Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz English 0101 Exam final PDF

Title Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz English 0101 Exam final
Author ghizlane maimou
Course Droit des sociétés
Institution Université Ibn Tofail
Pages 17
File Size 351 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 629
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OET PRACTICE Man: She is great! I can’t get __ how focused her students are! Woman: Yes! They really like her class! a. by b. over c. after d. between Man: Beautiful curtains! Woman: Thanks, I made them __ a. myself b. my me c. me d. my Man: I’ve had almost no energy for three days now. Woman: Then ...


OET PRACTICE 1. Man: She is great! I can’t get __ how focused her students are! Woman: Yes! They really like her class! a. by b. over c. after d. between 2. Man: Beautiful curtains! Woman: Thanks, I made them __ a. myself b. my me

c. me

d. my

3. Man: I’ve had almost no energy for three days now. Woman: Then you __ stay home from work. You need to rest. a. had to b. had better c. would best d. would better 4. Woman: You play the piano, ___ you? Man: No, I play the guitar. a. aren’t b. haven’t c. won’t

d. don’t

5. Man: Will you be at John’s party tomorrow? Woman: Well, I’ll come __ I finish work in time. a. if b. when c. while

d. unless

6. Man: Did you ask anyone to pick up our mail while we were away? Woman: No, it’s just for the weekend. Why? Do you think I should __? a. be b. pick c. have d. have picked 7. Woman: Could you put me up for a couple of days? Friend: Sure! Woman: I hope you don’t mind __! a. asking you b. that I ask you c. me to ask you d. my asking you 8. Woman: Do you know Tony? Man: Is he the one _____ son is a doctor? Woman: That's him! a. Who b. Which c. Whom

d. Whose

9. Woman: You play the piano beautifully! Man: Thank you! __ you like me to play another song? a. Should b. Would c. Do d. Will 10. Man: How’s your lunch? Woman: There ___ be a lot of pepper in this dish. It is very spicy! a. can b. must c. would d. should 11. Woman: Where did you get that book? Man: Peter gave it to __ yesterday. a. Myself b. Mine c. My

d. Me

12. Boy: Have you seen Maria? Girl: Sorry. I don’t know where she __ a. is b. was c. been

d. being

13. Woman: I’ve got some letters to send out. Man: ____ them to the post office if you want. a. I’m going to take b. I’ve taken c. I’ll take

d. I’m taking

14. Aunt: I’m going to play tennis this Saturday. Do you want to come? Niece: Sorry, I promised my mother I ___ go shopping with her. a. Would b. Have to c. Want to d. Should 15. Woman: Did you and Maria go out last night? Man: No, ___ couldn’t go. Maria wasn’t feeling well. a. he b. we c. you d. they 16. Woman: I’m sorry I took the money without asking. Man: Well, you really ought _____ it. a. Not to done b. Not to be doing c. Not to have done d. Not to have been doing 17. Customer: I really like this bicycle. Salesman: Yes, it’s the __ popular bike in the store. a. Most b. As c. More d. So 18. Man: Has the doctor given you any advice on eating better? Woman: Well, she’s made me aware of ___ I’m putting on my plate every day. a. this b. that c. what d. which 19. Woman: What was that noise? Man: It sounded as if someone stepped on a branch and it __ a. crunched b. snapped c. banged d. popped 20. Man: Can I join you for a coffee? Woman: Sure. Harry was just comparing this hotel with the one __ he stayed in during his trip to Norway. a. that b. how c. when d. where 21. Man: Excuse me, where’s the passport office? Woman: It’s down the street ___ the right, next to the park. a. On b. At c. By d. Of 22. Man: What did you think of the movie? Woman: Oddly _____ I thought the play was much better. a. So b. Though c. Enough d. As much

23. Man: What should we do tonight? Woman: I really want to watch a movie. If only the TV __ broken! a. hadn’t b. hasn’t c. won’t have d. shouldn’t have 24. Boy: When __ George start learning French? Girl: About two years ago, I think. a. did b. do c. does

d. has

25. Woman: What’s the name of Robert’s new baby? Man: I think she ___ Sofia. a. names b. named c. will name d. was named 26. Man: Why don’t you take a taxi if you’re nervous walking home at night? Woman: I can’t afford to take a bus, __ alone a taxi! a. by b. all c. let d. well 27. Man: I've brought these flowers to say thanks for a lovely evening. Woman: Oh, you really _____ have! a. Can’t b. Mustn’t c. Couldn’t d. Shouldn’t 28. Teacher: Wow! Look how much taller you are! Student: Yes, I __ a lot during the summer break. a. grow b. grew c. will grow

