2nd quarterLESSON1CHINA.docx DOCX

Title 2nd quarterLESSON1CHINA.docx
Author Joy Mariette Cristo
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Date: ______________ Day: ________________ ANTIPOLO NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Sections: AVOCADO APITONG Lesson Plan in English ARATILES TIPULO PILI Quarter: SECOND Year: GRADE EIGHT Lesson Plan No. Notes: Continuation Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of: East Asian literature as a...


ANTIPOLO NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Lesson Plan in English Quarter: SECOND Year: GRADE EIGHT Lesson Plan No. Notes: Continuation Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of: East Asian literature as an art form inspired and infuenced by natured relationship of viisual sensory and vierbal signals in both literary and expository textsd strategies in listening to long descriptivie and narrativie textsd vialue of literal and fgurativie languaged and appropriate grammatical signals or expressions suitable to patterns of idea devielopment. Performance Standard: The learner transfers learning by composing and deliviering a brief and creativie entertainment speech featuring a viariety of efectivie paragraphs appropriate grammatical signals or expressions in topic devielopment and appropriate prosodic features stance and behaviior. I – OBJECTIVES 1. Identify fgures of speech that show emphasis (hyperbole and litotes礀 II - SUBJECT MATTER Topic: Hyperbole and Litotes Reference/s: ECAS 4th Edition Materials: board marker III – LEARNING ACTIVITIES A. Pre – Reading/ Grammar Unlocking of Difcult words: Motivation: Read the dialogues below: Kaye: Look at my drawing. What can you say? John: You're drawing is not too bad. Kaye: That's not a useless comment. John: Do you want me to say that you're drawing is the best in the whole wide world? Kaye: You are not the funniest person I have ever met. John: Fine yours is not an ordinary art. Kaye: That was the most wonderful comment I have ever heard in my entire existence. Questions: 1. What can you notice about the highlighted statements? 2. What can you notice about the underlined statements? 3. What do these words mean? Do they express literal or fgurativie meaning? 4. Which one is an example of litotes? Hyperbole? Motive Question: What is the used of hyperbole? What is the used of litotes? B. While Reading Presentation: Read the following statements: Litotes Hyperbole 1. He is not the clevierest person I havie evier met. 2. She is not unlike her mother. 3. Ken Adams is not an ordinary man 4. A million dollars is not a little amount. 5. You are not doing badly at all. 1. I am so hungry that I could eat a truck of cake. 2. I am extremely happy that I can jump to the sky. 3. I am so tired that I can sleep for days. 4. It was so cold I saw polar bears wearing jackets. 5. This car goes faster than the speed of light. Discussion: 1. What do the sentences using litotes mean? 2. What do the sentences using hyperbole mean? 3. Which one uses exaggeration or ovierstatement? 4. Which one used negativie words to express the positivie meaning or understatement? 5. Diferentiate litotes and hyperbole. Hyperbole is a fgure of speech which uses exaggeration or extraviagant statement. Litotes inviolvies an understatement where the afrmativievpositivie meaning is expressed by negating its opposite. a phrase that uses negativie terms to express a positivie statement. C. Post Reading/Grammar: Activiity A: Don't understatement me! Direction: Explain the meaning of the following litotes statements. 1. They do not seem the happiest couple around. 2. The ice cream was not too bad. 3. New York is not an ordinary city. 4. Your comments on politics are not useless. 5. You are not as young as you used to be. Activiity B: That was exaggerated! Directions: Explain the meaning of the following hyperbole statements. 1. It is so hot you could fry an egg on the sidewalk. 2. His stomach is a bottomless pit. 3. It will only take me two seconds to get there. 4. Her smile was a mile wide. 5. Let's be best friends forevier. Activiity C. Figurativiely Speaking… Date: ______________ Day: ________________ Sections: AVOCADO APITONG ARATILES TIPULO PILI...

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