12 Warren - this document will help students in answering their module, PDF

Title 12 Warren - this document will help students in answering their module,
Author Mark Warren Revellame
Course bachelor of secondary education major in english
Institution Southern Luzon State University
Pages 15
File Size 340.5 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 693
Total Views 874


Selecting Non-digital or ConventionalResources and Instructional Materialsl. Consult your FS Resource Teacher about this episode, Let your teacher know that the task for this episode is for you to assist the teacher by providing suggestions on resources and materials that the teacher can use in deli...


Selecting Non-digital or Conventional Resources and Instructional Materials l. Consult your FS Resource Teacher about this episode, Let your teacher know that the task for this episode is for you to assist the teacher by providing suggestions on resources and materials that the teacher can use in delivering a lesson on a specific topic.

2. Request your FS Resource Teacher for a topic/lesson he/she will be teaching soon. You will also need the learning objectives/outcomes for this lesson. Some teachers may instruct you to write a complete lesson plan.

3. Refer to these guide points. Consider which ones are applicable. The non-digital or conventional resource or instructional material: a. Has accurate and meaningful content b. Aligns to the learning objectives/outcomes of the lesson c. Elicits student Interest and engagement d. Is inclusive and free from cultural bias e. f. g. h. i.

Is developmentally appropriate Fosters critical thinking/aesthetic appreciation Allows collaboration among learners Flexible for group or self-study Time and cost-effcient

4. Fill out the table below. Subject: Science Topic Biology Learning Objectives/Outcomes:  Describe the levels of organization in plants and animals, as well as the functions they perform. 

Determine the properties of living species and ecosystems, as well as their basic needs.

Explain the mechanisms of individual and population growth and development.

They must plan and critically evaluate the scientific

Grade Level: 8

experiments they conduct.  Demonstrate your ability to think critically. Resources/ Instructional What is the use or purpose of Materials you plan to resource/material? Describe how utilize in the lesson. you will use the resources/materials to attain the learning objectives/outcomes.

    

text books. novels. films. plays. radio programs.

Resources/ Instructional Materials you plan to utilize in the lesson.


Every subject in the school curriculum requires the use of instructional resources. They allow students to interact with words, symbols, and ideas in ways that improve their reading, listening, problem-solving, viewing, thinking, speaking, and writing skills, as well as their ability to use media and technology.

What is the use or purpose of resource/material? Describe how you will use the resources/materials to attain the learning objectives/outcomes.

Learning materials can help

Explain why you selected the resource/material based on the guide points mentioned above. How are these criteria met?

I selected this instructional materials because they are helpful and help students learning as well as the information they can apply in the future also these materials are legit source of informations so you don’t be worry about what you have learned. With the use of that I can explain it and broaden its concept, it will met its purpose because of its useful concept and data. Explain why you selected the resource/material based on the guide points mentioned above. How are these criteria met?

First and foremost it is good in

digital learning resources including video, audio, text, animations and images. lectures.

learners achieve greater success by assisting them in their learning. This method facilitates learning by enabling the learner to explore the knowledge on their own while also offering repetition. All learning materials, regardless of type, have a purpose in student learning.

terms of explaining the nature of the topic because not all students are equal especially in terms of learning some of them learn when they see the object or the lesson while others have the ability to imagine the lesson being imparted to them.

5. As the situation would permit, try out the resources/materials with the students. Be sure to follow the steps on using instructional materials found in the Infographics section of this Episode.

NOTICE After you participated or assisted in using resources/instructional materials in teaching-learning, described what you observed and experienced by answering the items below.

1. How did you prepare for this activity? I prepare for the usage of resources in teaching students by doing the following: 

I amassed a library of high-interest reading materials to train our students.

I make use of the resources available in local museums, parks, and cultural organizations.

I spend time in the library sampling and organizing specialized resources for my educational approach. I compile a list of articles that pique students interest in specific topics and places.

 

I provide students with accurate and up-to-date information, as well as bookmark useful and entertaining websites on the Internet.

2. Describe how you or the teacher utilized the resources/instructional materials. Narrate your experience as you participated and assisted.

Effective teaching materials that are carefully developed, well-structured, and tailored for teachers target audience are written and planned to make them simple to comprehend and use by the intended audience, when I make an offer I include intentional learning aids that help students grasp key ideas and concepts in general. Learning, practicing, reflecting, cooperating with other teachers, paying close attention to students and their work, and sharing what they notice are all effective teaching approaches for instructors. No matter how open-ended or personal the questions or exercises are, as instructors, I incorporate some feedback into students' learning activities, questions, and exercises. After a while, a regular diet of the same type of learning activity may become tedious and lifeless. To spice up your learning materials, create new challenges that reinforce each region of your learning material. In addition to gaining in-depth knowledge on a given topic, effective utilization of relevant learning resources aids students in developing their learning strategies, values, attitudes, and general talents.

