117771220 - Lecture notes 1 PDF

Title 117771220 - Lecture notes 1
Author Jullie Rose Ursal
Course Science, Technology and Society
Institution Mapua University
Pages 3
File Size 65.4 KB
File Type PDF
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Metacognitive Reading Report 1 (40 points). The Medawar Lecture ‘Is Science Dangerous?’ Module 1 Section 1. Introduction to Science, Technology, and Society

Course/Section: GED104

Date Submitted: 11/19/2021

Instructions: After reading Lewis Wolpert’s The Medawar Lecture 1998 ‘Is Science Dangerous?’, reflect and answer the following questions. 1. Obligatory Question – What did Lewis Wolpert mean when he stated that ‘reliable scientific knowledge is value-free and has no moral or ethical value’ (p. 1254)? Following this premise, when does science become subjected to questions of ethics and morality? 

Science, in its full glory, can stand on its own. According to Lewis Wolpert, science assists people in making sense of the world and should not be blamed for how science was applied with the technologies being produced or used. Science isn't in charge of determining whether something is moral or ethical because it only tells us how things work. It is up to the general public to determine what is socially acceptable or morally acceptable concerning everything science provides us.

In carrying out the task, ethical issues may arise carrying out experiments as part of scientific research on humans or animals, and concerns about genetically modified (GM) foods and safety is a concern. There are now claims that the nanotechnology techniques used may cause the release of hazardous chemical compounds into the surroundings

2. Obligatory Question – In urging scientists to understand public concerns, Wolpert maintains, “It is most important that they [scientists] do not allow themselves to become the unquestioning tools of either government or industry” (p. 1258). What did he mean by this? Cite a local example related to the country’s COVID-19-response. 

Scientists will need to learn more about public issues and communicate directly with the public whenever the public is urged and pushed to understand more science. Scientists' social responsibilities stem from their ability to possess technical knowledge of how the universe works that the general public does not have. They must both publicly communicate any societal implications of their work and its technological applications

Metacognitive Reading Report 1 (40 points). The Medawar Lecture ‘Is Science Dangerous?’ Module 1 Section 1. Introduction to Science, Technology, and Society

Course/Section: GED104

Date Submitted: 11/19/2021

and critically evaluate its accuracy. Here's an example of the country’s COVID-19 response: making our vaccine made from virgin coconut oil.

3. Obligatory Question – Lewis Wolpert called eugenics a ‘rare case of immoral science’. Why did he say so? Could the eugenics movement have been otherwise (moral)? Or was it ‘immoral’ right at the start? Defend your answer. 

Wolpert referred to it as a rare case of bad science because the cabinet passed a eugenics sterilization law. The most important lesson from the history of the eugenics movement is whether scientists can abuse their role as interpreters of critical and complex issues. Scientific data should be value-free and unbiased. When combined with a political or social goal, it can be twisted. The purpose of modern eugenics, on the other hand, is to prevent and heal hereditary defects. There appears to be an agreement about the preferences of some traits to allow parents to make personal decisions about their children's characteristics in the name of their children's health. Suppose they are not forced to make choices about their children that follow distinct perspectives of good or bad, healthy or unhealthy. Subjectivity is a choice to gratify preferences regarding a child's characteristics isn't so bad if such intentions don't harm or harm the infant.

4. Free Choice Item– Towards the end of his article, Wolpert raised questions regarding the intersections of science and technology with politics. Choose one of the questions Wolpert raised and provide a practical answer/solution to it.

How do we ensure that scientists take on the social obligation of making the implications of their work public?

Metacognitive Reading Report 1 (40 points). The Medawar Lecture ‘Is Science Dangerous?’ Module 1 Section 1. Introduction to Science, Technology, and Society

Course/Section: GED104

Date Submitted: 11/19/2021

i. As members of society, scientists are responsible for communicating and deciding the proper use of science in addressing community questions and problems. To contribute their specialized knowledge and skills to conversations that encourage the education of students and citizens. While also improving and enabling informed decision-making and democracy. When it comes to scientists' obligations, the nature of the link between research and its product is critical. Nonetheless, a scientist's unique expertise gained through their job, education, or practice enables them to recognize the boundaries of science and recognize when its execution is misuse or even abuse of science. Researchers have a responsibility to prevent mistreatment of their work and consider the societal implications....

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