen-, pheno- : denoting appearance phil- : affinity for, craving for

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phleb-, phlebo- : vein phon-, phono- : sound, speech/voice sounds phot-, photo- : light phren-, phreno- : diaphragm physi-, physio- : physiological phyt-, phyto- : plants pilo- : hair plasma-, plasmat-, plasmato-, plasmo- : plasma (liquid part of blood) platy- : flat, broad pleur-, pleura-, pleuro- : lung membrane, side/rib, side, lung membrane pluri- : several pneum-, pneumo, pneumon-, pneumono- : air, gas, lung, breathing polio- : gray matter poly- : many, much porto- : portal post- : after, behind postero- : posterior, at the back pre- : before presby-, presbyo- : old age pro- : supporting, in front of, before proct-, procto- : anus, rectum prostat-, prostato- : prostate gland prox-, proxi-, proximo- : proximal/nearest, next to pseudo- : false psych-, psyche-, psycho- : mind, mental, psychological pter-, ptero- : wing, feather pterygo- : wing shaped ptyal-, ptyalo- : salivary glands, saliva pubo- : pubic pulmo-, pulmon-, pulmono- : lungs pyel-, pyelo- : pelvis pylor-, pyloro- : pylorus, muscular opening pyo- : pus accumulation pyr-, pyro- : fever, fire, heat quadri-, quadru- : four radio- : radiation re- : backward, again rect-, recto- : rectum reni-, reno- : kidney retin-, retino- : the retina retro- : behind, backward/back rhabd-, rhabdo- : rod shaped rhin-, rhino- : nose rhod-, rhodo- : red color sacchar-, sacchari-, saccharo- : sugar sacr-, sacro- : sacrum

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salping-, salpingo- : uterine tube sarco- : muscle, flesh scapulo- : scapula, scapular, shoulder blade schiz-, schizo- : split, cleft scler-, sclero- : hardness seb-, sebi-, sebo- : sebum (oil) semi- : half, partial sept-, septi- : seven septic-, septico- : sepsis, septic (blood infection) sero- : serum, serous sex-, sexi- : six sial-, sialo- : saliva, salivary glands sidero- : iron sigmoid-, sigmoido- : sigmoid, S-shaped sinistro- : left, toward the left somat-, somatico-, somato- : body/bodily spectro- : spectrum sperma-, spermato-, spermo- : sperm, seed, semen, spermatozoa sphygm-, sphygmo- : pulse spin-, spino- : spine spir-, spiro- : breathing splen-, spleno- : spleen spondyl-, spondylo- : vertebrae squamo- : epidermal scale stereo- : 3D perception stern-, sterno- : sternum/sternal, chest steth-, stetho- : chest or breast stom-, stomat-, stomato- : mouth sub- : below, under, beneath sudor- : sweat super- : above, beyond supra- : above, upon sym-, syn- : together, with/joined tachy- : rapid/quick, accelerated talo- : talus, ankle tars-, tarso- : tarsus (root of foot) tel-, tele-, telo- : distant tendo-, teno- : tendon terato- : malformed tetra- : four thorac-, thoracico-, thoraco- : chest (thorax) trache-, thracheo- : trachea, tracheal thromb-, thrombo- : blood clot, coagulation, thrombin thym-, thymi-, thymo- : thymus/mind, soul, emotions thyr-, thyreo-, thyro- : thyroid gland tibio- : tibia, shin bone

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toco- : childbirth tonsillo- : tonsil top-, topo- : place, topical, local tox-, toxi-, toxico-, toxo- : poison, toxin trans- : through, across tri- : three trich-, trichi-, tricho- : hair troph-, tropho- : food, nutrition tympan-, tympani-, tympano- : tympanum, drum ultra- : beyond, excess uni- : one ure-, uro- : urine uretero- : related to ureter (urinary tube) urethr-, urethro- : urethra urin-, urino- : urine uter-, utero- : uterus uvul-, uvulo- : uvula vagin-, vagino- : vagina vasculo-, vas-, vaso- : blood vessel veni-, veno- : veins ventriculo- : ventricle vermi- : worm, worm like vertebro- : vertebra (backbone)/vertebral vesic-, vesico-, vesiculo- : vesicle, blister viscera- : viscera (internal organs) xanth-, xantho- : yellow xeno- : strange, foreign xero- : dry zyg-, zygo- : joining

