Work experience PDF

Title Work experience
Course Photography
Institution University of the West of England
Pages 5
File Size 416.7 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 108
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Work experience gained...


Ihav enotbeenv er ys uc c es s f ulwi t hmywor ke x per i encet hi sy earasIhav ebeen v er yf ocus edonmypr oj ec t s.Hav i ngs ai dt hi sIdi dgetac oupl eofev ent st owar dst he s t ar toft hey earwhi chi nvol vedphot ogr aphi ngatt heSUonanev eni ngev ent ,t he ai m wast ogetphot ogr aphsoft hes t udent s ,whi c hwasani ght c l ubev ent .Iam s i gnedasoneoft hephot ogr apher sf ort heSUandl as ty earIdi danumberofev ent s t hr oughoutt hey ear .

Ihadameet i ngwi t hHar r i etHandf r om t heCot ham Sc hool ,s hehasgi v enmet he oppor t uni t yt oc omei nanddos omewor kexper i enc ewi t hi nt hear tanddes i gn c l as s es .Thi swi l l happenaf t ert hedeadl i neandt her ef or ewi l l notbeabl et or eflecton her ebutwi l l gi v emeex per i enc et hatwi l lhel pmef ormyf ut ur eandhopef ul l ybeabl e t ogai nconfi denc ei nac l as s r oom env i r onment . Ihav ebeeni ncont ac twi t ht woot hers c hool st hatar eal l owi ngmet ocomei nf or ex per i enc e,Iam goi ngt odel ayt hes ev i s i t sunt i lMaywhent hepr oj ecti scompl et e andIhav eacoupl eofmont hst of oc usonwor kex per i enc eal onewhi c hbot hs c hool hav ebeenv er ywi l l i ngt oacc ommodat emef ort hi s .

Ihav eal s ot houghtaboutot hert y pesofv ol unt eer i ngt hati nvol veswor ki ngwi t h c hi l dr enasIf eel t hi swi l lr eal l yhel pme,nomat t erwhatex per i enc eIgetasl ongasi t hel psmewor kandadaptmy s el ft odi ffer entt ypesofc hi l dr ent hathav edi ffer ent needs .Ihav ec ont ac t edDai s yDi nk swhohel psr unsaBr owni egr oupwhi c hi nt he as s oc i at i onofgui desandi saweekl yev entwher eyounggi r l sgat hert odoar tand c r af t sandgai nmanysk i l l s .Iam goi ngt ogot oac oupl eoft hemeet i ngsandsee howi tgoesandi fenj oyi tt ogoev er yweek .

MyI magesused Fr om ex per i enc et hatIgai nedatt heendofl as ty ear ,phot ogr aphi ngt heUKSt udi o Radi oAs s oc i at i onConf er enc eTheyhav est ar t edt ous emyi magesaspr omot i onf or t hi sy ear sev ent s .Myi mageshavebeenus edont hei rwebs i t easwel l ast hei r f acebookwhi c hmak esmepr oudt ohav et ak ent hes ei magest hatt heyl i k edt hem enought oc ont i nuet ous et hem. ht t ps: / / www. s t udent r adi o. or g. uk / conf er enc e/ car di ff2016/t heyal s ol i nk edt hepaget o myi magesoft heev entwi t hf ul l c r edi t .Thel i nkl eadst ot hi s pageht t ps : / / www. f acebook . c om/ pg/ s t udent r adi o/ phot os / ? t ab=al bum&al bum_i d=10153572684016194

Ev al uat i on If eelqui t edi s appoi nt edt hatIdi dn' tgetasmuc hwor kexper i enc et hatIhadpl anned att hes t ar toft hey ear ,howev erIam nowi ncont actwi t hqui t eaf ews c hool st hatar e wi l l i ngf ormet oc omeandv i s i tov ert henex tf ewmont hsandal t houghIwi l lnotbe abl et oi nc l udei nt hi s modul eIwi l l benefi tf r om t hi sf ormyf ut ur eandl ookf or war dt o t hi s . If eelt hatIhav es pentmyt i mewel l t hi sy ear ,l asty earImanagedt ogetal otofwor k

ex per i enc et hathel pedmedeci dedwhatdi r ec t i onsIwoul dt ak emycar eer ,Ial s o hav ecompl et el ybec omehappywi t ht hewayt hatIwor kt hi sy earandhav ec r eat ed myowns t y l eandhav eper f ec t edmyphot ogr aphi cs k i l l s ,meani ngIhav edi r ec t edmy at t ent i ont omyphot ogr aphyr at hert hanex per i ence....

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