1001 GEN ED Bul LET NEW - God bless LPTs !!!!! You can do it. Mag to top! Labaaaaaannnnn!!! PDF

Title 1001 GEN ED Bul LET NEW - God bless LPTs !!!!! You can do it. Mag to top! Labaaaaaannnnn!!!
Course Bachelor of Secondary Education
Institution Cebu Normal University
Pages 130
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Author: Carl E. Balita, RN, RM, RPT, MAN, DrHum, EdD Contributors: Michael Prince Del Rosario, RN, LPT Iah Seraspi, LPTVanessa Joy Gasat, RN, LPT Circulation Manager: Ruel Nieva Jr. Layout Artist: Katherine Ann Nieva, RN Cover Design: Mark Lester Cruz Circulation Staff: Humprey Nitural Printer: RDLE...


Author: Carl E. Balita, RN, RM, RPT, MAN, DrHum, EdD Contributors: Michael Prince Del Rosario, RN, LPT Iah Seraspi, LPT

Vanessa Joy Gasat, RN, LPT Circulation Manager: Ruel Nieva Jr. Layout Artist: Katherine Ann Nieva, RN Cover Design: Mark Lester Cruz Circulation Staff: Humprey Nitural Printer: RDLEN’S Printing Services Published by Ultimate Learning Series 2nd flr. Carmen Bldg., 881 G. Tolentino St., Sampaloc, Manila 1008 ISBN: 978-621-8042-01-8 This reviewer is protected by copyright. No part of it may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means-electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or otherwise without prior written permission of the author, except to pre-service teachers whose schools have adopted this reviewer, and provided such instructors have given due credit to this reviewer and its’ author. This reviewer is a compilation of various information on generally acceptable knowledge, concepts, principles, theories, and practices in education. It adapts contents from various publicly acknowledged publications, authors, theorists, authorities, and practitioners whose works are commonly utilized in the academe. The works of these authors, theorists, authorities, and practitioners are indispensable to any review program, as they are vital for the completeness of this material. This review material is primarily aimed at helping and assisting teachers and reviewees in the pursuit of teacher professionalization. Care has been taken to confirm the accuracy of the information presented. However, the authors, editor, and publisher are not responsible for errors or omissions or for any consequences from application of information in this book and make no warranty, expressed or implied, with respect to the content of the publication, especially relative to time and other variables for which the information is used and applied. Any practice described in this review material should be applied by the reader in accordance to professional standards of care used with regard to the unique

circumstances that may apply in each situation. Comments and contributions may be sent to [email protected] or by mail to Ultimate Learning Series, 881 G. Tolentino St., Sampaloc, Manila or through www.carlbalita.com.

INTRODUCTION Republic Act no. 7836 also known as the “Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act of 1994” is an act to strengthen the regulation and supervision of the practice of teaching in the Philippines and prescribing a Licensure Examination for Teachers and for other purposes. According to the latest statistics from the Commission on Higher Education (CHED), for every 100 enrollees in teacher education programs in the Philippines, only 16 will eventually graduate, on average. On their first try, only five of these 16 graduates will pass the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET), an exam graduates need to take before they can teach in public schools, given the country’s average national test-taker passing rate of 30%. For the other eleven repeaters, the average gets lower. The Board Licensure Examination for Professional Teachers (BLEPT) comprises of two parts for the Elementary Education namely: General Education (40%) and Professional Education (60%), and three parts for the Secondary Education namely: General Education (20%), Professional Education (40%), ad Specialization (40%). For both elementary and secondary, Professional Education gets the highest percentage needed to pass the BLEPT. General Education topics include English, Social Science, General Science, Math, Filipino. This “1001 BULLETS” by Dr. Carl E. Balita, consists of the most important concepts in General Education which is parallel to the BLEPT examinations. This contains bullets that are substantial, simplified, and easyto-understand. The reviewer includes the most salient points for General Education subjects that are based

