Written TEST Answer KEY in Trainer\'s Methodology PDF

Title Written TEST Answer KEY in Trainer\'s Methodology
Author John Mark Alberto
Course professional education
Institution Batangas State University
Pages 6
File Size 72.3 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 518
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Written reportPlan Training SessionYour task is to prepare a written report on the steps you follow when preparing a session plan. Recall your experience in preparing the session plan you submitted as part of your portfolio. Use the following statements/questions as your guide in preparing your repo...


Wr i t t en r epor t Pl anTr ai ni ngSessi on Yourt as ki st opr epar ea wr i t t en r e por ton t hes t epsyou f ol l ow when pr epar i nga sessi on pl an. Re cal lyourexper i enc ei n pr e par i ngt hesessi on pl an y ou submi t t ed aspar tofyourpor t f ol i o.Use t hef ol l owi ngst at ement s/quest i onsasyourgui dei n pr e par i ngyourr e por t .Pr ovi deaTi t l eofyour r e por t .Youhav e20mi nut est ope r f or mt hi st as k. 1. )Whatwer et heque st i onsyouaskedyour se l fwhe ny ous t ar t edt owr i t et hesessi onpl an? Whatar et he:          

Char act er i s t i cs Educat i onandgene r albac kgr ound Age Phy si calabi l i t i es Pr evi ousl ear ni ngexper i enc es Languag eandnumer acyl i t er acy Cul t ur alandl anguagebac kgr ound Tr ai ni ngs’l eve lcompl e t ed Lear ni ngst yl e Se x

2. )Whe r edi dyougett heanswer st oyourquest i ons? agat heri ngt oolf ort r ai nees’char act eri st i cs  Dat  Pr et est–t oknow t hei rpr i orl ear ni ngandt het hi ngst he ywantt oknow andneedt oknow  Sel f assessmentcheckl i st–whi c hhel psal oti npl anni ngt r ai ni ngsessi on  Cer t i ficat e of Empl oyment , achi evement and t r ai ni ng – an essent i alr e qui r ement submi t t edbyt het r ai neeswhi chi sal laboutt hei ri nf or mat i on 3. )Descr i bet hec omponent sofy oursessi onpl an?  Lear ni ngcont ent  Met hods  Pr e sent at i on  Pr act i ce  Feedbac k  Re sour ces  Ti me 4. )Whatf ac t or sdi dyouconsi derwhe ny ousel ect edt r ai ni ngme t hods ?  Cont ent  Obj ect i ves  Re sour ces  Ti me 5. )How di dy ouor gani zeyourl ear ni ngevent s .  Gai nAt t ent i on( Or i entandmot i vat et het r ai nees)  I nf or m t r ai nees aboutt he obj ec t i v es ( I tgui de and assi s tt he l ear ner s on whatt he y ar e expec t edt ol ear n)  St i mul at eandRe cal lt hePr i orl ear ni ngoft het r ai nees  Pr e sentt he mat er i al si n a way t hatappeal st ot he di ffer entl ear ni ng st yl es and easy t o di gest  Pr ovi degui danc ef ort hel ear ni ng  El i ci tper f or mancebypr ovi di ngsaf eoppor t uni t i esandpr act i ce  Assessper f or manceoft hel ear ner st ogai nr ec ogni t i onoft hei rsuccessi nl ear ni ng

Enhanc er e t ent i on and t r ans f erby encour agi ng l ear ner st o pl an t he appl i cat i on ofwhat t he yhavel ear n

