3-6 Assignment Writing Plan PDF

Title 3-6 Assignment Writing Plan
Author Beth Hodges
Course English Composition II
Institution Southern New Hampshire University
Pages 9
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3-4 Submission: Annotating Your Sources...



English Composition II March 18, 2020 3-6 Assignment: Writing Plan I will be addressing the issues that are ongoing problems in this industry, addressing Fork Lift Safety Issues, and accidents, since this is what I do on my job. There is too much improper training, and lackadaisical fork lift safety not taken seriously. There should be more time, to learn Fork Lift Safety like the way the drivers license is administrated. There needs to be more time invested in Fork Lift Training, to safe lives, and cut down on industry accident where people are hurt or killed as well as liabilities and lawsuits.

A) Arguments I will be Addressing: The argument I will be addressing in my persuasive essay is the promotion and important of fork lift safety as well as fork lift tip-over. Due to my research, I will be able to use this information on my job, as well as share this with others in my field in team meetings and training seminar’s. The arguments I will be making are well connected in my line of employment because I am a Fork Lift Driver as well as a Fork Lift Mechanic.

B) Key Points: The combining of the key focal points in my argument, so they don’t get lost amidst other ideas which will open up much needed discussions on these key issues that need to be brought to the forefront, to promote fork lift safety and awareness. The key points support my main argument by providing solid evidence of the most common types of fork lift accidents I


will be discussing that support my main argument will be the prompting awareness of fork lift tip-overs in longitudinal and lateral tip- overs, resulting in fatalities.

C) The audience will be: People that work in this field that need to be aware of this information. I plan to use this information in shop safety meetings, and training meetings to promote forklift safety awareness, to cut down on fatalities. After conducting the research in this topic, I now want to continue to be a fork lift trainer and share this information. These are the people I will be passing this information too.

Potential Challenges I will encounter with this audience: The biggest challenge will be to understand my audience’s positions and their stances. The focus will be just trying to persuade with a well -reasoned approach. I think that owning my own position will help me win this battle An additional challenge I see will be presenting and convincing this audience with information, of new ideas to be more aware on a day to day basis. The strategy’s I plan to use here will be a bit of inadvertent reverse psychology. It not to be convert my adversaries but to raise doubts about their wisdom of their view points. I may have to shift gears between listening well, and thinking about how to respond.

D) Goals: I will review the key with a complete organizational over view of these issues facing this industry, as well as review some of the prior goals and progress against these goals, of the an


awareness of the importance of Fork Lift Safety and to understand the stability requirements, with the operator inside the Fork Lift, so it does not Tip over. Tip- overs are excessive in this industry. As well as the important solutions to be used to minimize the risk of occurrence of serious and fatal injuries resulting from fork lift tip-over. In order for this essay to be successful I will be like the architect of this essay. I will have to approach this in structures, like erecting a building. It will be the design, planning and construction to erect each section on at a time. It will be kind of like a steady rhythm. I will need to be extremely organized. I will be reading the rubric which is like a blue print, of the construction plan. As well as following the instructor Ali critiques because she will be the ultimate boss in this project. I will be presenting a suitable study & research which will lead to an initial sketch establishing the overall parameters of my essay on Fork Lift Safety and awareness of fork lift tip over. My initial sketch of my essay will all for the visualization of my project with the study of research for the desired modifications. I will be doing a Preliminary draft and a final draft of my project. Then I will begin with the constructing of my persuasive arguments. To do this, I will bring in the evidence of each argument. I will go into detail on each of my stages of my essay as it progresses. Then I will execute my plans with the direction my essay will be heading. Then I will embark on the finalization of my essay by closing up my points with solid evidence and stances.

E) Potential resources: The potential resources I will use to support my argument to support evidence, of the articles and discussions of Longitudinal and Lateral Fork Lift Tip over with the physics of the load bearing Fork Lift will be from the data base library supplied through module two Opposing viewpoints. I have looked at other sources on Opposing View Points and


Academic Search Ultimate, for Fork Lift Safety that, meets this criterion the best. There information can be verified through other sources, as well as they can back up their information, and their reputation and for meeting the requirements for the purpose of my essay on the issues of fork lift tip over for longitudinal and lateral Issues as well as the physics of load bearing gravitational issues. (Bostelman, 2010)

F) The Supporting Resources I have identified: For the supporting resources Academic Search Ultimate, these will reinforce my arguments because these topic selections are all intertwined to Fork Lift Safety Awareness and Tip Over issues. The arguments AGAINST the implementation of Fork Lift Safety Awareness will be the justification of time and money employers have to spend in training. Determine & Defending: of my evidence will show safety systems used to protect the operator against the effects of the truck tip-over of forklift. Simulations I will present of (reconstructions) of accidents of this type in different configurations that will be conducted to investigate effectiveness of the passive safety systems designed to protect the operator against the effects of forklift truck tip-over with comparisons of the simulation outcomes to demonstrate tile angle of the forklift cabin from the onset of the time of cabin tilting and the dangers to fork lift operator as well as equipment and safety issues. My argument will also focus the solutions on the proper way to operate a fork lift with adherence to safety of equipment, operators and cutting down on incidents. (Awolusi, 2017) G) Integration of Evidence: Based on my arguments, the integration of evidence of my research studies, and the key points, goals will all be combined. I will be deciding at this stage


