1101GIR Formatting instructions final-2 PDF

Title 1101GIR Formatting instructions final-2
Course Introduction To Politics
Institution Griffith University
Pages 4
File Size 102.6 KB
File Type PDF
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Total Views 144


1101GIR Formatting instructions final-2...



Include a title

Introduction: this should briefly explain the aim or purpose of the essay (ensure the topic is identified) and provide an overview/structure of what your essay will do (i.e., the major arguments/directions).

Body of essay: this forms the body of your essay and it is where you make your argument for a concept. You need to include at least three main arguments in favour of your chosen concept. You need to also consider at least three objections and be able to respond to those.

Conclusion: the conclusion should briefly summarise the key points discussed in the essay.

References (The reference list is not included in word count) -

Provide a reference list using a style (such as Harvard/ Turabian/ APA 6 th) consistently.


This is NOT a bibliography. Do not cite material that you have read, but have not referred to in the body of the essay.


Ensure sources are cited in-text and in the reference list. Failure to do so can constitute plagiarism.


When referencing an author in the body of the text, do not mention the author by her/his/their first name. Always mention their last name.


Use ‘References’ as a subheading at the end of your essay.


Format 

Include a cover sheet with the title of the assignment; the lecturer’s name; your name; S-number/ date of submission.

Use Times New Roman or Arial (size 11 or 12) font consistently.

Make sure that the colour of the font is the same throughout your essay (If you prefer, the headings can be in another colour).

2.0 line spacing the entire document.

Justify the text throughout your essay.

Insert page numbers. The cover sheet should not include the page number.

No title page or abstract

Use headings and sub-headings.

Writing Style 

Use complete sentences and paragraphs for the entire document.

Paragraphs must consist of several sentences, with linking sentences between the paragraphs.

The main idea of the paragraph is the first sentence and then you elaborate your arguments in the rest of the paragraph.

Avoid extremely long sentences, which could have been broken up into smaller ones. Construct shorter sentences for stronger arguments.

Write in third person.

Do not use ‘contractions’, such as can’t, don’t, won’t, etc.

No abbreviations should be used without first spelling out the full name e.g., Negative Freedom (NF).

Saving the File 

Save the file as a .doc or .docx file. Do not save as a PDF file.

Save the file as SURNAME_first name_student number_course code. This is for identification purposes (eg: SMITHjane2345671101GIR.docx).

Final Tips 

Proof read your essay.

Check grammar, punctuation, spelling and accuracy of citations. It is a good idea to ask someone to read your essay to make sure that sentences are clear and ideas are presented in a logical order.


Title Introduction This is where you will write a few sentences to introduce the topic of your essay. In addition, is where you outline the approach that you are going to take (e.g. In the first section of the essay…; in the second section…; in the third section…; in the conclusion…..).

Argument One You may or may not use sub-headings (‘Argument One’ is not a proper heading). This is up to you. However, sometimes they help to guide your writing and your reader. It is important to ensure you link between paragraphs to enhance the overall flow of your argument. Ensure you are considering an objection to each of your main arguments to show you understand both sides and can respond to the alternative view.

Argument Two You may or may not use sub-headings (‘Argument Two’ is not a proper heading). This is up to you. However, sometimes they help to guide your writing and your reader. It is important to ensure you link between paragraphs to enhance the overall flow of your argument. Ensure you are considering an objection to each of your main arguments to show you understand both sides and can respond to the alternative view.

Argument Three You may or may not use sub-headings (‘Argument Three’ is not a proper heading). This is up to you. However, sometimes they help to guide your writing and your reader. It is important to ensure you link between paragraphs to enhance the overall flow of your

argument. Ensure you are considering an objection to each of your main arguments to show you understand both sides and can respond to the alternative view.

Conclusion This is where you will conclude your assignment. Briefly summarise the key arguments made in the body of your essay.

References Include a reference list and ensure you start your reference list on a new page....

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