3-4 Submission Annotating Your Sources PDF

Title 3-4 Submission Annotating Your Sources
Author Beth Hodges
Course English Composition II
Institution Southern New Hampshire University
Pages 10
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3-4 Submission: Annotating Your Sources...


English Composition II March 15, 2020

3-4 Submission: Annotating Sources Annotations of three sources.

1) Identify sources, including author, title, and the database information or website: Awolusi, Ibukun, et.al.”For Lift Safty: Sensing the Dangers with Technology” Professional Safety, Volume 62, number 10, October 2017, pp.36-39, Accession Number: 125470691, Accessed: March 12, 2020, Academic Search Ultimate, https://web-b-ebscohostcom.ezproxy.snhu.edu/ehost/detail/detail?vid=2&sid=a1fe6a9a-e6ec-4e0f-916214af2bb92e66%40pdc-vsessmgr02&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZSZzY29wZT1zaXRl#db=asn&AN=125470691 2) Summarize source: It seems this source is arguing the importance of fork lift training, which Awolusi’s argument it focused to the companies that think safety, cutting training is not significant or important. Awolusi, has good recommendations for evaluating and implementing proximity warning systems on surface forklift equipment. This source is using this evidence to support the argument: Awolusi, evidence proves in this article to point out the importance of safety to prevent fork lift Tip Overs. Awolusi shows good evidence with physics of load bearing fork lifts, with implementation of proximity warning systems to be installed onto forklifts, to look at the reason for failure for the


use and promotion of passive safety systems by operators and their poor effectiveness. In this article he highlighting stability of fork lifts, and methods of development and validation with an impressive numerical model for predicting fork lift tip over. Awolusi makes the arguments that will focus on the solutions on the proper way to operate a fork lift with adherence to safety of equipment, operators and cutting down on incidents.

3.Credibility and Relevance:  (Explain the rationale for the credibility of the source by providing supporting evidence) Explanation of Relevancy:

Personally, I believe the source is doing a (good job) of supporting its arguments because: The rationale for the credibility of this Awolusi, earns points on the C.R.A.A.P chart under the Category 1 of Currency because of how recent his article is, which is 2017. The article is not out dated and is current and new updated information. Then Awolusi also scores well in Relevance category 2, because of his information relates to my project on Fork Lift Tip Over, and proves his spot here under Relevance due to his discussion of the longitudinal and lateral tip over, and what causes the gravity shifts. This information was impressive and the statics he uses are correct. Awolusi pays attention to detail as how good recommendations for evaluating and implementing proximity warning systems on surface forklift equipment. The relevance of the source to my argument, address my research questions, in regards to fork lift safety shows solutions with logical answers for fork lift tip over issues and will appeal to who my audience will be.


I think this source will be very helpful in supporting my argument because of the viewpoints of Awolusi on what he views as issues of what causes the problems of the center of gravity and how to avoid Fork Lift Tip over. I was impressed with his supporting evidence and the statics of fork lift tip-over and shares tips on what to do when Fork Lift Tip overs with a person inside and what the protocols are and for evaluating and implementing proximity warning systems on surface forklift equipment. His article I find to be very informational and he has proven to be a trusted authority. Awolusi article I think will strengthen my research in regards to fork lift tipovers.

1) Identify sources, including author, title, and the database information or website:

Karp, David. "Ybor fire draws forklift safety into spotlight." St. Petersburg Times [St. Petersburg, FL], 28 May 2000, p. 5B. Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints, https://link-gale-com.ezproxy.snhu.edu/apps/doc/A62351391/OVIC? u=nhc_main&sid=OVIC&xid=d44e500d. Accessed 12 Mar. 2020. 2) Summarize source: It seems this source is arguing the importance of fork lift safety, protocols to prevent accidents, injuries and fires. This article gets into the reasons as what causes the center of gravity to shift with the result of driver losing control, making an unsafe maneuver. This source is using this evidence to support the argument: It seems this source is arguing by Karp showing the importance of the safety of fork lift training Karp shows the importance of having fork lift drivers’ negligence of being inexperienced results in expensive lawsuits. Karp reflects on actual accidents in various industries of fires Hodges-3