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Special thanks to the many people who in one way or another has contributed to the fulfillment of this endeavor- my being a teacher through shared knowledge. My teachers! … they must have shown me great example of this noble profession and vacation. I was forced into nursing but evolved to become a teacher, and pursued further studies and became a doctor of education. From my teachers in basic education to my professors in the graduate schools, and my future teachers. The hundreds of authors of my references … whose works served as my substance from which I derived my form My students, reviewees, trainees, and other incidental students and mentee … who forced me into becoming a teacher My CBRC Family … who facilitated my growth as a teacher, as well as my CEB group of companies which provided me a classroom larger than life, especially to Nancy, Lando, Bong, Jonathan, Bhum, Dang and Algie! My parent, siblings and relatives … who guided me through my maturation and education My beloved family, my wife, Lyne who gave me four lovely kids: Lyca, Lambert, Lyza and Lyra … for having served as my reason for being and becoming … for making my life complete and my journey worth beyond a lifetime … for my immortal source of complete happiness

THE ULTIMATE PSYCHOLOGY OF TEST SUCCESS . . . The BALITA Formula Bring Out the Best in YOU You are the greatest resource! During the exam proper, you only have yourself moving towards the end-in-mind – passing the LET! While Divine help is surely to come to those who seek for it and while other people have helped you get through this far, the end of the battle is the test to your sole determination and preparedness to emerge victorious. This means you have to be so sure that you really have brought out the BEST in you. To do this, acknowledge that you have all the potentials to get to the peak of success. You have to unleash the power within and it has to come from you, believing that you can and you will do it! Here are few simple instructions to get to the road of success: · Place your hand over your chest, close to your heart · Close your eyes and take some few deep breaths · Say this slowly to yourself, “I will make it to this exam…I will bring out the BEST in me…The power to succeed in this exam is within me…the greatest power will help me through this.” Ask yourself about the “BIG WHY?”! Why should you pass this test? This is an important answer that will continue to guide you through the preparation process. It may be hard but there is a way to make everything easy, including this draining review process. You have to enjoy it!!! Think about what you are getting from the review process also offers the best opportunity for you to become the best TEACHER you could be. The “BIG WHY?” could also come as a source of inspiration, a continuous fuel that will keep the fire of desire to succeed in you burning. Listen to your body and soul!

Your body has needs and is communicated to you in different ways. It needs your attention too. Assessing and evaluating how your body performs to reaching your goals is inevitable part of your success. Never force yourself too hard and too much more than what you actually need and what you can actually do. If you are sleepy, go and take a rest or a nap. If you’re hungry, find something to eat. In other words, listen to what your body is asking you. After giving into what it wants, then it will be easier for

it to give you what you want in return. This is not a “depersonalizing” experience, but rather a practical optimization of efforts and time. What’s the use of pushing yourself to continue studying when all you want is to eat or sleep? Enjoy the review process! This is going to be a nagging reminder. If your body enjoys what it is going through, the soul could be free finding its way to what it is envisioned to be. Don’t punish yourself in the process of learning and growing! Individualize your learning! We are unique, in every way you can think of. This applies to learn. We do have different learning styles. Remember that you are already an ADULT. Find sense in what you are learning. Don’t just memorize everything. Internalize every theory and concept. Find meanings and relationships. Many things slip our conscious mind because it is pushed to the unconscious trash bin that we cannot easily access. That is simply because our adult tendencies want the functional value of what we are learning after all. Find your best mood, place, time, space, company, accessory (like music and light), and environment. Don’t ever forget YOU are the boss here! Trust that you have what it takes to be successful! Let us accept that no one is ever perfect, but we are complete enough to get through our tasks. Just like you, YOU have what it takes to be a successful examinee. You only have to compete with yourself and you have to make sure that you don’t compete with your greatest asset (that

may be your potentially greatest liability too). No one has to fail for you to pass. Never use others as your benchmark or success indicators. Do not compare yourself with others. Doing so sacrifices and aggrieves your confidence. Act now! The mind is a wonderful domain. It offers all the best in life and your imagination has to offer. But it should be complemented by a decisive action to translate dreams and mindsets into tangible and measureable indicators and results. The key here is ACTION! Options are a thousand, choices are a lot, but the action you take is the choice that you make. And the choice that you make defines what you will reap. It could either break you or make you. Just don’t forget that HE has given us freewill and reason to choose well.

NCBTS National Competency-Based Teacher Standards DOMAIN 1: SOCIAL REGARD FOR LEARNING (SRFL)The domain of Social Regard for Learning focuses on the ideal that teachers serve as positive & powerful role models of the values of the pursuit of learning & of the effort to learn, & that the teachers’ actions, statements, & different types of social interactions with students exemplify this ideal. Strands of Desired Teaching Performance 1.1 Teacher’s Actions demonstrative value for learning 1.2 Teacher demonstrates that learning is of different kinds and comes from different source DOMAIN 2: LEARNING ENVIRONMENT (LE)The domain of Learning Environment focuses on importance of providing for a social and physical environment within which all students, regardless of their individual differences in learning, can engage the different learning activities and work towards attaining high standards of learning.

