2020 MCQ Practice questions PDF

Title 2020 MCQ Practice questions
Course Introduction to Cultural and Community Psychology
Institution Murdoch University
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PSY101 MC practice questions 1.The process by which individuals learn and adopt the ways and manners of their specific culture is called _____. A. enculturation B. globalization C. grouping D. motivation

2._____ refer to those processes that are consistent across different cultures. _____ refer to those processes that are different across cultures. A. Emics; Etics B. Etics; Emics C. Phonemes; Phonetics D. Phonetics; Phonemes 3. _____ refers to the behaviors or patterns of activities that a society or culture deems appropriate for men and women. A. Ethnicity B. Gender C. Religion D. Nationality

4.Which of the following describes priming studies? A. They involve experimentally manipulating the mindsets of participants and measuring the resulting changes in behavior. B. They test the equivalence of psychological measures and tests for use in a cross-cultural comparative research. C. They attempt to establish the linkages between the contents of culture and the variables of interest in the study. D. They examine whether a measure of a psychological construct that was originally generated in a single culture is applicable, meaningful, and thus equivalent in another culture.

5._____ can be defined as a state or condition of similarity in conceptual meaning and empirical method between cultures that allows comparisons to be meaningful. A. Equivalence B. Cross-cultural research C. Operationalization D. Bias 6._____ use countries or cultures as the unit of analysis. A. Ecological-level studies B. Individual-level studies C. Hypothesis-testing studies D. Linkage studies 1

PSY101 MC practice questions

7.In the context of teaching practices and school environment, during class, American teachers tend to: A. focus on incorrect answers. B. use praise to reward correct responses. C. use incorrect answers as examples to lead into discussions. D. emphasize finding ways to engage in group processes.

8.Which of the following is an accurate statement about contemporary theories of child development? A. They focus primarily on a developmental model that starts with the effects of genes, biology, and heredity on infant temperament. B. They suggest that culture unidirectionally provides the structure and environment for parents to affect their children in culturally appropriate ways. C. They assume a common understanding imposed by an outside culture, rather than attempting to discover cultural meanings held in common between parents and children. D. They suggest that children’s active processing of information results in the reproduction of culture and the production of new elements of culture.

9._____ is the process by which we learn and internalize the rules and patterns of the society in which we live. This process, which occurs over a long time, involves learning and mastering societal norms, attitudes, values, and belief systems. A. Social striving B. Socialization C. Attribution D. Adaptation

10. Identify a universal developmental pathway for children across cultures. A. Children form attachment relationships to their caregivers and communities. B. Children exhibit the same pattern of temperamental styles. C. Children continue to think about the world in the same way as they get older. D. Children do not view morality based on obligations to significant others. 11.Which of the following is a characteristic of Kohlberg’s postconventional stage of moral development? A. It involves moral reasoning on the basis of individual principles and conscience. B. It involves compliance with rules to avoid punishment and gain rewards. C. It is based on the concepts related to religion, spirituality, and divinity. D. It involves conformity to rules that are defined by others’ approval or society’s rules.


PSY101 MC practice questions

12.Which of the following is a concern raised by cross-cultural research on Piaget’s theory of cognitive development? A. The ages associated with each stage of development are the same across cultures. B. The four stages do not always occur in the same order in every culture. C. There is cultural variation in the order in which children acquire specific skills within Piaget’s stages. D. It assumes that the scientific reasoning associated with formal operations is not the universal end point of cognitive development.

13.Triandis (1989) proposed the existence of three types of selves: A. the private, public, and collective self. B. the collective vertical, familial, and societal self. C. the relational vertical, group, and collective self. D. the inner, outer, and idealized self.

14. _____ refers to the cognitive and affective evaluations we make about ourselves. A. Self-effacement B. Self-esteem C. Idealized self D. Realistic self

15.In the context of independent construal of self in the United States as described by Markus and Kitayama (1991b), which of the following is an accurate statement? A. People believe that standing out and asserting themselves is a virtue. B. People routinely credit their success to a group to which they belong. C. People strongly believe in the fundamental connectedness of human beings. D. People prefer socializing by occupying and playing their assigned roles.

