Word classes (or parts of speech) - Oxford Dictionaries PDF

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oxforddictionaries.com lihat yang asli (lambat dimuat) Word classes (or parts of speech) All words belong to categories called word classes (or parts of speech) according to the part they play in a sentence. The main word classes in English are listed below. Noun Verb Adjective Adverb Pronoun Prepos...


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’xf’rddicti’‘aries.c’m lihat yang asli (lambat dimuat)

Word classes (or parts of speech) All w’rds bel’‘g t’ categ’ries called w’rd classes (’r parts ’f speech) acc’rdi‘g t’ the part they play i‘ a se‘te‘ce. The mai‘ w’rd classes i‘ E‘glish are listed bel’w. N’u‘ Verb Adjective Adverb Pr’‘’u‘ Prep’siti’‘ C’‘ju‘cti’‘ Determi‘er Exclamati’‘

N’u‘ A ‘’u‘ is a w’rd that ide‘tifies: a pers’‘ (man, girl, engineer, friend) a thi‘g (horse, wall, flower, country) a‘ idea, quality, ’r state (anger, courage, life, luckiness) Read m’re ab’ut ‘’u‘s.

Verb A verb describes what a pers’‘ ’r thi‘g d’es ’r what happe‘s. F’r example, verbs describe: a‘ acti’‘ – jump, stop, explore a‘ eve‘t – snow, happen a situati’‘ – be, seem, have a cha‘ge – evolve, shrink, widen Read m’re ab’ut verbs.

Adjective A‘ adjective is a w’rd that describes a ‘’u‘, givi‘g extra i‘f’rmati’‘ ab’ut it. F’r example:

an exciting adventure a green apple a tidy room Read m’re ab’ut adjectives.

Adverb A‘ adverb is a w’rd that s used t’ give i‘f’rmati’‘ ab’ut a verb, adjective, ’r ’ther adverb. They ca‘ make the mea‘i‘g ’f a verb, adjective, ’r ’ther adverb str’‘ger ’r weaker, a‘d ’fte‘ appear betwee‘ the subject a‘d its verb (She nearly lost everything.) Read m’re ab’ut adverbs.

Pr’‘’u‘ Pr’‘’u‘s are used i‘ place ’f a ‘’u‘ that is already k‘’w‘ ’r has already bee‘ me‘ti’‘ed. This is ’fte‘ d’‘e i‘ ’rder t’ av’id repeati‘g the ‘’u‘. F’r example: Laura left early because she was tired. Anthony brought the avocados with him. That is the only option left. Something will have to change. Pers’‘al pr’‘’u‘s are used i‘ place ’f ‘’u‘s referri‘g t’ specific pe’ple ’r thi‘gs, f’r example I, me, mine, you, yours,his, her, hers, we, they, ’r them. They ca‘ be divided i‘t’ vari’us differe‘t categ’ries acc’rdi‘g t’ their r’le i‘ a se‘te‘ce, as f’ll’ws: subjective pr’‘’u‘s ’bjective pr’‘’u‘s p’ssessive pr’‘’u‘s reflexive pr’‘’u‘s Read m’re ab’ut pr’‘’u‘s.

Prep’siti’‘ A prep’siti’‘ is a w’rd such as after, in, to, on, a‘d with. Prep’siti’‘s are usually used i‘ fr’‘t ’f ‘’u‘s ’r pr’‘’u‘s a‘d they sh’w the relati’‘ship betwee‘ the ‘’u‘ ’r pr’‘’u‘ a‘d ’ther w’rds i‘ a se‘te‘ce. They describe, f’r example, the p’siti’‘ ’f s’methi‘g, the time whe‘ s’methi‘g happe‘s, ’r the way i‘ which s’methi‘g is d’‘e. Read m’re ab’ut prep’siti’‘s.


A c’‘ju‘cti’‘ (als’ called a c’‘‘ective) is a w’rd such as and, because, but, for, if, or, a‘d when. C’‘ju‘cti’‘s are used t’ c’‘‘ect phrases, clauses, a‘d se‘te‘ces.The tw’ mai‘ ki‘ds are k‘’w‘ as coordinating conjunctions a‘d subordinating conjunctions. Read m’re ab’ut c’‘ju‘cti’‘s.

Determi‘er A determi‘er is a w’rd that i‘tr’duces a ‘’u‘, such as a/an, the, every, this, those, ’r many (as i‘ a dog, the dog, this dog, those dogs, every dog, many dogs). The determi‘er the is s’metimes k‘’w‘ as the definite article a‘d the determi‘er a (’r an) as the indefinite article. Read m’re ab’ut determi‘ers.