Strands of Desired Teaching Performance 2.1 Teacher creates an environment that promotes fairness 2.2 teacher makes the classroom environment safe and conductive to learning 2.3 Teacher communicates higher learning expectations to each learner 2.4 Teacher establishes and maintains consistent standards of learner’s behavior 2.5 Teacher creates a healthy psychological climate for learning DOMAIN 3: DIVERSITY OF LEARNERS The domain of Diversity of Learners emphasizes the ideal that teachers can facilitate the learning process in diverse types of learners, by first recognizing and respecting individual differences, then using knowledge about students’ differences to design diverse sets of learning activities to ensure that all students can attain appropriate learning goals. Strands of Desired Teaching Performance 3.1 Teacher determines, understands, and accepts the learners’ diverse knowledge and experience 3.2 The teacher demonstrates concern for holistic development of learners

DOMAIN 4: CURRICULUM The domain of Curriculum refers to all elements of the teaching-learning process that work in convergence to help students attain high standards of learning and understanding of the curricular goals and objectives. These elements include the teacher’s knowledge of subject matter, teaching-learning approaches and activities, instructional materials and learning resources. Strands of Desired Teaching Performance 4.1 Teacher demonstrates mastery of the subject 4.2 Teacher communicates clear learning goals for the lessons that are appropriate for learners 4.3 Teacher makes good use of allotted instructional time

4.4 Teacher select teaching methods, learning activities and the instructional materials or resources appropriate to the learners and aligned to objectives of the lesson 4.5 Teacher recognizes general learning processes as well as unique processes of individual learners 4.6 Teacher demonstrates skills in the use of Information and Communication Technology in teaching and learning DOMAIN 5: PLANNING, ASSESSING, AND REPORTING The domain of Planning, Assessing & Reporting refers to the aligned use of assessment and planning activities to ensure that the teaching-learning activities are maximally appropriate to the students’ current knowledge and learning levels. In particular, the domain focuses on the use of assessment data to plan & revise teaching-learning plans, as well as the integration of formative assessment procedures in the plan and implementation of teaching-learning activities. Strands of Desired Teaching Performance 5.1Teacher develops and utilizes creative and appropriate instructional plan 5.2 Teaching develops and uses a variety of appropriate assessment strategies to monitor and evaluate learning 5.3 Teacher regularly monitors and provides feedback on learners’ understanding of content 5.4 Teacher communicates promptly and clearly to learners, parents, and superiors the learner’s progress

DOMAIN 6: COMMUNITY LINKAGES The domain of Community Linkages focuses on the ideal that school activities are meaningfully linked to the experiences and aspirations of the students in their homes and communities. Thus the domain focuses on teachers’ efforts directed at strengthening the

links between school and community activities, particularly as these links help in the attainment of the curricular objectives. Strands of Desired Teaching Performance 6.1 Teacher establishes learning an environment that responds to the aspirations of the community DOMAIN 7: PERSONAL GROWTH AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENTThe domain of Personal Growth and Professional Development emphasizes the ideal that teachers value having a high personal regard, concern for professional development, and continuous improvement as teachers. Strands of Desired Teaching Performance 7.1 Teacher takes pride in the nobility of teaching as a profession 7.2 Teacher builds professional links with colleagues to enrich teaching practice 7.3 Teacher reflects on the extent of the attainment of professional development goals

Ten Testmanship Tips from Ten Topnotchers Michael Prince N. del Rosario, LPT 1st Placer – Lorma Colleges / Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University “Treat this board exam as if your life depends on it. Practice! Practice! Practice! Testmanship is one thing, working hard is another. Claim it. It’s yours! The LET is yours!” Iah B. Seraspi, LPT 2nd Placer – Romblon State University “Always believe in the power of the CARL method and apply it in every question. Don’t be afraid of the board exam. Be prepared enough and make sure you bring all the guns and bullets you need. You can do it!” Hazel Rose Deniega, LPT 3rd Placer – Sorsogon State College

