2200Web Résumé - notes PDF

Title 2200Web Résumé - notes
Course Information Systems and Communication
Institution Kennesaw State University
Pages 3
File Size 191 KB
File Type PDF
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IS 2200 Web Page Résumé Task (50 points) Deliverable: A Web address to your document on studentweb.kennesaw.edu The objective of this assignment is to teach the IS 2200 student Web page publishing. He/she is required to create a Web page that includes his/her professional résumé*. The student will publish this page to his/her account on studentweb.kennesaw.edu. Résumés published to any other Web site will not be considered. Grading Criteria Criterion Résumé Standard Structure Content Appeal Graphics (2) Links (2)

Points 10 points 10 points 10 points 10 points 10 points

*If you do not feel comfortable sharing your real information, you can disguise it as long as you meet the structure requirement. What to submit: When you finish this, please submit the Web address of your résumé after you have viewed it in a browser. Please copy/paste the address from the browser (please please do not type it) into a Word document. Please save that document with your LastNameResume.docx and submit this one-line document. How to submit: 1. Please go to D2L 2. Please click on Assignments tab. 3. Please copy/paste the URL in the text box (or in a Word document). 4. Please submit. A professional résumé usually includes name, address, phone number, and email address of the prospect employee*. Also, it should include objective/mission statement for career goals. A summary of his/her educational background as well as his/her professional experience. In case you do not have any professional experience, please include high school/college activities in which you are/were involved. Résumé Standard Structure:


The Web contains many samples of résumés. Please use your favorite search engines to find some so that you can learn from them. Please do not center your text (beyond your name and address on the top); that makes your document hard to read. Content: Your document should show effort. While I expect you to be truthful with what you include in your résumé, your text should illustrate thoughtful approach and time well-spent on this assignment. Appeal: Your résumé document should be organized and easy to read. For Web pages, it is a good idea to use invisible tables to arrange your text. That is illustrated in the video. Also, using a Web-ready font is important. Please look into this piece to learn it. Graphics (2): The requirement is specific to this assignment. Though the workplace does not require graphics in a résumé, I am requiring this to help learn this skill. I suggest that you use relevant pictures. For example, next to the EDUCATION section in your résumé, it is a good idea to add the KSU logo… Links: Please include at least two links to career-oriented Web sites. For example, a Web site that discusses résumés, job interviews, business etiquette, etc. Please ensure that these links are nicely presented; do not just put the Web address. Example: 14 Tips on Business Etiquette Please Note: All materials placed on students.kennesaw.edu server reside on the World Wide Web and may be viewed by anyone and everyone using a browser. Use caution when publishing personal information. None of the assignments above require disclosure of personal information such as your address or phone number. All materials may be removed after final grades have been issued by simply deleting the files from your directory located on the students.kennesaw.edu server. However, once the files are deleted they cannot be recovered. Therefore if you want to keep the content of these files for future reference, create a backup prior to deletion. If you need further instructions on how to maintain your student website, you may ask your instructor or contact ITS. Directory Structure 1. When you first log in to the server using SSH or Filezilla or Cyberduck you will see your html folder. In order to publish all items must be located in the html folder. Double click on


the html folder. 2. Your HTML files should be stored in a subdirectory (folder) called IS2200. It should be located under the HTML directory on the studentweb server. Once you have double clicked on the html folder, create a new folder named IS2200. 3. Your image files should be stored in a subdirectory (folder) called images. It should be located inside the 2200 folder on the studentweb server. Create another folder called images.


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