World Civ 2 Unit 1 Notes PDF

Title World Civ 2 Unit 1 Notes
Author Jessica Jones
Course World Civilizations II
Institution Tarleton State University
Pages 15
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World Civ II Lecture Notes for Unit 1. Everything covered for the first exam. Professor Richard Cruz. Topics covered include Early Modern Europe, Early Modern Asia, The Enlightenment, and The European State System. Got an A on the exam. ...


Beginnings of global systems 15th and 16th centuries European states led the way Competition among European states 17th Century (1600s) - Most countries in europe were monarchies - Few republics - Were dynastic states - Family would inherit the right to rule - Supported by several institutions - Standing army - Established church - Alliance of throne and alter - Divine right to justify their authority - Royal power came from god - Aristocracy -- nobility - Very high social position - Economic position based on land ownership - Greater nobility and lesser nobility - Oldest son inherited title and land - Second son career in army or serving king - Other sons career in army or serve in church - Daughters married off in arranged marriages - Bourgeoisie -- town dwellers - Diverse group - Commoners - Governed by urban elite -- oligarchy (few) - 18th century dramatic growth , allowed prosperity in Bourgeoisie - Rising wealth created tensions - Dutch and english wealthy bourgeoisie ran government - Wealthy member could become noble by purchasing a title from the king (france) - King could make anyone a noble - Bourgeoisie could marry daughters to nobles - peasantry -- farmers, people that worked the land - Largest group - Poor and politically weak - Grew food and paid taxes - Many countries nobles did not pay taxes - Church paid no taxes - Serfdom -- went along with the land - Largely disappeared in northern and western europe - Lower orders -- street people








Tradition bound Rituals A lot of festivals and holidays 150 years of religious and civil wars 1500 -- roman catholic church and greek church Spiritual crisis for people - Catholic vs protestant -- mid 17th century Thirty years war - Central europe - Depopulation in germany - Paid soldiers Period of witchcraft scares -- vanished by late 17th century After long religious wars, people became skeptical of organized religion Dynastic state -- ruled by particular dynasty - Early modern state born - Felt need for peace and order - Centralized administration - regular/ professional armies -- fiscal military Absolutism - Theoretically had unlimited power - Obey religious law - Respect customs and traditions - Respect property rights - Had to deal with powerful nobility - Limits on royal power Holy Roman Empire - 300 independent states/ countries - Most german speaking - Never going to be unified state Austria - House of Hapsburg - 11 major languages spoken - Capital -- Vienna - Each territory had own administration - Nobles served as military -- service nobility - Facing the near east -- ottoman turkey Ottoman Empire - Ottoman turks - Ruler known as sultan -- constantinople -- capital - Large military organization - Very inclusive - Threat for christian europe - Some successful kings made alliance with turks



France had rivalry against Hapsburgs -- Austria 1683 -- Turkish army moving on Vienna - Volunteers arrive to help austria - Vienna cut off, turks were going to starve the city - King of Poland raised army and surprised Turkish camp, releaving Vienna - Austria pursued the turks 1699 Austrians agreed treaty to turks and gained Hungary - Creating Austrian Empire England - Civil war and turmoil in mid 17th century - Parliament -- representative body - Parliament vs Crown (Stuart Dynasty) - Established church was anglican - Puritans -- minority - Civil war -- king captured and executed - Ended up under military dictatorship (11 years) - Holidays banned - Closed theaters - Dictator died - 1660 -- brought back son of Stuart King -- Charles II - Still disagreements between parliament and crown - Converted to catholicism on death bead - James II -- devout roman catholic -- Charles II brother - Remarried Italian catholic women - Appointing as many chatholics to government - 1688-- Had a son; heir to thrown - 2 protestant older daughters but son got to inherit thrown - Anti catholism was very strong in england - Deligation sent to Dutch republic to invite Mary and William of Orange to invade England and take the crown - Glorious Revolution 1688-1689 - Thrown becomes William and Mary’s. - England became very stable - People who mattered politically: gentry, merchants, nobles - Parliament shared in governing with the crown - Crown was still powerful - Ireland - England drove most catholics off the land - Puritan armies murdered or starved out catholics - Favored James II - French supplying them weapons - 1691 england reconquered Ireland - Catholics were excluded from public life






