1984 Part 3 Notes PDF

Title 1984 Part 3 Notes
Author M. T.
Course English Studies
Institution High School - Canada
Pages 5
File Size 91.3 KB
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Part 3 Doublethink is the act of simultaneously accepting two mutually contradictory beliefs as correct Chapter I ○ Presumed to be in the Ministry of Love ○ Cell was windowless, lights always on. There were 4 telescreens, one in each wall ○ Was unsure how much time passed: could be 24 hrs, 36 hrs… ○ Unexpected movements resulted in yelling from the telescreen ○ Was very hungry, had bread crumbs in pockets - When it grew worse, he thought of the pain and food - When it grew better, he was in a general panic ○ Identity = 6079 Smith W ○ Winston went to ordinary prison temporarily before Minilove ○ Party prisoners (“polits”) = silent + terrified ○ Common criminals = couldn’t care → yelled insults at guards, fought back, smuggled food, etc ○ Meets a woman who might have been his mom → same last name ○ Hardly thought of Julia, thought more of O’Brien with hope ○ Hoped that O'Brien knew that he was arrested + Brotherhood would send him a razor to commit suicide ○ Ampleforth went into same cell for leaving the word “God” in a poem of Kipling due to limited rhyme words → sent to Room 101 ○ Parson committed thoughtcrime in his sleep, saying “Down with Big Brother”. Worried about being shot ○ Parson was sold out by his daughter (heard through keyhole), but Parson was proud of her ○ Fat chinless rat-looking man gave starving sickly skinny man bread. Fat man punished for doing so. ○ Skinny man taken to Room 101, but begged not to go → willing to do anything, even die. Face turned green ○ Thought of Julia more → would double his pain to save Julia ○ In this place, you felt pain and the foreknowledge of pain ○ When you were actually suffering, would you wish for your pain to increase? → was unsure ○ O’Brien came in → O’Brien remarks that Winston must’ve known all along (that O’Brien was on the inside) ○ Was struck on the elbow by guard’s baton and believed “in the face of pain, there are no heroes”

Chapter II ○ New setting: interrogation room ○ Was constantly beaten to confess crimes ○ At times, wanted to confess nothing, or hold out the confession for a little longer ○ Did get food though, haircut by barber, and checked by doctors ○ First questioned by men in black, then Party intellectuals ○ Party used methods to humiliate him → destroy his power of arguing and reasoning (merciless questioning) vs guards using violent pain ○ Beatings more became for unsatisfactory answers ○ Confessed to everything → even things he didn’t do ○ Had various “memories” - Sees only pair of eyes - Strapped in a chair and rolled down golden-lit corridor w/ O’Brien, Julia, Mr. Charrington, all laughing. Winston confessed everything - HOWEVER, he snapped back to reality → in interrogation room ○ Believed O’Brien was the tormentor, protector, inquisitor, and friend. Controlled dial for pain ○ O’Brien wanted Winston to be honest in answers and intelligence ○ O.B knew everything Winston was thinking → could tell if he lied ○ O.B told Winston that he had defective memory → “curable” - War with Eastasia. “ALWAYS” is the “truth”. - 3 people who used to be Party members (Jones, Aaronson, Rutherford), O.B picture put in memory hole ○ ○ ○ ○

“Who controls the past controls the future; who controls the present controls the past” Party controls records, memories (the past) Reality is not in individual minds, but in the mind of the Party O.B brings up 2+2=4

○ Winston could not convince himself that 2+2 is not 4 → kept on getting tortured ○ Eyelids messed up, couldn’t count O.B’s fingers → couldn’t tell how many fingers when asked ○ People brought to Ministry of Love to be “cured, made sane”. They don’t destroy enemies, but change them ○ O.B talked about how the Party perfected the system practiced by the Inquisition, the Nazis, and the Soviets—it has learned how to eliminate its enemies without making killing them for their beliefs (martyrs) ○ Party wants to convert people even if they are powerless → intolerable for “incorrect” thoughts to exist

○ The interrogation was a process that really changed people → made them hollow shell; dead inside ○ At one point, Winston believed everything (Eastasia, photograph of 3 men not existing, 2+2=5) ○ O.B reveal Julia instantly betrayed Winston ○ BB does exist, the Party does, but Winston does not. Winston believes he does. Doesn’t reveal if Brotherhood exist → Winston will never know. ○ Winston asks what is in Room 101 → but everyone knows what's in Room 101

