Chapter 4 MCQ - Practice MCQ PDF

Title Chapter 4 MCQ - Practice MCQ
Course Decision Science
Institution Savitribai Phule Pune University
Pages 13
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A major limitation of Gantt charts in project management is that they do not: a. indicate the major activities involved. b. show activity times. c. show the timing of activities. d. show precedence relationships. e. give a visual portrayal. 2. which is not a feature of PERT/CPM? a. An estimate of ho...


1. A major limitation of Gantt charts in project management is that they do not: a. indicate the major activities involved. b. show activity times. c. show the timing of activities. d. show precedence relationships. e. give a visual portrayal. 2. which is not a feature of PERT/CPM? a. An estimate of how long a project will take. b. A graphical display of project activities. c. An indication of critical activities. d. An indication of slack time. e. All are features. 3. Which of these may require the use of a dummy activity? a. Gantt chart. b. Activity-on-arrow network. c. Activity-on-node network. d. Both b and c. e. None of these. 4. The distribution that is used to represent path times is the a. bivariate b. beta c. normal d. Poisson 5 The standard deviation of a path is computed as:. a. the sum of the standard deviations of all activities on the path. b. the square root of the sum of the standard deviations of all activities on the path. c. the sum of the variances of all activities on the path

d. the square root of the sum of the variances of all activities on the path. e. None of these 6. An important assumption in PERT calculations is a. activity times are normally distributed. b. activity times are independent. c. a computer will be available to do the calculations. d. a and b. e. a and c. 7. The three phases involved in the management of large projects are a. planning, scheduling, controlling. b. planning, scheduling, evaluating. c. scheduling, operating, evaluating. d. scheduling, designing, operating 8 . With respect to PERT and CPM, slack a. marks the start or completion of a task. b. is a task or subproject that must be completed. c. is the latest time an activity can be started without delaying the entire project. d. is the amount of time a task may be delayed without changing the overall project completion time. 9. A dummy activity is required when a. two or more activities have different ending events b. the network contains two or more activities that have identical starting and ending events. c. two or more activities have the same ending events. d. two or more activities have the same starting events. 10. Which of the following is a basic assumption of PERT? a. There is only one complete route from the start of a project to the end of a project. b. Activity completion times are known with certainty.

c. No activity in the network must be repeated. d. only critical path activities in the network must be performed. 11. PERT analysis computes the variance of the total project completion time as a. the variance of the final activity of the project. b. the sum of the variances of all activities not on the critical path. c. the sum of the variances of all activities in the project. d. the sum of the variances of all activities on the critical path. 12. The critical path of a network is the a. path with the most activities b. longest time path through the network. c. shortest time path through the network d. path with the fewest activities 13. Which of the following is a direct responsibility of the project manager? a. Making sure that the people assigned to the project receive the motivation, direction, and information needed to do their jobs. b. Performing all of the activities in the project. c. drawing the network diagram d. calculating completion probabilities for all tasks in the project. 14. Dummy activities a. are used when two activities have identical starting and ending events. b. are found in both AOA and AON networks. c. cannot be on the critical path d. have a duration equal to the shortest non-dummy activity in the network 15. Which of the following is a limitation of PERT and CPM? a. The graphical nature of a network delays comprehension of the activity list’s interrelationships. b. They are applicable to only a narrow variety of projects and industries c. They can be used only to monitor schedules.