d. can grow

29. Man: What are you ___? Woman: Mu shoes. I can’t find them anywhere! a. looking at b. looking in c. looking up d. looking for 30. Man: Are you sure you can’t come? Woman: Sorry but I can’t. I really regret ___ more money. a. not saving b. didn’t save c. not to save d. wasn’t saving 31. Woman: Harry’s new restaurant has really __ Man: That’s excellent news! a. come about b. made out c. turned up

d. taken off

32. Man: I feel much better after my morning cup of coffee. Woman: Well, one’s not enough for me. I could use ___ cup or two. a. more b. other c. many d. another 33. Man: I saw you in the chemistry building yesterday when the lights went out. Woman: Yeah, I was just __ go work in the lab. a. have to b. used to c. close to d. about to

34. Man: Now remember – Under no circumstances ___ this fire door unless there is an emergency. Woman: Yes. I’ve already been told that. a. are you to open b. you must open c. you can open d. did you open 35. Woman: Are you going to Peter’s wedding? Man: No. I __ invited. a. didn’t b. wasn’t c. hadn’t

d. haven’t

36. Man: Are there computers in both classrooms? Woman: I’m sorry. __ of them have computers. a. any b. only c. either

d. neither

37. Man: Do you want to come with me to the supermarket? Woman: No, thanks. I don’t need ____ a. something b. everything c. anything 38. Woman: I always like to see snow in the winter. Man: So ___ I. a. am b. have c. do

d. nothing

d. can

39. Man: You should’ve called about that job in the computer department. Woman: Well, ___ about it, I would have applied for it! a. could I have known b. having known c. had I known d. did I know 40. Salesperson: I’m sorry, were you waiting a long time? Customer: No, I’ve only been here ___ a few minutes. a. In b. From c. For d. Since 41. Daughter: Why do you never let me ___ out late? Father: We’re only thinking about your safety, you know. a. stay b. have c. be d. get 42. Man: Are you looking forward __ your holiday? Woman: Yes, I can’t wait. a. for b. in c. to

d. on

43. Woman: Did they ever discover who hacked into the computer system? Man: Not exactly. There was some doubt ___ the true identity of the person responsible. a. as to b. as far c. as with d. so as to 44. Man: Do you think Sara will show up at our company party? Woman: I doubt it. She’s been totally __ up in her work recently. She’s travelling all the time. a. sent b. sized c. worked d. wrapped

45. Man: Are you planning anything for your daughter’s birthday? Woman: We don’t know yet, but I’m sure we’ll ___ with something special. a. present on b. come up c. catch on d. give up 46. Woman: I enjoyed the film so much that I was a bit apprehensive about going to see the stage production of Lord of the Rings. Man: And what did you think of it? Woman: Oddly ___ I thought the play was much better. a. so b. though c. enough d. as much 47. Man: Can you ask Mary if she’d like to speak at the annual party? Woman: Are you kidding? Under no circumstances __ stand in front of so many people. She’s terrified of public speaking. a. is she b. she will c. can she d. she should

Woman: I just don’t know what’s the matter with me. My boss has invited me to a Paris fashion show and I’m struggling to get excited about it. Man: You’d normally go without a second thought. 48 What does the man mean? A I think you should go B It’s odd that you should feel like that. C You should think about this more seriously. Man: I like what you’ve done with the room. How long did it take you to paint it? Woman: No time at all. I had it done professionally. 49. What does the woman mean? A She painted the room very quickly. B She is a professional painter. C She paid someone to paint. Man: So have you finalized your schedule for next semester? Woman: Well, I have lots of great options but my job really limits what I can choose. Man: Oh, that sounds tough. 50 What does the woman mean? A She needs to quit her job soon. B She has to take more classes. C She wishes she had more flexibility. Man: I’m going to throw my hat in the ring for the Managing Director job. What do you think? Woman: Well, to be honest, I think it’s a bit of a long shot. 51. What does the woman mean? A I think it’s a great idea. B I think you’re unlikely to succeed. C I don’t think you should do that immediately.

