232848112 Cochrane J H Asset Pricing Solution 2010 PDF

Title 232848112 Cochrane J H Asset Pricing Solution 2010
Course Asset Pricing
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Solutions to problems in Asset Pricing John H. Cochrane∗ Graduate School of Business University of Chicago 1101 E. 58th St. Chicago IL 60637 [email protected] March 26, 2001

This is a very preliminary draft; it’s incomplete and I’m sure full of typos. Still, I welcome comments on any problems you Þnd with these notes.


Problems for Chapter 1 1. a and b are trivial. For c, c2 /c1 d(c1 /c2 ) =− dR/R

dc1 c1

dR R

dc2 c2


The Þrst order conditions are u0 (c1 ) = λ λ βu0 (c2 ) = . R Differentiating the Þrst order conditions, dc1 c1 dc2 γ c2


c1 u00(c1 ) dc1 dλ = u0 (c1 ) c1 λ 00 dλ dR c2 u (c2 ) dc2 = − = λ u0 (c2 ) c2 R


2. The expected return of the asset is the same as that of its mimicking portfolio, proj(R|m) 3. (a) We know there are a, b, such that m = a + bRmv . Determine a,b, by pricing Rmv and the risk free rate Rf 1 = E(mRmv ) = E [(a + bRmv ) (Rmv )] h

1 = E(mRf ) = E(a + bRmv )Rf ∗

Copyright ° c John H. Cochrane 2001




1 = aE(Rmv ) + bE Rmv2 1 = aRf + bE(Rmv )Rf a = = b =


E(Rmv2 ) − E(Rmv )Rf E(Rmv )Rf − E(Rmv2 ) = E(Rmv )2 Rf − E(Rmv2 )Rf Rf var(Rmv ) ³


var(Rmv ) + E(Rmv ) − Rf E(Rmv ) Rf var(Rmv )



E(Rmv ) − Rf E(Rmv ) 1  = f 1 + var(Rmv ) R

1 E(Rmv ) − Rf E(Rmv ) − Rf =− f mv2 f R var(Rmv ) − E(R )R

E(Rmv )2 Rf

1 E(Rmv ) − Rf Rf var(Rmv ) 1 − bE(Rmv ). a = Rf b = −

An easier way to do this is to parameterize the linear function by a mean and shock: |ρ| = 1 : m = E(m) + a(Rmv − E (Rmv )) E(m) = 1/Rf : m = 1/Rf + a(Rmv − E(Rmv )) E(Rmv ) + aσ2 (Rmv ) Rf E(Rmv ) − Rf a = − f 2 mv R σ (R )

1 = E(mRmv ) : 1 =


E(Rmv ) − Rf mv 1 − (R − E(Rmv )) Rf Rf σ2 (Rmv )

(b) We had

E(Ri ) = Rf + βi,m λm

We have

cov(Ri , a + bRmv ) = bcov(Ri , R mv ).

4. No. The Sharpe ratio bound applies to any excess return E(Ri ) − E(Rj ) σ(m) E(Rmv ) − Rf ≤ = σ(Rmv ) E(m) σ(Ri − Rj ) 5. £

−γ ¤

σ (ct+1/ct)

= =



E (e−2γ∆ ln ct+1 ) − E (e−γ∆ ln ct+1 )


e−2γE (∆ ln ct+1 )+2γ 2 σ2 (∆ ln ct+1 ) − e−2γE (∆ ln ct+1 )+γ 2 σ2 (∆ ln ct+1) 1

= e−γE(∆ ln ct+1)+ 2 γ h


2 σ2 (∆ ln c



t+1 )


2 σ2 (∆ ln c 1

t+1 )

E (ct+1/ct)−γ = E e−γ ln ∆ct+1 = e−γE(∆ ln ct+1 )+ 2 γ


2 σ2 (∆ ln c

t+1 )


Dividing, we get the Þrst result. For the second result, use the approximation for small x that ex ≈ 1 + x. 2