d. There is inherent danger of too much emphasis being placed on the critical path. 16. An activity has an optimistic time of 15 days, a most likely time of 18 days, and a pessimistic time of 27 days. What is its expected time? a. 16 b. 20 c. 18 d. 19 days 17. Activities A and B are both 6 days long and the only immediate predecessors to activity C. Activity A has ES=8 and LS=8 and activity B has ES=7 and LS=10. What is the ES of activity C? a. 14 b. 15 c. 13 d. 16 18. A project's critical path is composed of activities A, B, and C. Activity A has a standard deviation of 2, activity B has a standard deviation of 1, and activity C has a standard deviation of 2. What is the standard deviation of the critical path? a. 9 b. 5 c. 3 d. 25 19. What is the probability that a project with a mean completion time of 23.9 days and a variance of 6 days will be finished in 26 days? a. 0.80 b. 0.20 c. 0.63 d. 0.37 20. The EF of an activity is the a. Min{LS of all immediate following activities} b. Max{EF of all immediate predecessors}

c. LF – Activity time d. ES + Activity time. 21. The ethical issue of divulging confidential information to some bidders to give them an unfair advantage is known as a. bid rigging. b. expense account padding c. low balling d. bribery 22. An activity has an optimistic time of 11 days, a most likely time of 15 days, and a pessimistic time of 23 days. What is its variance? a. 16.33 b. 2 c. 4 d. 15.6 23. The first step in planning and scheduling a project is to a. assign time and cost estimates to each activity. b. develop the work breakdown structure. c. Use PERT or CPM to help. d. compute the longest time through the network. 24. Which of the following is one of the assumptions of PERT? a. activity times are dependent and correlated. b. activity times are known with certainty. c. project completion time follows a skewed chi-square distribution. d. Total project completion time follows a normal probability distribution. 25. How long could activity E be delayed without delaying the completion of the project described in the following table? Activity A B

Immediate Time Predecessor 4 5





0 0

4 5

6 0

10 5



3 8 3 2 6 2

4 5 5 13 13 15

7 13 8 15 19 17

10 5 14 15 13 17

13 13 17 17 19 19

a. 3 b. 14 c. 9 d. 17 26. Consider a project that has an expected completion time of 60 weeks and a standard deviation of five weeks. What is the probability that the project is finished in 70 weeks or less (round to two decimals)? a. 0.98 b. 0.48 c.0.02 d. 0.50 27. What is the critical path for the project described in the following table?

a. A,B b. A,C c. A,B,C,D d. B,D 28. CPM is

a. critical path management b. critical path method c. critical project management d. crash project method 29. Given the following activity’s optimistic, most likely, and pessimistic time estimates of 6, 10, 14 days, respectively, compute the PERT time for this activity. a. 5 b. 10 c. 7 d. 12 30. The expected time in PERT is a. a weighted average of the most optimistic time, most pessimistic time, and four times the most likely time. b. the modal time of a beta distribution. c. a simple average of the most optimistic, most likely and most pessimistic times. d. the square root of the sum of the variances of the activities on the critical path. 31. Time an activity would take assuming very unfavorable conditions is represented by the a. optimistic time b. most likely time c. deterministic time d. pessimistic time 32. PERT a. assume we do not know ahead of time what activities must be completed. b. is a network technique that uses three time estimates for each activity in a project. c. allows computation of the program’s evaluation d. is a deterministic network technique that allows for project crashing. 33. Which of the following, if any, may not be one of the questions answered by PERT or PERT/Cost?

a. When will the entire project be completed? b. what are the critical activities in the project? c. what is the probability that the project will be completed by a specific date? d. none of the above 34. In a PERT network, the earliest (activity) start time is the a. latest time that an activity can be finished without delaying the entire project. b. earliest time that an activity can be finished without delaying the entire project. c. earliest time that an activity can start without violation of precedence requirements. d. latest time that an activity can be started without delaying the entire project. 35. All of the following are traditional project management techniques for scheduling and planning except a) CPM b) PLAN c) Gantt Chart d) PERT 36. In a CPM/PERT network, an event refers to a) the occurrence of a delay in the project b) an activity inserted into the network to show a precedence relationship with no passage of time c) the beginning or completion of an activity or project d) the earliest an activity can start 37. The critical path is referred to as the a) most direct path from the beginning node to the ending node b) shortest path in terms of time c) longest path in terms of time d) path with the largest amount of slack time

