3. Constitution Scavenger Hunt PDF

Title 3. Constitution Scavenger Hunt
Course Biodiversity, Evolution and Ecology
Institution California State University Sacramento
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Unit 1-3 Name:________________________________

Constitution Scavenger Hunt Article I 1. How often are Representatives to be elected? _______________________ 2. How old must a Representative be to be elected? ____________________ 3. How long is the term for a senator? _______________________________ 4. How were senators originally chosen? Which amendment changed that? _________________________________________ 5. How old does someone have to be to be a senator? ___________________________________________________________ 6. Who is the president of the Senate and when may that person vote? _____________________________________________ 7. Which legislative body as the power of impeachment and which body has the power to try an impeached official? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ 8. Who shall officiate when a president is tried for impeachment? _________________________________________________ 9. What is the required vote that is necessary to convict someone who has been impeached? ____________________________ 10. What is the only penalty that can be imposed on someone who has been impeached? _______________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11. Who decides the times, places, and manner for holding elections for Congress? ___________________________________ 12. In what federal body do all bills concerning taxes originate? __________________________________________________ 13. What fraction of both houses must vote to override a veto? ___________________________________________________ 14. What happens when a president doesn’t return a bill in 10 days and what is the exception to that rule? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 15. In Section 8, the Constitution lists or enumerates the powers of Congress. List SIX of them. 1. __________________________________________2. __________________________________________ 3. __________________________________________4. __________________________________________ 5. __________________________________________6. __________________________________________ 16. In Section 8, which clause gives Congress the most general, non-specific powers? _________________________________ 17. Name THREE limits on the powers of the states. 1. ________________________

2. _________________________ 3. ________________________

Article II 18. How old does someone have to be to be elected president? ___________________________________________________ 19. How is it determined how many electors each state has? _____________________________________________________ 20. Name THREE powers of the President. 1. ________________________

2. _________________________ 3. ________________________

21. Which body of Congress approves nominations? ___________________________________________________________ 22. What can a president or other officers be impeached for? _____________________________________________________

Article III 23. What is the term of office for Supreme Court justices? When may they be removed? _______________________________ 24. Who gets to decide how many federal courts we have? ______________________________________________________ 25. In which cases does the Supreme Court have original jurisdiction? 1. _______________________

2. _______________________

3. _______________________

4. _______________________

5. _______________________

6. _______________________

7. _______________________

8. _______________________

Article IV 26. What is the topic of Article IV? ____________________________________________________________________ 27. What limitation is put on admitting new states to the Union? __________________________________________________ Article V 28. What fraction of the houses of Congress is necessary to approve a proposed amendment? ___________________________ Article VI 29. What does the Constitution say about which law shall predominate if there is any conflict between laws? ______________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 30. What qualification for holding any public office is forbidden? _________________________________________________ Article VII 31. How many states had to ratify the Constitution? ____________________________________________________________ Amendments 32. Which amendment extended the vote to 18 year olds? ______________________ 33. Which amendment outlaws “cruel and unusual punishments?” ______________________ 34. Which amendment ended slavery? ______________________ 35. Name the FIVE basic civil liberties guaranteed in the First Amendment. 1. _______________________

2. _______________________

4. _______________________

5. _______________________

3. _______________________

36. Put the Ninth Amendment in your own words. ____________________________________________________ 37. Put the Tenth Amendment in your own words. ____________________________________________________ 38. Which amendment prevents a citizen of North Carolina suing the state of Pennsylvania? __________________ 39. Which amendment said that states couldn’t prevent people from voting based on their race? ________________ 40. Which amendment said that a person couldn’t be tried twice for the same crime? ______________________ 41. When can the government take private property and what must the government give the owners? Which amendment establishes this? _____________________________________________________________________ 42. Which amendment defined citizenship? ______________________ 43. List the FIVE rights that the accused has when suspected of a crime. 1. _______________________

2. _______________________

4. _______________________

5. _______________________

3. _______________________

44. Which amendment prohibited alcohol? Which Amendment repealed the prohibition on alcohol?_____________ 45. Which amendment gave women the right to vote and in what year was it passed? ________________________ 46. Which amendment decided that a person could be president for only two terms? _________________________ 47. On what day does the Constitution state that a new president shall be inaugurated? Which amendment establishes this? When must the new Congress meet? _________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 48. Which amendment gave government the power to impose an income tax? _____________________________ 49. Which amendment establishes what to do if the president is incapacitated and can’t perform his duties? ______ ____________________________________________________________________________________________

