1619370310985 pubad exam guide 4th sem April 21 final PDF

Title 1619370310985 pubad exam guide 4th sem April 21 final
Course Public Administration
Institution University of Delhi
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2021 EditionBy the Author ofPOL SC HELPEXAM GUIDE Chapter wise Key points and Model Answers to Past Year’sQuestions 3 sets of Sample Papers with Hints for Semester Exam Tips for Writing Answers in Open Book ExamPUBLIC POLICY ANDADMINISTRATION IN INDIABA Hons Semester 4PLEASE SPARE FEW MINUTES TO REA...


EXAM GUIDE 2021 Edition


• Chapter wise Key points and Model Answers to Past Year’s Questions • 3 sets of Sample Papers with Hints for Semester Exam • Tips for Writing Answers in Open Book Exam

By the Author of


Pol Sc Help Exam Guide

Public Administration Semester 4

2021 Edition

PLEASE SPARE FEW MINUTES TO READ THIS Dear students…WELCOME BACK! This guide is intended to be like a cheat code (oh no! not cheating, like the cheat code of winning the computer game) for your semester exams! What it contains? •

Key points on each of topics/theme of the revised CBCS Syllabus.

Theme/topic wise Answer templates to past year’s questions (taken from DU) and other important questions.

3 sets of sample question papers with Answer Hints.

Answer writing tips and tricks for OBE.

What is Answer Template? •

Answer written in a particular way (Intro, Body, Conclusion) as expected against essay type questions in university exam.

I have given you a template(format/structure). You may add or delete contents to make the answer as your own.

How to use the Guide for the best results? •

For best results, this guide must be used with Pol Sc Help Videos on You Tube.

First, watch the videos on the theme/topic from POL SC HELP- at least 4-5 times, first in normal speed, later on with faster speed and selectively. Final watching shouldn’t take more than 5 min.

Second, read the key points on the theme/topic very carefully. In fact, even if you only remember the key points you can write answers in the exam.

Third, read the answers of past year questions, at least 5 times. Again, the final reading may not take more than 5-10 minutes. o I have chosen the questions to cover the entire syllabus. o Note the key phrases repeated, made bold underlined, and in violet colour in the answers. You should remember and reproduce them in your answers. Violet bold are most important phrases. You should google them for further understanding. o Also, note the standard (academic or legal) words I have used in the answer. Their easier meaning/synonyms are given in bracket.

Fourth, read carefully the sample question papers (3 sets). I have given hints to those questions, too. Read them carefully.

Finally, read the answer writing tips; use them in the exam GOOD WISHES!

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Pol Sc Help Exam Guide

Public Administration Semester 4

2021 Edition

SECTION 1 Chapter Wise

Key Points and

ANSWERS Past Year’s & Important Questions All rights reserved @polschelp.in


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Pol Sc Help Exam Guide

Public Administration Semester 4

2021 Edition


Definition, characteristics and models

Public Policy Process in India

1. B: KEY POINTS: Public Policy: Meanings and definitions •

A relatively stable, definite course of action decided by an ‘public authority’ in dealing with a problem or matter of public concern.

Whatever govt. chooses to do or not to do about a problem that comes before them for consideration and possible action.

Collective decision-making process to solve public problems

A projected program consisting of desired objectives and means to achieve them.

Public policy is the output of political system; intended societal goals are achieved through public policies.

Who Make Public Policy? •

Legislature, executives(govt.), and Judiciary make policies

Legislative policy: Energy Conservation Act 2001; Reservation quota for disadvantaged groups, Aadhar Act, etc

Executive Policies: MNAREGA, Ayushman Bharat Mission, Mid Day Meal, DBT, etc.

In parliamentary form of Government, both the above policies are actually initiated and made by the Government (executive), which obtains approval of legislatures, if required.

Judicial policies: ‘Creamy layer’ policy in reservation, Policy of Judges appointment (called the Collegium system), Auction of natural resources such as wireless spectrum, coal block, etc.

Who Implement and Evaluate Public Policy? •

Executives implement public policies •

Officials in central and state govt. ministries and departments

Public officials in urban local bodies, PSUs, statutory, regulatory bodies

Policy analysts, experts, media, and political leadership, public at large evaluate policies

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Public Administration Semester 4

2021 Edition

Policy Cycle: Stages in Policy Process •

Generally, a 5-stage process •

Problem Identification and Agenda Setting

Policy formulation •

Search for policy alternatives (as solution for the problem identified)

Policy Adoption •

Choosing a policy alternative

Attaching solution to the problem

Policy Implementation

Policy Evaluation


On the basis of arena (site, location) of Policymaking: •

On the basis of Policy Issues/ subject domains: •

Ex: Regulatory policy: RERA, Pollution control acts; self-regulatory policy: policy of masking & social distancing during pandemic.