- Young irish men became french soldiers - Anti catholicism came with england to the americas 1694 Queen Mary died 1702 William of Orange died Queen Anne -- pregnant 18 times, 5 live births, no surviving children - Passed a law to prevent any restoration of catholic king. - Protestant german family would rule after Anne (1714) - Stuart dynasty started in Scotland; England bribed scotish lords to go with this. 1707 Act of Union -- United Kingdom -- Britain - Scots given seats in parliament - Britain not a major power at this point Unite Provinces -- Dutch Republic - Largest fleet of commercial shipping - Wealthiest country in europe Colonies -- americas - Had to cover own costs - Puritans encouraged to go to colonies - Convicts were sent to americas - Becoming self governing France - Most powerful nation on european continent - House of Bourbon - Louis XIV -- King of France for 54 years - Sun king - Richest kingdom, largest army - Admired and feared - Ceremony and appearance was very important - Louis was a hands on ruler - Governed the country himself - Colbert - Handle royal finances - Increased royal income - Most nobles did not pay taxes - Colbert wanted to introduce more uniformity, but couldn’t - Developed the largest standing army - Could mobilize over 400,000 troops - Versailles - Louis despised Paris - Completed in 1682 - Built to be the envy of europe - Nobles came to live there - Artificial kind of life







- Nobles were descendants of hard riding knights - Gambling on an epic scale - Art and literature -- france was becoming the leading country Upper Classes of other countries learned to read and speak french Heartland of North america and much of canada belonged to france. “New France” - Fur trade Louis XIV - Huguenots -- French protestants, a minority in france - Tolerated minority - Louis was persuaded to crack down on the huguenots - 1685 revoked the edict that allowed them toleration - Closed down temples, schools, etc - Had to convert to catholicism or leave - 50,000 families left -- largest group went to Prusia - Throwback to days of religious wars -- shocked other countries - They were a very productive people and took their skills elsewhere along with their hatred that would later haunt france - Kept France at war for 47 years - Anti hapsburg foreign policy - Sent troops into spanish netherlands 1667 - Very alarming to the dutch, created alliance against france - Forced to sue for peace Dutch Republic -- United Provinces - 1672 France sent army into dutch territory - Had to flood parts of holland to hold french back - Offered to pay france and give up territory to have peace - Louis XIV rejected offer - Dutch rallied around, 22 year old, William of Orange - Gained allies -- 1678 French withdrew and made peace Louis XIV then turned to german lands - For the next 10 years they moved into these german towns - Led to another war that lasted 9 years -- it was a draw Charles II King of Spain had no heir to the throne - Spanish empire was huge even though they were not powerful - Louis xiv had a claim along with Hapsburg Empire (austria) - Left all lands and titles to grandson of Louis XIV - English and dutch demanded guarantees that the crowns would be separate, Louis XIV denied - Philip V -- grandson of Louis XIV War of spanish succession -- spain and france against everyone else






1709-- French were on defence, france was in bad shape Louis offered peace, they refused - As soon as england got a deal from France they withdrew and cheated their own allies - One by one other countries withdrew Peace of Utrecht -- divided up territories - Philip got spanish crown - Spanish and french crowns would be separate - Spanish in Italy were given to Austria - Britain dominate sea power in 1713 -- commercial power in spain Louis XIV government bankrupt, but remained great power - 1715 became ill and died -- 77 years old - Sigh of relief across france when he died France, Britain, Austria, Sweden were great powers -- Russia was about to join them. Russia was not a european power in 17th century - Rigid society - Expanded all the way to pacific ocean - Largest country on earth - Most people were illiterate - Nobles got some education - Mathematics was viewed with suspicion - Heavy drinkers - Did not know how to work metals or make clothes like europe Peter I -- Peter the Great 1689-1725 - Spent a lot of time in German settlement as a boy - Became fascinated with european things - Liked shipbuilding - 1689 seized power from half sister in a coup -- palace revolt -became czar - Dressed as a working man, and was hard working - 6’9 he was taller than everyone else - Many of his friends were foreigners, including his mistress - 1697 determined to visit europe - Nobles in europe found him likable but laughable - Developed european habits - Hired europeans to teach russians their trades - Peter liked european court life and tried to introduce it - Ordered women to leave isolation and join the men - Wanted me and women to mingle - Women were now allowed to marry under their own free will - Got rid of the long beards