50. What amendment gives people the right to bear arms? _______________________

Constitution Scavenger Hunt Answer Key Article I 1. How often are Representatives to be elected? every two years 2. How old must a Representative be to be elected? 25 YEARS OLD 3. How long is the term for a senator? 6 YEARS 4. How were senators originally chosen? Which amendment changed that? BY STATE LEGISLATURES – 17TH 5. How old does someone have to be to be a senator? 30 YEARS OLD 6. Who is the president of the Senate and when may that person vote? VICE PRESIDENT – in a tie 7. Which legislative body as the power of impeachment and which body has the power to try an impeached official? HOUSE HAS POWER TO IMPEACH – SENATE TRIES IMPEACHED 8. Who shall officiate when a president is tried for impeachment? CHIEF JUSTICE 9. What is the required vote that is necessary to convict someone who has been impeached?2/3 VOTE 10. What is the only penalty that can be imposed on someone who has been impeached? REMOVAL FROM OFFICE & DISQUALIFICATION FROM HOLDING FUTURE OFFICE 11. Who decides the times, places, and manner for holding elections for Congress? STATE LEGISLATURES 12. In what federal body do all bills concerning taxes originate? HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 13. What fraction of both houses must vote to override a veto? 2/3 VOTE IN BOTH THE HOUSE & SENATE 14. What happens when a president doesn’t return a bill in 10 days and what is the exception to that rule? IT BECOMES A LAW – UNLESS CONGRESS IS ADJOURNED 15. In Section 8, the Constitution lists or enumerates the powers of Congress. List six of them. 1 – lay and collect taxes & pay debts, provide for the common defense and welfare of us 2 – borrow money 3 – regulate trade with other countries or tribes 4 - EST. UNIFORM RULE OF NATURALIZATION/LAWS OF BANKRUPTCY 5 – COIN MONEY & REGULATE VALUE OF 6 – PUNISH COUNTERFEITERS 7 – EST. POST OFFICES & POST ROADS 8 – PROMOTE PROGRESS OF SCIENCE & USEFUL ARTS BY SECURING COPYRIGHTS 9 – CONSTITUTE COURTS INFERIOR TO SUPREME COURT 10 – DEFINE/PUNISH PIRACIES/FELONIES ON SEA & OFFENSES AGAINST LAW OF NATIONS 11 – DECLARE WAR – GIVE ACCOLADES/REPRISAL LETTERS – MAKE RULES FOR POWS 12 – RAISE & SUPPORT ARMIES – ONLY 2 YEARS FUNDS CAN BE USED FOR 13 – PROVIDE & MAINTAIN A NAVY 14 – RULES FOR LAND & NAVAL FORCES 15 – CALL FORTH MILITIA 16 – ORGANIZE/ARM/DISCIPLINE MILITIA – STATES CHOOSE OFFICERS 17 – EXERCISE EXCLUSIVE LEGISLATION OVER D.C. – Become the government 18 – EXERCISE AUTHORITY OVER ALL TERRITORY ACQUISITIONS 19 – MAKE ALL LAWS NECESSARY & PROPER FOR EXECUTING THESE POWERS

16. In Section 8, which clause gives Congress the most general, non-specific powers? The elastic and necessary-proper clause 17. Name three limits on the powers of the states. 1 – CAN’T ENTER TREATY/ALLIANCE, ETC. 2 – CAN’T GIVE ACCOLADE/REPRISAL LETTERS 3 – CAN’T COIN MONEY 4 – CAN’T USE TENDER ASIDE FROM GOLD/SILVER FOR PAYMENT OF DEBT 5 – CAN’T PASS BILL OF ATTAINDER/EX POST FACTO LAW 6 – CAN’T HAVE IMPORT/EXPORT TAXES WITHOUT CONSENT OF CONGRESS

Article II 18. How old does someone have to be to be elected president? 35 YEARS OLD

19. How is it determined how many electors each state has? ADD UP SENATORS + REPRESENTATIVES 20. Name three powers of the President. 1 – COMMANDER IN CHIEF OF THE ARMY/NAVY/MILITIA 2 – PARDON POWER (except in case of impeachment) 3 – MAKE TREATIES (with advice and consent of senate) 4 – APPOINT AMBASSADORS 5 – NOMINATE SUPREME COURT JUDGES 6 – MAY FILL VACANCIES THAT MAY HAPPEN DURING RECESS OF SENATE