Suffixes  -ac : pertaining or relating to  -ad : toward  -al : pertaining or relating to  -algia : pain  -ase : enzyme  -atus : to change  -blast : immature precursor cell  -cele : swelling, hernia  -centesis : surgical puncture  -chrome : color  -cide : kill/substance that kills  -cise : cut  -clast : something that breaks; to break  -cyte : cell  -desia : surgical fixation, fusion

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-eal : pertaining to -ectasis : expansion, dilation -ectomy : surgical removal/removal of an anatomical structure -emia : condition of the blood -esis : condition, action, process -gen : substance that produces something/precursor of -genesis : origination/origin, beginning process -genic : produced by -gram : written record or picture/ recording, usually by an instrument -graph : record or picture/ something written, instrument for making a recording -graphy : writing, description -ia, -iac : presence of -ic : pertaining to -id : condition of -ior : pertaining to -ism : process -itis : inflammation -lith : stone -logia, -logy : study of -logy : study of -lysis : breakdown, destruction -lytic : causing lysis (disintegration) -malacia : abnormal softening -mania : obsession, compulsion -megaly : large, enlargement -old : resembling -ology : study of -oma : tumor or neoplasm -opia : vision -osis : condition -parous : giving birth -pathy, -pathic : disease -pena : breath, respiration -penia : few, deficiency -pexy : fixation -phage, -phagia, -phagy : eating/devouring -phasia : speech -phil, -phile, -philia/-philic : attraction for/affinity for, craving for -phobia : abnormal fear/extreme or irrational fear -phrenia : the mind -plasia : growth/formation -plasty : surgical repair/molding or shaping -plegia : paralysis -pnea : breathing -poiesis : production, formation/producing

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-praxia : movement -ptosis : drooping, sinking down -rrhage, -rrhagia : excessive, abnormal flow/excessive discharge, hemorrhage -rrhaphy : surgical suturing -rrhea : fluid discharge or flow/flowing -rrhexis : rupture -scope : instrument for viewing -scopy : viewing -sis : state of -spasm : twitch, involuntary muscle contraction -spermia : condition of spermatozoa or semen -stalsis : constriction, contraction -stat : substance that keeps something from changing, flowing, or moving -stenosis : abnormal narrowing, stricture -stomy : artificial or surgical opening -taxis : movement toward a stimulus -thymia : mind, soul, emotions -tome : part or section; instrument or cutting -tomy : incision, cutting -tripsy : crushing -tropic : having an affinity for -troph, -trophic: food, nutrition -trophy : growth, nourishment -uria : pertaining to the urine/present in urine

Abbreviations o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o

A – assessment/anterior AA – associate of arts/Alcoholics Anonymous AAP – American Academy of Pediatrics AFP - -fetoprotein (alpha fetoprotein) A1c – glycosylated hemoglobin Ab – antibody ABCD – asymmetry, border, color, diameter ABG – arterial blood gas ACE inhibitors – angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors Ach – acetylcholine ACL – anterior cruciate ligament ACLS – advanced cardiac life support ACNM – American College of Nurse Midwives ACOTE – Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education ACTH – adrenocorticotropic hormone, corticotropin A.D. – right ear