16.Which of the following statements is true of the study conducted by Terraciano et al. (2005) in 49 cultures on describing the “typical member” of a culture? A. The findings suggested that perceptions of national character may actually be substantiated by characteristics of members of those cultures. B. The respondents’ perceptions of national character were not correlated with the actual, aggregate personality levels of individuals of those cultures. C. There was relatively high disagreement about the national character perceptions of various cultures. D. The study was conducted using a single measure to assess personality and national character.


PSY101 MC practice questions 17.Which of the following traits was included in the indigenous scale developed by Cheung and colleagues to measure personality in China? A. Tempermentalness B. Dominance C. Defensiveness D. Aggressiveness 18.One of the most contentious parts of the five-factor theory is its suggestion that the origin of the personality traits is at least partially _____ determined. A. behaviorally B. biologically C. situationally D. religiously

19.According to Hofstede (2001), which of the following is true of the difference between masculine and feminine cultures in terms of sexuality? A. Cultures high on masculinity tended to have norms that encouraged an active role for women in society. B. Cultures low on masculinity tended to have norms that encouraged a passive role for women in society. C. Cultures low on masculinity tended to have double standards about sex. D. Cultures high on masculinity tended to have moralistic attitudes about sex. 20.Which of the following terms refers to the degree to which a person adopts the gender-specific behaviors ascribed by his or her culture? A. Gender stratification B. Gender role C. Gender identity D. Gender stereotype

21.Which of the following is a model that suggests that biological differences between the sexes interact with the environment to produce culture-specific sex roles that are adaptations to the environment? A. Biodiversity model B. Biochemical model C. Biophysical model D. Biosocial model


PSY101 MC practice questions 22.In the context of the study by Masuda and Nisbett on attention involving American and Japanese students, people in Western cultures tend to engage in context-independent and _____ processes by focusing on a salient object (or person) independently from the context in which it is embedded. A. holistic perceptual B. naturalistic perceptual C. analytic perceptual D. scientific perceptual 23.Which of the following theories suggests that people in urbanized, industrialized societies are used to seeing things that are rectangular in shape and unconsciously come to expect things to have squared corners? A. Carpentered world theory B. Rectangular perception theory C. Right angle perception theory D. Front-horizontal theory 24.Hudson, in 1960, conducted a study that highlighted cultural differences in perception and found that: A. even Bantu tribe members who had been educated in European schools saw the pictures as other tribe members. B. differences in depth perception were neither related to education nor to exposure to European cultures. C. Western people do not often use relevant size as a cue to depth in pictures. D. Bantu tribe members did not use relative size as a cue to depth.

25.Studies of congenially blind individuals suggest that facial expressions of emotion are _____. A. genetically encoded and not socially learned B. socially learned and not genetically encoded C. both socially learned and genetically encoded D. neither socially learned nor genetically encoded

26._____ are the events or situations that elicit or trigger an emotion. A. Emotion appraisals B. Emotional contagions C. Emotional complexities D. Emotion antecedents


PSY101 MC practice questions 27.According to Charles Darwin, which of the following statements is true of facial expressions of emotions? A. Humans from different cultures express emotions in their faces differently. B. Facial expressions of nonhuman primates differ from those of humans. C. Facial expressions have communicative value, not adaptive value. D. Facial expressions of emotion are biologically innate.

28.Which of the following is an accurate statement about infants and language? A. Human infants produce different ranges of phonemes in different cultures. B. Not all human infants are born with the ability to make the same range of sounds. C. Through interactions with others, infants’ sound production is shaped and reinforced so that certain sounds are encouraged while certain others are not. D. Elemental sounds of infants become associated with lexicons and gradually develop meaning.

29.Which of the following is a difference between high-context cultures and low-context cultures? A. High-context cultures minimize the effects of context, while low-context cultures enhances the effects of context. B. High-context cultures contain messages that are conveyed indirectly in context, while lowcontext cultures contain messages that are conveyed primarily and directly in verbal languages. C. Communication in high-context cultures uses specific forms of honorific speech, while communication in low-context cultures does not use any form of honorific speech. D. High-context cultures influence lexicons in languages, while low-context cultures influence pragmatics in languages.