Material vs symbolic •

Ex: Distributive policy: universal basic Income; re-distributive policy: Land reforms

Regulatory vs self- regulatory •

Example: substantive policy: reservation quota in jobs; procedural policy: Administrative reforms

Distributive and re-distributive policy •

Education policy, foreign policy, defense, economic, environmental policy, etc.

Substantive vs Procedural policy •

Legislative vs administrative vs judicial

Ex: material policy: farm loan waiver; symbolic policy: national anthem in cinema hall

Policies involving public goods vs private goods •

Ex: Policy involving public good : nationalization of banks ; Policy involving private good : privatization policies.

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Public Administration Semester 4

2021 Edition

Model or Approaches to public policy: •

Political system Approach •

Group or pluralist theory/model •

Public policy represents values and preferences of a governing elite.

Rational choice theory •

Public policy is outcome of group struggle, each group trying to bring policy to serve its interest.

Elite theory/model •

Public policy as output of the existing political system

Public policy as outcome of actions of individuals who are self-interested, rational, and utility maximizers.

Institutionalism •

Public policy is a function of institutional structure, norms, rules, and procedures.

Incremental Model: policy as small variations on past policies

Game Theory: policy as rational choice in competitive situations

Public policy and Public Administration: Public policy: life line of Public Administration: •

Public Administration is the action arm of Government. Public policies are the collective decisions to solve public problem. All the actions of Govt originate from policy decisions. Even the routine activities such as maintaining law & order are action outcomes of the policies to maintain peace & order.

Thus, implementation of public policy is the primary job of Public Administration. Once the policy is made, rules/regulations and detailed operational guidelines are made to implement them. Thereafter, the policy is implemented in the form of program (like operation flood), schemes (fertilizer subsidy scheme), mission (Swachh Bharat Mission). All these activities are done by Public Administration. Thus, policy implementation is the exclusive domain of Public Administration.

Monitoring and evaluation of policy implementation are also done mainly by Public Administration. Detailed analysis of policy output and outcome, its unintended consequences, and mid-course corrections, etc are carried out exclusively by the Public Administration.

Apart from policy implementation and evaluation, now a days Public Administration is also playing major role in policy making. Top public administrators in PMO, nodal ministries, and Niti Aayog are the key players in policy making in India. Top public

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Public Administration Semester 4

2021 Edition

officers act like the link between the policy experts and the policy making process. They shortlist policy alternatives and help the political executive in choosing the best possible policy alternative. •

Thus, Public Administration plays very important role in all stages of policy process. Indeed, Public policy is the life line of Public Administration.

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Pol Sc Help Exam Guide

Public Administration Semester 4

2021 Edition


Q.1: Discuss the concept and process of public policy in democratic set up. Who are the main actors in policy process?

Introduction: Public policies are essentially the collective decisions to solve common societal problems. It can be defined as a relatively stable, definite course of action decided by the ‘public authorities’ in dealing with a problem or matter of public concern. Public authorities who take policy decisions are generally the political leadership of the executive arm of the state, ,that is, the Government. Hence, public policy is also whatever govt. chooses to do or not to do about a problem that comes before it for consideration and possible action. It can also be understood as a projected program consisting of desired objectives and means to achieve them. Finally, Public policy is the output of political system. Intended societal goals are achieved through public policies. Power in politics denotes capacity to enforce policy of one’s choice. Thus, political parties aim to acquire power to formulate public policies in line with their political ideologies. From the above introduction it is clear that Public policy is collective decision-making process to solve public problems. All the public policies originate from the supreme law of a nation which is the constitution. Laws passed by the Legislature are consistent with the constitutional framework. The public policies are either themselves based on some acts/ laws or are administrative decisions consistent with the existing Acts/laws. To implement public policy, different plans, programs, schemes and missions are formulated and implemented. Hence, we can place public policy in a hierarchical order starting from constitution, followed by laws/acts, then public policy, and thereafter the plan, program, schemes, and missions to implement the public policy. Since public policies are collective decisions to solve societal problems, they are decided or formulated by the political leadership of a nation. It may be noted that policy formulation involves value judgement. What societal conditions can be identified as problems? which problems will come up high on the government’s agenda for solution? which of the possible alternatives or means shall be chosen as the solution to the identified problems? Answers to all these vital questions are subject to the value preferences of the decision makers. In democracy the representatives of people elected through voting are given the key responsibilities of formulating the public policy. In Parliamentary form of Government, it All rights reserved @polschelp.in


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Public Administration Semester 4