3. What were your feelings and thoughts while you were assisting with the use of the resources/materials? While assisting with the utilization of resources and tools, these are my feelings and ideas. I felt secure and well-informed. Because these materials and resources will aid me in my efforts to

serve. It will serve as a guide for me and provide me with ideas for instructing my students. Then it was simple for me to teach. Because of the materials and resources that are visible in their eyes, this will help my students understand the teachings. 4. Describe how the students responded and participated The goal of increasing student involvement isn't for everyone to participate in the same way or at the same time. Rather, it is to establish an environment in which all students have the opportunity to learn and the class studies issues and ideas in depth from a variety of perspectives. Some pupils will speak up louder than others. Personality differences, as well as variances in learning preferences, account for this diversity. Some students, for example, who do not speak in class very much, are reflective learners who construct thoughts and questions in their heads before speaking. Make a reservation for a classroom that can accommodate the expected level of participation. On the first day of class, begin arranging the classroom in a way that encourages active involvement. Consider not only how many student seats you'll need when hiring a classroom, but also whether or not these chairs should be moveable. If you're holding a lot of meetings, arrange the seats in a circle or "U" so that everyone can see and converse to one another. If you're giving a lecture in a large lecture hall, you might wish to invite students to sit near the front. At the end of class, return the chairs to their original locations. Make it clear from the beginning that you expect pupils to take part. On the first day of class, explain why you believe class involvement is important. Indicate that you want to do everything you can to ensure that the classroom dynamics and activities foster full participation, including calling on students who don't raise their hands and occasionally urging regular contributors to step aside to give others a chance. Request feedback from students to see if there are any changes you can make to improve classroom dynamics and participation rates.

ANALYZE What worked well during the activity using the resources/materials? If this is a problem with the execution or delivery of the lesson, you should determine which activities in your lesson were successful and from which your pupils learned. For example, if it's a game, did your kids enjoy it and participate in it? What exercise, for example, did you see that your kids could readily follow? What part can be improved?

According to the source, In terms of the teacher, I believe she would have modulated her voice properly so that students could easily hear what she was saying and also been enthusiastic with her voice so that students would be totally focused. She would also have incorporated comedy so that pupils would be more engaged in the session. What would you have done differently? What would I change? What will make it better next time? When used next time, the energy generated by voice, voice modulation, and humor integration will make the debate more dynamic and complete. How does this connect with what you know about selecting and using instructional materials? Prior to entering the field, I was unaware of the importance of learning materials in achieving learning objectives. I've recently recognized that there are numerous factors to consider when selecting learning materials for students, all of which must be linked and aligned to support your learning objectives. We must also consider student demands and learning styles, as well as produce resources that are clear and accessible.

REFLECT 1. How ready am I in selecting and developing resources/instructional materials in the teachinglearning process? I am certain that the resources I have created will meet the needs of my students. I understand how critical it is to rely on reliable sources for accurate information and to design materials that are appealing and interesting to children. I am aware that it is vital to plan ahead of time in order to have effective learning materials that will aid in the growth of students, allowing them to retain, integrate, and apply what they have learned. 2. What do I still need to learn to select and develop resources/instructional materials in teaching effectively? The foundation for what students can accomplish, understand, and learn is laid out in instructional resources. They have the power to either motivate or irritate students materials for instruction must be carefully considered, developed, structured, enhanced, and implemented as a result, it is critical for a teacher to have sufficient knowledge in selecting acceptable educational materials to guarantee that the material is accurate and relevant to both the subject and the learners. These materials should be reviewed by the teacher prior to selection and should be

defined as described in the learning outcomes and individuals preferences and learning styles that impart knowledge in a variety of ways must be considered by teachers mixed media learning is more engaging and accommodates a wide range of learning styles, in addition, I must learn to ensure that the contents meet the learning objectives by providing students with a broad variety of materials to supplement and enhance the curriculum when generating materials. The resources should supplement rather than replace the work of the instructor in the classroom. Finally, I need to increase my capacity to make stuff more intelligible and accessible by studying and practicing. Assuring that pupils have the prerequisite knowledge to comprehend the teaching materials. 3. What can I do to learn more about and practice the use of resources, and instructional materials? Instructional materials provide the major content that students will encounter, understand, and apply during a course. Students can be motivated or demotivated by them. This is especially true for online courses, which rely on a well-planned and comprehensive library of educational materials that students may access, explore, absorb, and refer to as they advance through the course. As a result, such resources must be appropriately prepared, selected, structured, developed, and used in a course for maximum benefit. Instructional materials should be prepared and selected with both breadth and depth of knowledge in mind in order to enhance student learning. The following sections cover the four main categories of criteria that teachers employ when selecting instructional materials: accuracy and visual appeal, alignment to standards and depth of knowledge, simplicity of use and support, and engagement and capacity to meet student needs.

