112 Stage 7 Study Guide - This will help students in the 112 flight lab. PDF

Title 112 Stage 7 Study Guide - This will help students in the 112 flight lab.
Author Ryan Knipping
Course Introduction To Aviation
Institution University of North Dakota
Pages 8
File Size 168.8 KB
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This will help students in the 112 flight lab....


Ryan Knipping AVIT 102 Fall 2018 112 Stage 7 Study Guide Certificates and Documents Aircraf - Airworthiness Certificate o Requirements:  Must conform to its type design  Must be in condition for safe operation  Two types: standard and special o Duration:  Does not expire: remains valid for as long as the aircraf meets type design, in safe condition, and maintenance, preventative maintenance, and alterations are in ordinance with Part 21, 43, and 91  Must be displayed in cabin or cockpit entrance, must be visible - Registration o State  1-year in ND o Federal  3-year registration o BOTH found on FAA.gov - Operating Manual o Required Manuals, Placards, and Markings  91.203required documents for flight o MELmust have (see MEL) o Airworthiness Certificate o Registration o Radio License (International Only) o Operations Handbook (POH) o Weight and Balance - Weight and Balance o Where to find official W&B  Aircraf PIM - Equipment List o Where to find current list and any revisions o Current revised equipment list is MEL because using MMEL you make your own MEL - MEL o Where to find/where to make  FISDOflight standards district office  To make and MEL

 MMEL (master MEL)  Procedure document  Letter of authorization  Preamble When you combine all of it you get an aircraf specific MEL

Airmen - Private Pilot Certificate o Duration  Forever o Privileges  Fly day or night carrying passenger’s aircraf under 12,500 lbs. o Limitations  Must pay pro-ratta, must maintain VFR - Requirements for Solo XC at UND o Done with initial solo o XC county training o Have knowledge of entry and exit procedures for that airport o Reviewed nav log o Have a solo XC endorsement o XC route endorsement o Wind endorsement o Reviewed students’ limitations - Medical Certificate 61.23 o 1, 2, 3 all change  For a 1st class: valid for 12 mo, then drops to 2nd for 12 mo, then to 3rd for 36 mo, 60 mo total - Logbook o Aircraf type/model/identification/number/training date/dual received/landing/day or night/XC Performance and Limitations - Density altitude o Altitude relative to current atmospheric conditions - Pressure altitude o Altitude corrected for non-standard pressure - Weight and CG locations o Afmay become airborne prematurely Weight and Balance - Gross weight o The maximum allowable weight of both the airplane and its contents - Arm o Horizontal distance in inches from the reference datum line to the CG of the item - Station

o Identified by a number designating its distance from the datum, datum identified as station zero - Moment o Product of weight of an item multiplied by its arm, expressed in pound inches - Basic empty weight o Standard empty weight plus weight of optional and special equipment - Standard empty weight o Empty weight plus full oil - Empty weight o Airframe, engines, all permanently installed equipment, and unusable fuel - Useful load o passengers, baggage, usable fuel, drainable oil - Payload o Weight of occupants, cargo, and baggage The CG Location on Aircraf Performance - Forward CG o Higher stall speed o Slower cruise speed o More stable o Greater back elevator pressure required - Af CG o Lower stall speed o Higher cruise speed o Less stable Federal Aviation Regulations FAR Part 91 - 91.17 Alcohol or Drugs o 8 hours (UND 12) and 0.04% BAC - 91.103 Preflight Actions o DRAWFPall available information for the flight - 91.105 Flight Crew Members at Stations o TO/LDG must be at stations with belts on - 91.107 Use of Safety Belt o Seatbelts on during taxi, TO, LDG - 91.111 Operating Near Other Aircraf o Do not create a hazard o Formation flight must be pre planned - 91.113 Right of Way o Know who has right of way - 91.119 Minimum Safe Altitudes o Congested areas1000’ and 2000’ horizontally o Non-Congested areas500 feet - 91.121 Altimeter Settings




o Must be set to an airport within 100 miles 91.125 ATC Light Signals

91.126-91.135 Airspaces o Look at paper chart 91.137 Temporary Flight Restrictions o TFRneed permission to enter…NOTAM issuedsports, training, etc. 91.151 Fuel Requirements for Flight in VFR Conditions o 30 min reserve for day o 45 min reserve for night (THIS IS UNDs MINIMUM) 91.153 VFR Flight Plan o Lists what is necessary to file a VFR flight plan 91.155 Basic VFR Weather Minimums o Look at paper chart 91.157 Special VFR Weather Minimums o Must have Instrument certification…but remain clear of clouds…SPECIAL 91.159 VFR Cruising Altitude or Flight Level o More than 3000f  Magnetic course 0-179odd thousands + 500