6. )Whatassessmentmet hod di d you choosef ort hatpar t i cul arsessi on pl an?DO you t hi nk y ou madeagoodchoi ce ?Expl ai n.  Perf or mance–Thr ough t hedemons t r at i on wher et heper f or manceofapar t i c ul arski l l si s asse ssedwi t hi nt hewor kshop  Wr i t t ent est–t ot es tt heac qui si t i onofknowl edg e  Or al quest i oni ng – i tv er i fie st he evi de nces whi ch ar e not cl ear l ys t at ed dur i ng t he demons t r at i on  Di r ectObservat i on–byobser vi ngt het r ai ne eonanact ualj obsi t e 7. )Whe npr epar i ngt heassessmentt ool show di dyouconsi derval i di t yandcosteffect i veness ?  Basedont hecont extoft het r ai ni ng,budgetal l ocat i onoft het r ai ni ngcent erandt he r e sul tofpreassessmentoft hel ear ner s.  Yesbecauset hev al i di t yi st hede gr eet hatmeasur eswhati ti nt endst omeasur e . 8. )Whywasi tnecessar yt opr epar eat abl eofs peci ficat i onswhe ny oupr epar edyourwr i t t ent es t ?  I ti sver y necessar yt o consi dert heTOS t o he l p uspl an how manyi t emswene ed t o pr epar et oc overal lt he c ont ent s orobj ect i ves t hatwe ne ed t o assess based on t he evi de ncepl an. 9. )Descr i be atl eas tt wo adul tl eani ng pr i nci pl e st hati s al ways i n yourmi nds when you ar e pr epar i ngasessi onpl an.  Adul t smustwantt ol ear n  Adul t swi l ll ear nonl ywhatt he yf ee lt he yneedt ol ear n  Adul t sl ear nbydoi ng  Adul tl ear ni ngf ocusesonpr obl emsandt hepr obl emsmustber e al i st i c  Exper i enc eeffec t sadul tl ear ni ng  Adul tl ear nsbe sti nani nf or malsi t uat i on  Adul t swant sgui danc e Faci l i t at eLear ni ngSessi on Yourt ask i st o pr epar e a wr i t t en r epor ton youre xper i enc ei nf aci l i t at i ng a par t i cul ars essi on. Thi nk ofa par t i cul ar t r ai ni ng sessi on you have j ustf aci l i t at ed.Use t he f ol l owi ng s t at ement s /quest i onsasyourgui dei n pr epar i ngyourr e por t . Pr ovi deaTi t l et oyourr epor tyou hav e15mi n t oper f or mt hi st as k. 1. )Enumer at et heac t i vi t i esy oudi dbe f or et hear r i v alofyours t udent s.  Appr opr i at et r ai ni ngf aci l i t i es/r esour cesar epr e par edbasedont hesessi onr equi r ement  Lear ni ngst at i onsar epr epar edandse tupaccor di ngt ol ear ni ngac t i vi t i es  Tool sandequi pmentar epr epar edandsetupac cor di ngt ol ear ni ngact .  Pr eassessmenti ns t r ument sar epr e par edi naccor danc ewi t ht heno.oft r ai nees  Pr epar emat er i al sneeded,f aci l i t i esandadmi ni s t erRPLOr i ent at i on,r ol eoft r ai nerand r ol eoft r ai nees 

Enumer at et hee vent st hathappened i nt hi spar t i cul arsessi on.Makeyourl i stasa ser i e sof t eacherands t udentac t i vi t i es.Donote l abor at eon t hecont entoft hel essons/based on t hese event swasyourl essont eac hercent er edors t udentcent er e d?Pr ovi dear e asonf oryouranswer  Se l f i nt r oduct i on  Sc hoolpr esent at i on  Chec ki ngofat t endanc e  RPLTool s  Or i ent at i on( CBT,10pr i nci pl esofCBT,Rol eoft heTr ai ner ,Rol eoft heTr ai nees,Cour se Out l i ne ,CBLM andi t ssec t i ons ,Envi r onmentofCBT,Eval uat i onSys t em)

      

Ac t ualFaci l i t at i onoft heTr ai nees Re cogni z et hei rpr i orl ear ni ng Re adt heCBLM Wi t hRPL–Pr oceedt ot hei ns t i t ut i onalAssessmentAr ea Wi t hNonRPL–Pr oceedt ot hePr ac t i calWor kAr ea Pr ovi decer t i ficat eofac hi evementt ot heRPLt r ai nee Thel e sson i sst ude ntcent er e d becausewear eusi ngCBTAppr oach whi c h emphasi zes mostont hel ear ner scanac t ual l ydo.I tf ocusesont heout comer at hert hant hel ear ni ng pr ocesswi t hi nspeci fie dt i me

