1 On Globalization - Lecture notes 1 PDF

Title 1 On Globalization - Lecture notes 1
Course The Contemporary World
Institution Pontifical and Royal University of Santo Tomas, The Catholic University of the Philippines
Pages 2
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GLOBALIZATIONGLOBALIZATION IS NOT... Liberalizaion because this term only covers the economic factors of global relaions.  Universalizaion because it only depicts the idea of homogeneity.  Westernizaion because it is related to colonizaion, which is a type of universalizaion.  Internaionalizaion...



Liberalization because this term only covers the economic factors of global relations. Universalization because it only depicts the idea of homogeneity. Westernization because it is related to colonization, which is a type of universalization. Internationalization because it pertains to an exclusive world relations in terms of organizations of country units, state governments and national communities.

GLOBALIZATION MEANS… • “Social links of people at points anywhere on earth.” Scholte, J. • “International flow of ideas and knowledge, sharing of cultures, global civil society and global environmental movement.” - Stiglitz, J. • “Intensification of worldwide social relations which link distant localities in such a way that local happenings are shaped by events many miles away and vice versa.” Giddens, A. • “Process of interaction and integration among people, companies, governments of different nations, a process driven by international trade and investment and aided by information technology.” - Sunny Levin Institute • “Compression of the world and the intensification of consciousness of the world as a whole.” - Robertson, R. • “Marks the increasing irrelevance of the nation-state.” - Grupo de Lisboa • “Compression of time and space and the annihilation of distance.” - Harvey, D. FOUR WAVES OF GLOBALIZATION First Wave (19th Century - 1918)  

Existence of steamships and railways which enabled trade. World trade in GDP increased to 14% in 1914 (from 6%) in 1800.

Second Wave (1945 - 1990s)   ©acire

Post-war recovery period World trade intensified with the use of combustion engine on land, sea and air

Third Wave (1990s - 2018) • • •

Collapse of Soviet Union and rise of democracy, capitalism and liberal values. Creation of World Trade Organization Advent of information and communication technologies (ICT)

Fourth Wave (2019 - present) • •

Fourth Industrialization Revolution (FIRe) or Industry 4.0 Issues are becoming more complex


Its main goal is to raise standards of living. The problems is how it is being managed. Advanced or developed countries tend to shape the rules of globalization in its favor, leaving poor countries behind

TWO WAYS OF LOOKING AT THE IMPACT OF GLOBALIZATION  Developing countries need to be more open to globalization by arranging its accountability and governance measures  Developed countries or the international community should create fairer rules on globalization. OBSERVATIONS ON GLOBALIZATION - Stiglitz, j. “making globalization work”. 2006. Norton & company. 1. Rules governing globalization are unfair. 2. Globalization gives more importance to material values. 3. Globalization undermines democracy. 4. There are many losers in globalization. 5. Globalization is not Americanization MANIFESTATIONS OF GLOBALIZATION 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Communications Movement of People Membership in International Organizations Production and Consumption Finance Military Activities Environmental Changes Health


1. disregard territories or ignore boundaries of countries; 2. homogenize culture. It does not want for all race to have the same culture or beliefs; 3. separate global from regional, national and local. It wants to look at the integration or relationship of global concerns with national and local issues. 4. promote political neutrality. It wants people to take sides and develop their own stand on important issues. CRITICISMS ON GLOBALIZATION 1. Safety nets for developing countries are not ensured. The Rice Tarification Law (RA 11203) has opened our country for competitiveness (influx of imported rice) but it has undermined our local farmers, leading them to decreased income 2. Conditionality from advanced countries or international organizations which increases debt of developing countries. Example is China’s funding of the Hambantota Port construction in Sri Lanka. Feasibility studies said that the port would not work but Sri Lanka proceeded with the project. Sri Lanka is struggling to pay off its debt, so China took over the port. 3. Developing countries could not keep up 4. Little changes in loyalties. In the US-Iran conflict, for instance, which side are you taking? 5. Destruction of the environment. Some global fashion brands burn bags or clothes that are not bought. 6. Domination of the US and Europe. As the leading developed countries, they form the core membership of international organizations such as the United Nations RESPONDING TO CRITICISMS • More assistance should be given to developing countries. Developed countries should feel more responsible for providing grants to developing countries. • Level the playing field by implementing fairer trade policies. Developing countries should be allowed to create their own trade rules.


• Lesser requirements to be given to developing countries that wish to loan from the international community. Loan requirements should not be as stringent for developing countries.  Globalization is a doubleedged sword. GLOBALIZATION AND COVID-19 COVID-19 resulted to the largest and fastest decline in international flows in modern history. More than its social and economic effects, it may lead to new behaviors and beliefs. People may become more distrusting, suspicious and less willing to engage with things unfamiliar to them. Altman laid out five characteristics of post-coronavirus globalization: 1. Globalization can provide solutions to better health systems, better economic growth and international cooperation. 2. Companies will rethink about their supply chain policies; whether they would pursue redundancy or reshoring. 3. Capacity of countries to address the virus has been tested. This may lead to more regionalism. 4. COVID-19 triggered further the shift to technology. 5. Globalization may be viewed negatively by the public THINK PUT YOUR THOUGHTS IN YOUR ONLINE JOURNAL.   

Aside from what have been laid out, what are the other effects of COVID-19? On a personal note, how did the pandemic affect you? Are you pro or anti globalization? Why?...

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