“Practice shading even at home, simulate the real examination day by using the prescribe shirt so that you will feel comfortable. Think about the examination day and train yourself on how to overcome the pressures and how to analyze. And most of all... pray and pray and pray.” Caroline Ocaya, LPT 4th Placer, Elementary – University of the Philippines Diliman “Question the answers. The best way to remember the answers to each item is to be fully convinced that it is correct (especially for Prof Ed). If the answer provided does not sit well with you, feel free to have your lecturer explain why it is the best answer. If you’re still dissatisfied, you can always do your own research on the Internet.” Rothsen Mae Love Diamola, LPT 5th Placer – Surigao State College of Technology “Budget your time, being employed while taking the review is never an excuse to be able not to study; the CBRC materials are not just to be opened during review class but for you to study at home. Being able to manage the time for studying helps build positive attitude and confidence on the day of the exam.”

Marjorie Aboga, LPT 6th Placer – Samar College “Don’t pressure yourself to memorize concepts in an instant, especially if you’re not good in memorization. Write down concepts in a manila paper and paste it on the wall where you can see it usually. I even pasted one at the back of my cell phone cover, back of our remote control or in a y object that you usually use.” Keith Nichie Tan Estrada, LPT 7th Placer – Polytechnic University of the Philippines “Preparing and reviewing for LET is not easy, it’s frustrating, tiring and it will make you want to give up especially when you encounter unfamiliar topics

and words on the time of review. My advice is for them to just breathe, pray and think of the reason why they like to pass and Top the exam, it will motivate you to focus on your goal.” Ralph Christian Currimao, LPT 8th Placer – d Mariano Marcos State University “Always remember to TOP (Tap, Open and Pulp). First, tap all your resources from hard copies to soft copies (online). Next, open your heart and mind to be able to prepare yourselves to read and read. Lastly, pulp all the ideas from your review materials. The key ingredients to TOP: Trust, Optimism and Perseverance.” Ma Fatima Ofracio, LPT 9th placer, Elementary – Bacolod City College “Start your journey by setting your quite ambitious yet realistic goal. Then, strive hard to achieve it. Be sure to allot at least 30mins in reading and answering LET Questions every day. Have confidence in yourself that you can pass or even TOP the LET. Lastly, always put God in the center of your life and work.” Rose Ann Sumaoang Tubay, LPT 10th Placer – Tarlac State University “First, set a review schedule and your target objectives every day. Second, write your goal somewhere to remind you every now and then of what you are trying to achieve.”

THE LET PROGRAM BOARD FOR PROFESSIONAL TEACHERS Coverage of Examination for General Education 1. ENGLISH Study and Thinking Skills

Writing in the Discipline Speech and Oral Communication Philippine Literature Master Works of the World 2. FILIPINO Komunikasyon sa Akademikong Filipino (Filipino 1) Pagbasa at Pagsulat tungo sa Pananaliksik (Filipino 2) Masining na Pagpapahayag (Filipino 3) 3. MATHEMATICS Fundamentals of Math Plane Geometry Elementary Algebra Statistics and Probability 4. SCIENCE Biological Science - General Biology Physical Science - with Earth Science 5. SOCIAL SCIENCES Philippine Government and the New Constitution (with Human Rights) Philippine History Basic Economics, Taxation, Agrarian Reform Society and Culture with Family Planning Rizal and Other Heroes Philosophy of Man Arts General Psychology Information and Communication Technology

Here is the Table of Specifications/Coverage for the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) - Elementary and Secondary Levels according to the National Competency-Based Teacher Standards (NCBTS). For (BEED) – Elementary Level Exam For (BSED) – Elementary L Secondary evel Exam General Education 40% General Education 20% Professional Education 60% Professional Education 40% Specialization/Major 40% Coverage of Examination for General Education(GenEd) ENGLISH 25% 1. Study and thinking skills 6% 1) Use English language correctly and appropriately 3% 2) Comprehend written text 3% 2. Writing in the discipline 5% 1) Use accurate, meaningful and appropriate language in 5% written discourse. 3. Speech and Oral Communication 3% 1) Use accurate, meaningful, and appropriate language

3% 4. 4%

in oral discourse. Philippine Literature 1)

Apply knowledge gained from local literary pieces


Manifest comprehension to extract elements in major

1% 1% 3)

literary genres Relate insights to given situations

2% 5. Master Works of the World 2% 1) Evaluate master works of the world 2%...

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