6. You wouldn’t put all your money in such an asset, but you might well put some of your money in such an asset if it provides insurance — if its beta is low. (Graph!) 7. (a) Rather obviously, use the equation at t and t + 1, i.e. start with pt+1 = Et+1


u0 (ct+3 ) u0 (ct+2 ) dt+3 + ... dt+2 + β 2 0 β 0 u (ct+1 ) u (ct+1 )

(b) Substitute recursively, pt





u0 (ct+1) u0 (c ) dt+1 = Et β 0 t+1 pt+1 + Et β 0 u (ct ) u (ct ) ¸ · ¸ · 0 ¸ · 0 0 u (ct+1) 2 u (ct+2) 2 u (ct+2) p dt+2 + Et β 0 dt+1 = Et β t+2 + Et β u0 (ct) u0 (ct) u (ct ) ... · ¸ ∞ X u0 (ct+T ) u0 (ct+j ) = Et dt+j + lim Et β T 0 pt+T βj 0 T →∞ u (ct ) u (ct ) j=1

The last term is not automatically zero. For example, if u0 (c) is a constant, then pt = β t or greater growth will lead to such a term. It also has an interesting economic interpretation. Even if there are no dividends, if the last term is present, it means the price today is driven entirely by the expectation that someone else will pay a higher price tomorrow. People think they see this behavior in “speculative bubbles” and some models of money work this way. The absence of the last term is a Þrst order condition for optimization of an inÞnitely-lived 0 P j u (ct+j ) consumer. If pt < (>) Et ∞ j=1 β u0 (ct ) dt+j , he can buy (sell) more of the asset, eat the dividends as they come, and increase utility. This lowers ct, increases ct+j , until the condition is Þlled. If markets are complete — if he can also buy and sell claims to the individual dividends — then he can do even more. For example, if pt >, then he can sell the asset, buy claims to each dividend, pay the dividend stream of the asset with the claims, and make a sure, instant proÞt. He does not have to wait forever. (Advocates of bubbles point out that you have to wait a long time to eat the dividend stream, but they often forget the opportunities for immediate arbitrage that a bubble can induce. The plausibility of bubbles relies on incomplete markets.) Bubble type solutions show up often in models with overlapping generations, no bequest motive, and incomplete markets. The OG gets rid of the individual Þrst order condition that removes bubbles, and the incomplete markets gets rid of the arbitrage opportunity. The possibility of bubbles Þgures in the evaluation of volatility tests. 8. Λ = e−δt uc (c, l) ·

1 1 uccdc + ucl dl + ucccdc2 + ucll dl2 + uccl dcdl dΛ = −δΛdt + e 2 2 · ¸ ucc dΛ u 1 uccc 2 1 ucll 2 uccl = −δdt + dl + dc + cl dl + dc + dcdl Λ uc uc ucc 2 uc 2 uc −δt



After multiplication by dP/P only the dc and dl terms will have anything left, so Et


dp p



D dp dΛ dt − rtfdt = Et p p Λ ¶ ¶ µ µ ucl dp dp ucc dl dc + Et Et = p p uc uc


ucc u covt (Ri , c) + cl covt (Ri , l) uc uc this is your Þrst view of a multifactor model, one with multiple betas or factors on the right hand side. Of course, there is nothing deep about multiple factors — the same model is expressed with the single Λ on the right hand side. But there may be more economic intuition in having the c and l separately rather than combining the two into Λ. Et(Ri ) − Rf ≈

9. 1 = E(eln m+ln R ) > eE(ln m)+E(ln R) 0 > E(ln m) + E (ln R) −E(ln m) > E(ln R) If you increase leverage α in R = (1 − α)Rf + αRm you increase mean and volatility. If R can get anywhere near zero, ln R goes off to -∞. Thus, increasing α eventually leads to a decrease in E ln R. For example, if returns are normal, then 1


E (R) = eE(ln R)+ 2 σ (R) 1 ln E(R) = E(ln R) + σ2 (R) 2 1 2 E(ln R) = ln E(R) − σ (R) 2

h i 1 E(ln R) = ln αE(Rm) + (1 − α)Rf − α2 σ2 (Rm). 2

As α increases, the second term eventually dominates.


