1 Module 1 Section 1 Reading The Classroom of the Future PDF

Title 1 Module 1 Section 1 Reading The Classroom of the Future
Author Marcos Dellajiustina
Course Inglés Ii
Institution Universidad Nacional de La Matanza
Pages 7
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Section 1: Reading

BEFORE READING a) Do you think it is important to adapt to the new ICTs? Why? Why not? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. b) Relate some of these expressions to the pictures. Can you explain what these expressions mean? In what contexts can they be used? Do you have experience in using these technologies?

interactive desks – interactive walls – holograms 3D printers – augmented reality – virtual reality








WHILE READING a) While reading this article, complete the missing subheadings with the vocabulary in the previous activity. There is one extra expression.


The Classroom of the Future “2026 sound like a long away, but technology is evolving rapidly,” says Simon Nutt from Hope Education. Here are a few examples of the things we can to see in learning environments in the next decade. 1)……………………. When we were at school, were the norm, but times have changed. Because of the rise of tablets and smartphones, old-fashioned boards will soon be replaced with something more similar to touch-screen technology. An interactive LCD wall will deliver learning points and allow for multiple learners to touch the screen at once. This facilitates 'active learning', which a positive and proactive education. , these interactive walls could be operated by learners not only in their classroom, but by learners from classrooms all over the world with similar technology installed. 2)……………………. , students of the future will benefit from touch-screen technology at their own desks. Individual interactive desks mean that no single student will ‘monopolise’ the interactive wall. Interactive desks ensure “fair and equal access” to learning so that learners can complete the tasks set by their tutors. 3)……………………. are likely to benefit from the advancements in holography and learning from 3D images beamed into the centre of their classrooms. In fact, some people believe that the next step for holography in education will be holographic telepresence.

4)……………………. Another technology that children of the future are going to experience is the use of 3D printers in their classrooms. Tutors will be able to use 3D printers to literally bring theoretical, abstract ideas to life in tangible form. 3D printers are also going to allow our future professionals to create prototypes of their work. This is an exciting prospect for learners studying art or engineering as they can have a real understanding of whether or not their ideas are achievable. 5)…………………………. The use of virtual reality in the classroom can be the most exciting innovation. Virtual reality is often used to teach pilots how to fly planes, or to prepare soldiers for combat; by 2026, it's thought that it will be used to deliver lots of learning materials to students. Moreover, virtual reality can be a great tool to keep students engaged. For example, learning about 'best practices' in a science laboratory, or visiting faraway places in a Geography lesson is infinitely more engaging when students can work their way around a virtual lab. Therefore, in ten years' time, don't be surprised if your child comes home to tell you that they've spent the day in an archaeological site in Egypt while wearing a headset, or learnt about the climate of the Himalayas by walking around a hologram projection of a mountain range. After lunch, they might run between their interactive walls and desks, 3D printers and hologram machines to learn times tables using the very latest tools. Adapted from: https://www.theschoolrun.com/classroom-of-the-future


AFTER READING a) Answer the following questions.


Which of the technologies above are you familiar with? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


To your

, which technology is not available in Argentine

universities? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. b) Complete the sentences by using the following connectors and, so, because, but or if.

1. Old-fashioned boards .................................................................. 2. The use of holography ................................................................. 3. Students of the future ................................................................. 4. Virtual reality .............................................................................

c) Let’s focus on this idea from the text: “Times have changed.” What is your opinion? Is it positive or negative?

………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………



Dado que el estudiante debe interactuar con el texto de la Sección 1, muchas de las respuestas son de inferencia y/u opinión. Por lo tanto, la gran mayoría de respuestas que se presentan a continuación son a modo de ejemplo.

BEFORE READING a. Do you think it is important to adapt to the new ICTs? Why? Why not? I think/ believe/ have the opinion that/ I would say that… (for more useful expressions, revise Level 1) it is (not) important to adapt to the new ICTs because… (Reasons may vary)

b. Relate some of these expressions to the pictures. Picture A: Virtual Reality Picture B: 3D printers Picture C: Interactive Walls Picture D: Holograms Picture F: Augmented Reality Picture G: Interactive Desks (Tiene disponible el audio del artículo completo en el archivo MP4 publicado en la Semana 1.)

Can you explain what these expressions mean? In picture A, there’s a man wearing headsets. Yes! shows the use of Virtual Reality.


I suppose this picture

In what contexts can they be used? I believe VR can be also used in Educational settings…

Do you have experience in using these technologies? I have plenty of experience in using…/I don’t have much experience in using….

WHILE READING 1. Interactive walls 2. Interactive desks 3. Holograms 4. 3D printers 5. Virtual Reality


Which of the technologies above are you familiar with? I’m familiar with holograms and 3d printers. (Answers may vary.)


To your knowledge, which technology is not available in Argentine universities? I think/suppose that interactive walls are not available in Argentine universities. (Answers may vary.)


Las oraciones que se formen en este ejercicio dependerán de su conocimiento de los conectores y de la información que se decida extraer del texto.

1. Old-fashioned boards will disappear because they will be replaced with something more similar to touch screen technology. 2. The use of holography will benefit children, but teachers need to train to use it effectively. 3. Students of the future will learn better if these new technologies are implemented.


4. Virtual reality is often used to teach pilots to fly or to prepare soldiers for combat.

c. To my mind, it is positive. Changes are beneficial for our society! I don’t think it is positive. If people don’t have access to technology, what will they do? (Answers may vary.)


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