1 Multiple Choice Questions with Answers PDF

Title 1 Multiple Choice Questions with Answers
Course Intro to Psychology
Institution University of Michigan
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Multiple Choice Questions & Answers 1a. 1. the humanistic school of thought emphasizes the uniqueness of individuals and their potential for growth 2. psychoanalytic theory states that personality is largely shaped by unconscious thoughts and desires 3. “the whole is greater than the sum of its parts” – gestalt psychology 4. 1956 = cognitive revolution of language, memory and problem solving 5. first successful intelligence tests 1905 by Alfred Binet 6. John Watson believed psychology as “science of behavior” and mental processes can’t be studied scientifically since they can’t be observed 7. “I can make a child a high achiever by reinforcing it on a given schedule” – B.F. Skinner 8. social psychology gained prominence with 1963 publication of Stanley Milgram’s controversial studies of obedience 9. psychology = independent discipline in 1879 when Wilhelm Wundt started the first formal lab of research 10. increased global interdependence and diversity in western society led to an interest in cultural factors in the 1980s 1b 1. Effects of consuming caffeine on a student math test performance. The independent variable is the caffeine and dependent is the math score 2. the experimental group = consumers, control group = non consumers 3. the independent affects the dependent 4. experimental and control groups should be similar except for treatment 5. hypothesis and subjects is the first step of an experiment 6. subjects are randomly assigned to groups and then the independent variable is manipulated 7. steps in an experiment = randomly assign subjects, manipulate independent, measure dependent 8. control group can be the same as experiment group 9. 2:1 10. 1:3 2b 1. synapses are found between terminal buttons and dendrites 2. the neuron sending the message is called the presynaptic neuron, the one that receives is called the postsynaptic neuron 3. neurotransmitters are stored in synaptic vesicles 4. a neurotransmitter may only bind to receptor sites that its molecules can fit into on postsynaptic neurons 5. at times a presynaptic neuron may take neurotransmitters out of the synaptic cleft during reuptake 6. postsynaptic potentials are caused by neurotransmitters binding to receptor sites on postsynaptic membrane/neuron


7. excitatory postsynaptic potentials increase the likelihood of an action potential occurring 8. postsynaptic potentials may add up through temporal summation or spatial summation 9. cocaine impacts activity at dopamine synapses while alcohol impacts activity at GABA synapses 10. neural pathways that release serotonin play a major role with sleep and arousal 2g 1. an area known as Broca’s area in the left hemisphere plays an important role of speech production 2. an area known as Wernicke’s area in the left hemisphere plays an important role of comprehending language 3. left hemisphere controls right arm while right hemisphere controls left leg 4. picture on the right is sent to the left hemisphere 5. in the 1960s Sperry studied subjects with corpus callosum severed (split-brain surgery) 6. subjects can name things on the right but not the left (cat) 7. subjects can name things in their right hand (book) but not the left 8. the right hemisphere controls the left hand is superior to the other hemisphere in completing puzzles 9. the left hemisphere handles verbal the right handles nonverbal 10. the left hemisphere recognizes letters, the right recognizes faces 8a 1. 2. 3. 4.

hunger in the brain is located in the hypothalamus when the lateral hypothalamus was destroyed, rats stopped eating lesions in the ventromedial hypothalamus lead to voracious overeating contemporary theories of hunger focus on neural circuits rather than anatomical centers in the hypothalamus 5. there is a negative correlation between hunger and blood glucose level 6. hunger is regulated by glucostats in the liver 7. increased hunger is associated with insulin injections or secretion 8. positive reactions after seeing positive reactions to food are caused by observational learning 9. presence tasty or abundant food leads to overeating 10. schachter found that the taste of ice cream had great effect on the amount of ice cream eaten by obese subjects 4b 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

much of sleep research conducted uses an EEG EEGs track brain waves which vary in amplitude and frequency human brain waves are divided into the following bands alpha, beta, theta, delta beta and alpha waves occur while awake sleep spindles occur during stage 2 sleep as one moves into slow-wave sleep delta waves become prominent


7. all of the following occur during REM except delta waves 8. most slow-wave sleep occurs at the beginning of the night 9. newborns spend about 50% of their time in REM sleep 10. during adulthood the percent of time spent in REM remains stable 12b 1. according to hatfield and berscheid romantic love can be divided into passionate and companionate love 2. passionate love is to companionate love as intense emotion is to warm and trusting 3. according to Robert Sternberg companionate love can be subdivided into intimacy and commitment 4. according to Sternberg passion reaches a peak early in a relationship and then erodes 5. the three points to sternberg’s triangle of love includes passion, intimacy, and commitment 6. according to Sternberg liking involves only the experience of intimacy 7. consummate love is the kind of love that results when all three of sternberg’s points are present 8. according to john allan lee’s ‘color circle’ for love ludas is game-playing love where people search for many sexual conquests with little long term involvement 9. parental caregiving styles can lead to 3 types of infant attachments: avoidant, secure, anxious-ambivalent 10. hazen and shaver found that avoidant adults find it difficult to get close to people and describe their relationships as lacking in intimacy and trust


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