09 - gpe PDF

Title 09 - gpe
Author Am Adeusz
Course GPE
Institution Uniwersytet Warminsko-Mazurskie w Olsztynie
Pages 16
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GPE Class: Package 9 ed. 13

(Academic Year 2016-2017)

GPE Task Package: Class 9 COLLOCATIONS with draw, down general PHRASAL VERBS and with: fall, get, give, go, have, hold, pick, take, tell contextualization work PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE general IDIOMS, and idioms with parts of body SPEAKING listening comprehension reading comprehension TRANSLATION practice

Vocabulary Task 1 Find out the meaning of these expressions to complete the sentences below. to draw

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

the line at sth,

a blank, attention to,

a/the line between, lots, fire,

the short straw, breath

It’s not always easy to …………………………………. a successful professional life and workaholism. I’m ready to tolerate high spirits, but I …………………………………. impertinence. The guest speaker’s controversial comments …………………………………. from the audience. There’s three people who want to go to the match, but only one extra ticket; I suggest we …………………………………. . The police are investigating the crime, but so far …………………………………. . There are 16 of us at the office, but when it comes to my boss deciding who does the most tedious tasks, I always seem to ……………………………… . The sales rep talked non-stop for 30 minutes, hardly stopping to …………………………………. . Our new colleague always wears a pink tie, perhaps to ………………………… himself.

Task 2 Choose from the phrasal verbs to complete the sentences. to go up,

to set up,

to stay up,

to come up,

to catch up,

to prop up,

to tie up,

to work up

1. Henry ………………………… his bike against the railings and took some rest. 2. I only ………………………… late on Fridays and Saturdays, because the other days of the week I have to get to work early. 3. The hostage ………………………… and gagged by his kidnappers. 1 General Proficient English: materials gathered or compiled by Bartosz Kraszewski, M.A. (CNJO/ORSE SGH)

GPE Class: Package 9 ed. 13

4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

(Academic Year 2016-2017)

It took Rachel two weeks to ………………………… the courage to go to her boss about the rise. The question of overtime pay ………………………… in the meeting but no accommodation was reached. My brother-in-law …………………………. his own business in 1984 and is now a millionaire. My boss has promised the salary will ………………………… next month. I’ve gotten so behind in my work from being away for two weeks that I’ll have to do overtime in order to ………………………… .

Task 3 Replace the italicized part of the sentence with an expression formed from words such as: fall or get. Refer to chapter 25 of the GPE Grammar Companion. a. Quite a number of crimes are not satisfactorily solved so that no one is punished for them. b. I hope you will not make any difficulties about accepting my plans to improve the efficiency of the Department. c. I’m surprised you should have been deceived by so simple a trick. d. The numbers of students have decreased sharply due to plummeting birthrate. e. If you persist in behaving like that, I’ll soon pick a quarrel with you. f. A gang of robbers suddenly attacked the unsuspecting traveler. g. Bonnie Prince Charlie managed to disguise himself successfully as a servant maid and so made his escape to France. h. The sergeant ordered the recruits to disperse and rest for ten minutes. i. How easy it is to let your unanswered emails pile up. It's best to get around to them as you go. j. I always have the feeling that he is putting me in a position where I have to try to justify myself. k. Beyond that ridge over there the ground slopes down steeply to the sea. l. It is a formidable obstacle but I’m sure we can overcome it with a little thought. m. John struck up a friendship with a very pretty girl at my party last night. n. You’ve been wasting time for long enough; it’s high time you gave your mind to some serious work. o. All our plans collapsed because of my sudden illness. Task 4 Replace the italicized part of the sentence with an expression formed from words such as: give or go. Refer to chapter 25 of the GPE Grammar Companion. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k.

