World literature unit 2 tale of Genji.. song of lasting... etc PDF

Title World literature unit 2 tale of Genji.. song of lasting... etc
Course World Literature before 1600
Institution Texas State University
Pages 6
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All of the stories with notes deatiled notes of each stories with professor notes. ...


Sims 1

English 2330: World Literature before 1600 Review Guide for Exam 2: Medieval Literature I.

Works Directions: Know the (1) authors’ names and characteristics, (2) countries of origin, (3) genres, (4) primary characters, (5) major themes, and (6) plot. (3) Genres (2) Countries Lais England Poetry (know type) France Novel China Frame tale Japan Epistolary Middle East & India A. The Thousand and One Nights 1. NA 2. 3. Frame Tale 4. Characters a. Shahrayar b. Shahrazad c. Shahrazad’s father, the vizier 5. 6. Plot a. Shahrayar’s decision (based on his wife’s actions) b. Shahrazad’s decision c. The purpose of the vizier’s stories “The Tale of the Merchant and the Demon” 4. Characters a. Merchant b. Demon 5. 6. Plot a. The merchant’s mistake b. The merchant’s promise to the demon c. The demon’s deal with the old men The Old Men’s Tales 4. What do the female characters have in common? 5. 6. NA

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“The Tale of the Fisherman and the Demon” 4. Characters a. The fisherman b. The demon in the jar 5. 6. Plot a. The demon’s vow b. The fisherman’s trick c. The end of the story (after “Yunan and Duban”) “The Tale of King Yunan and Sage Duban” 4. Characters a. King Yunan b. Sage Duban c. King Yunan’s vizier 5. 6. Plot a. Duban’s service to the king b. The vizier persuades the king c. Duban’s revenge

B. “The Song of Lasting Regret” 1. 2. 3. 4. Characters a. The Emperor b. Yang Guifei 5.

6. Plot a. The Emperor’s favoritism b. The army’s decision c. Yang Guifei’s message

C. The Tale of Genji 1. 2. 3.

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4. Characters a. Genji b. Kiritsubo Emperor c. Genji’s mother d. Genji’s wife e. Fujitsubo f. Murasaki g. Lady at Rokujo 5. 6. Plot a. The Emperor’s favoritism b. The result for Genji’s mother c. Genji’s relationship with his wife d. Genji’s relationship with Fujitsubo e. Genji’s relationship with Murasaki f. Genji’s relationship with the Lady at Rokujo

D. The Kokinshu 1. NA 2. 3.

E. The Lais of Marie de France 1. 2. 3. “Lanval” 4. Characters a. Lanval b. Lanval’s lady c. The queen d. Arthur 5. 6. Plot a. Lanval’s status at the beginning b. Lanval vs. the queen c. Lanval on trial d. The lady’s role

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“The Nightingale” 4. Characters a. The married knight b. The wife c. The single knight 5. 6. Plot a. The relationship between the wife and the single knight b. The wife’s excuse c. The married knight’s reaction d. The end of the affair “Bisclavret” 4. Characters a. The husband b. The wife c. The king 5. 6. Plot a. The husband’s secret b. The wife’s reaction c. The king’s treatment of the wife

F. The Letters of Abelard and Heloise 1. 2. 3. 4. Characters a. Heloise b. Abelard 5. 6. Plot a. Secret marriage b. Abelard’s decision c. Abelard’s neglect d. Heloise’s arguments i. On marriage ii. On becoming a nun iii. On motive vs. action

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G. The Book of the City of Ladies 1. 2. 3. Frame Tale 4. Characters a. Christine b. Lady Reason 5. 6. Plot a. Christine’s lament b. Lady Reason’s argument regarding misogynist authors c. Christine’s task “About Queen Semiramis” 4. Characters a. Queen Semiramis 5. 6. Plot a. Rise to the throne b. How Pizan’s portrayal differs from other accounts “How the mighty Hercules . . .” 4. Characters a. Hippolyta and Menalippe b. Hercules and Theseus 5. 6. Plot a. Who wins the fight b. How the men view the women “About Queen Penthesilea . . .” 4. Characters a. Queen Penthesilea b. Hector 5. 6. Plot a. Penthesilea’s love b. Her reaction to Hector’s death

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Terms and ideas A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H.

Theme Similarities between medieval and ancient literature Differences between medieval and ancient literature Influence of Islam in The Thousand and One Nights Influence of Chinese literature in Japan Consequence of the Norman Invasion for literature in England Representations of men, women, and those in power in medieval cultures Vocabulary (be ready to identify examples and know the work associated with the term) 1. Allegory 2. Allusion 3. Courtly love 4. Dramatic irony 5. Epistolary genre 6. Frame tale 7. Heian 8. Lais 9. Misogyny 10. Mono no aware 11. Motif 12. Parallelism 13. Prose vs. poetry 14. Symbolism 15. Tang 16. Vernacular 17. Waka...

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