Eval uat eyourchoi c eofl ear ni ngmat e r i al .St at ewhe t heryou l i kei tornott oc hang ei ti nt he ne xtt i meyouf aci l i t at et hesamel esson.Pr ovi dear easonf ory ouract i on  Used ofvi deopr e sent at i on ( t ut or i al s) ,PPT,CBLM,t ask she et ,j ob she etand oper at i on shee t .Youneedt oc hanget hemet hodbecausei tmaynott al l yt heendr esul t .

Descr i bet het ypeofques t i onsyou as ked i nt hi spar t i c ul arsessi on.Whywasi tnecessar yt o as kt he seques t i ons ?  I tmustpossesst hef ol l owi ngc har ac t er i s t i cs;VALI D,RELI ABLE,FAI R AND FLEXI BLE  I ti snecessaryt oaskt hef ol l owi ngquest i onst ogot hr oughaser i e sofl ear ni ngact i vi t i es i nor dert ocompl e t eeachl ear ni ngout come

How di dy ouensur epar t i ci pat i onf r om yours t udent s ?  Byusi ngsmal lgr ouporl ar gegr ouppeerdi scussi onorwi t haudi ovi sual .

Whatdocumentdoyou uset ohel p you managet hec l assact i vi t i es ?Descr i bet heuseoft hi s document .  At t endanc eshe et  RPL TOOLS – Dat a gat her i ng t oolf ort r ai nees’char act er i s t i c s,sel f assessmentc hec kl i st , pr et es t  Pe r f or manc eCr i t er i ac heckl i s t  Pr ogr e ssChar t  Ac hi evementc har t

Descr i be t he adul tl ear ni ng pr i nci pl ey ou al ways hav ei n mi nd when y ou ar ef aci l i t at i ng a sessi on?  Lear ni ngi smadeeasi erbyusi ngavar i et yoft r ai ni ngmet hodsandt ec hni ques–i ti sver y i mpor t antt hatyoumustal waysconsi dert heappr opr i at et r ai ni ngme t hodsandt ec hni que s, becausei fwehav e25t r ai ne est her ear e25di ffer entl ear ni ngst yl e,ne edsandi nt er e st s.So i ti sv er yi mpor t antt oconsi dert hat .

Whatassessmentt ool s di d you use i nt hi s par t i cul ar sessi on? I st her e a need t o make i mpr ov ementont het ool s ?Whyorwhynot ?  Oneoft heassessmentt ool si st heRPL t ool swhi ch ar e;dat a gat her i ngt oolf ort r ai nees c har ac t e r i st i cs,se l f assessmentche ckl i standt hepr et est .Ther ei saneedf ori mpr ov ementi f t heTESDAsuddenl ychanget hecur r i c ul um anddel i veryoft het r ai ni ng.

How di d you pr ovi det hef eedback t oyourst udent s ?I st her eane edt omakei mpr ovementon your met hod?Whyorwhynot ?  I n pr ovi di ng f eedback,i tv er yi mpor t antt o gi ve t he posi t i ve f eedbac k fir s t .I ti sv er y i mpor t antt hati spr ovi di ngnegat i vef eedbac k,wemustaskt hel ear ner sfir s thow t he y’ df eel dur i ngt het r ai ni ngandl ett hem ans werwhyt he yf ai l edt oper f or m apar t i cul art askbef or e r e i nf or ci ngt henegat i v ef eedbac k.

Di dyouasky ourst udent st oeval uat et hesessi on?Whatdi dy oul ear nf r om t he i reval uat i on?