where the evidence need to be placed in relation to the points, I am making so it all flows effectively. Then I will plan to look at each paragraph dissecting which piece of evidences belongs and how it can be integrated to remember to support or do an expansion of my point. As well as trying to paraphrase and summarize where possible. I will choose carefully what I want to integrate to illustrate my point and how my research relates to my key points and goals. H) Revision Strategies: Effect Strategies: Revision strategies I plan to use will be to re-read my draft, taking a second look at my essay. This is where I might add, cut or move and change my information, clear up the order of my ideas. I will also look at if I need to make my arguments more convincing. At this point I will be checking for grammar, punctuation and sentence structure. I will use a grammar checker at this point as well as a plagiarize checker. I will take the time here to be sure to double check my sources are all properly cited, and any quotes are referenced properly. I will also double check at this time, in my MLA format book to be sure I am using this particular formatting. Once I actually submit my essay, I will use the proper title pages for MLA formatting. I will make sure all my points are in a logical order and make sense, checking my sentence flow. I don’t like to read out loud but to solve that I will use the word audio feature to play back my essay and listen to any missing word, sentence structures, I can identify any problems. Then I will make sure my essay looks nice and neat before submission. I) Feedback: I think the whole reason of feedback is to provide a detailed analysis of my essay. I think this will be an opportunity to see what others think about my ideas and do I need more research. Also, feedback will allow me to review my work and make any changes if needed, before the last rendition. I am looking forward to the writing workshop in module four, and it may be needed to later include their peer reviews in my essay perhaps in the final process.


Feedback from my SNHU buddies will allow me to see if their feedback will transition well. I think these peer reviews will help me in building a better essay to incorporate the facts and evidence. It will help me to understand the key factors to determine the direction I need to go with my essay. References:

Awolusi, Ibukun, et.al.”For Lift Safty: Sensing the Dangers with Technology” Professional Safety, Volume 62, number 10, October 2017, pp.36-39, Accession Number: 125470691, Accessed: March 12, 2020, https://web-b-ebscohostcom.ezproxy.snhu.edu/ehost/detail/detail?vid=2&sid=a1fe6a9a-e6ec-4e0f-916214af2bb92e66%40pdc-vsessmgr02&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZSZzY29wZT1zaXRl#db=asn&AN=1254 70691 Bostelman, Roger; Shackleford, Will, "Performance Measurements Towards Improved Manufacturing Vehicle Safety," NIST Intelligent Systems Division, ACM Digital Library, 2010, p. 289–296, Accessed: March 18, 2020, https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/1865909.1865967 Bostelman, R., “Towards improved fork lift safety and awareness, “Proceedings of the 9th workshop on performance metrics for intelligent systems, 2009; p. 297-302, Accessed: March 18, 2020, https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/1865909.1865968 DeNinno, V.J. “Forklift Truck Stability when operating on side slopes, under static conditions”,Army Natick Labs, Mass Mechanical Engineering Division, 2016; MHE-12


SS-57,ME, Society for the Model Simulation International, https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.5555/3029362.3029368, Accessed: March 18, 2020

Karp, David. "Ybor fire draws forklift safety into spotlight." St. Petersburg Times [St. Petersburg, FL], 28 May 2000, p. 5B. Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints, https://linkgale-com.ezproxy.snhu.edu/apps/doc/A62351391/OVIC? u=nhc_main&sid=OVIC&xid=d44e500d. Accessed 12 Mar. 2020. Gale Document Number: GALE|A62351391

Karp, David, and Michael Sandler. "Multiple factors fueled Ybor fire." St. Petersburg Times [St. Petersburg, FL], 21 May 2000, p. 1A. Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints, https://linkgale-com.ezproxy.snhu.edu/apps/doc/A62242276/OVIC? u=nhc_main&sid=OVIC&xid=8ab56d97. Accessed 15 Mar. 2020. Gale Document Number: GALE|A62242276

Karp, David. "OSHA levies fines for Ybor fire." St. Petersburg Times [St. Petersburg, FL], 6 Oct. 2000, p. 1A. Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints, https://link-galecom.ezproxy.snhu.edu/apps/doc/A65814550/OVIC? u=nhc_main&sid=OVIC&xid=56888378. Accessed 15 Mar. 2020. Gale Document Number: GALE|A65814550

MLA Handbook 8th Edition, Kindle Edition, by The Modern Language Association of America (Author) Publisher: The Modern Language Association of America; 8 edition (April 1, 2016)


Mitsubishi Caterpillar Forklift America, “ 2121 West Sam Houston Parkway North, Houston, Texas 77043, “Fork Lift Safety Manuel’s, Job reports, and Statics, ”Accessed: March 13, 2020, Inc. https://www.mcfa.com/en/mcfa Occupational Safety and Health Administration, OSHA, “Fatal Facts of Fork Lift Safety” accessed March 11, 2020, "Occupational Safety and Health Administration." Federal Agency Profiles for Students, edited by Kelle S. Sisung, Gale, 1999. Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints, https://link-galecom.ezproxy.snhu.edu/apps/doc/EJ2118000135/OVIC? u=nhc_main&sid=OVIC&xid=efd28450. Accessed 15 Mar. 2020. Gale Document Number: GALE|EJ2118000135

Rebelle, J., Mistrot P. Poirot R., “Development & Validation of numerical model for predicting fork lift tip over “Vehicle system dynamics , 2009; 47, (7) p. 771-804, Accessed: March 18, 2020, https://doi.org/10.1080/00423110802381216

Stout-Wiegand, N. (1988). Characteristics of workrelated injuries involving forklift trucks. Journal of Safety Research, 18(4), 179-190. Stout-Wiegand, N. “Characteristics of Work-Related injuries involving fork lift trucks, Journal of Safety Research, 1988;18(4) p. 179-190, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0022437587900818, Accessed: March 18, 2020 Stout-Wiegand, N. (1988). Characteristics of workrelated injuries involving forklift trucks. Journal of Safety Research, 18(4), 179-190. Stout-Wiegand, N. (1988). Characteristics of workrelated injuries involving forklift trucks. Journal of Safety Research, 18(4), 179-190.


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