Chapter III ○ 3 stages of reintegration: learning, understanding, accepting ○ O’Brien collaborated in writing Goldstein’s book ○ Knowledge + enlightenment = rebellion/overthrow of Party by proles ○ BUT, proles will never revolt, not in 1000 years, or a million. They can’t. ○ Party sought power entirely for its own sake. Only wanted power for purely power (not wealth, happiness, luxury etc.) ○ All past authoritarian rulers (Russian Commies, Nazis) didn’t recognize motives → pretended power = humans are free and equal. BUT, power is not obtained to be given up. ○ Persecution is persecution, Torture is torture. Power is power. ○ Freedom is slavery, slavery is freedom - Alone, humans are defeated, humans doomed to die. But under submission, they can merge themselves into the Party ○ Party controls EVERYTHING through influencing thoughts -- levitation, idea of existence, location of stars - “The Party can if they wish to. But they don’t wish to” ○ A man asserts power over another by making the other suffer → ensures obeying the alpha’s will ○ A more merciless world is being created - more pain, hatred, destruction - i.e. cutting links between children and parents ○ Party wants only loyalty to the Party and BB ○ No need for anything else (i.e. happiness, science, literature, art, laughter - unless over a defeated enemy ○ Winston doesn’t believe such a world could exist → people would commit suicide ○ O.B counters: hatred isn’t more exhausting than love ○ Individual death ≠ death of Party ○ Men are malleable ○ Winston looks at himself through a 3 sided mirror → weeps that he is “the last of humanity”

- Hunched spine, scar of wounds, ribs seen skinny, gray hair, lost teeth and hair. Rotting away ○ O.B says that Winston put this upon himself by his decisions ○ Justified to O’Brien that he had not betrayed Julia (never stopped loving her) Chapter IV ○ Winston’s health + state grew better → fatter, stronger, more privileges, food and luxuries. Exercised ○ Had dreams of the Golden Country w/ his mom, Julia, O.B ○ Whilst awake, thought about his dreams. Used v little intellectual effort ○ Realised Thought Police monitored him for 7 years → diary w/ white dust, recorded him, photographed ○ Wrote 3 things: FREEDOM IS SLAVERY, TWO AND TWO MAKE FIVE, GOD IS POWER ○ Accepted everything they told him. Everyone simultaneous thinks something = makes it “true” ○ Crimestop = automatic process to blindspot dangerous thoughts → fully believing what you were told ○ Believed they shot you in the back of the head as you walked down a corridor ○ Imagined the Golden Country and cried for Julia’s name ○ Knew one day he’d be shot. But before so, he wanted to be filled with hatred for BB. To die hating them was freedom because they could not reclaim his brain Chapter V ○ Winston hated BB → was brought to Room 101. He MUST love BB, not just obey him. ○ Strapped to chair, to face “worst thing in the world” → his greatest fear = rats ○ O.B. reminds Winston of his worst nightmare—the dream of being in a dark place with something terrible on the other side of the wall—and informs him that rats are on the other side of the wall. ○ O’Brien picks up a cage full of enormous, squirming rats and places it near Winston. He says that when he presses a lever, the door will slide up and the rats will leap onto Winston’s face and eat it. ○ Finally betrayed Julia - wishing the pain upon her and not himself Chapter VI ○ Visited the Chestnut Tree, drank Victory Gin → waiter knew his habits ○ Commonly played the chessboard and read the Times newspaper ○ Always his corner table reserved and bill was likely undercharged ○ Had lots of money w/ job req little work → worked on 11th edition of Newspeak dictionary Interim Report (dealt with minor difficulties in its compilation). Worked about 2x a week ○ Ministry of Plenty’s plan of bootlaces overfilled ○ Potentially losing central Africa in war w/ Eurasia (ofc it changes, but it “never really did”) ○ White always won in chess → symbolized triumph of Good over Evil ○ Traced in the dust on the table “2+2=5”

○ Recall seeing Julia in the Park on a cold March day, admitted they betrayed each other - He followed her and she gave in to letting him - No telescreen around, prob hidden mic tho - They could've had sex, he thinks, but he was in horror at the thought of it - She didn't move much - She had a scar across her forehead - Compared her awkward and rigid body to a corpse - They didn't kiss or speak - Momentary glance filled with dislike and contempt - Sat down and admitted to betraying each other - Talked about how the Party changes you to betray people in Room 101. You actually want to inflict the pain on the other person. All you care about is yourself - “They must meet again” (not really) - She went to the Tube, he went to Chestnut Tree - Awkwardly followed her, till he decided not to. Slowwd down ○ Song came on to disrupt the memory: “Under the spreading chestnut tree. I sold you and you sold me.” ○ Had childhood memory playing Snakes and Ladders at age 9 or 10 → dismissed it as false memory ○ Finally loved Big Brother when they won the war. ○ And his thoughts he was back in Minilove and the long-hoped-for bullet was entering his brain ○ “He had won the victory over himself. He love BB”...

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