happening because of inexperienced for lift drivers, and different accidents of contractors that had a fork lift hit the contractor.in the shop and a coil fell onto of the contractor. Karp shows evidence to support this argument with verifiable accidents and show the importance of awareness importance. Karp did several articles that are important for understanding the seriousness of fork lift safety as well as the importance of fork lift driver certifications. A counterargument for one of the provided sources could be: companies that don’t see the importance of fork lift training, due to cost and expense, company budget tightening all the time or finding enough money to pay for the OSHA compliant training. 3.Credibility and Relevance: (Explain the rationale for the credibility of the source by providing supporting evidence) Explanation of Relevancy: Personally, I believe the source is doing a (good job) of supporting its arguments because: The information is important for awareness, but this article did not score points on the C.R.A.A. P chart under category 3 for Authority. I had never heard of Karp before, but he does not have the organizational affiliations as far as the fork lift industry but is a news source that writes an excellent article promoting awareness. However, Karp does bring valid points, to be aware of. But he does score some credibility as far as urgency and awareness for having experienced forklift drivers. However, Karp scores exceptionally high marks on the C.R.A.A. P chart for Purpose which is category 5. Karp’s purpose was to inform of the issues of


fork lift accidents, in regards to fires. Karp’s information is very factual to the points he raises that I have found on other authorities on this subject matter of fork lift accidents. I think this source will be very helpful in supporting my argument because of the viewpoints Karp mentions in regards to forklift safety and adherence with ramifications of inexperienced for lift drivers, making mention of accident’s and fires. and how imperative it is for fork lift drivers and employers to pay careful attention to safety precautions. Karp’s article was and will be of assistant to me in my continued research, due to the considerable danger posed by forklifts and the precautions that are put into place specifically to avoid accidents. Karp mentions several articles of fork lift negligence. Karp left me thinking of who should really be responsible for fork lift accidents and negligence, the companies, or the fork lift drivers? Or both. Karp did several articles, that are beneficial to me because I am in this industry.

1) Identify sources, including author, title, and the database information or website: Mitsubishi Caterpillar Forklift America, “ 2121 West Sam Houston Parkway North, Houston, Texas 77043, “Fork Lift Safety Manuel’s, Job reports, and Statics,”Accessed: March 13, 2020, Inc. https://www.mcfa.com/en/mcfa

2) Summarize source: It seems this source is arguing: Mitsubishi argues the urgency of forklift training and safety, with attention to industry accident, lawsuits regarding fork lift safety. They shed light on the fork lifts are one of the most useful machines in the industry fit to Hodges-5

move heavy, cumbersome materials from one place to another, but emphasis on the awareness of their existence come at a price due to if fork lift drivers are not experienced or certified. Mitsubishi sheds light on fork lift accidents and injuries and the importance of proper fork lift maintenance. Mitsubishi gets into the causes of fork lift tip-over. Mitsubishi is dependable on their information on the physics of a load bearing for lift trucks,

This source is using this evidence to support the argument: The evidence Mitsubishi Caterpillar Fork Lift Services uses are actual evidence reports, journals, statistical reports, OSHA reports, (Occupational Safety and Health Administration), and references, plus their reputation in the field.

A counterargument for one of the provided sources could be: are pretty much the same is just convincing employers that they can keep their law suit liability’s down and their production numbers up, if they spend the time and effort training. It is a cost and expense that many employers don’t want to spend. Counter-arguments are the necessity of fork lift ownership, less liability for the machines as far as carrying on corporate insurance. These are constant ongoing counter arguments in this industry.