WRITE ACTION RESEARCH PROMPTS This part allows you to synthesize or put together what you noticed, analyzed, and reflected on to come up with a possible topic to explore for an action research OBSERVE l. Doing this episode on selecting and using resources/instructional materials, what problematic situation / challenges/area of improvement did I find? I have found that selecting resources/instructional materials, suitability, precision, materials used and accuracy are one of the problems in selecting this area.


2. List at least three sources that you have read about this problem/challenge/area of improvement Resource or Reference about the Topic https://www.researchgate.net/publication/343762338_ Challenges_of_the_Use_of_Instructional_ Materials_in_Teaching_Geography_ in_Secondary_School

Key points/findings in what I read The researcher wanted to investigate on the challenges that teachers face in use of instructional materials. The geography teachers were asked to state the challenges using materials in teaching geography. This question had a goal to determine the challenges of materials by geogra-phy teachers in teaching in community secondary school. Table 2 represents the teacher’s response of the different challenges of using materials in the geography class room. https://www.slideshare.net/roxannejoiedeang/problems- Teachers Professional Knowledge and associated-with-the-use-of-instructional-materials Technical Know How Because educational communication and technology is a relatively new area of importance in education, it is a rather technical sector, and understanding how it can alter instructional delivery necessitates first understanding the operational capability of the resource kits. Environmental Factors Teachers' knowledge has a significant impact on the effective use of teaching aids or instructional materials. This is because the teacher must understand the sequential presentation of the instructional gadgets in order to cater to the interests of the students and their suitability for the instructional tasks. Time Constraints The target demographic for whom the resources are to be utilized, as well as the environment or neighborhood where the learning should take place, are both important considerations in the application of teaching aids or


instructional materials. Financial Constraints Time is another serious issue or factor that delays the effective use of instructional materials in effective instructional delivery in the classroom, because in most cases, the time allotted for a subject on the timetable is insufficient for the teachers to present his contents alongside effective use of the materials, affecting the wholesome delivery of the content. Poor Maintenance Culture This appears to be the stumbling block for most educational institutions in obtaining necessary instructional equipment and supplies. As a result, students and teachers will be deprived of opportunities to learn and use innovative strategies in the field. Teachers and certain school officials mishandle materials that are available for efficient educational delivery. The lack of a resource room for the correct storage of both locally created and commercially purchased teaching aids has an impact on schools, limiting their use when it is needed. Unavailability Of The Teaching Aids Another pressing issue with teaching aids or instructional materials for use is that they are woefully inadequate in schools. In majority of the instructional settings, both printed and audio-visual resources were in short supply, and neither were provided in sufficient quantity or quality. The availability of these items was indicated by a few universities, although they were in poor shape. Under the guidance of the administrative team, the licensed instructional staff will


be in charge of selecting instructional materials. Selection committees may be made up of parents, students, other employees, and community people. The curriculum committee will be in charge of organizing the selection of text materials. After obtaining a recommendation from the Superintendent, the Board retains the ability to approve all textbooks. The licensed professional personnel of the library, in cooperation with administrative and instructional staff, must recommend material for purchase for school libraries. The building administrator must approve all recommended materials.

he survey was responded by eight geography teachers in different sampled secondary schools in Kathmandu district. The number of male teachers dominate all the posts and had at least bachelor degree in geography from

Tribhuvan University. It is found that 50 percent teacher had a teaching experience over 10 years, 25 percent had teaching experience less than 5 years and 25 percent had teaching experience between 5-10 years. All teachers got different teacher training program as a secondary geography teacher

On what theories/principles can this problem be anchored? 3. What do I hope to achieve to address the challenge/area of improvement? What change do I want to achieve? I'm hoping that all of the resources and teaching materials I'll be using in class will be useful. The resources and teaching aids should fill in the gaps left by other learning materials. Obtaining resources is a challenge because to the shortage of both goods and funds. Giving students the correct instructions is not the end of effective teaching. Choosing the proper teaching materials and resources based on the needs of the students should also be taken into account in order to make the teaching-learning environment fruitful and enjoyable. PLAN 4. What strategies/solutions/means can I employ to improve the situation/solve the problem? Principles for teaching problem solving  Model a useful problem-solving method. Problem solving can be difficult and sometimes tedious. Show students by your example how to be patient and persistent and how to follow a structured method, such as Woods' model described here. Articulate your method as you use it so students see the connections.  Teach within a specific context. Teach problem-solving skills in the context in which they will be used (e.g., mole fraction calculations in a chemistry course). Use real-life problems in explanations, examples, and exams. Do not teach problem solving as an independent, abstract skill.  Help students understand the problem. In order to solve problems, students need to define the end goal. This step is crucial to successful learning of problem-solving skills. If you succeed at helping students answer the questions "what?" and "why?", finding the answer to "how?" will be easier.  Take enoug...

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