21. Which body of Congress approves nominations? SENATE 22. What can a president or other officers be impeached for? TREASON, BRIBERY, AND OTHER HIGH CRIMES & MISDEMEANORS Article III 23. What is the term of office for Supreme Court justices? When may they be removed? Life w/good behavior 24. Who gets to decide how many federal courts we have? CONGRESS 25. In which cases does the Supreme Court have original jurisdiction? 1 – CONSTITUTIONAL ISSUES 2 – LAWS OF THE U.S. 3 – TREATIES UNDER AUTHORITY OF GOVERNMENT 4 – AMBASSADORS, PUBLIC CONSULS, ETC. 5 – CONTROVERSIES BETWEEN STATES 6 – STATES AND CITIZENS OF ANOTHER STATE 7 – CITIZENS OF DIFFERENT STATES 8 – STATES/CITIZENS WITH FOREIGN STATES/CITIZENS

Article IV 26. What is the topic of Article IV? RELATIONS AMONG THE STATES 27. What limitation is put on admitting new states to the Union? No state can be formed within jurisdiction of another Article V 28. What fraction of the houses of Congress is necessary to approve a proposed amendment? 2/3 OF BOTH Article VI

29. What does the Constitution say about which law shall predominate if there is any conflict between laws? CONSTITUTION & LAWS OF THE U.S. ARE THE SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND 30. What qualification for holding any public office is forbidden? NO RELIGIOUS TEST SHALL EVER BE REQUIRED Article VII 31. How many states had to ratify the Constitution? 9 STATES Amendments 32. Name the five basic civil liberties guaranteed in the First Amendment. 1 – No law establish a religion or prohibiting free exercise of 2 – NO LAW ABRIDGING FREEDOM OF SPEECH 3 – NO LAW ABRIDGING FREEDOM OF THE PRESS 4 – NO LAW ABRIDGING RIGHT OF PEOPLE TO PEACEABLE ASSEMBLE 5 – NO LAW ABRIDGING RIGHT TO PETITION 33. Which amendment extended the vote to 18 year olds? 26TH 34. Which amendment outlaws “cruel and unusual punishments?” 8TH 35. Which amendment ended slavery? 13TH 36. Put the Ninth Amendment in your own words. RIGHTS NOT SPECIFIED STILL given to THE PEOPLE 37. Put the Tenth Amendment in your own words. POWERS NOT GIVEN TO U.S. ARE given TO THE STATES 38. Which amendment prevents a citizen of North Carolina suing the state of Pennsylvania? 11TH 39. Which amendment said that states couldn’t prevent people from voting based on their race? 15TH 40. Which amendment said that a person couldn’t be tried twice for the same crime? 5TH 41. When can the government take private property and what must the government give the owners? Which amendment establishes this? WARRANT MAY BE ISSUED WITH PROBABLE CAUSE – 4TH 42. Which amendment defined citizenship? 14TH 43. List the rights that the accused has when suspected of a crime. 1 – MUST BE PRESENTED TO A GRAND JURY (except military and during times of public danger) 2 – NO DOUBLE JEOPARDY 3 – NO SELF-INCRIMINATION 4 – DUE PROCESS OF LAW BEFORE DEPRIVED OF LIFE, LIBERTY, OR PROPERTY 5 – PRIVATE PROPERTY NOT TAKEN WITHOUT JUST COMPENSATION 44. Which amendment prohibited alcohol? Which Amendment repealed the prohibition on alcohol? 18TH PROHIBITED 21ST REPEALED 45. Which amendment gave women the right to vote and in what year was it passed? 19TH RATIFIED IN 1920 46. Which amendment decided that a person could be president for only two terms? 22ND 47. On what day does the Constitution state that a new president shall be inaugurated? Which amendment establishes this? When must the new Congress meet? ORIGINALLY MARCH 4TH CHANGED BY THE 20TH AMENDMENT TO JANUARY 20TH - CONGRESS MUST MEET JANUARY 3RD 48. Which amendment gave government the power to impose an income tax? 16TH 49. Which amendment establishes what to do if the president is incapacitated and can’t perform his duties? 25TH - SUCCESSION ORDER (1st – VP, 2nd – SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE 3rd – PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE (Senate) 50. What amendment gives people the right to bear arms? 2nd...

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