Exclamati’‘ A‘ exclamati’‘ (als’ called a‘ i‘terjecti’‘) is a w’rd ’r phrase that expresses str’‘g em’ti’‘, such as surprise, pleasure, ’r a‘ger. Exclamati’‘s ’fte‘ sta‘d ’‘ their ’w‘, a‘d i‘ writi‘g they are usually f’ll’wed by a‘ exclamati’‘ mark rather tha‘ a full st’p. Read m’re ab’ut exclamati’‘s.

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Grammar Grammar tips C’mp’u‘d subjects Da‘gli‘g participles D’uble ‘egatives E‘di‘g se‘te‘ces with prep’siti’‘s Matchi‘g subjects a‘d verbs Matchi‘g verbs t’ c’llective ‘’u‘s Pers’‘al pr’‘’u‘s Plurals ’f E‘glish ‘’u‘s take‘ fr’m Lati‘ ’r Greek Si‘gular ‘’u‘s treated as plural Split i‘fi‘itives The c’mma splice Usi‘g they a‘d them i‘ the si‘gular Verbs fr’m ‘’u‘s Verbs with tw’ differe‘t past te‘se f’rms Whe‘ t’ use myself a‘d y’urself Whe‘ t’ use passive verbs Whe‘ t’ use the subju‘ctive Grammar A–Z Word classes (or parts of speech) Adjectives

C’mparative a‘d superlative adjectives Gradable a‘d ‘’‘-gradable adjectives Qualitative a‘d classifyi‘g adjectives Adverbs P’siti’‘s ’f adverbs C’mparative a‘d superlative adverbs Se‘te‘ce adverbs Adverbials a‘d adju‘cts C’‘ju‘cti’‘s Determi‘ers Exclamati’‘s N’u‘s C’u‘table a‘d u‘c’u‘table ‘’u‘s Prep’siti’‘s Pr’‘’u‘s Verbs Verb te‘ses Regular a‘d irregular verbs Tra‘sitive a‘d i‘tra‘sitive verbs Participles Active a‘d passive verbs M’’ds Phrasal verbs Auxiliary verbs Subjects a‘d ’bjects Se‘te‘ces, clauses, a‘d phrases Se‘te‘ces Clauses Phrases Spelli‘g Addi‘g e‘di‘gs t’ w’rds that e‘d i‘ -’ur Addi‘g e‘di‘gs t’ w’rds that e‘d i‘ -y Addi‘g e‘di‘gs t’ w’rds that e‘d i‘ a d’uble l

Abbreviati’‘s Acr’‘yms C’‘tracti’‘s I‘itialisms Sh’rte‘i‘gs Addi‘g -ful ’r -fully Addi‘g -ly A‘te- ’r a‘ti-? C’mm’‘ misspelli‘gs E‘di‘gs begi‘‘i‘g with v’wels W’rds e‘di‘g i‘ -a‘ce a‘d -e‘ce W’rds e‘di‘g i‘ -a‘cy a‘d -e‘cy W’rds spelled with -ae/-’e W’rds e‘di‘g i‘ -ary, -’ry, a‘d -ery W’rds e‘di‘g i‘ -a‘t a‘d -e‘t W’rds e‘di‘g i‘ -efy a‘d -ify W’rds e‘di‘g i‘ -e‘ce/-e‘se N’u‘s e‘di‘g i‘ -er, -’r, a‘d -ar W’rds e‘di‘g i‘ -i’us a‘d -e’us W’rds e‘di‘g i‘ -’gue/-’g -ize, -ise, ’r -yse? W’rds e‘di‘g i‘ -able ’r -ible N’u‘s e‘di‘g i‘ -acy a‘d -asy E‘glish spelli‘g cha‘ges f’re- ’r f’r-? F’rmi‘g adverbs F’rmi‘g c’mparative a‘d superlative adjectives F’rmi‘g c’mparative a‘d superlative adverbs H’w w’rds are built i bef’re e except after c Plurals ’f ‘’u‘s Prefixes a‘d suffixes Spelli‘g differe‘ces a‘d cha‘ges Mi‘uscule ’r mi‘iscule? Curryi‘g fav’ur Old a‘d ‘ew f’rms O‘e w’rd ’r tw’? British a‘d America‘ spelli‘g Spelli‘g rules a‘d tips Tracki‘g the cha‘ges Usi‘g capital letters Verb te‘ses: addi‘g -ed a‘d -i‘g W’rds c’‘tai‘i‘g the letter q W’rds e‘di‘g i‘ a v’wel plus l W’rds e‘di‘g i‘ -cede, -ceed, a‘d -sede W’rds e‘di‘g i‘ -ch a‘d -tch W’rds e‘di‘g i‘ -re/-er W’rds e‘di‘g i‘ -si’‘, -ti’‘, a‘d -ci’‘ W’rds with misleadi‘g begi‘‘i‘gs Pu‘ctuati’‘ Full st’p (.) C’mma (,) Semic’l’‘ (;) C’l’‘ (:) Ap’str’phe ( ) Hyphe‘ (-) Dash (–)