A lot of compromise is necessary to make a success of marriage. I have no confidence whatsoever in what my sister says. I don't trust her an iota. Sugar is cheaper than it used to be. Why don’t you see if you can write a play? Quite often the police are enabled to make further arrests because one of the accused betrays his accomplices. I hope there are enough glasses for each quest to have one. He made a brilliant speech but it was not at all liked by his audience. The first theater to have its balconies suspended from the ceiling (to avoid pillars) collapsed the first time it was filled with people. A hen-pecked husband is one who always agrees to do what his wife wants him to. The restaurant has deteriorated a lot. How many people are taking the test? 2 General Proficient English: materials gathered or compiled by Bartosz Kraszewski, M.A. (CNJO/ORSE SGH)

GPE Class: Package 9 ed. 13

(Academic Year 2016-2017)


Everyone landing in England may have to put up with a search to make sure they are not smuggling anything in. m. I will examine the matter as soon as possible. n. The invigilator distributed the papers to the candidates. o. I will have to borrow some money until the next check arrives, because my supplies are finished. p. We spent the afternoon looking at the house that we were thinking of buying. q. For months the beleaguered garrison refused to surrender. r. When you are sconce at Oxford you have to drink a flagon of beer without taking the can from your lips. s. What a pity all that hard work has been wasted. t. It’s too late to back out from the agreement now. u. When you consider what he endured during the war it is amazing he survived at all. v. A lot of houses are being constructed all over the place. w. His disguise was clever but his voice betrayed him. x. Some people are generally taught not to let themselves be overpowered by their feelings. y. Loose me at once. z. The date of the wedding has not yet been announced. aa. Don’t you like this coat? It’s considered very smart at the moment. bb. She is bustling around from dawn to dusk. cc. I got a shock when a firework exploded right under my feet. dd. The saucepan emitted such a appetizing smell that my mouth began to water. Task 5 Replace the italicized part of the sentence with an expression formed from words such as: have or hold. Refer to chapter 25 of the GPE Grammar Companion. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. n. o. p. q. r.

I don’t approve of giving children too much money. I’m sorry I’m late. I was delayed in a traffic jam. Don’t worry about your son; he’s as good as others in the class. I do hope the rain will not start until the ceremony is over. I don’t understand her behavior at all, but I intend to ask her for a full explanation next time I see her. He’s been prosecuted for driving under the influence of drink. If people reject religion they will find something else to cling to. Why do you dislike me and treat me so unkindly? I’m disappointed in you; you’ve been keeping something back from me and I thought we were bosom friends.. Some people never realize that people are making fun of them. How long can we continue to fight without reinforcements? Feckless people cannot keep jobs. I think it’s right; John told me of it, and he’s usually right. If parents don’t give their consent to their daughter’s marriage, she can always tie the knot in secrecy. Your ideas are quite interesting but the essay isn’t very well-constructed. I think I can mend the clock myself? Do you support the principle of the indissolubility of marriage? Personally I don’t agree with an idea that is lacking in simple, basic humanity. Ever since I told you you’re not sincere with yourself, you’ve felt resentful towards me. 3 General Proficient English: materials gathered or compiled by Bartosz Kraszewski, M.A. (CNJO/ORSE SGH)

GPE Class: Package 9 ed. 13

s. t. u. v. w. x.

(Academic Year 2016-2017)

The rule that smoking is forbidden in class applies to you as much as to the other students. Blackmail stems from one person knowing some shocking secret about someone else. I must go to the dentist’s so I’d better go soon and get it over. The kidnappers offered the parents their son back in return for a considerable sum of money. It is virtually impossible nowadays to keep nations in subjection if they are striving for freedom. You’ve betrayed me and I want no further dealings with you.

Task 6 Form phrasal verbs from go and pick to paraphrase the italics. to go on,

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

to go over,

to go under,

to go up,

to pick at,

to pick on,

to pick out,

to pick up

Ever since the price of cinema tickets increased, I’ve stopped going to see the movies. He’s got a problem with his self-image right now because his business recently failed. I heard that the politician has an image consultant select all his clothes for him. It is well known that those who bully people smaller than themselves are lacking in self-confidence. Really, Martha! You spend a fortune on getting your hair done every month and it just can’t continue. Why don’t you come down to my office and we’ll examine the reasons why you think you’re a failure. On the way home can you call at the cleaner’s and collect my dinner jacket? She thinks she’s gained weight and as a result she barely nibbles her food. to take in,

to take on,

to take out on, to take over, to take up/to, to take sb up on sth , to tell apart , to tell off, to tell on sb

