Www thoughtco com voltage 2699022 PDF

Title Www thoughtco com voltage 2699022
Author Hermione Granger
Course Financial Management
Institution Far Eastern University
Pages 1
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Voltage Denition in Physics SH ARE




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Andr ew Zi m m er m anJones By Updat edonJanuar y28,2019

Vol tagei sar epresentati onof t heel ectri cpotenti al e nergyperuni tcharge. I f a u  ni tof el ectri cal c hargewerepl acedi nal ocati on, t hevol tagei ndi catest hepotenti al e nergyof i tatt hatpoi nt. I notherwords, i ti sam  easurementof t heenergycontai nedwi thi nan

S cie n ce

el ectri cf i el d, o  ranel ectri cci rcui t, a  tag  i venpoi nt. I ti sequal t ot heworkt hatwoul d H umani ti es



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Units of Volta g e TheSIuni tof v ol tagei st hevol t, s ucht hat1v ol t=1 j oul e/coul omb. I ti srepresented

Cosm ol ogy&Astrophysi cs

Chem i stry

by chemi V. T  he cal volb  t attery. i snamedaf terI tal i anphysi ci stAl essandroVol tawhoi nventeda

Thi smeanst hatonecoul ombof c hargewi l l g  ai nonej oul eof p  otenti al e nergywheni t

Bi ol ogy

i vsol a mtage ovedo bfetw 1 2b een etw t een wol tocati wol ocati onswons, hereo t ne heceoul l ectri omb co potenti f c harge alwd i il fl fg  erence ai n12j oul i soes neo vfol t. F  or potenti al e nergy.

Geol ogy

A potenti s i xvolaltb e attery nergybh etw asa een p  otenti t wol ocati al f or ons. onecA  oul n  i nevol omboftcbharge attery t o hg as aian p  sotenti i xj oulales f o or f one Astronom y

coul ombof c harget ogai nni nej oul esof p  otenti al energy.

Weather &Cl i m ate

How Volta g e Works Am  oreconcreteexampl eof v ol tagef romreal l i f ei saw  atert ankwi thah  ose extendi ngf romt hebottom. W  ateri nt het ankrepresentsstoredcharge. I tt akeswork tof i l l t het ankwi thwater. T  hi screatesas toreof w  ater, a  sseparati ngchargedoesi na battery. T  hemorewateri nt het ank, t hemorepressuret herei sandt hewatercanexi t throught hehosewi thmoreenergy. I f t herewerel esswateri nt het ank, i twoul dexi t wi thl essenergy. Thi spressurepotenti al i sequi val entt ovol tage. T  hemorewateri nt het ank, t hemore pressure. T  hemorechargestoredi nab  attery, t hemorevol tage. Whenyouopent hehose, t hecurrentof w  atert henf l ows. T  hepressurei nt het ank determi neshowf asti tf l owsoutof t hehose. E  l ectri cal c urrenti smeasuredi n AmperesorAmps. T  hemorevol tsyouhave, t hemoreampsf ort hecurrent, s ameas themorewaterpressureyouhave, t hef astert hewaterwi l l f l owo  utof t het ank. However, t hecurrenti sal soaf f ectedbyresi stance. I nt hecaseof t hehose, i ti show wi det hehosei s. A w  i dehoseal l owsmorewatert opassi nl esst i me, w  hi l ean  arrow hoseresi stst hewaterf l ow. W  i thanel ectri cal c urrent, t herecanal soberesi stance, measuredi nohms. Ohm'sL  aws aysvol tageequal scurrentt i mesresi stance. V =  I * R  . I f y ouhavea1 2 vol tbatterybutyourresi stancei st woohms, y ourcurrentwi l l b  esi xamps. I f t he resi stancewereoneohm, y ourcurrentwoul dbe12amps. Ci tethi sArti cl e

Wa tch No w: Ov e rv ie w o f E le ctro n ics

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ow i ngthroughabl oodvessel

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Aw hi tebackgroundw i tha the ci rcui topand t desi bottom gnshow are niarrow nbl ack. s,At i ndi cati ngthat acurrent I ow s cl ockw i sethroughtheci rcui t.O n

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+v2+v3- v4=0



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