Woman: Hey, did you catch my interview on “News Tonight”? Man: o. If I had known it was on, I would have been sure to watch. Woman: That’s okay. I had my husband record it, if you are interested. 52 What does the woman mean by her SECOND statement? A She is willing to lend the man her copy of the interview . B She wishes the man had recorded the interview for her. C She doesn’t care whether the man watches the interview. Woman: Did you hear John won the tennis game? Man: Yeah, but it was a very close game. 53 What does the man mean? A John just started to learn to play tennis. B John wants to play another game. C John almost lost the game. Man: Timothy’s business seems to be thriving. Woman: Actually, I think he’s only just about breaking even 54. What does the woman mean? A It’s losing a lot of money. B It’s bringing in a lot of money. C It’s hardly making any money. Woman: Hey, did you catch my interview on “News Tonight”? Man: o. If I had known it was on, I would have been sure to watch. Woman: That’s okay. I had my husband record it, if you are interested. 55 What does the man mean? A He wishes he had seen the interview. B He decided not to watch the interview. C He plans to watch the news more often. Boy: I aced that last test, thanks to our study group. Want a repeat? Girl: Great minds think alike! How does after class sound? 56 What does the girl mean? A They will start a new study group. B They agree to study together again. C They both need to take the test again. Woman: Don’t you need to leave now if you want to see the beginning of the play? Man: Don’t worry about it. It doesn’t start until 8 pm. 57 What does the man mean? A I’m not worried about missing the start of the play. B I need to leave at 8pm to be on time for the play. C I’m not going to miss any part of the play.

Girl: Have you got a good memory? Boy: Well, I'm hopeless at remembering names. 58 What does the boy mean? A I'm not good at remembering names. B I'm very good at remembering names. C I'm quite good at remembering names. Woman: What did you think of that book? Man: I had a hard time with a lot of it. 59 What does the man mean? A He was too busy to finish the book. B The book was very difficult. C It took one day to read the book. Man: Apparently that Head of Department job might finally be coming my way. Woman: Well, that’s a turn-up for the books! 60 The woman is… A Voicing her regret B Expressing her surprise C Passing on her good wishes

Man: Do you think the senator has a good chance of becoming the next president? Woman: Well he might be really young, but he certainly gives speeches like one. 61 What does the woman mean? A The senator already sounds like a president. B The senator needs more experience to be president. C The senator has been giving more speeches recently. Man: By the time the government wake up to the real threat of global warming, we’ll all have webbed feet. Woman: What a cheerful man you are! 62 What does the woman mean? A You’re being rather pessimistic. B I suppose you’re trying to be funny. C You shouldn’t joke about such serious matters. Woman: One moment my friend and I were having fun, and the next, she up and left with her bag. Man: Don’t worry. I’m sure it has nothing to do with you. 63 What does the woman mean? A The woman doesn’t know what to do with her friend’s bag. B The woman won’t go out with her friend anymore. C The woman can’t explain her friend’s behavior.

Man: We can't keep extending our road networks to cope with increasing numbers of tourists without giving a thought to all the wildlife we're affecting. Woman: ... and who knows what else? 64 What does the man mean? A We need to consider the side effects of constructing new roads. B We need to prioritize road-building if we want to encourage tourism. C We need to start planning now to ensure new roads meet traffic demands. Male shop assistant: Have you seen the new Sales Manager? Female shop assistant: Yes, what's she like? 65 What does the female shop assistant mean? A What does she look like? B What do you like about her? C What can you tell me about her? Man: Where were you brought up? Woman: In Scotland. 66 What does the man mean? A Where did you move home to? B Where did you go for your holidays? C Where did you spend your childhood? Man: What’s that you’re looking at? Woman: A computer website. There’s a sale on now and the model I’m considering is half off. Man: Oh come on, you can’t tell me anything is wrong with the one you have. 67 What does the man mean by his SECOND comment? A The woman should not shop at that website. B The woman does not need to go shopping. C The woman is smart to wait for the sale. Man: What’s wrong with your personal assistant? Woman: I’m not happy with his performance at work and I’ve just let him know in no uncertain terms. Man: Well, you don’t exactly mince your words, do you? 68 What does the man mean by his SECOND comment? A You don’t always say exactly what you mean. B You always communicate precisely and effectively. C You don’t always tell people exactly what you think.

Husband: Is your brother still planning on joining us for summer vacation? Wife: It sounds like money is tight for him now, so I’m not sure he’ll be able to spend it with us. 69 What does the wife mean? A She needs to cancel her trip to visit her brother B Her brother agreed to pay for the family vacation C Her brother might stay home during the vacation. Man: I see the train drivers are preparing for strike action again next week. Woman: I don’t suppose anything will come of it, though. Man: I wish I could share your optimism. 70 What does the man mean by his SECOND comment? A I’m frustrated by your attitude. B I’m afraid I can’t agree with you. C I’m finding it hard to believe you. Man: How was your holiday? Woman: Well, apart from being stranded at the airport for 24 hours, it was idyllic. Man: Oh, I wondered if you'd been hit by the strike. 71 What does the man mean by his SECOND comment? A I hadn't realized there was a strike. B It was lucky the strike didn't delay you. C I was concerned that the strike had affected you. Man: Do you mind if I use your computer when you're out of the office next week? Woman: I'm afraid that's not really up to me. Man: OK. Who do I need to speak to about this? 72. What does the woman mean? A It's not my computer. B I'm sorry, but you can't. C I can't make that decision. Man: We're going to miss the start of the game, you know. Woman: Yes. You said the traffic would be light on a Monday. Man: Well, it usually is. 73 What does the woman mean? A It's the man's fault that they are late. B She doesn't mind the traffic. C He should drive faster.