2021 Edition

is the executive arm of the state, that is the government, which is supposed to make public policy. However, some policies are also made in Legislative and Judicial domains. It may also be noted that on the issue of who should make public policy, the politics-administration dichotomy was created. Starting with Woodrow Wilson, many thinkers believed that policy making is the domain of politics, for it involves political values. Whereas the policy implementation should be done by the public administration in value neutral manner. In later years, this dichotomy was discarded. Now a day, Public Administration plays an important role in policy making. Policy making include 4 sequential stages; first, identification of common problems of the society which require solution; second, agenda setting, that is the identified problem comes high on government’s agenda for decision; third, search for the suitable alternatives/ means as solution to the identified problem and fourth, attaching the chosen alternative as the solution to the identified problem. The final step is the decision or the choice of alternative which is called the policy. Therefore, the policies are nothing but the decisions taken in a collective manner to solve common societal problems. In the next section of the answer, I will try to explain features and processes of the public policy. I will also try to list out the importance of public policy in any political system, and main actors who are involved in policy making processes.

Features of Public Policy: •

Policy is solution to issue or problem (policy demands) that are brought on agenda of govt. and requires its attention.

Thus, essentially policy is collective decision to solve public problem.

Policy may be in form of law/act, rules/regulation, administrative orders, plan, program, schemes, guidelines, codes or combinations of these. •

Examples: Energy Conservation Act 2001( Act); New Education Policy 2020( administrative notification), Ayushman Bharat Mission, Mid Day Meal( program), etc.

Policy is what Govt actually does, not just what it intends to do. Thus, it is decision to have definite course of action.

Policy is sustained course of actions based on a decision taken over time not discrete (disconnected) decisions and actions thereon.

Policy is the output or outcome of the political process;

Policy output vs outcome: •

Output: measurable physical or quantitative results of policy

Outcome: policy’s consequences on target group/society- qualitative improvement in social conditions.

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Public Administration Semester 4

2021 Edition

Who Make Public Policy? As stated above, policy is the domain of executive organ of the state, that is the Govt. But some policies are also made in in Legislative and Judicial domains. Following are the examples of Policies made in all the three domains: •

Legislative policy: Energy Conservation Act 2001; Reservation quota for disadvantaged groups, Aadhar Act, etc.

Executive Policies: New Telecom Policy, MGNAREGA, Ayushman Bharat Mission, Kisan Samman Nidhi, Mid-Day Meal, DBT, UJALA, etc.

Policies originating from Judiciary: ‘Creamy layer’ policy in reservation, Policy of Judges appointment, Auction of natural resources, etc.

Main Actors in Policy making Process: •

Policy experts: the policy community •

Niti Aayog

Domain experts

Policy Institutes and organisations

Professional associations and interest groups

Mass leader, civil society

Political Leadership •

They are one who take policy decisions. They make policies.

PM, CM, and central/state ministers

Top Party leaders

Executives/ Bureaucracy •

Top level executives in central/state Govt. help political leadership in policy making

Media: Mass and Social media •

plays important role in problem identification and bring that problem high in the decision-making agenda of the Govt.

Policy making Processes: How Policies are made? Following are the sequential steps/stages of the policy process: 1. Problem Identification: Problems are conditions requiring solution. For example, farmer’s suicide is a condition which indicate towards many problems in farm sector. One of the problems may be huge debt (farm loan).

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Public Administration Semester 4

2021 Edition

2. Agenda setting: The problem is brought high on the decision table of Govt. Media and opinion leaders play important role in agenda setting. Some focusing event, such as mass farmer’s movement, may bring the problem on top of the Govt’s agenda. 3. Searching for alternatives or solutions: Here role of policy community and experts become important. All the available alternatives are evaluated to find the best one. 4. Policy formulations: The best or chosen alternative is presented in form of the policy as solution to the problem. This is declaration of the policy decision in form of either acts, plan, program, scheme, mission. For example, in the problem of farmer’s suicide, solution may be policy of direct income transfer to poor farmers. 5. Policy implementation: This is the exclusive domain of Public Administration. Policies are implemented in the form of plan, program, scheme, mission. For example, for the implementing the direct income transfer policy, a scheme called ‘PM Kisan Samman Nidhi’ is formulated and implemented by the Public Administration. 6. Evaluation & Feedback: The Policies are fine-tuned, changed, or dropped on the basis of evaluation and feedback. It may be noted that in real life, Policy processes seldom follow the above-mentioned sequential stages. They may be random, non-linear, non-sequential, chaotic, and unexpected. Many policies are outcome of some chance or luck factor.

Conclusion: In essence, public policy is collective decision making to solve common societal problems. Thus, ...

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