08 Active Reading Guide answered PDF

Title 08 Active Reading Guide answered
Author Destiny Taylor
Course General Biology II Lecture
Institution Pearl River Community College
Pages 11
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Chapter 8: Biodiversity 1: Microscopic Organisms Guided Reading Activity

Module 8.2 Prokaryotes have unique cellular structures. Answer the following questions as you read the module: 1.True or false: Eukaryotic organisms were the first forms of life to evolve. If false, please correct the statement. False, prokayrotes were the only kinds of life to exist for over one billion years

2. Make a table that compares eukaryotes to prokaryotes.

eukaryotes include all multicellular organisms have a nucleus that contains DNA have many cell structures such as mitochondria usually reproduce sexually prokaryotes they are unicellular organisms do not have a nucleus, DNA is distributed throughout cell have basic cell structures, do not have mitochondria they do have plasmids usually reproduce asexually

3. All prokaryotic organisms consist of a single cell. 5. Complete the following table, which describes the functions of various prokaryotic structures.

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Cell wall




Protects the cell

Provides movement

a polysaccharide layer that lies outside the cell envelope.

Protects the cell


Protects the cell

Protects the cell

6. You enjoy a nice dinner with your friend. At home, about 6 hours later, you begin to feel twinges of pain in your abdomen and experience nausea. A short time later, you vomit and experience severe diarrhea. You go to the doctor and discover you had food poisoning from bacteria. Briefly explain why your symptoms of food poisoning took only a few hours to appear.

Because under the right conditions, bacteria holds the ability to reproduce quickly. The food, whether it was old or raw, contained enough harmful bacteria to start the chain reaction

7. Most bacteria reproduce through a type of cell division known as binary fisson


8. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infections are big news items when they occur. The bacterium that causes them is Staphylococcus aureus. What shape would you expect these bacteria to have?

Round/Sphere like. Coccus Copyr i ght© 2020Pear sonEducat i on,I nc .


10. True or false: Biofilm is a sticky colony of microorganisms that can attach to numerous surfaces including your teeth. If false, please correct the statement.

Guided Reading Activity Module 8.3 Archaea are found in extreme habitats. Answer the following questions as you read the module: 1. Prokaryotes are divided into 2 domains: Archae and Bacteria .

2. What feature do all members of Bacteria and Archaea share?

They do not contain a nucleus or membrane bound organelles

2.True or false: Members of the domain Bacteria have evolved to survive in extreme conditions. If false, please correct the statement.

False, members of domain Archaea have evolved to survive in extreme conditions

4. Which of the following types of Archaea like anaerobic conditions and emit methane gas as a by-product of their metabolism?

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A) Thermophiles B) Halophiles C) Methanogens D) Bacteria 5.Complete the following table, which compares the different Archaea types.





oxygen free environment. Emit methane gas.

Heat lovers, live and grow in high temperature areas

Thrive in salty environments. Tolerate 5/10x higher temperatures

Guided Reading Activity Module 8.4 Bacteria are very numerous and common. Answer the following questions as you read the module: 1. True or false: Bacteria are found all over your body and within it. If false, please correct the statement.

2. People usually group bacteria and viruses together as “bad” organisms. While it is true that bacteria usually get only negative publicity, they actually do more good than bad. List four services that are provided by bacteria that are beneficial to humans.

-Nitrogen fixing bacteria -Decomposers -Sewage treatment -Bioremediation -Probiotic

4. A pathogen

is an organism that can cause disease.

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6. Your body has harmless bacteria. The entire collection of these bacteria is referred to as your natural flora. Propose a mechanism for how they help to inhibit pathogenic bacteria that may be living there too.

Prevents colonization of pathogens by taking over sites and essential nutrients that the pathogens would otherwise use

Guided Reading Activity Module 8.5 Bacteria can transfer DNA. Answer the following questions as you read the module: 1.True or false: Bacteria have no way of creating new gene combinations. If false, please correct the statement. False, they can use the process of conjugation

2. A bacterium has bacterial chromosome that is circular.

3. The uptake of DNA from its surroundings by a bacterium is known as ___________. A) transformation B) transduction C) conjugation D) speciation 6.