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AD – Alzheimer disease ADA – American Diabetes Association, American Dietetic Association ADD – attention deficit disorder ADH – antidiuretic hormone, vasopressin ADHD – attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ADL – activities of daily living ADR – adverse drug reaction Ag – antigen AHF – antihemophilic factor (factor VIII) AHRQ – Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality AIDS – acquired immunodeficiency syndrome AFB – acid-fast bacilli AFP – alpha-fetoprotein AG II – angiotensin II ALL – acute lymphoblastic leukemia; acute lymphocytic leukemia ALS – amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ALT – alanine aminotransferase AMD – age-related macular degeneration AML – acute myeloid leukemia AMR – antimicrobial resistance AMTA – American Massage Therapy Association AN – anorexia nervosa ANA – antinuclear antibody ANP – atrial natriuretic peptide ANS – autonomic nervous system AP – anteroposterior A&P repair – anterior and posterior repair ARDMS – American Registry of Diagnostic Medical Sonographers ARDS – adult respiratory distress syndrome ARF – acute renal failure A.S. – left ear ASA – acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) ASD – atrial septal defect ASCP – American Society for Clinical Pathology AST – aspartate aminotransferase ATP – adenosine triphosphate A.U. – each ear; both ears AV – atrioventricular, arteriovenous A/V ratio – artery to vein ratio AZT – azathioprine BaSO4 – barium sulfate BBB – blood-brain barrier BC – birth control

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BCP – birth control pill BE – barium enema -hCG – beta-human chorionic gonadotropin BM – bowel movement BMI – body mass index BMR – basal metabolic rate BMT – bone marrow transplant BNO – bladder neck obstruction BP – blood pressure BPD – bronchopulmonary dysplasia BPH – benign prostatic hyperplasia BS – bachelor of science BSE – breast self-exam BSN – bachelor of science in nursing BSO – bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy BUN – blood, urea, nitrogen bx – biopsy C – carbon C1-C7 – cervical vertebrae 1-7 CA – cancer CAAHEP – Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs CABG – coronary artery bypass graft CAD – coronary artery disease cal – calorie CAPD – continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis CAT – computed axial tomography, computer-assisted tomography, computerized axial tomography CBC – complete blood count CBD – common bile duct CBT – cognitive-behavioral therapy CC – chief complaint CCK – cholecystokinin CCPD – continuous cycling peritoneal dialysis CD – curative dose CDC – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDR – Commission on Dietetic Registration c/o – complains of chol – cholesterol CF – cystic fibrosis CHD – congenital hip dysplasia/coronary heart disease CHF – congestive heart failure CHO – carbohydrate C6H12O6 – glucose

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CIS – carcinoma in situ CK – creatine kinase CK-MB – creatine phosphokinase muscle and brain CLL – chronic lymphocytic leukemia CML – chronic myeloid leukemia CMK - Cytomegalovirus CN – cranial nerve CNM – certified nurse midwife CNS – central nervous system CO – carbon monoxide CO2 – carbon dioxide COPD – chronic obstructive pulmonary disease CP – cerebral palsy CPAP – continuous positive airway pressure CPK – creatine phosphokinase CPM – continuous passive motion CPR – cardiopulmonary resuscitation CPT – Current Procedural Terminology CRF – chronic renal failure CRT – certified respiratory therapist C&S – culture and sensitivity C-section – cesarean section CS – cortical spokes CSF – cerebrospinal fluid CT – computed tomography/cytotechnologist/calcitonin CT scan – computed tomography scan CV – cardiovascular CVA – cerebrovascular accident CVB – chorionic villus biopsy CVICU – cardiovascular intensive care unit CVS – chorionic villus sampling DA – dopamine D&C – dilation and curettage DDST – Denver Developmental Screening Test DEA – Drug Enforcement Agency DES – diethylstilbestrol DEXA – dual energy x-ray absorptiometry DHEA – dehydroepiandrosterone DHT – dihydrotestosterone DIC – disseminated intravascular coagulation DJD – degenerative joint disease DM – dermatomyositis/diabetes mellitus DMD – Duchenne muscular dystrophy

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DNA – deoxyribonucleic acid DRE – digital rectal exam DSA – digital subtraction angiography DSM-IV – Diagnostic and Statist...

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