30.Pragmatics refers to the system of rules governing: A. how language is used and understood in given social contexts. B. the arrangement of words. C. how words should sound in a given language. D. word forms and how words should be strung together to form meaningful utterances

31.The concept of _____ refers to maintaining steady, stable functioning in our bodies when there are changes in the environment. A. acculturation B. stability C. homeostasis D. meta-equilibrium


PSY101 MC practice questions 32.What are the three indicators of health used worldwide? A. Life expectancy, infant mortality, and subjective well-being B. Lifespan, death rate, and emotional stability C. Levels of happiness, death rate, and lifespan D. Financial, physical, and spiritual well-being

33.Which of the following statements is true in terms of the national health system? A. A national health system in a country is largely unaffected by social trends. B. Cultural differences are related to the type of national health system a country is likely to adopt. C. A country’s national health system is solely a product of its economic development. D. National health systems across cultures do not vary in their beliefs about the cause of diseases.

34.According to Pfeiffer (1982), which of the following is a dimension for understanding how culture syndromes of distress emerge? A. Cultural-specific areas of stress B. Cultural decoding rules C. Cultural idioms of distress D. Cultural display rules

35.Acculturation stress hypothesis as proposed by Berry (2003) and others states that: A. experiencing stresses associated with acculturation may set the stage for poorer mental health. B. immigrants and sojourners with characteristics that match their host cultures will adjust better than those with less match. C. gender differences are related to cultural variations in opportunity structures for girls and women. D. individuals undergoing acculturation are devoid of stress, anxiety, and psychosomatic problems. 36._____ is an example of cultural syndromes of distress that is observed among Puerto Ricans and other Caribbean Latinos and its symptoms include feeling out of control, trembling, uncontrollable shouting, intense crying, heat in the chest rising to the head, and dizziness. A. Latah B. Amok C. Ataque de nervios D. Koro


PSY101 MC practice questions 37.According to Sue et al. (2009), which of the following characteristics must be possessed by every counselor? A. Socioeconomic sensitivity B. Racial sensitivity C. Cultural knowledge D. Sexual awareness and beliefs

38._____ encompasses therapeutic beliefs and practices that are rooted within a given culture. A. Gender-specific therapy B. Cultural psychological healing C. Traditional psychosocial treatment D. Indigenous healing 39.In the context of contemporary psychotherapy, _____ emphasize the development of strategies for teaching cognitive skills. A. cognitive enhancers B. psychodynamic psychotherapies C. client-centered approaches D. cognitive behavioral interventions

40._____ refers to a tendency to explain the behaviors of others using internal attributions but to explain one’s own behaviors using external attributions. A. Practical attribution error B. Fundamental attribution error C. Auxiliary attribution error D. Ancillary attribution error

41.Which of the following statements is true of the Asch experiments on conformity reviewing participants’ response to a simple judgment task? A. Compliance resulted from subtle, implied pressure. B. Compliance resulted from requests and commands. C. Group uniformity was not a factor for compliance. D. Group size was not a factor for compliance. 42.Perceptions of outgroups are often associated with _____, which is the belief that others are less human. A. discriminatory stereotyping B. rehumanization C. infrahumanization D. malignant typecasting


PSY101 MC practice questions 43.The _____ dimension, originated from Hofstede’s research in Asia, refers to the degree to which cultures encourage delayed gratification of material, social, and emotional needs among its members. A. individualism–collectivism B. power distance C. uncertainty avoidance D. long- versus short-term orientation

44._____ refers to a shared perception of organizational policies, practices, and procedures, and how people feel about them. A. Oligarchy B. Groupthink C. Organizational culture D. Organizational climate

45.Which of the following statements is true of U.S. conception of the negotiation process? A. Negotiation is based on human relationships. B. Negotiation is a business, not a social activity. C. Negotiation should be collegial and collaborative. D. Negotiation is a long-term relationship with another organization that can be mutually beneficial for a long time.


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