3-3 Final Project Milestone Two PDF

Title 3-3 Final Project Milestone Two
Author Tori Leone
Course Human Resource Management
Institution Southern New Hampshire University
Pages 3
File Size 50 KB
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OL 211 Final Project Milestone Two A training needs assessment is essentially a way for an organization to discover what type of resources and training it needs to provide for newly hired employees to be successful in their new role, which is very valuable to the organization for many reasons. The first reason is that it can save an organization money. Being able to finetune exactly what kind of training employees’ need eliminates excess time spent in training learning things unnecessary to their job, as well as excess use of resources doing so. Another reason it is valuable to an organization is because it can offer the most effective form of training for incoming employees. In turn, this will ensure employees are prepared for all of the responsibilities necessary to be able to perform their new job, which will be beneficial for the company. When determining the training requirements of a Customer Service – CARE Business Partner at Maersk, the organization needs to analyze several different things. The first step is the organizational analysis. In this step, Maersk should analyze company goals and strategies in order to align training with what the company is looking for overall. Maersk should be aware of any specific economic or political events that may need to be addressed in the training of employees. They should also, in this step, determine the resources needed and resources available to complete the necessary training. The next step in the analysis would be determining KSAOs (knowledge, skills, abilities, and other attributes) of the job. This step will outline every task and responsibility that are required to perform the job, as well as the skills and abilities that are necessary to perform each of those tasks and responsibilities. Last but not least, Maersk will need to complete a person analysis. This will help determine what kinds of experience new employees have and whether or not they actually need to be trained. This can help save the

company time and money by not sending all new employees to be trained when it’s not necessary. Creating SMART objectives for a training plan is important because it helps to make certain that the training plan is necessary and also as constructive as possible for the trainees. To break it down, creating a specific objective gives trainers and trainees alike an understanding of what exactly they are working towards. Making an objective measurable gives employees and managers both the ability to track the progress toward a goal. This is especially beneficial for employees because it is oftentimes very encouraging to be able to see how far you’ve come since starting toward a goal. Ensuring that objectives are both achievable and realistic guarantees that the objective or goal is not too large or too small for an employee or group to be able to complete. And finally, a time-oriented objective provides employees and trainers both with the ability to prioritize and manage all tasks and responsibilities properly to be able to achieve their goal by the date necessary. Everybody learns differently. So when training someone for a new position, it’s important to be able to incorporate different types of learning activities to ensure everyone learns as effectively as possible. Maersk is a large company so there is quite a bit to learn for new employees entering any position within the company. Since the person filling this position will be the primary point of contact for the customer, it's very important that they are well versed in any company policies, regulations, or rules that customers may ask about. It’s important that Maersk is able to create a training program with the most constructive ways to learn to ensure their customer service partner is able to execute at the highest service level in this position. In order to incorporate adult learning principles from the course into the Maersk

Customer Service – CARE Business Partner training program, I would focus on practicality and need to know. In my own experience, having a better understanding of why something is done a certain way and how it impacts the job that needs to be done makes it much easier to do the job the right way. If there was something that was not explained to me or didn’t make sense, I would usually try to find a way around it and cause problems down the road because I was never in the know about the reasoning behind it. As far as experiential learning, I would incorporate this by having another customer service person assist in the training. Having the trainee shadow this person by listening in on calls can help prepare them for situations that may come up once they are in their new role. They can also take note of certain phrases or terms used while doing the job itself, and it may be easier for them to adjust to working with customers on their own.

References Snell S., Morris S., Bohlander G. (2016). Managing Human Resources. Boston, MA. Cengage Learning....

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