Bacteria can exchange DNA through a physical bridge

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in a process known as

conjugation .


Guided Reading Activity

Module 8.6 Eukaryotic cells evolved from prokaryotic cells. Answer the following questions as you read the module: 1. True or false: Prokaryotic cells appeared before eukaryotic cells. If false, please correct the statement.

3. The endomembrane system membranes.

is a series of membranous organelles and internal interconnected

5. True or false: Endosymbiosis is when one species lives inside another in a mutually beneficial relationship. If false, please correct the statement.

Guided Reading Activity Module 8.7 Protists are very diverse. Answer the following questions as you read the module: 1. Any eukaryotes that do not fit into the animal, plant, or fungus kingdoms are referred to as 2. Complete the following table, which compares protists to bacteria.

protist .

Protists and Bacteria Similarities

Wide variety of habitats and lifestyles


Protists are eukaryotes while bacteria are prokaryotes

2.A microbiologist working at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) identifies a new organism from a water sample. The sample was sent to the CDC from a water source that is suspected to have caused a recent outbreak of severe diarrhea in a small village. As she observes the new organism, she notes the following: It is unicellular, is microscopic, has a nucleus, and is able to consume nutrients from its

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environment. Is it a bacterium? If not, what kind of organism is it? Briefly defend your answer.

It’s a protist because it can consume nutrients from its surroundings.

4. Most Amoebas move using pseudopods rearranging the plasma membrane of the cell. 5.

, which are formed by temporarily

True or false: Diatoms are photosynthetic. If false, please correct the statement.

6. You are grading students’ short-answer questions. In one answer, a student writes that seaweeds are plants. After you mark it incorrect, what feedback would you provide that student?

Seaweeds absorb water and nutrients in all their tissues, directly from the water rather than photosynthesis. They use their tissues than their leaves.

Guided Reading Activity Module 8.9 Viruses are nonliving parasites. Answer the following questions as you read the module: 1. True or false: A virus is not considered alive. If false, please correct the statement. 2. Complete the following table, which illustrates the characteristics of a virus.


Characteristic(s) of life viruses have

Characteristic(s) of life viruses don’t have

highly ordered structure

cannot grow or reproduce on its own

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3. Complete the following diagram, which illustrates the structure of a virus.

Recognition spikes, nucleic acid, and capsid

4. A Bacteriophage

is a virus that infects bacteria.

5. Complete the following diagram, which illustrates the lytic and lysogenic cycles.

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6. List three viruses that affect humans and a characteristic of each. Influenza - outer envelope of membrane Measles - single stranded RNA Herpesvirus - causes chicken pox, shingles, cold sores, etc.

Guided Reading Activity Module 8.10 HIV cripples the human immune system. Answer the following questions as you read the module: 1. A common student misconception is that AIDS is a virus. Correct this misconception by briefly discussing what AIDS is and name the virus that causes it.

AIDS is a global health scourge. It is the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome

3.True or false: Reverse transcriptase is a viral enzyme that makes an RNA copy of the HIV DNA genome. If false, please correct the statement.

False, it converts the RNA genome into a DNA copy

Guided Reading Activity Module 8.11 Prions and viroids are nonliving parasites even smaller than viruses. Answer the following questions as you read the module: Copyr i ght© 2020Pear sonEducat i on,I nc .


1. A pathogen

is anything that causes disease.

2. List three pathogen types that are alive and three that are not alive.

Living - bacteria, fungi and parasites

Non living - Viruses, DNA viruses, RNA viruses

3. A prion is a ____. A) bacterium B) virus C) fungus D) protein

4. How is Kuru transmitted within human populations? You can contract the disease by eating an infected brain or coming into contact with open wounds or sores of someone infected with it. Kuru developed primarily in the Fore people of New Guinea when they ate the brains of dead relatives during funeral rites.

5.Complete the following Venn diagram, which compares prions to viroids.

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Prions - infectious protein, capsid, no nucleic acid Middle ground - no cells, no membrane, no ribosomes, no growth Viroids - RNA and no capsid

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