Head of church had forbidden the use of the razor, removing the beards was very superstitious - Peter made Russians remove beards or pay a tax - Peter dressed as European and wanted everyone else to - Nobles and everyone at court did dress like europeans. But most russians didn’t like it and a lot of resistance happened. Russia became very troubled during this time - Rumors about czar - Peter wanted to be called emeror - Thought he was the anti christ Fiscal military - Hired european officers - Russian nobles -- peter expected state service - Tour for duty was life - To build his army he had to fight against nobles - Took many years to mold an army - Levied taxes to pay for army -- taxed everything, including death - Corrupt officials - Hired as many foreigners as he could - Created a secret police to watch everyone - Most long lasting organization in russia - Made russian state into a european power Great Northern war 1700-1721 - Peter started looking for allies against Sweden - Augustus king of Poland - King of Denmark - Charles XII -- teenage king of Sweden - forced denmark out - Peter and poland wanted to make peace, but Sweden’s Charles did not - Charles ordered them to hit the Russian camp - Lefter peter discouraged - Augustus sent bribes (including mistress) to Sweden hoping for peace -- didn’t work - Charles took his army into Poland - Forced Augustus to give up crown to poland - While charles was doing this Pete had not given up - Russian’s moved into the Baltic region - Put captured sweds in work camps - Charles decided to invade Russian heartland - Winter of 1789 left charles with a pathetic army - Spring 1789 Russia defeated Sweden

- Charles fled to Turks Charles had been away from Sweden for 14 years -- Offered peace many times but refused - 1718 Charles died - Russia gained a lot of Territory - Made russia a new European power - Peters son Alexis began engaging in treason. Had Alexis tortured and died. - 1722 claimed wife would be his successor - 1725 Peter died - Cathering took the thone Most popular country was China Ming Dynasty -- gone sour by 17th century 1644 rebel army occupied the capital of Beijing - Last ming emperor killed himself - Rebel leader tried to establish new dynasty Land of Manchus -- war like peoples - Wanted to rule china like their ancestors - Ming general allowed manchus to enter china - Drove rebels from Beijing Manchus there to stay -- Qing Dynasty - Lasted 3 centuries - Manchus had to conquer the rest of china - Last ming prince was honored and then executed - First 134 years only 3 emperors served - Time of peace and prosperity Kangxi -- came to the throne at the age of 8 - Regents to guide young kings until of age - 1667 took power into his own hands at 13, ruled for 60 years - 1670s he faced a challenge - Autonomy -- state of being self governing - Princes led rebellion because emperial court wanted to clamp down of autonomy provinces - Lasted 8 years - Kangxi became one of the greatest emperors - Hands on ruler - Physical and intellectual abilities - General - 56 children - 1 legal wife 29 mistresses - Good administrator - Developed first sophisticated administration system in ancient china -










Barbarians would absorb china culture Kangxi wanted to know about common people - Tried to fix their problems - Established new fiscal base - Fixed tax rates -- very modest -- mildest property taxes in modern history - Longest ruling emperor - Left his son the largest empire 400 million people by 18th century - Richest country in the world - Very cautious with contacts with other countries - Superior goods in demand - Typically accepted silver in exchange - System lasted until 1911

Japan - Ruled by the Shogun - 1603 new dynasty established -- Tokuguara - Peace that would last 250 years - Emperor had no political power - Did not live in capital - Shogun ran Japan and lived at capital (Edo) - Nobles required to spend every other year at capital - Shogun had secret service to watch nobles - Only carried trade with “local” neighbors - Shogun kicked out all foreigners, only Dutch could send vessels once a year - Prohibited all christian activities - Farmers lived in villages and were self governed - Well ordered society - Population rose rapidly - Edo had a population of 1 million people - Isolated from outside world - Literacy was universal - Golden Age The western world was going through changes - 17th - 18th century Age of Reason or Enlightenment - Emergence of modern mentality - Adopted a more secular point of view -- worldly thing - Scientific revolution -- changed view of universe - Modern conception of the universe - 18th century people were fascinated with the sciences Newton 1642- 1727 -- English - Great work appeared in 1687







