2.3 Survey plan preparation, standards and specifications for control, cadastral, and isolated surveys PDF

Title 2.3 Survey plan preparation, standards and specifications for control, cadastral, and isolated surveys
Course Bachelor of Secondary Education
Institution The College of Maasin
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A survey plan maps a parcel of land created by precisely examining and measuring the property.It determines and delineates boundary locations, shows physical features and other items of spatial importance....


1 GEng 114: Cartography

Lesson 2.3 Survey plan preparation, standards and specifications for control, cadastral, and isolated surveys Lesson Summary A survey plan maps a parcel of land created by precisely examining and measuring the property. It determines and delineates boundary locations, shows physical features and other items of spatial importance. Furthermore, it is considered a legal document once registered and approved by a governing agency. In the Philippines, the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) has jurisdiction to approve such plans. Hence, DENR issued the Memorandum Circular No 2010-13 on adopting the manual on land survey procedures wherein the standards and specifications for plans are indicated. This lesson will discuss the standards and specifications for geodetic/project control, cadastral, and isolated maps.

Learning Outcomes At the end of the lesson, the student should be able to: 1. Enumerate the standards and specifications in making geodetic/project control, isolated, and cadastral plan

Discussion Definition of terms 1. Control Survey – survey conducted to determine the horizontal and vertical positions of points which will form part of a geodetic network or project controls over an area which will subsequently become the basis in determining the rectangular coordinates in an area (Section 4 of DAO 2007-29). Control survey can be classified as Geodetic or Project. a. Geodetic Control Survey - surveys conducted covering extensive areas which take into account the curvature and the geoid-spheroidal shape of the earth at sea level for the purpose of establishing basic network of reference points, covering the first and second order controls (Section 4.a of DAO 2007-29). b. Project Control Survey - surveys conducted to establish the positions of points of reference for projects with a limited geographic coverage such as a municipality, a large isolated tract of land, a group settlement, a barangay or group of Page 1 of 21 Vision: Mission:

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municipalities, covering primary control (third order), secondary control (fourth order) and tertiary control (Section 4.b of DAO 2007-29). 2. Cadastral Surveys – survey made to determine the metes and bounds of all parcels within an entire municipality or city for land registration purposes (Section 5 of DAO 2007-29). a. Numerical Cadastre – cadastral survey wherein bearings and distances of the individual lots are determined from the computations based on the actual ground survey b. Graphical Cadastre – cadastral survey wherein bearings and distances of the individual lots are determined using transit and stadia, scaling from photo map, and other graphical methods c. Public land subdivision – subdivision of Alienable and Disposable (A&D) lands covering an area of more than 1,500 hectares 3. Isolated surveys – comprised of all classes of surveys of isolated parcels of land used for agricultural, residential, commercial, resettlement, or other purposes covering areas not more than 1,500 hectares (Section 6 of DAO 2007-29). a. Group Settlement/Townsite Subdivision Surveys – subdivision of A&D lands of not more than 1,500 hectares into 50 parcels or more b. Public land surveys – all original surveys covering A&D lands which has not subjected to private rights nor devoted to public use pursuant to the provisions of public land laws c. Amendment surveys – surveys covering untitled/undecreed properties by changing the number of lots without affecting the original technical description of the boundary d. Private land surveys – surveys covering lands claimed or owned by an individual, a partnership, a corporation, or any other form of organization, undertaken for purposes of original or subsequent land registration e. Government land surveys – surveys of parcel of lands administered by or belonging to the National Government of any of its branches and instrumentalities which include: i. Friar land estate surveys – surveys on lands purchased by the government from the Religious Orders and private corporations from 1904 to 1913 ii. National government lands surveys – surveys of all patrimonial properties owned by the government not intended for public use Page 2 of 21 Vision: Mission:

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3 GEng 114: Cartography iii. Local Government Units (LGU) land surveys – surveys on the lands acquired by the provincial, city/municipal, or barangay government pursuant to RA 7160, and other pertinent laws. f.