Yes,i ti sv er yi mpor t antt oaskt he mt oeval uat et het r ai ni ngsessi onaswe l lasmeast he i r t r ai ne r .Fort he pur pose ofi mpr ov ement s and r evi si ons,we need t ol e tt he t r ai nees gi v e f eedbac kt ous.Thi swi l lsomehow hel pt het r ai ni ngcent erand t het r ai ne rt oi mpr ovet he weaknessesandi mpr ovemor et hei rs t r e ngt hs.

Mai nt ai nTr ai ni ngf aci l i t i es Yourt as ki st opr epar eawr i t t en r epor ton t hemai nt enanceact i vi t i esyou dof orapar t i cul arcl assr oom/ l abor at ory wor kshop.Use t he f ol l owi ng st at ement s/ quest i ons as y ourgui de i n pr epar i ng y ourr epor t . Pr ovi deaTi t l et oyourr epor t.youhav e15mi nut est ope r f or mt hi st ask. 1. )Ske t cht hel ay outofyourc l assr oom/l abor at or y/wor kshop  “ Pr ovi dedi nt heGoogl eDr i ve” 2. )Enumer at et he t r ai ni ng equi pment and machi ne st hat ar ei n your cl assr oom/l abor at or y wor ks hop.I ft her ear et oomany,wr i t ei tasas etof . ?  El ect r i cdr i l l ,por t abl egr i nder ,mul t i me t er ,fir eal ar m cont r olpane l ,CCTV,cl amponmet er , Fi r eExt i ngui sher s ,LCD Pr oj ect orandl apt op. 3. )Enumer at et he maj or mai nt enance and house ke epi ng act i vi t i es per f or med by al lper sonne l i nvol ved i nt hemai nt enanceofyourc l assr oom,l abor at or ywor kshop.Whati mpr ovementwi l l your ecommend?Why  Cl ean and c heck t het ool s,equi pmentand mat er i al si nt het oolr oom;we l l-ar r ang ed;al l i t emsf unc t i onal .  Cl eanandar r ang ewor ki ngt abl esandchai r saccor di ngt ofloorpl an/l ayout ;c hecks t abi l i t y .  Cl ean,i ns pectPer sonalPr ot ect i veEqui pment  Di sposalofwast emat er i al s  I nt er msofi mpr ov ement ,t her emus tbepr operi nvent ory .Theno.of per sonne lmustbeenoughandcanper f or mt hedi ffer entt as ks. 4. )Whatpr ocedur edoyou f ol l ow t or eque stf ort hepur c haseofaddi t i onalt ool s ,e qui pmentand mac hi ne sf oryourc l assr oom,l abor at orywor kshop?Whati mpr ovementwoul dyou r ecommend f ort hi spr ocedur e ?  I nf or m t he supervi sor or t he manag er r egar di ng t ot he r equestofaddi t i onalt ool s, equi pmentandmac hi nes.  Pr ovi deapur chaseor derr equestf or mi ndi cat i ngt hecompanyname,pur c haseor der , suppl i er ,i t em,quant i t y ,descr i pt i on,pr i c e,del i vert oand dat eofdel i v er y ,t ot alamount oft hei t ems,PO no. ,dat e,r e quest ed by ,si gnat ur eoft het r ai nerand si gnat ur eoft he supervi sor .  Thede l i v er ymus tbeont i mesi ncei ti sneeded.Ther emus tbeacont ac ti nf or mat i onof t hesuppl i erf ort hever i ficat i on and c ons ul t at i on oft het ool s,mat er i al sand machi ne s or der ed. 5. )Whati st heSOP ofy ouri ns t i t ut i on whe n equi pmenti sf ound t o beoutofor der ?Woul dy ou r e commendani mpr ov ementt ot hi spr ocedur e ?WhyorWhynot ?  Byl ooki ngatt heequi pmentr ecor d w/codeand dr awi ng,t ag outbi l l ,br eakdown r epor t ,sal vager epor t ,oper at i on ofequi pmentwecan seeal lt hel i s tofequi pment i ndi cat i ngt hequant i t y ,l ocat i on,de scr i pt i onandt hel i ke.  The ywi l li mmedi at el ypr ovi deapur chaseor derr eques tt ot hesuper vi sor . Fort hei mpr ovement ,t her emustbean i nv ent or yf or m ofal lt het ool s ,mat er i al sand mac hi ne s.Thei nv ent or yf or m,mustbeupt odat et oaccur at e l ymoni t ort hequant i t y . 6. )Descr i beyouri nst i t ut i on’ swas t edi s posalsys t em.I fnone,whatcanyour ecommend?  I n ouri ns t i t ut i on,wehav eawast esegr egat i on l i s t .Forust oi dent i f ywhi ch ar et o be r ecycl ed,compost ed and di sposed.Thegene r at ed/accumul at ed was t e sar ei ndi cat ed t he r e .