to tell against,

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

The pensioner was ………………………… by a thief posing as a telephone engineer. I feel very wronged when I’m ………………………… for something I haven’t done. She plans to ………………………… the issue of unemployment in the area with her local MP. Globalization has made cultures so similar that it’s difficult to ………. them ………. . Although only 20, she has no hesitation in ………………………… her employers whenever they treat her unfairly. 6. In order to discourage her, she was told that criticizing colleagues would ………………………… her. 7. Since retiring I have ………………………… golf as a hobby. 8. The central government wants to ………………………… control of local council expenditure. 9. Just because he had a bad day at work there is no reason to …………… it …………… me. 10. ‘Don’t worry! I won’t …………. the boss ……………. you. Your secret is safe with me.’ Task 7 Complete the gaps with phrasal verbs from the box. to hold sb back, to key sth in, to hit back at sb, to heat sth up, to keep sth up, to head sb off, to hang out, to boo sb off, to keep up with sb, to hit upon sth, to head off sth, to hang out of sth, to hit back, to hit upon sth, to grow on sb,

1. The police .............................. the crowd. Otherwise the onlookers would have come too close, which would 4 General Proficient English: materials gathered or compiled by Bartosz Kraszewski, M.A. (CNJO/ORSE SGH)

GPE Class: Package 9 ed. 13

(Academic Year 2016-2017)

have been dangerous. 2. Dan walks so fast that it is not easy to .............................. him. 3. We often just .............................. at each other's houses. 4. I don't think I can afford to .............................. my piano lessons. 5. They .............................. the idea of celebrating the occasion with a concert. 6. One police officer chased the robber, and the other went to .............................. him. 7. The speech went down badly with the audience. He was .............................. the podium. 8. All you have to do is to .............................. all the details and the computer does the rest. 9. I didn't like this painting at first. However, now it's .............................. me. 10. The UN has sent emergency aid into the area to .............................. a catastrophe. 11. Don't .............................. the window or you'll fall. 12. The Minister .............................. his critics. He's an old hand, he knows how to ward off ant criticism. 13. .............................. the baby's milk, would you? 14. If someone hits you, think before you .............................. next time. 15. She was scared he might .............................. the truth. Task 8 Put the down-expressions from the box into the sentences. down-and-out,

down in the mouth, hand-me-downs,

ups and downs, down payment,

down the drain, down-at-heel


1. Don’t worry about him; he’s just a little bit ……………………………….. about his forthcoming fortieth birthday. 2. For a film idol, I find him incredibly ……………………………….. and modest about his success. 3. Since his redundancy last year he’s been looking rather ……………………… . 4. Don’t waste your time buying any of these anti-aging creams. It’s simply money ……………………………….. . Task 9 Give the opposite: 1. 2. 3. 4.

to interrupt sb to take up an idea out-of-date a drunkard

17. self-satisfied 18. forelegs 19. permanent 20. dissolute 5

General Proficient English: materials gathered or compiled by Bartosz Kraszewski, M.A. (CNJO/ORSE SGH)

GPE Class: Package 9 ed. 13

5. accidentally 6. to impoverish 7. to look forward to 8. voluntary 9. concise 10. comfort 11. to hope 12. peace-loving nation 13. economical 14. an atheist 15. impassioned 16. bad-tempered

(Academic Year 2016-2017)

21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32.

to catch hold of invaluable idle the ebbing tide mealy-mouthed a well kept-up garden facetious to assault dawn shabby a hen party momentous

Task 10 Contextualize: To chalk sth up to sth else,

I guess she’s just gonna have to lump it.

freedom of speaking

Like it or lump it!

freedom from speaking,

She didn’t do a stroke of work.

I thought he’d caught the scent of us but I managed to put him off his stroke.

To get an ample salary A shock of hair

freedom to speak, Be given an ample helping the lumps To make a sweep of a place for sth incidence of taxes Be in inverse proportion to sth to sell sth by weight In inverse order to sth the weight of responsibility That’s a weight off my mind/shoulders! what weight are you? Take the weight off your feet! I finally pulled all the threads together. Freedom of assembly To give/lend weight to sth A miser’s hoard To carry weight with sb To have reserves of energy/patience/ideas Be weighed against/in favor of sth To flock into the museum To hoard money The scale and sweep of events 6 General Proficient English: materials gathered or compiled by Bartosz Kraszewski, M.A. (CNJO/ORSE SGH)

GPE Class: Package 9 ed. 13

(Academic Year 2016-2017)

To sweep for drug dealers

A morsel of information

…and the same to you with (brass) knob’s on!