 Magnetic course 180-359even thousands + 500 91.203 Certifications Required o See “MARROW” 91.205 Instrument and Equipment Requirements (Day and Night VFR) o Also: 91.411, 91.413, 91.207 o Day  Airspeed indicator  Tachometer (for each engine)  Oil pressure gauge (for each engine)  Manifold pressure gauge (for each altitude engine)  Altimeter  Temperature gauge (for each liquid cooled engine)  Oil temperature (for each air-cooled engine  Fuel gauge  Landing gear position lights (if applicable)  Anti-collision lights (afer 1996)  Magnetic compass  ELT  Safety Belts o Night: same as day, plus:  Fuses  Landing lights  Anti-collision  Position light  Source of power 91.213 Inoperative Equipment o MEL? o Required by 91.205? o VFR Day Type Certificate o Kinds of operation List (POH Sec. 2) o Required by and AD? o Either Remove or Placard and Deactivate 91.215 ATC Transponder Requirements o Required in A, B, and C airspaces 91.403 General Maintenance o Preventative maintenance allowed under part 43 91.405/91.407 Maintenance/Operation o See part 43 for full information 91.409 Inspections o Annual o VOR (30 days if IFR) o 100 hour o Altimeter (static pitot: 24 cal. mo.)

o Transponder (24 cal. mo.) o Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT12 cal. mo., or one hour of use, or 50% battery life) - 91.417 Maintenance Records o Name, Certification #, date, what you did  Write it all in the aircraf document book Minimum Equipment List - Components of a MEL o See “MEL” under aircraf - Special flight permit o Get from FSDOferry permit, does not meet airworthiness but is capable of safe flight VFR XC Planning Lost procedures - 5 C’s o Circle o Confess o Climb o Conserve o Communicate National Airspace System (NAS) Controlled and Uncontrolled - Controlled o A, B, C, D, E - Uncontrolled o G Special Use Airspace and Other Airspace - Restricted Areas o Operation of aircraf subject to restriction - Prohibited Areas o Flight of unauthorized aircraf is prohibited - Military Operations Areas o Separates certain military training activities from civil aircraf - Warning Areas o 3 nm from us coast, warns pilots of activities that may be hazardous - Alert Areas o May contain high volumes of pilot training or unusual activity - Terminal Radar Service Areas o Provides radar services in certain areas…see Fargo TRSA - International Boarders o Permission needed to cross - Wildlife Refuges o Maintain published AGL…usually 1500AGL

ADIZ (basic concept) o Protected due to the interest of national security Weather Information - METARs + TAFs o Routine Wx reports o Specispecial reports o TAF5sm 3x/day - Airmet o Sierra (IFR) o Tango (turb.) o Zulu (icing) - Sigmet o Severe Airmet - Pirep o Pilot report  Urgent and normal - FDCflight data center NOTAMs regulatory in nature Know all Airport and Runway Markings -

Operation of Systems Operation of the Following: - Fuel system - Oil system - Ignition system - Engine cycles - Induction system (carburetor) - Primary flight controls and wing flaps - Environmental system - Electrical system - Hydraulic system (brakes) SEE WHAT THE 112 STUDENTS SAY Spin Awareness - Flight conditions most likely to develop o A stall with yaw (turn) - Phases: o Entry o Incipient o Developed o Recovery - Recovery o Rudderfull and opposite o Control wheelneutral o Throttleidle

 Stall breaks rotation stops o Rudderneutral o Control wheelpitch up o Throttleas required Night OperationsI already understand but just remember… - Physiological aspect of night flying - Lighting systems for airports - Equipment essential for night flight Aeromedical Factors - Hypoxia o Lower altitude immediately to a safe altitude - Hyperventilation o Don’t regress…aviate, navigate, communicate - Middle ear and sinus problems o May result in the above two - Spatial disorientation o Recognize when you may feel like you are disorientated - Motion sickness o Have passengers and yourself be vocal when not feeling well - Carbon monoxide poisoning o May feel sleepy o In A rcher…look for CO warning - Stress and fatigue o Wreak havoc on a flights safety o Usually build up over time Emergency Operations - Know the how AND the why behind our memorized checklists...

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