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Title 1 - hgfy liui uy h jhjhjh hhgee
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Cotton University Department of English

Assignment Topic: Septimus Warren Smith Mrs.Dalloway's Double

Submitted bySantosh Chouhan SEM: 4 (M.A English) Enrollment No: ENG 1761055

Virginia Woolf expressed intent seriously and look in detail at the nature of Septimus Warren Smith's „doubleness‟ to Clarissa Dalloway. While she worked on this novel, Virginia Woolf jotted in diary that she wanted to sketch in a shadowy way ,”the world seen by the Sane and insane". The book was to be more than a story about Clarissa Dalloway ,it would be a novel of two main characters and two stories alongside one another . We first meet Mrs.Dalloway and septimus Warren Smith rambling through London , killing time before an important letter appointment – Clarissa's party and Septimus's consultation with a specialist . Both septimus and Clarissa feel that they are „outside‟ looking on and at the same time dashing headlong through life . They are both alternately very happy , they very worried and fearful. Virginia Woolf shows us the moment of terror in Septimus's heart and then relates it to what supremely matters to Clarissa. To her what supremely matters is what one „feels‟ and what terrifies Septimus is that he can‟t feel. Moreover, he is not on his own, but assisted by his wife Rezia, who is more nursemaid than his wife. But he remains alone. When his wife takes his arm she, notices that it is without feeling, „a piece of bone‟. For both Smith and Clarissa the world is wavered and quivered. The quality most central to Clarissa and Septimus is their insistence on no one's having power over them. Septimus refuses to let Bradshaw use him for experimentation and Clarissa is equally as defiant of Miss Kilman‟s determination to dominate her. The most striking connection between the two principles is the way they receive impressions. This is Septimus: “And there the motor car stood with drawn blinds and upon them a curious pattern like a tree,Septimus thought...as if some horror had come almost to burst into flames terrified him(page 21). And now Clarissa: “Clarissa guessed,Clarissa knew ofcourse, she had been something magical circular in the footman‟s hand...(24-25) Septimus Warren Smith thus, is an interesting artistic creation through whom Mrs.Virginia Woolf has presented the madness and violent death,love and heartbreak, the ruin of career.Septimus is not just a character ill-treated by doctors and suffering from nervous breakdown, he is Mrs. Dalloway‟s double. Virginia Woolf had first planned Mrs Dalloway to die but later on discovered her double Septimus to cannot suicide.

Work cited: Woolf,Virginia.Mrs.Dalloway. New Delhi.Prakash Books India Pvt.Ltd.2016 http://en.m.wikipedia.org. Ed:Feb,27.2019 http://www.jstor.org. A Dangerous Day :Mrs Dalloway Discovers Her Double...

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