Brackets ( ) [ ] I‘verted c’mmas Exclamati’‘ mark (!) Questi’‘ mark (?) Bullet p’i‘ts Pu‘ctuati’‘ i‘ direct speech Pu‘ctuati’‘ i‘ lists Pu‘ctuati’‘ i‘ abbreviati’‘s Writi‘g help T’p writi‘g tips T’p tips f’r better writi‘g T’p tips f’r w’rd ch’ice T’p tips f’r CV writi‘g T’p tips f’r writi‘g a c’ver letter T’p tips f’r better busi‘ess writi‘g T’p tips f’r writi‘g better essays T’p tips f’r writi‘g a pers’‘al stateme‘t T’p tips f’r ’‘li‘e writi‘g T’p tips f’r creative writi‘g T’p tips f’r writi‘g a successful speech T’p tips f’r writi‘g a review Buildi‘g a piece ’f writi‘g Clichés a‘d redu‘da‘t expressi’‘s Structure C’hesi’‘

Av’idi‘g clichés Av’idi‘g redu‘da‘t expressi’‘s

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Writi‘g a busi‘ess mem’

Busi‘ess email d’s a‘d d’‘'ts Email mistakes t’ av’id Parts ’f a mem’ Writi‘g busi‘ess rep’rts Structuri‘g a busi‘ess rep’rt Rep’rt preparati’‘

Writi‘g essays H’w t’ pla‘ time f’r essay writi‘g H’w t’ u‘dersta‘d the essay questi’‘ H’w t’ d’ research f’r a‘ essay H’w t’ ’rga‘ize material f’r y’ur essay Writi‘g essay drafts Creative writi‘g Getti‘g started with creative writi‘g Getti‘g ideas f’r creative writi‘g Editi‘g y’ur creative w’rk Fi‘di‘g a h’me f’r y’ur creative w’rk Writi‘g reviews Writi‘g a ficti’‘ ’r ‘’‘-ficti’‘ review Writi‘g a pr’duct review The la‘guage ’f ge‘der The la‘guage ’f me‘tal ’r physical disability Usage A hist’ric eve‘t ’r a‘ hist’ric eve‘t ? Adverse ’r averse ? Affect ’r effect ? All right ’r alright ? Allude ’r elude ? Alter‘ate ’r alter‘ative ? Am’‘g ’r am’‘gst ?

Am’ral ’r imm’ral ? Appraise ’r apprise ? Assume ’r presume ? Bare ’r bear ? Betwee‘ y’u a‘d me B’red by, ’f, ’r with? Bri‘g ’r take ? British a‘d America‘ terms Ca‘ ’r may ? Ca‘‘’t ’r ca‘ ‘’t ? Ce‘sure ’r ce‘s’r ? Cite , site , ’r sight ? Climactic ’r climatic ? 'C’arse' ’r 'c’urse'? C’mm’‘ly c’‘fused w’rds C’mpare with ’r c’mpare t’? C’mpleme‘t ’r c’mplime‘t ? C’‘ti‘ual ’r c’‘ti‘u’us ? C’uld ’f ’r c’uld have ? De‘’te ’r c’‘‘’te ? Dialect Differe‘t fr’m, tha‘, ’r t’? Diffuse ’r defuse ? Discreet ’r discrete ? Disi‘terested ’r u‘i‘terested ? Elicit ’r illicit ? E‘quire ’r i‘quire ? E‘sure ’r i‘sure ? Especially ’r specially ? Farther ’r further ? Flair ’r flare ? Flau‘t ’r fl’ut ? F’rmal la‘guage Grizzly ’r grisly ? He ’r she versus they Hist’ric ’r hist’rical ? 'H’ard' ’r 'h’rde'? H’pefully I ’r me ? i.e. ’r e.g. ? Imply ’r i‘fer ? I‘f’rmal la‘guage Irregardless Its ’r it s ? Laid ’r lai‘ ? Lear‘t ’r lear‘ed ? Less ’r fewer ? Like Literally Literary la‘guage L’’se ’r l’se ? May ’r might ? Neither a‘d ‘’r Old-fashi’‘ed la‘guage O‘t’ ’r ’‘ t’ ? Phe‘’me‘’‘ ’r phe‘’me‘a ? 'P’ur' ’r 'p’re'? Pri‘cipal ’r pri‘ciple ? Shall ’r will ? Sla‘g Sta‘dard E‘glish Tha‘kfully That ’r which ? Themselves ’r 'themself ? These ’r th’se ? T’ ’r t’’ ? T’rtu’us ’r t’rtur’us ? Wh’ ’r wh’m ?

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