7. )Descr i beyouri nst i t ut i on’ sr ecor di nganddocument at i onofequi pmentormac hi ne ? n ouri ns t i t ut i on,wehav emanyf or mspr ovi ded t opr oper l ymoni t or ed t heequi pment  I andmachi ne s.Wehav eher et hei nvent or yf orm,housekeepi ngschedul e,equi pment mai nt enance schedul e,equi pmentr ecor d,wast e segr egat i on l i st ,wor kr equest , i nspect i onr eport ,oper at i onofequi pmentandpur chaseor derr equest .

Supervi seWor k-BasedLear ni ng 1) How wi l lyoui dent i f yandest abl i shr e l at i onshi pwi t hpot ent i alpar t i ci pat i ngc ompani e s?  Sear c hf orper s pect i vei ndus t r ypar t ner s  Sentpr oposall e t t er  Se tanappoi nt mentf orpr e sent at i on  Pr e sent at i on  Conductsi t evi si tf orwor kbasedt r ai ni ng  Fi nal i zet het r ai ni ngpl anandMOA  Pr e sentt r ai ni ngpl anandMOA  Pl ac ementoft r ai ne esi nt hei ndus t r y  Coor di nat i onandmoni t or i ng  Wor kbasedt r ai ni ngeval uat i on 2) Wi l lyouwr i t eat r ai ni ngpl anf oryours t udent s?Why?  I ti sv er yi mpor t antt owr i t eat r ai ni ngpl an t ohe l peveryonet os ync hr oni z et hecur r i cul um oft hesc hoolwi t ht hei npl antt r ai ni ngac t i vi t i es. 3) Bef or eyousendyourst udent st ot hepar t i ci pat i ngcompany ,whatpr epar at or yact i vi t i esshoul dyou do?Why?  Weshoul dmakesur et hatt he yar eequi ppe dbuts t i l lne edt oconduc tan or i ent at i on about SI T/OJT.Topr ovi det henecessar yassi st ancesuchasr ef er r al sandr ecommendat i on

4) How wi l lyou moni t ort hepe r f or manc eoft hest ude nt s ?Whyi st hi sne eded?Whydoyou pr ovi de t hef eedbac kwi t ht hes t ude nt s ?  Usi ngt r ai ni ngpl an,t r ai neesr ecor dbook andt r ai neespr ogr e ssshe et .I tveryneeded asi t wi l lbet hebasi si nassessi ngandobser vi ngt het r ai nees.  Const ruct i veFeedback i sveryi mpor t ant ;wi t ht hi st heywi l lknow t hei rweaknessesand s t r engt hs . 5) I ft he par t i ci pat i ng company wi l lmake an unf avor abl er emar k aboutt he per f or manc e oft he s t udent s,whatwi l ly oudo?  By vi si t i ng t he s t udent si nt he par t i ci pat i ng c ompany ,i ft he company gi ves unf av or abl e r e mar ksaboutt hepe r f or manceoft hes t udentweshoul dr ecor d al lt her ecommendat i ons f orust oanal yz eandi nt er pr e tt hedat ac ol l ec t edt henc onductaconf er e ncet oi mpr ov e. 6) How wi l ly oueval uat et heeffec t i vene ssoft hewor k-basedl ear ni ng?Whyi st her eaneedt ope r f or m suche val uat i on?  By pr ovi di ng t he summary of t he t r ai nees’pr ogr ess sheet and r ecor d book. By pr ovi di ngal sot heeval uat i onf or mf r om t het r ai neesdur i ngt hei rSI T/OJT. ConductCompet encyAssessment 1. Whati si tt haty oushoul ddopr i ort ot heassessmentact i vi t y?  I nt r oduc ey our sel f  I nt r oduc et heassessmentcent er