UNITED STATES Since the United States is trying to combat global warming and reduce its dependence 74 ____on______ fossil fuels, the United States is committed to

identifying alternative sources of energy. Several attractive options have presented 75 ________themselves_______ in the past few years. In 76 __spite_______ of the fact that there’s still no clear frontrunner, “clean” sources 77 ___like_______ solar, geothermal, and wind power are still some of the most attractive options. Natural gas has also been suggested as an alternative, but the environmental impact in extracting the gas is still unclear. Those 78 ___which______ advocate reduced consumption of disposable goods are also gaining influence. Americans consume close to 70 billion water bottles per year, which has 79 ___resulted________ in a serious waste disposal problem. It also threatens supplies of underground water that are needed 80 ___for______ the purposes of drinking and irrigating crops. ANNE OF GREEN GABLES Published in 1908, Anne of Green Gables is a book 81__about_______ a brave redhaired girl. The story and its main character, Anne, 82___are______ famous around the world. One young girl growing 83___up______ in Argentina decided to read the book 84___in______ English. After finishing the first book, 85____she_____ read all eight of the other "Anne" books. She loved the stories so much that she even colored 86___her______ hair red, like Anne's. Because of her love for the books, she decided to become an English teacher when she got older. Now she works at a university program for students who are learning English. She still reads Anne of Green Gables 87_____in____ summer. Someday, she hopes to go to Prince Edward Island, Canada, with her young daughter to visit the imaginary home of Anne Shirley.

TRASH One man's trash is another man's treasure: that's 88___what______ Professor Elizabeth Phillips believes. Phillips is a professor at Torrance University’s Rural Studio and runs the architecture and design program which teaches students sustainable design techniques 89____such_____ as building real, livable homes out 90___of______ recycled garbage. 91__Rather_______ than letting the materials go to waste, students learn to make them into something beautiful and functional. The program began only 17 years ago, but 92____since_____ then, students have already built more than 100 spaces. Mary Smith is a second-year student 93___who______ used to study fashion. She changed her major after hearing about the program. "I love doing something nice for someone else. People have told me that this has changed their lives," she said. “You can’t put a price on that.” But in fact, you can: not 94__one_______ of the houses cost more than $10,000. Every year, some of the money is raised through donations and grants. The school helps with funding, too.

TRAVEL TIPS Have you always wanted to get away, but didn’t think you could afford to 95____do_____ so? There are many ways to travel for less money, as it 96_____turns____ out, if you aren't afraid to take advantage 97__of_______ unique deals. Many small airlines, for example, offer flights at 98__really_______ low prices that they are called “low-cost airlines.” Should you choose to use these airlines, however, 99___it______ is advised that you plan carefully. A complete trip may cost a little bit more than you expected. Also, you might have to 100_____pay____ extra on a low-cost airline for services that are free on major airlines. Finally, many low-cost airlines don’t fly into major cities, so figuring out how to reach certain destinations can take time. Still, for those 101____who_____ don’t mind some inconveniences, low-cost airlines can make traveling a possibility. Teaching children to cook. Do you enjoy cooking? Cooking is a fun and useful activity. Even young children can learn how 102___to______ make simple dishes. Kids just love working 103____in_____ the kitchen, preparing healthy family meals with their parents. Of course, they also love eating the delicious food they cook all 104__by_______ themselves! By the time children are five or six years old, they can read simple recipes. Have them look at a cookbook and choose a dish. Then take them to the store to buy the ingredients. 105__When_______ they get home, they can wash any fruits and vegetables. They can stir with a spoon and break 106_____an____ egg into a bowl. You can also teach them to set the table before dinner and to 107____wash/do_____ the dishes after. They will 108___feel______ happy and proud and they will learn something too. ---LEARNING A NEW LANGUAGE There are many things to keep in mind when you learn a new language. 109___For______ example, you can repeat what you hear. When you listen 110____to_____ CDs or watch a movie, don’t just listen but try to repeat what people say. Also, try not to think 111_about________ the words in your own language. 112___It______ is always better to think in the foreign language first. If you do this many times, your language skill...

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