1984 study guide part 1 - Lecture notes 1 PDF

Title 1984 study guide part 1 - Lecture notes 1
Author william jovanovic
Course qm1
Institution University of Melbourne
Pages 2
File Size 24.1 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 82
Total Views 150





Whatdoest heopeni ngsent encesuggestaboutt hebook?

Thephr asesusedIt heopeni ngsent encebr i ghtandcol dnextt oeachot her cont r ast sast heyar enotcommonl yassoci at edt oget her .I ti sspeci ficwi t ht het i me “ st r i ki ngt hi r t een”onacl ockt her ei snot13not chessot hi ssuggest smaybe24hour t i mebutonananal oguecl ock.Thesenseofunusual nesscr eat edset sat onef ort he r emai nderoft hebook. 1. 5 Howi st echnol ogyandcont r ol ofi ndi vi dual sr epr esent edi nt heopeni ngscene? Thel ackoft echnol ogyi sevi dentasweseet heuseofcabageandol dmat descr i pt i ons.AsWi nst ongoeshomeaswhati sdescr i bedandunder st oodasahabi t heknowst heel evat ori susel esssodoesnott r yusi ngi t .Ther ewasnoel ect r i ci t y dur i ngdayl i ghthour s.Theconst antr emi nder sofpost er soft hefigur esi nt hest ai r wel l suggestt haty ouar eal waysbei ngwat ched. 2. “ Smi t h”i sacommonl astname:whati si mpl i edaboutWi nst on’ s char act er i sat i oni nt hi sopeni ngscene?Al so,consi dert heassoci at i onofWi nst on Smi t hwi t hWi nst onChur chi l l .Whatsi mi l ar i t i esdoy ouseebet weent het wo? Whatel sedoweknowaboutWi nst onconcer ni nghi sage,abi l i t i es ,and occupat i on?


Whatar et hePar t ymot t os ?Whati sunusualaboutt hem?

“ wari speace,f r eedom i ss l av er yandi gnor ancei sst r engt h”t hes emot t osar e sat i r i calbecauset heyar ear ev er s et owhatoursoci et yi st oday .Ther econcept st hey ar ebei ngcont r ol l edt odo.Theyar eopposi t et owhatt hi ssoci et yt hi nksandt hat ’ s whyi tcomesacr ossasunusal .

4. Whati sNewspeak ?Whati si t spur pose ?Whyi si tessent i alf ort hePar t yt or i d t hel anguageofs ynonymsandant onyms ? Thenewspeaki saf or m ofcont r olwhi chBBhasi nt hesoci et y .Thecont r ol BB showsi sev enevi denti nt hel anguageoft hepeopl e.Theshadowt hati scast ov erev er y oneandev er y t hi ngi nt hes oci et y .


Whoi sBi gBr ot herandwhati st hesi gni ficanceofhi sname ?

Bi gbr ot heri sl i k et heov er l or doft hel andandi st heal l power f ulandsomecoul dsay i st r eat edl i k eagodorpr ai sedbyone.t hedescr i pt i onsmadebyor wel lmak esBB l ookl i k et het ot ar at er i anl eaderhei s.


Whati sf acecr i me?Whyi si tsoeas yt ocommi t ?

Facecr i mei st hef aci alex pr essi onst hatcoul dbe madei ni nappr opr i at et i mes . Bei ngcaughtcommi t i ngaf acecr i mecanbev er yhar dl ypuni shabl ebyt hepar t yand pol i ce.t hecausal f aci als l i pcanbecl assi fiedasf acecr i meevent hough uni nt ent i onal 7.

Howdoest hePar t ycont r olhi st or y ?Why?

Thepar t yi sv er ysetoncont r ol l i ngever yt hi ngpastpr esentandf ut ur e,wi t hout memor ypeopl ecan’ tknowt hepast .Cont ol l i bgpeopl esmemor i esshapest he t hought sf orpeopl et ot hi nk.Wi t ht hecont r ol oft hepastt hi sal l owst hepar t yt o effict evel ycr eat ei dl ebei ngs. 8. Whoi sEmmanuelGol dst ei nandhowi shepr esent edt ot hepeopl eof Oceani a?Whati st hepr obabl esi gni ficanceofusi ngt heobvi ousl yJewi shname ? Hei sfir sti nt r oducedi nt he2mi nuesofhat ewher ehei schar ect er i z edasav er y gr eatcr i mi nalwhochal l engedbi gbr ot herandt hesoci al hi r eachyoft hel eader shi p. Thepr obabl esi gi ni ficancei si nt het i mewr i t t ent hegr eatwarfight i ngNaz i swho di sl i k edj ews.Or wel l mak esBBmuchl i k eahi t l ert ypefigur eandanyenemi es cl assi fiedasj ews. 9.

Di scusshowl anguagei si mpor t antt of r eedom.

Thef r eedom ofspeechoursoci et yhascompar edt o1984i sar i ghtt hatwev al ue v er ymuch.Thef r eedom ofspeechi swhatpeopl euseasbei ngi ndi vi dual sand di ffer ent .Thedemocr acywel i v ei ngi v eschoi cet hr oughourspeecht osel ect gr eat erpower s ....

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