Conversion surveys – surveys conducted for the purpose of transforming/converting the lots covered by approved graphical cadastral surveys, cadastral mapping (Cadm) and photocadastral mapping (PCadm), into numerical or regular cadastral lots, with computation and plotting in the system of the cadastral project.

g. Other land surveys – surveys made for purposes of determining the metes and bounds of parcels not included in the enumeration above and intended for a specific purpose Each of these surveys requires the preparation and approval of plans from DENR to register such property formally. The following specifications and standards focus only on the information found in the survey plan. However, other requirements need to comply with the approval of such plan. Other requirements are listed in the DMC 2010-13.

Specifications and standards A. Geodetic Control Surveys (Section 166.d.3 of DMC 2010-13) For geodetic control surveys, a PRS92 Geodetic Network Control Map is prepared in 54 x 54 cm drafting film with marginal lines of 50 x 50 cm in prescribed LMB forms duly signed by the Chief of Party and shall contain the following information: a. The boundary of the project; b. The adjoining municipalities with their corresponding cadastral survey number, and survey projects undertaken within the area being surveyed, if any; c. The existing provincial and national roads, rivers, creeks, timber or forest lands (shaded), unclassified areas, and other natural features within the project; d. The First (50 kilometers baseline) and Second Order (25 kilometers baseline) control stations established shall be plotted in appropriate scale; e. Existing triangulation stations and location monuments (old and those belonging to approved project within the boundary); f. The following details shall also be indicated: i. locality of the project (municipality, province, and island); ii. PPCS Zone No.; iii. Bar scale; iv. Approximate area; v. Project No.; vi. Date submitted; and vii. Date surveyed. Page 3 of 21 Vision: Mission:

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For instructional purposes only • 1st Semester SY 2020-2021


g. The Conventional symbols shall be used in the preparation of Geodetic Control Maps (Annex I and II of DMC 2010-13).

B. Project Control Survey The Project Control Map (PCM) shall be prepared in lieu of Geodetic Control Map pursuant to the provisions of Section 166.d.3 of DMC 2010-13), except that the control points are in the 3rd and 4th Orders (5 km and not more than 2 km length of baseline, respectively) (Section 168.d of DMC 2010-13) In addition to the provisions on Section 168.d, the following provisions shall apply in the preparation of Project Control Maps (PCM): (Section 171) a. The PCM shall be divided into one minute by one minute quadrant in latitude and longitude and must have at least one control station in each quadrant; b. The Map shall show the main and subsidiary control stations and the BLLMs of the project established. Other features mentioned in Section 173.c.3.(a) of this Manual shall also be shown. Section 173.c.3. All maps shall be prepared on reproducible material of stable base such as drafting film approved for use by the LMB. The mapping conventional symbols shall also be used.

C. Cadastral surveys Section 173.c.3 of DMC 2010-13 All maps shall be prepared on reproducible material of stable base such as drafting film approved for use by the LMB. The mapping conventional symbols shall also be used. a. Project Control Maps – The Project Control Maps shall be prepared in accordance with Sections 168.d and Section 171 of DMC 2010-13. b. Progress Map – The updated copy of the Progress Map in a white print paper shall be submitted once every three (3) months to the Land Management Section (LMS) thru the Chief, Regional Surveys Division together with the periodic report of information on the progress of the survey. 1. The progress map for the cadastral survey of a portion of the municipality shall have a location plan drawn to an appropriate scale. It shall indicate the approximate distance of the project from the poblacion of the municipality or center of the city and shall show the nearest place of point accessible to transportation. Page 4 of 21 Vision: Mission:

