10:3- animal brides and grooms PDF

Title 10:3- animal brides and grooms
Author Allie Novey
Course Russian Fairytales
Institution University of Pittsburgh
Pages 3
File Size 82.8 KB
File Type PDF
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10/3- Animal Brides and Grooms 

Bettelheim on Beastliness o What happens after marriage?  Imaginatively play out difficulties they are going through  Cinderella- help children with oedipal complex; complicated emotions have with parents; imaginatively substituting  Sleeping beauty- helping with latency; causes anxiety from quiet development  Animal bride and groom- later phase; helps children deal with emotions surrounding sexual maturity itself  Freud- don't reach genital stage until reach puberty; sexual drives full  Prior- children aware of relationships adults have with other; different degrees of awareness; deal with anxiety because no desire to do any of that; repressed sexuality; but know this is something adults do o Children’s perception of sex?  Do not like sex- think it is goes o “undo the repression of sex”  when time right to be ready- beast will transform into handsome prince  will want to have it later when ready A few features of the tale type o How beast became beastly is unimportant?  Transformation central feature in story- animal bride and groom minor detail central feature is turned back into humans  Repression of sex-isn’t remembered  Don't dwell on beast transforming  Gender of person who transforms beast is significant  Mother- tries to repress sex o Sorceress goes unpunished?  Also unconsciously understand- repression of sex is good thing  Mother did not do anything wrong  Something that protects us until we are ready and reach maturity o Father is the reason Beauty joins the Beast  Resolution of oedipal conflict- help child transferring appropriate affection from father to husband o Beast is saved by love  Finally ready and mature for a sexual relations Beauty and the Beast (Disney) o Walt Disney productions 1991 Before 80s- created unsuccessful fairy tales  Markes return o Academy award nomination o Prologue  Sorceress- no love so turned to beast  Focused on transformation- important  Moral lesson- beauty lies within, don't judge book by cover  Bettelheim- overall argues fairy tales help children process psychological development  Deal with whatever dealing with at time

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Disney- make it explicitly a lesson no matter what  Teach children not to be mean to other people  Will not let you do same psychological process

The Frog King o Loss of innocence.  loss of golden ball- promises to do whatever it takes, have golden ball returned to her, no intention of fulfilling this o Father intervenes, acts as superego.  Rules governed by and keep promises o Anxiety, disgust, anger.  Learn to integrate igo and id o Princess has active role in disenchanting beast.  Has to fall in love with it- kiss it to become something positive  Actively overcome negative emotions o Feelings are important part of maturation.  Develops feelings for frog- love  Mental and physical maturation o Pleasure from intimacy takes time.  Transformation will occur- not concerned if not there yet Little Scarlet Flower o Literary fairy tale-sergei Aksakov o Depthlessness  Not same level from folk- more concerned of interiority of daughter and father  More relationship between characters o Abstract style  Rich, description o One demesionality- kept, not surprise with supernatural  Exist in one dimension together o Literary fairy tales- created by authors for own reasons o Community? Fakelore  Fakelore- false claim that something belongs to oral folk tradition, nearly documenting it  Created it – made it  Active participant in dominant debate between Slovak and western o Westernizers and Slavophiles  Westernizers- western Europe more advanced (technology, cultural); more civilized; thought Russians should strive to be more western  Slavophiles- something special about Russia; more advances neglects great things about Russia; depth of Russian soul; Russians should not be like Western Europe o Prominent Slavophile- Aksakov said that they should not be like Western Europe o Adaptation of Beauty and Beast o French Source  French version of beauty and beast- borrowing from western European culture and saying that it is part of Russian folklore but it was not  Scarlet flower Does The Little Scarlet Flower fit Bettelheim’s features of a Beauty and the Beast tale? o How beast became beastly is unimportant o Sorceress goes unpunished


o Father is reason beauty joins beast o Beast saved by love- transforming sex from negative to positive o Attachment to father (Oedpial Complex)- ends up transferred Little Scarlet Flower Clips o 1952- animated o restored in 1987 o Rotoscope  animation technique involving filming live action actors by creating animations by tracing over the live action o Folk culture- interested in details drawn from Russian folk culture  Clothes, characters, house decorations  Locating story in broader Russian folk culture o Socialist Realism  1930-50s- demand that art be created in visticular ways  correctness of soviet ideas about the world  reinforce soviet ideology o Disney influence- mixed with soviet ideology  Snow white- extremely influential film; people in Soviet Union took notice in how successful  Details from Disney transferred to these Clips o Woodwork, costumes- traditional Russian folktale o Monster- green, hairy o Vanishes to the garden o Geese bring her to castle o Uses ring- tricked into staying too long o Heart dies without her if too long o She comes back and said she loves him o Scarlet flower comes back to life- along with monster o Monster awakens as handsome prince o Runs away from prince – sitting near pond o Rainbow over land...

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