38. Activities on the critical path are critical because they a) represent the maximum project completion time

b) cannot tolerate any delay in completion c) represent the most expense in terms of resources d) represent the largest and most complex activities of the project 39. What network model enables engineer managers to schedule, monitor, and control large and complex projects by employing three time estimate for each activity? a. Forecasting b. Critical path method c. Program evaluation review technique d. Simulation 40. The CPM was developed by Rand and Walker in what year? a.1957 b.1958 c.1959 d.1960 41. In what year was PERT developed? a.1957 b.1958 c.1959 d.1960 42. Estimating expected activity times in a PERT network a. makes use of three estimates b. puts the greatest weight on the most likely time estimate c. is motivated by a beta distribution d. all of the above 43. The calculation of the probability that the critical path will be completed by time T a. assumes that activity times are statistically independent. b. assumes that total time of the critical path has approximately a beta distribution. c. requires knowledge of the standard deviation for all activities in the network. d. all of the above

44. The PERT/Cost model assumes that a. each activity achieves its optimistic time. b. the costs are uniformly distributed over the life of the activity c. that activity times are statistically independent. d. none of the above. 46. The objective of network analysis is to a. minimize total project duration b. minimize total project cost c. minimize production delays, interruption and conflicts d. all of the above 47. Network models have advantage in terms of project a. planning b. Scheduling c. Controlling d. all of the above 48. The slack for an activity is equal to A .LF-LS b. EF-ES c. LS-ES d. none of the above 49. Another term commonly used for activity slack time is a. Total Float b. Free Float c. Independent Float d. All of the above 50. In PERT the span of time between the optimistic and pessimistic time estimates of an activity is a. 3σ b. 6 σ

c.12 σ d. None of the above 51. If an activity has zero slack, it implies that a. it lies on the critical path b. it is a dummy activity c. the project is progressing well d. None of the above 52. A dummy activity is used in the network diagram when a. two parallel activities have the same tail and head events b. the chain of activities may have a common event yet be independent by themselves c. both a and b d. None of the above 53. While drawing the network diagram for each activity project we should look a. what activities precede this activity? b. what activities follow this activity? c. what activities can take place concurrently with this activity? d. All of the above 54. In PERT network each activity time assume a beta distribution because a. It is a unimodal distribution that provides information regarding the uncertainty of time estimates of activities b. It has got finite non-negative error c. It need not be symmetrical about model value d. All of the above 55. The critical path satisfy the condition that a. Ei=Li and Ej=Lj b.Lj-Ei=Li-Lj c. Lj-Ei=Li-Ej=d(constant) d. All of the above 56. Float or slack analysis is useful for

a. Projects behind the schedule only b. projects ahead of the schedule only c. both a and b d. None of the above 57. The activity which can be delayed without affecting the execution of the immediate succeeding activity is determined by a. Total float b. Free float c. Independent float d. None of the above

Sequencing 1. If there are n jobs to be performed one at a time on each of m machines the possible sequences would be a.(n!)


b.(m!) c.(n)





2. Total elapsed time to process all jobs through two machines is given by n


a. ∑ M1j + ∑ M2j j=1





∑ M2j + ∑ M1j j=1


n c. ∑( M1j + I1j ) j=1 d. None of the above 3. The minimum processing time on machine M1 and M2 are related as

a. Min t1j=Max t2j b. Min t1j ≤ Max t2j c. Min t1j ≥ Max t2j d. Min t2j ≥ Max t1j 4. You would like to assign operators to the equipment that has a. most jobs waiting to be processed b. job with the earliest due date c. job which has been waiting longest d. All of the above 5. Unforeseen factors which prevent the plans actually happening a. equipment may develop a fault b. additional order may arrive to be added to schedules c. specifications may be changed d. All of the above 6. We use sequencing techniques a. to increase working capacity of machines b. to decrease working capacity of machines c. to increase waiting time of jobs d. to reduce waiting time of machines...

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