1984 BIG Brother IS Watching YOU PDF

Title 1984 BIG Brother IS Watching YOU
Course Lingua inglese di specializzazione ii
Institution Sapienza - Università di Roma
Pages 3
File Size 116.6 KB
File Type PDF
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ORWELL GEORGE ORWELL LIFE: ➔ Orwell was born in India in 1903, during the period of the decline of the English Empire ➔ he studied at Eton College in England ➔ in 1922 he joined the Indian Imperial Police -> his growing dislike for the British Policy in India led him to resign and return to Europe in 1927, he lives on the streets as he wanted to experience life as a homeless person and see how society would treat him. ➔ he took part in “Brigada Internacional” during the Spanish Civil War (19361937) -> he wrote against totalitarianism ➔ during the Second World War, he worked as a journalist for the BBC ➔ he died in 1950 from tuberculosis in London

WORKS: Main works -> ANIMAL FARM and NINETEEN EIGHTY-FOUR ● his works are an expression of his profound awareness of social injustice and his hatred for the totalitarian system ● Orwell’s system in all his works has always been characterized by clear, uncomplicated language, influenced by his work as journalist

1984-BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU RIASSUNTO 1948, and published in 1949. 1984 became a science fiction classic, As a dystopian novel speaks of a negative utopia. In a utopian novel the writer depicts a perfect world, the best of all possible worlds. In a negative utopia or "dystopia" does the exact opposite: the world depicted is completely negative, the worst imaginable The plot In the world of the future (1984) there are three superpowers involved in: Oceania, Eurasia, and Estasia. Oceania is dominated by the Party and the omniscient Big Brother. Winston Smith, the protagonist, is a minor member of the Party and works for the Ministry of Truth; he rewrites history and the past. Winston is not a devout member of his Party: he keeps a secret diary that records his true memories and feelings and has a love affair with a young woman named Julia, thus committing 'sex-crimes' and 'thoughtcrime', involved in a conspiracy.resistance with a man he believes to be a friend (O'Brien), is betrayed and one day is arrested by the Thought Police, only to be tortured and brainwashed. Eventually Winston is completely destroyed and learns to love Big Brother.

At the beginning of the novel, the narrator describes a world where the government has total control on the life of the citizens, whose private and public actions are watched through telescreens and helicopters. As to telescreens, they give news about politics and economy and catch whatever people do and say. No one knows when the Thought Police, whose task is of controlling and manipulating people’s thoughts and opinions connects itself to telescreens. As a consequence, you can only be alone in silence and darkness. Moreover, in streets and in buildings there are huge posters showing Big Brother: an enormous face with a thick black moustache and strong features which remind of Stalin. The eyes of Big Brother follow you when you move. The posters also have captions which read “Big Brother is watching you”. Then the protagonist, Winston Smith, is introduced. His name reminds of Winston Churchill, but his surname, which is a very common one, makes him an ordinary man and a sort of anti-hero. Winston Smith has 39 years old and works for the Ministry of Truth. As to his physical appearance, he’s blond and rather small; his face is naturally of a red color and he has a varicose ulcer. His poor health mirrors his inner suffering. Finally, London is described from Winston’s point of view. London is made up of decayed buildings where electricity and lifts don’t work. Moreover, it was bombed in many areas. The author creates a nightmarish atmosphere. It also describes the life of citizens forced to live all day long with the constant fear of making mistakes because they are constantly monitored by telescreen or radio. Every

day people are also forced to listen to propaganda messages and read the posters on the streets. Winston tries to remember how London was when he was a child but his efforts are useless because he only has confusing memories of his childhood.

Newspeak and Doublethink One of the most important elements in the novel is the relevance given to language and thought. Some members of the party, eliminate all synonyms and antonyms. The aim is to limit & citizen's language by taking away their ability to think and express themselves in a personal way. Newspeak is advertised as the perfect language in Nineteen Eighty-Four, a language that will make human consciousness always a little smaller. Another principle of this new society is what is called Doublethink. This is the possibility to maintain and believe in two ideas at the same time, even if they are contradictory. Doublethink is essential to the Party because by using it people can no Jonger recognize contradictions and simply accept every idea presented and consequently everything the Party states, including a revision of past policies and any other 'truths'. INNER PARTY= controls the party OUTER PARTY= the educated workers PROLES= people who live in poverty BROTHERMOOD=rebel organization THOUGHT PARTY= SLOGAN Analise the three slogans of the Party. What kind of words does Orwell employ? The words used by Orwell for the slogans are contradictory and opposite between one another. How does this affect the meaning of each slogan? The people of Oceania believe that the saying War is Peace means that in order to have peace one must tolerate the horrors of war. Freedom is Slavery, represents the message that the party imparts to the community that anyone who become independent of society’s control is bound to be unsuccessful. Ignorance is Strength means that there’s also the need for the citizens to subvert their will and their awareness to accept the contradictions the government puts forth....

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