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5 GEng 114: Cartography 2. The progress map shall be prepared at a scale that will permit the plotting of the entire municipality of project on 104 x 104 centimeters, with the marginal lines of 100 x 100 centimeters and shall show the following in addition to those stated in Paragraph c.3.(a) of this Section: a. Forest land and marshy lands. b. Large tract of land as haciendas, parks and protected areas and other reservations. c. Cadastral Maps (CM) - The cadastral lots and other details of the cadastral survey shall be plotted on the cadastral map on 54 x 54 centimeters with marginal lines 50 x 50 centimeters and shall show the following:

1. The names of claimants, the numbers of the concrete monuments and the description of lot corner shall be indicated on the cadastral map except when space limitation does not permit it. The respective lot numbers shall, in every case, be indicated thereon as nearly as possible in consecutive and regular order.

2. Cadastral map shall show the name of all claimants adjoining the project boundaries as well as the lines between the adjoining claims which shall be drawn in dash line. Adjoining unsurveyed parcels shall be assigned consecutive numbers beginning from 1 in a clockwise direction. These number shall be preceded by the letter “A”, as A-1, A-2, etc. Adjoining approved survey shall be indicated by the lot and corresponding survey number and name of claimant.

3. When a cadastral lot covers an area previously patented, leased or surveyed, the relationship of the lot to the previous survey shall be indicated on the cadastral map as follows: i.

When the cadastral lot is equivalent to a previously approved survey, both the cadastral number and the number of the previously approved survey shall be shown. ii. If the previous survey has been subdivided, the plat of the corresponding subdivision lot shall bear the cadastral number and words “Portion of Lot ______ Survey No.________ L.R.C. Case No. _______.” iii. When the accepted boundaries of the cadastral lot cause rejection of the former survey of untitled property, the cadastral plat of such lot bear the notation. “Resurveyed, Lot ________ Survey No. __________” iv. The Land Registration Case (L.R.C.) number shall be noted on the plat for all lots previously registered or for which application for registration has been made when the numbers of this case can be positively determined. 4. The local names of natural features such as mountains and all bodies of water, rivers, lakes, esteros, arroyos, shall be ascertained, the spelling verified and their names indicated. 5. The names of Barangay shall be indicated with their respective boundaries. Page 5 of 21 Vision: Mission:

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For instructional purposes only • 1st Semester SY 2020-2021


6. Control station shall be plotted by coordinates and the side shots taken from the same control station. 7. When two adjoining cadastral project are in progress at the same time, the cadastral map showing their common boundaries shall be plotted first. Each survey party shall trace the data plotted on the cadastral map of the other survey party. These tracing shall be submitted together with the survey return of the cadastral projects.

8. The following provisions shall apply in the preparation of CM: i. The cadastral maps shall comprise an area within the spheroidal quadrangle of one minute of arc in latitude and one minute of arc in longitude and shall be drawn in the PPCS/PTM-PRS 92 to the standard scale of 1:4000 on a stable base drafting materials of uniform size of approximately 54 x 54 centimeters. ii. Sectional cadastral maps shall be drawn on larger scales on the same materials and of the same size as the standard cadastral maps to show tracts of lands which otherwise will appear too small on the standard scale of 1:4000. The sectional cadastral maps shall be in the scale of 1:2,000, 1:1,000, 1:500, 1:250 and shall comprise areas within spheroidal quadrangles of thirty seconds (30”), fifteen seconds (15”), seven and one half seconds (7.5”) or three and three-fourths seconds (3.75”) of arc, respectively. iii. System of Numbering Cadastral Maps – The extreme west and east meridians and the extreme south and north parallels of cadastral maps in scale of 1:4000 shall be full minute’s meridians and parallels, respectively. The latitude and longitude of the point of intersection of the extreme west meridian and extreme south parallel of each spheriodal quadrangle shall be used to designate the corresponding map number of the quadrangle. The procedure as stated in Annex XXIII of this Manual shall be followed in numbering and identifying CMs. iv. Contiguous cadastral maps (CCM), consisting of four or sixteen sheets, shall be drawn on a single sheet of the same material and size as the standard cadastral map in the scale of 1:8,000 or 1:16,000, respectively, to show parcels which would be too big on the standard scale of 1:4,000. The cadastral map number of the extreme southwestern cadastral map shall be used to designate the contiguous cadastral map number. If the extreme southwestern cadastral map number is CM 14° 24’ N -120° 36’ E, the contiguous cadastral map number is CCM14° 24’ N120° 36’ E, scale 1:8,000 or CCM14° 24’ N - 120° 36’ E scale 1:16,000. v. The map number of adjacent cadastral maps, whether standard, sectional or contiguous, shall be indicated on the left side of the quadrangle below the lower marginal line of each cadastral map.

