21. Project Phase 2 Guildlines 2-2020-Post PDF

Title 21. Project Phase 2 Guildlines 2-2020-Post
Author Mind Mathurin
Course Financial Reporting and Analysis
Institution Assumption University
Pages 4
File Size 178.2 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 75
Total Views 138




FIN3202/3713 2/2020 Guidelines for Phase #2 of Term Project (Report & Excel = Total 20% for both phases) 1. Revision of the first phase of the project: 1.1 Revise the first phase of your project according to my comments. 1.2 Combine the revised version of the first phase with the second phase and submit only one document. 1.3 Continue all the calculation in the second phase with the same Excel file of the first phase and submit only one Excel. 2. Evaluating Quality of Financial Reports (Chapter 17) 2.1 Analysis of firm’s earnings quality (p.889) - Collect quarterly financial data of your assigned company (via https://market.sec.or.th/public/idisc/en/FinancialReport/FS) and apply the following model: - 2.1.1 Earnings persistence model by Dechow, Ge, Schrand (2010) to analyze the firm’s earnings quality (p. 893). (Words limit = 500) - 2.1.2 Beneish (1999) to analyze the firm’s earnings management (p.886). (Words limit = 500) - 2.1.3 Altman (1968) to analyze the firm’s probability of bankruptcy (p.910). (Words limit = 500) - Note: 2.1.1 uses Quarterly data while 2.1.2 & 2.1.3 use Yearly data. - Students can refer for details from the textbook (Chapter 17) based on page numbers in the parenthesis. - More information on these models is provided in the uploaded academic papers. 2.2 Analysis of firm’s balance sheet quality (p. 921) 2.3 Analysis of firm’s cash flow quality (p. 911) 3. More assigned works on the second phase of the project are provided when we complete each topic covered after midterm. • 3.1 Analysis of firm’s long-term liabilities (Chapter 10) (Words limit = 500) • 3.2 Analysis of firm’s employee compensation (Chapter 14) (Words limit = 500) • 3.3 Analysis of firm’s financial reporting quality (Chapter 11) (Words limit = 500) • 3.4 Analyst adjustment to reported financials (Chapter 12) (Words limit = 500) • 3.5 Analysis of firm’s intercorporate investments (Chapter 15). (Words limit = 500) • 3.6 Analysis of firm’s multinational operations (Chapter 16). (Words limit = 500) 4. Submission date for all works (the revised version of first phase and the second phase and Excel file): March 2, 2021 (Tuesday) by 8:00 p.m. via [email protected] Notes: 1 Students are not allowed to copy and paste the information into the report. Plagiarism in the report and assignments will result in “ZERO” mark and “F” grade for FIN3202/FIN3713 for all group members. No excuses accepted! 2 Students must show all calculation in excel file (one file only with separate worksheets) and write the analysis part in word document. **Continue the analysis in the second phase from the revised version of the first phase** **Continue the calculation in the second phase from the Excel file of the first phase** 1

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Format of the report: Type on A4-sized paper 1.5 lines spacing 1-inch margin on all sides 12 points Time New Roman font Use APA style for in-text citations, footnotes & references. You can refer to APA style from below link https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/apa_style/apa_formatting_and_style_gu ide/general_format.html Submission: Submission date: March 2, 2021 (Tuesday, no later than 8:00 p.m.) via [email protected] Late submission will not be graded and receive zero for all group members. No excuses accepted! Submit (1) Soft file of the report in word document and pdf, (2) Excel file for all calculation (only one Excel file with several worksheets if any) and (3) Integrity forms (see Note 5) File name: Format of file name (for report, Excel, presentation slides, integrity forms) Ex. FSA_Group X_Company Symbol_Phase 2 Cc your email to all group members *** Together with report submission, every member in the group must individually sign and submit the “Student Academic Integrity Form” (Form MSME-S0001) available at https://lms.msme.au.edu → FINANCE → FINANCE: Important Forms; otherwise, your report will not be graded. *** The group leader collects all integrity forms of the members and combine into one pdf and email to me together with report file, Excel file and presentation slides. Fill in peer evaluation worksheets in the excel file provided via Microsoft Team and turn it back to me individually by March 2, 2021 (Tuesday, no later than 8:00 p.m.). DO NOT based your evaluation on friendships or personal conflicts. The project will be checked via Turnitin. Similarity index is not exceeded 15%.


Guidelines for Presentation of Group Project and VDO clip (Presentation & Q&A = 10%) 1. Each group must make presentation slides and one video clip for the whole project (both first & second phase) with total maximum 30 minutes. All members must contribute to the presentation. At the beginning of the video clip, each student must show up face and introduce oneself. 2. Include student’s name in the bottom right corner of each slide to indicate the person who makes that specific slide. 3. Submission date: March 2, 2021 (Tuesday) by 8:00 p.m. via [email protected]

Important issues for presentation slides & VDO clip: • Bullet points – not wordy • Tables with highlighted on important issues • All group members must participate in the presentation. • Try to allocate the number of slides among group members equally. • Make professional presentation (i.e. not allow to read the notes or communication devices, have eye contact with video recorder) • Make sure all group members can answer all information you put in the report and slides. • Full AU uniform or polite dress Q&A session will be arranged according to the following schedule. 1. March 4, 2021 (Thursday): Group 1 (class time) 2. March 9, 2021 (Tuesday): Group 2 (class time) 3. March 11, 2021 (Thursday): Group 3 (class time) ** Only the assigned group attends the Q&A session** Examples of comments from previous semesters Presentation: - Good presentation skills - Good English speaking, clear pronunciation - Loud voice — build-in speaker - Have eye contact with me -

Read the script or the report Spend longer than allowed time Not balance among topics & group members Low voice — can use microphone Nervous, excited, not confidence during presentation Voice in the throat — say out louder

Slides: - Beautiful — put efforts on that - Good to show graph (with trend) - Good to include pictures - Bullet points — know what you did and can present -

Need to check consistency — format, font Very wordy — dump all info. from report into slides 3

Important issues for Q&A session: - All members must prepare documents (slides, excel, report, academic papers etc.) and be ready to show during Q&A sessions to support your answers. - All members must turn on camera & microphone and be ready to answer when I ask questions. - Score is based on the quality of the answers. As of February 1, 2021


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