Credibility and Relevance: (Explain the rationale for the credibility of the source by providing supporting evidence) Explanation of Relevancy:


Personally, I believe the source is doing a (good job) of supporting its arguments, Mitsubishi does an excellent job on brining awareness to center of gravity issues in relation to fork lift balance and mast instrumentation readings for forklifts. Mitsubishi scored the highest on the C.R. A. A. P chart readings. They scored a total 50 for all categories. In category 1- in Currency, all of Mitsubishi material is update, and current, all journals and manuals or statics are all update. Mitsubishi information on Fork Lifts and all of their machines are never outdated. In Category 2- Mitsubishi makes the mark here, for Relevance to my current fork lift project. I have looked at other sources, but Mitsubishi is always dependable and reliable with their information. The intended audience I will be focusing on Mitsubishi meets the criteria for this. They all know about Mitsubishi products and machines and the reliable products. Mitsubishi meets the Category 3 requirements for authority’s. They always have good authors with good credentials and are well versed on any topic matter in relation to their products and service. Mitsubishi seems to only allow author that have credentials and experience in the fields they service their clients. Their authors are reliable sources. Mitsubishi meets the requirements for the Category 4 in Accuracy, they have established themselves as a reliable source in their field with all of their machines, service. As well as their training courses and certifications and licenses. Anyone that gets trained through Mitsubishi has a reputation of being well versed in the field. Mitsubishi information is always supported by evidence. Mitsubishis information has all been referred and reviewed by dependable sources. Sometimes Mitsubishi


tone is bias and objective when they need to be. Mitsubishi also got top scores in the Category 5- Purpose. Their articles, material, journals always inform or persuade as needed, as well as their information is fact or opinions when needed. Sometimes the opinions in the filed of fork lift maintenance for mechanics are invaluable excerpts to read. Mitsubishi reputation is the best in the business for maintenance that involves functional checks, services, repairs, replacements, mechanics in this field, as well as dependability in equipment and machines. I will be using many of their reference journals, editorial, technical manuals in regards to this essay on fork lift tip overs.


Awolusi, Ibukun, et.al.”For Lift Safty: Sensing the Dangers with Technology” Professional Safety, Volume 62, number 10, October 2017, pp.36-39, Accession Number: 125470691, Accessed: March 12, 2020, https://web-b-ebscohostcom.ezproxy.snhu.edu/ehost/detail/detail?vid=2&sid=a1fe6a9a-e6ec-4e0f-916214af2bb92e66%40pdc-v-


sessmgr02&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZSZzY29wZT1zaXRl#db=asn&AN=1254 70691

Karp, David. "Ybor fire draws forklift safety into spotlight." St. Petersburg Times [St. Petersburg, FL], 28 May 2000, p. 5B. Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints, https://linkgale-com.ezproxy.snhu.edu/apps/doc/A62351391/OVIC? u=nhc_main&sid=OVIC&xid=d44e500d. Accessed 12 Mar. 2020. Gale Document Number: GALE|A62351391

Karp, David, and Michael Sandler. "Multiple factors fueled Ybor fire." St. Petersburg Times [St. Petersburg, FL], 21 May 2000, p. 1A. Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints, https://linkgale-com.ezproxy.snhu.edu/apps/doc/A62242276/OVIC? u=nhc_main&sid=OVIC&xid=8ab56d97. Accessed 15 Mar. 2020. Gale Document Number: GALE|A62242276

Karp, David. "OSHA levies fines for Ybor fire." St. Petersburg Times [St. Petersburg, FL], 6 Oct. 2000, p. 1A. Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints, https://link-galecom.ezproxy.snhu.edu/apps/doc/A65814550/OVIC? u=nhc_main&sid=OVIC&xid=56888378. Accessed 15 Mar. 2020. Gale Document Number: GALE|A65814550


Mitsubishi Caterpillar Forklift America, “ 2121 West Sam Houston Parkway North, Houston, Texas 77043, “Fork Lift Safety Manuel’s, Job reports, and Statics, ”Accessed: March 13, 2020, Inc. https://www.mcfa.com/en/mcfa

Occupational Safety and Health Administration, OSHA, “Fatal Facts of Fork Lift Safety” accessed March 11, 2020, "Occupational Safety and Health Administration." Federal Agency Profiles for Students, edited by Kelle S. Sisung, Gale, 1999. Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints, https://link-galecom.ezproxy.snhu.edu/apps/doc/EJ2118000135/OVIC? u=nhc_main&sid=OVIC&xid=efd28450. Accessed 15 Mar. 2020. Gale Document Number: GALE|EJ2118000135


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