 

Ac knowl edg et he pr e senc e ofone oft he assessmentmember and r epr esent at i v ef r om TESDAPr ovi nci aloffice. Chec kt heat t endanceandge tt headmi ssi onsl i poft hecandi dat es

2. Whatwi l ly oue xpl ai ndur i ngt heor i ent at i onoft hecandi dat es ?  Or i entt hem t ot hec ont extandpur poseofassessment  Gi vesanovervi ew oft hequal i ficat i ont obeassessed  Tel lt hem t hepr oc edur est obeunder t aken  Tel lt hem aboutt heal l owabl e/r easonabl eadj us t ment si nt heassessmentpr ocedur es. 3. Whati st hepur poseofgi vi nganor i ent at i ont ot hecandi dat es ?  Fort hem t oknow andbeawar et ot heassessmentpr ocedur es.Gi vi ngor i ent at i on t ot hem l eadst oasuccess f ulasse ssment . 4. How do y ou make sur et hatt he candi dat es t aki ng t he assessmenti st he same pe r son i nt he appl i cat i onf or m?  The ymustpr esenta val i dI Dt over i f yt he i ri dent i t y .Look att hesi gnat ur ewr i t t en i nt he appl i cat i onf or m andi nt heat t endancesheet .

5. How doyoumakesur et hatt hecandi dat eunde r st andst het askst obeper f or med?  By aski ng quest i ons l i ke;do you have any que st i ons or cl ar i ficat i ons conc er ni ng t he asse ssment ?Orbyi nf or mi ngt hem t wi ce . 6. Whatar et hedo’ sand dont ’ sofan assessorwhi l eobser vi ngt hecandi dat ewhi l eper f or mi ngt he t as ks ?Why?  DO’ sar e;or i entt hecandi dat e saboutt heassessmentpr ocedur es.Al l ow candi dat e sf ort hei r per sonalneeds .Uset her at i ngsheet /assesor ’ sgui dei nassessi ngt hecandi dat e .  DON’ Tsar e;donotgi v ef eedbac ki ft her ear e2ormor ecandi dat esi ns i det her oom.Donot beabi asorsubj ect i ve.Donothel pt hecandi dat e swhi l eper f or mi ngt hedemonst r at i on. 7. Dur i ng i nt er vi e w oror alque st i oni ng,when t he c andi dat e ’ s answeri swr ong do you pr ovi det he cor r ectansweri mmedi at el y?Why?  No.wai tunt i lal lt hecandi dat eshasbeencal l ed. 8. Whatshoul dbet hebasesofy ourassessmentdeci si on?I fy ouar ei ndoubt ,whatwoul dy oudo?  Themai n basi sf ort heasse ssmentdeci si onsar et her at i ngsheetort heassessor ’ sgui de aswe l last heconst r uct i vef eedback.  I fIam doubt i ng,t r yt or echeck and ver i f y agai nt her esul tofhi s/herassessmental ong wi t ht hef eedbac k. 9. How shoul d you pr ovi det hef eedbac k? I n caset hecandi dat edoesnotagr eewi t h yourde ci si on, whatwoul dy oudo?  Ask hi m orher ,i ft he ywi l lgi ven t hechancet or at eher sel f /hi msel f ,f r om 15 wher e5 i s hi ghe stand1i sl owes t ,how wi l lyou r at eyour sel f .The naskhi m/heri fshei scompe t ent ornot .Then expl ai nt ohi m/hert her esul tofhi spe r f or mancet hati sbased on t her at i ng sheetorassessor ’ sgui de....

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