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7 GEng 114: Cartography d. Political Boundary Maps (PBM) - The political boundary map of the cadastral project shall be prepared in accordance with procedure as stated in Annex XXII of this Manual on cadastral map size drafting film, 54 x 54 centimeters with marginal lines 50 x 50 centimeters. Moreover, the map shall shown/contain the following information in addition to those mentioned in Paragraph c.3(a) of this Section: 1. Political subdivisions (barangay) of the project. 2. Bounded project area and aggregate areas of numbered cadastral lots. e. Case/Barangay Boundary and Index Maps (BBIM) – This shall be drawn in a manner as stated in Annex XXII of this Manual on a cadastral map size drafting film, 54 x 54 centimeters with marginal lines of 50 x 50 centimeters. 1. This shall show the following in addition to those mentioned in Paragraph c.3(b)(2) of this Section: a. LMB survey number b. Cadastral case number c. Location of the Land d. Aggregate area and the number of parcels in the alienable and disposable and the forest land of the case; case boundary area e. Scale (numerical and graphical) f. Date of Survey g. Legal authority (Survey Order No., issuing Official, and Date) h. Name and signature of Project Chief; Professional GE License No. i. Date of approval j. Name and signature of the recommending and the approving DENR-LMS Officials k. PPCS-PTM/PRS 92 zone number and point of origin l. Tie point and tie line m. Bearing and distance of boundary lines except when too numerous to be tabulated on the map n. Description of each corner as marked on the ground o. Adjoining properties, survey and names of claimant or owners of adjoining properties p. Cadastral map sheet number. Sectional and contiguous cadastral map number q. Political boundaries and monuments r. Residential sites and settlements 2. The bearing and distance of the tie line of corner 1 of the case/barangay boundary shall originate from BLLM No. 1 of the project. 3. The corners of the case/Barangay boundary shall be indicated by circle (1) millimeter in diameter except corners defined by the political boundary monuments. Appropriate conventional symbol shall be used. 4. The technical description of the case of Barangay boundary shall be prepared and submitted after the approval by the RTD for Lands of the cadastral maps and the case of Barangay boundary and index map. Page 7 of 21 Vision: Mission:

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For instructional purposes only • 1st Semester SY 2020-2021 f.


Project/Municipal Boundary and Index Map (MBIM) - After the completion of all the case boundaries and index maps of the project, a project or municipal boundary and index map shall be prepared. This shall be based on the data of the regular progress map, the case/boundary and index map, the project or municipal boundary computation, and shall be plotted in a manner as stated in Annex XXII of this Manual on the same size as cadastral map of 54 x 54 centimeters with marginal lines of 50 x 50 centimeters. 1. The project MBIM shall serve as an index of case/Barangay boundary index maps. It shall define the boundary of the project/municipality and shall show the following in addition to those listed in Paragraph c.3.(e)(1) of this Section: a. b.

The whole boundary of the municipality (project) All the component barangays of the municipality

2. In addition to the provision of Paragraph c.3.(e)(2) of this Section, the boundary lines of the project/municipality shall be included in the lot description of the last case/barangay if the same cannot be tabulated on the map. 3. The corners of the project/municipal boundary shall be ind...

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