2015 Workbook Guide to Pebblepad+ (students) 1 PDF

Title 2015 Workbook Guide to Pebblepad+ (students) 1
Author gg cc
Course Capability in Pharmacy 2
Institution University of Bradford
Pages 9
File Size 877.4 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 24
Total Views 133


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Pebble+ User Guide

Capability in Pharmacy PebblePad+ User Guide (Students) Contents Contents Capability in Pharmacy ..................................................................................... 1 PebblePad+ User Guide (Students) .................................................................. 1 Contents ........................................................................................................... 1 What is PebblePad............................................................................................ 2 Login to Pebble+ ............................................................................................... 2 Direct Login................................................................................................... 2 Login via Blackboard ..................................................................................... 2 Your Pebble+ ................................................................................................ 3 The Pebble+ Toolbar..................................................................................... 3 Creating a workbook for assessments.............................................................. 4 How to complete your workbook..................................................................... 7 To view your feedback...................................................................................... 9

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Pebble+ User Guide 2. Enter your UoB username and password at the login screen as shown in below

What is PebblePad PebblePad is made up of two parts: a personal learning space called Pebble+ and an institutional space called ATLAS which is the active teaching, learning and assessment space. View the short videos that show:

Login via Blackboard

a. The Pebble+ Interface at http://www.pebblepad.co.uk/pp3help/Video/interface/interface.htm. b. About ATLAS: the Active Teaching, Learning and Assessment Space at http://www.pebblepad.co.uk/pp3help/Video/atlasoverview/atlasovervie w.htm.

Since you are likely to access the VLE regularly, you are now able to access other tools you are required to use directly from the VLE without the need to login again. So you can now access PebblePad (Pebble+ and ATLAS) directly from Blackboard as show below

Login to Pebble+ There are now two main ways you can login to Pebble+: directly or via the University Virtual Learning Environment, Blackboard.

Direct Login 1. Go to the University internal homepage at http://internal.brad.ac.uk/. From the list of quick links on the right had site of the window, click on the link to Pebblepad (e-Portfolio) as shown below or go directly to Pebblepad at www.pebblepad.co.uk/bradford/login.aspx.

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Pebble+ User Guide 3. You can go directly to PebblePad and your Pebble+ personal learning space by selecting the My PebblePad tab from anywhere in Blackboard, as shown above. Selecting this tab displays a summary of your most recent activity in Pebble+ and a button labelled Launch Link to Pebble+. 4. To open your Pebble+ account in a new window, click on the Launch Link to Pebble+. This will take you to your Pebble+ personal learning space as shown below.

The Pebble+ Toolbar

Your Pebble+ Pebble+ is your personal learning space in PebblePad. It is completely private to you and any assets (ie records) you create here can only been seen by you until you choose to share any one of them with another person or share it via an ATLAS workspace, ie the main way to submit your assignments. The home screen is shown below:

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View Assets



Log out

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Pebble+ User Guide

Creating a workbook for assessments You will need to create a workbook at the beginning of the year. 1. The first time you do this you will need to go to “Tools and Resources” and select “Resource Centre”.

3. An auto-submit message box will appear as shown on the next page. This means that you do not have to submit your work – it has been done for you. 2. This will bring up the window on the next page. Select the “For Me” option across the top of the resources box. Then click on the “Workbooks” option on the left hand side of the resources box. Click on the workbook that you need for your module i.e. Capability 1,2,3 or 4 depenidng on your year. Then click on the “Use” button at the bottom of the resource box.

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This allows you to add to the workbook throughout your course without having to worry about submitting it. It also means whenever you save the workbook, the changes can be seen straight away by your Tutor until the deadline date / time. Click Continue.

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Pebble+ User Guide 5. Ensure that you save any changes you make each time you use the workbook.

4. The workbook will open for you to use. Add evidence either by completing the fields in the templates or by adding assets you have created in PebblePad during the course. Everything you want to submit must be added to the workbook for your Tutor to see.

If you have any problems with auto-submission follow steps 7-9 otherwise continue to step 10. 6. At this stage only you can see the workbook so you will need to submit to Atlas so that your tutor can see the form and add their comments. This is done by clicking on the letter in the top left hand corner of the asset (in this case a “bk”). A drop down menu will appear and you should select “Submit”.

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Pebble+ User Guide


You will need to select the appropriate workspace from the menu of workspaces e.g. “2015-16 Sem 1 Capability in Pharmacy 2”. Then click on the blue “Submit” button in the bottom right hand corner of the box.

8. Your tutor will then be able to access your workbook and add their assessment and comments. Once they have done this you can view their comments by opening the asset. To do this you can either click on the “View assets” button at the top of the screen or click on “View” followed by “Assets”

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Pebble+ User Guide

How to complete your workbook 1. You must always complete work on your workbook by accessing the workbook in PebblePad+ and your resource centre. To do this log in to PebblePad+. 2. Click on the view assets button and then select the appropriate workbook.



View Assets


4. When you have clicked on this workbook select the edit option below (do not click view) Help

Log out

3. Select the correct workbook from your assets – this will be the workbook with a green dot to the right hand side (which indicates that the workbook has been shared on your workspace).

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5. This will bring up your workbook and allow you to complete the relevant section of the workbook. 6. Once you have inputted your information ensure that you save the workbook. This will then update your workbook on the workspace & atlas.

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Pebble+ User Guide 8. This will open a new tab with your atlas dashboard on it. Click on your workbook from “my submissions”.

9. Your workbook should then appear in another tab for you to view.

7. To check that this has happened successfully you can close the workbook and asset window and then select to see atlas by clicking on the globe of the toolbar.



View Assets


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Log out

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Pebble+ User Guide

To view your feedback 1. Open your workbook from the asset store and go to the reflection you have been given feedback on. Click on the tick on the right hand side of the reflection and then click on the “f” icon. This will reveal your feedback.

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