Problems for Chapter 2 1. (a) pt pt ct If γ = 1,


ct+j −γ ct+j = Et β ct ¶1−γ µ X ct+j βj = Et . ct X


1 p = β/(1 − β) = δ c

where β = 1/(1 + δ). 4

(b) If γ < 1, then a rise in ct+j raises pt. If γ > 1, however, a rise in ct+j lowers pt . Any piece of news has two possible effects: cashßows and discount rates. In this case the discount rate rises faster than the payoffs, so the price actually declines. 2. (a) The Þrst order conditions are ct − c∗ = Et [Rβ (ct+1 − c∗ )] with R = 1 + r, and hence ct = Et (ct+1) . Iterate the technology forward, kt+2 = R (Rkt + it ) + it+1 = R2 kt + Rit + it+1 kt+3 = R3 kt + R2 it + Rit+1 + it+2 ¸ · 1 1 1 1 i + k = k + i + i t+1 t+3 t t t+2 R R3 R2 R h

β 3 kt+3 = kt + β it + βit+1 + β 2 it+2


Continuing and with the transversality condition limT →∞ β T kt+T = 0, and i = e − c kt +

∞ X

β j+1et+j =

kt +

∞ X

β j+1ct+j



Taking expectations,

∞ X

β j+1Et et+j =

∞ X

β j+1 Etct+j .



Intuitively, the present value of future consumption must equal wealth plus the present value of future endowment (labor income). The j + 1 comes from the timing, alas standard in the macro literature and national income accounts . If you adopt the more common Þnance timing convention kt+1 = (1 + r) (kt + it) you get more natural present value formulas with β j . Now, substitute the Þrst order condition in the budget constraint (production possibility frontier if you want the General Equilibrium interpretation) kt +

∞ X

β j+1 Etet+j =


∞ X

β j+1ct =


1 1 1 c 1 ct = β ct = t ct = 1 R r ) R−1 (1 − β) (1 − R ct = rkt + r

∞ X



β j+1 Etet+j .

Consumption equals the annuity value of wealth (capital) rkt plus the present value of future labor income (endowment). This is the permanent income hypothesis. It is not a “partial equilibrium” result — it is a general equilibrium model with linear technology and an endowment income process. Now to the random walk in consumption. Just quasi-Þrst difference, and use kt+1 −kt = rkt +it , ³


ct = rkt + r βet + β 2 Et et+1 + β 3 Etet+2 + ... ³


ct−1 = rkt−1 + r βet−1 + β 2 Et−1 et + β 3 Et−1 et+1 + ... ct − ct−1 = r(kt − kt−1 ) + ... ct − ct−1 = r(rkt−1 + et−1 − ct−1 ) + ... h



ct − ct−1 = r rkt−1 + et−1 − rkt−1 − r β et−1 + β 2 Et−1 et + β 3 Et−1 et+1 + ... ³


ct − ct−1 = ret−1 + r βet + β 2 Et et+1 + β 3 Et et+2 + ... ³

− r2 + r ³


+ ...


βet−1 + β 2 Et−1 et + β 3 Et−1 et+1 + ... ´



ct − ct−1 = ret−1 + r βet + β 2 Et et+1 + β 3 Et et+2 + ... − r et−1 + βEt−1 et + β 2 Et−1 et+1 + ... ct = ct−1 + (Et − Et−1 ) rβ


∞ X

β j et+j .


Consumption is a random walk. Changes in consumption equal the innovation in the present value of future income. Bob Hall (1979) noticed the random walk nature of consumption in this model, and suggested testing it by running regressions of ∆ct on any variable at time t−1. This paper was a watershed. It is the Þrst “Euler equation” test of a model; note it does not require the full model solution tying the shocks in ∆ct to fundamental taste and technology shocks — the second term in our random walk equation. The Hansen-Singleton (1982) Euler equation tests generalize to nonquadratic utility, random asset returns for which it is impossible to fully solve the model. Technical details: I have assumed no free disposal - you follow the Þrst order conditions even if past the bliss point. If you can freely dispose of consumption, then you will always end up at the bliss point c∗ sooner or later. (Thanks to Ashley Wang for pointing this out. Hansen and Sargent’s treatments of this problem deal with the bliss point issue.) £ ¤ By the way, the algebra is much easier if you use lag operators, i.e. write ct = rkt +rβEt (1 − β L−1 )−1 et . But if you know how to do that, you’ve probably seen this model before.