A growth spurt of businesses

She always cuts a dash.

Central thread of the book

You’re in for a nasty shock when you hear this!

Pronunciation Practice: Rules: Words Pronunciation Practice: Exceptions and Irregularities Task Read out part 9 of the poem entitled The Chaos by G. Nolst Trenite (1870 - 1946) so as to sound as English as you can. Remember to stick to either UK or US English variety.

Large, but target, gin, give, verging Ought, out, joust, and scour, scourging, Ear but earn, and wear and tear Do not rime with here, but ere. Seven is right, but so is even, Hyphen, roughen, nephew, Stephen, Monkey, donkey, clerk, and jerk, Asp, grasp, wasp, and cork and work.

7 General Proficient English: materials gathered or compiled by Bartosz Kraszewski, M.A. (CNJO/ORSE SGH)

GPE Class: Package 9 ed. 13

(Academic Year 2016-2017)

Idioms Task 1 Fill out each gap with one word. 1. Musical talent runs in the ………………………… - his father is a pianist and his sister is a singer. 2. After hours of working on the engine, he managed to get the car up and ………………………… again. 3. We could have taken our chances on a Nepalese restaurant, but we decided to play ………………………… and go for pizza. 4. You may have your lunch later, but it goes without ………………………… that you must notify the foreman. 5. Although his parents told him off, he still tries to have his own ………………………… and take his sister’s toys. 6. Nobody can tell where exactly the error occurred, so I’m afraid we’ll have to start from ………………………… . 7. He may not be the most popular professor, but his understanding of astrophysics is second to ………………………… . 8. The coffee machine on the fourth floor is temporarily out of ……………………….. . 9. Without a ………………………… of a doubt, the Beatles were one of the greatest pop groups of the twentieth century. 10. He was about to leave the park, when he ………………………… sight of a man trying to break into an automobile. Task 2 Choose which ends the stem sentence properly given the idiom. 1. The firm gave him a golden handshake (a. when he retired, in recognition for his long years of faithful service. b. to encourage him to look smarter at work.) 2. It’s a good job you came (a. why don’t you consider accepting it? b. I couldn’t have managed without you.) 3. This gadget is just the job (a. for chopping cabbage quickly. b. but it can be fun to use.) 4. She handed in her notice (a. after a dispute with her boss. b. and hoped it would be used.) 5. He was given the sack (a. to put all the documents in. b. for incompetence and insubordination.) 6. In its first year, the company broke even (a. and soon went bankrupt. b. despite the economic recession.) 7. We need to consult the shop floor (a. to see of someone has swept it. b. to find out their attitudes towards the proposals.)

8 General Proficient English: materials gathered or compiled by Bartosz Kraszewski, M.A. (CNJO/ORSE SGH)

GPE Class: Package 9 ed. 13

(Academic Year 2016-2017)

Task 3 Complete the sentences with the idioms in the box. to tell tales, a tidy sum/amount, the other day, to get the edge over sb/sth, (be) dead in one's tracks, to take the scenic route, to turn over a new leaf, to take the law into one's own hands, be up in arms about sth, flesh and bloo d, the tools of the trade, to touch wood, to take stock of sth, the luck of the draw, be under sb's thumb, to throw a book at sb, the powers that be, to take a shortcut, variety is the spice of life,

1. When I heard the gunshot, I stopped ................................... . 2. I don't know if ................................... will fall in with our decision. 3. Our products ................................... the competition because it is so lightweight. 4. A good bedside manner is one of ................................... for a doctor. 5. When walking to school, I used to ................................... along the canal. 6. I never wanted to become a butcher, but I guess that's ................................... . 7. Toby, stop ................................... about your classmates. 8. There was an interesting item on the news ................................... . 9. Let's take a few days to ................................... the situation. Then, we'll make a decision. 10. We're not lost - we're just ................................... . 11. I'll find a new job before too long, ................................... . 12. I know you're angry, but there's no reason to ................................... . 13. Ralph seems to have ................................... . I hope he'll be a better person now. 14. I've managed to put aside ................................... this year. Now, I'll have to choose an attractive vacation destination. 15. They'll really ................................... him this time. Things came to a pretty pass when he called the teacher an id...

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