- Gave explanation for physical universe and math to back it up - Mathematical proofs of heliocentric system - Nature was lawful -- instituted by god - Very religious - Findings amazed reading people of europe - Worshiped in intellectual circles - Universe was comprehensible Thinkers of enlightenment tended to reject most traditions of the past. - Knowledge creates progress - Reason -- thought would light the path to Truth -- Philosophes-Enlightenment “thinkers” - Encyclopedia -- written by philosophes in France - Argued that human reason had been corrupt - Blamed governments and church - Believed that anything that occured could be rationally explained - Doubted truth of the bible - Weakened traditional christianity amongst intellectual thinkers France was the home of the Enlightenment - Roman catholic church held a lot of power and influence - Philosophes argued church in france was responsible for dark superstitions Radical philosophes -- detested all religion - Anti clericalism -- hostility towards church and priest hood -- mostly catholic countries Many were not so radical, some were deism - Idea that there was a rational god that created the universe, but took no more charge of it -- just sat back and let it work. -- moved from physical universe - God -- supreme being - Their belief was on reason Russian nobles spoke french or german to each other Masses of common people still believed in superstitions - Did not affect peasants Believed in the idea of progress-- underlying purpose of history -- moving into a perfect civilization -- late 17th century, 18th century Using science we could unlock the secrets of nature Using our reason we could guide progress -- build better societies -- tolerant, enlightened societies - These ideas spread, especially in large economic countries Print media was moving and spreading rapidly Meeting of intellectuals -- Salons in france - Where high society, nobles, philosophes, artists would meet -- set up by women



Voltaire 1694-1778 -- French - Good writer-- able to support himself just from his writing. - Got in trouble a lot for insulting nobles - Went to exile in England and Holland - Saw religious and political freedom - Respect for english institutions - Believed in equality before the law, for all citizens - Admired Dutch for religious toleration - Freedom of thought - The rights of man -- every person has fundamental rights - Bought a house inside Swiss border - Became more extreme in views of the church - Was a deist - 1778 allowed back in paris -- 84 years old - Died -- heart given to his mistress - Rousseau - People thought he was crazy - Did a lot of writing - Influence on education - Thought of himself as a prophet - Switzerland -- French Salons didn't work out for him -- thought French social life was artificial and fake - Man alienation from nature - Society forces hypocrisy - Human beings needed some kind of political state - Political theory -- social contract -- governed by the general will -collective will of the community, what is best - Civic freedom - Government based on the sovereignty of the people - Said it would be a liberating experience - Ancient Greece -- idea he was thinking of - Civic religion -- everyone believe in a supreme being - Punishment for not believing was banishment or death - State is the final authority - Sympathetic to protestants, hostile toward catholics - Died 1778 - Enormous influence on French Revolution Prince of Prussia -- Frederick II (The Great) - Skeptical - Literature and music - French tutor - Infuriating to his father, the king - King liked tall soldiers, military stuff









- Frederick prefered writing poetry in french - Made fun of the king behind his back - Tried to run away to england, king put him in prison - King made him an army officer - 1740 became king, devoted to duty -- 28 years old Maria Theresa -- Queen of Austria -- 23 years old - Hapsburg - Country was very weak because of her father - Army hadn’t been paid in 2 years - Not much experience - Countries preparing to dismember 1740 Frederick invaded Silesia - Started a war that lasted 8 years - Prussia had the most well trained army - Defeated austrians repeatedly Hungarian nobles raised an army for Maria Frederick withdrew France and Britain on opposite sides - Affected americas Austrians crafting ani Prussian alliance Wanted to win the French over to their alliance - But they had an old rivalry - French king, russians, and Sweden agreed to attack Prussia Frederick knew the alliance was coming - Doubled his army - 1756 decided to strike - Seize saxony -- 1756-- started the 7 years war - 1757 -- looking grim, but Prussians still rallied Great britain -- William Pitt -- prime minister - Helping Prussia - Agreed neither would take separate peace treaties -- in it together - Pitt would use british navy to attack french colonies -- ended up working Frederick was really stressed and aged rapidly - Thought he was going to lose it all - Heroic conduct inspired the people - Became a national symbol for prussians and many germans British navy was able to cripple french at sea - Controlled the seas - French trade and commerce wa...

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