ct = rkt + r

∞ X

β j+1 Etet+j = rkt + rβ

β j ρj et = rkt +



ct = ct−1 + (Et − Et−1 ) rβ

∞ X

∞ X

β j et+j = ct−1 + rβ

∞ X



rβ et . 1 − βρ

β j ρj εt = ct−1 +

rβ εt . 1 − βρ

The top equation does look like a consumption function, but notice that the parameter relating consumption c to income e depends on the persistence of income e. It is not a “psychological law” or a constant of nature. If the government changes policy so that income is more unpredictable (i.e. it gets rid of the predictable part of recessions), then this coefficient declines dramatically. The income coefficient is not “policy-invariant.” This is the basis of Bob Lucas (1974) dramatic 6

deconstruction of Keynesian models based on consumption functions that were used for policy experiments. In both equations, you see that consumption responds to “permanent income” and that as shocks get more “permanent” — as ρ rises — consumption moves more. (c) R was the rate of return on technology. Despite the symbol, it is not (yet) the interest rate — the equilibrium rate of return on one-period claims to consumption. That remains to be proved. The logic is, Þrst Þnd c, then price things from the equilibrium consumption stream. To be precise and pedantic, call the risk free rate Rf , and 1 Rft


= Et β

u0 (ct+1 ) u0 (ct )

= βEt


ct+1 − c∗ ct − c∗


ct − c∗ ct − c∗


1 R

Now, the fun stuff. We can approach the price of the consumption stream by brute force, pt = Et

∞ X

mt,t+j ct+j = Et



∞ X



c ct − Et c∗



− ct


∞ X




∞ X

∞ 2 X c∗ ct+j − ct+j c∗ − ct+j j β c = E t+j t c∗ − ct c∗ − ct j=1



c∗ ct − c2t − vart (ct+j ) c∗ − ct

rβ εt+1 1 − βρ rβ = ct + (εt+1 + εt+2) 1 − βρ rβ = ct + (εt+1 + .. + εt+j ) 1 − βρ

ct+1 = ct + ct+2 ct+j

Et(ct+j ) = ct (of course) µ

vart(ct+j ) = j

pt =

∞ X




∞ X


= 

ct (c∗ − ct) − j 

β j ct −

∞ X


rβ 1 − βρ






´ rβ 2 2 σε 1−βρ

c∗ − ct

´2 rβ σε2  1−βρ  c∗ − ct

 ³ rβ ´2 ∞ σ2ε X 1−βρ β j ct −  jβ j ∗ 


∞ X

jβ j =



β (β − 1)2

c − ct


β = ct − 1−β =

pt =

1 1+r 1 ct 1 − 1+r

β (1 − β)2

³ 1−βρ rβ c∗

1 1+r


− ct

1 1+r

− ³ 1−





σε2 rβ 1−βρ c∗ − ct

β 1 1 σ2ε ct − r (1 − βρ)2 c∗ − ct

Wow. The Þrst term is the risk-neutral price — the value of a perpetuity paying c. (Don’t forget Et (ct+j ) = ct) The second term is a risk correction. It lowers the price. If σ2ε is high — more risk —the price is lower. If ρ is high — more persistent consumption — the price is lower. Now, the hard term — the effect of consumption. At the bliss point, the consumer is as happy as can be, and marginal utility falls to zero. Hence, the consumer is inÞnitely risk averse. (u00(c)/u0 (c) rises to inÞnity). There is no consumption you can give him to compensate for risk, since he’s at the bliss point. No surprise that the price goes off to −∞ here. As consumption rises towards the bliss point, the consumer gets more and more risk averse (u00 is constant, u0 is falling), so the price declines. Above the bliss point, the consumer values consumption negatively, so the price is higher than the risk-neutral version. This feature — that risk aversion rises as consumption rises — is obviously not a good one. Quadratic utility is best used as a local approximation. Find a c∗ that gives a sensible risk aversion, and then make sure the model doesn’t get too far away! The question says price as a function of e and k. I’m curious how I ever got that, since it seems a much more natural function of c. c is a function of e and k, of course, but substituting that in does not seem very easy. 3. This is not only a historically important model, it introduces a very important method. Evaluating inÞnite sums as in the last problem is a huge pain. In most models, conditioning information is a function of only a few state variables, xt . Everything you could want to know about the current state of the economy, and the conditional distribution of everything you could want to know in the future is contained in the state variables. Hence, prices (at least properly scaled) have to be a function of the state variables. Instead of solving for p in terms of a huge inÞnite sum, you can solve the functional equation p(x) = Et [mt,t+1 (xt , x t+1) (p(xt+1) + dt+1)]. Here we go... (a) From the basic Þrst order condition, pbt = Etβu0 (ct+1)/u0 (ct ) = Et β∆c−γ t+1 pb (∆ct = h) = βπh→h h−γ + βπh→l l−γ pb (∆ct = l) = βπl→h h−γ + βπl→l l−γ "

pb (∆ct = h) pb (∆ct = l)




πh→h πh→l πl→h πl→l

pb = πx. The riskfree rate is of course Rf = 1/pb . 8


βh−γ βl−γ


(b) The consumption stream:



pt = Et β∆c−γ t+1 (pt+1 + ct+1 ) µ


pt 1−γ pt+1 = βEt ∆ct+1 +1 ct+1 ct


Solve this as a functional equation, as explained above. Find p/c in the h state and in the l state (functions from two points to the real line are easy to determine— you just Þnd the values at the two points.) p (h) = βπh→h h1−γ c "

p/c(h) p/c(l)




p (h) + 1 + βπh→l l1−γ c

πh→h h1−γ πh→l l1−γ πl→h h1−γ πl→l l1−γ

# Ã"

1 1



p (l) + 1 c



p/c(h) p/c(l)


pc = βπ ∗ (1 + pc) pc = (1 − βπ ∗ )−1 βπ∗ 1 We can Þnd returns from Rt+1 =

pt+1 ct+1 + 1 ct+1 pt ct ct


Note when p/c is constant, R is just a constant times consumption growth. You need a very small p/c before R is much different from consumption growth. Conditionally expected returns follow from the probabilities. (c) Start with the calibration. It’s most natural to take the two points to be equally above and below the mean, h = 1.01 + x, l = 1.01 − x and equal probabilities. Then, you want 1/2(1.01 + x) + 1/2(1.01 − x) = 1.01 1/2x2 + 1/2x2 = 0.012 i.e., x = 0.01. Here are my results.

γ = 0.5 bond price Rf p/c R

γ=5 bond price Rf p/c R

In state l

To state


h l

0.985 1.5% 196 2.52% 0.51%

0.985 1.5% 196 2.52% 0.51%

h l

0.943 6.01 19.96 7.11 5.01

0.943 6.01 19.96 7.11 5.01


The major failing is the equity premium. The mean stock return is almost exactly the same as the riskfree rate. Also, stock returns are perfectly correlated with consumption growth. hThe standard i deviation of stock returns is about 1%, not about 20%. The Sharpe ratio E(R) − Rf /σ(R) is way too low.

(d) To get serial correlation in consumption growth, I tried π of the form π=


1/2 + θ 1/2 − θ 1/2 − θ 1/2 + θ


Now, E(dct+1|dct = h) = (1/2 + θ) ∗ (g + x) + (1/2 − θ) ∗ (g − x) = g + 2θx E(dct+1 |dct = l) = (1/2 − θ) ∗ (g + x) + (1/2 + θ) ∗ (g − x) = g − 2θx

Here are my results for a positive serial correlation. γ = 5, θ = 0.1 pb Rf p/c R ρ(∆ct , ∆ct−1 )

h l 0.21



0.934 7.07 19.93 7.12 6.99

0.953 4.97 . 20.3 5.05 4.92

The main reason I...

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