300+ TOP Abnormal Psychology MCQs and Answers 2021 PDF

Title 300+ TOP Abnormal Psychology MCQs and Answers 2021
Author Palomi Kurade
Course Introduction To Psychology
Institution University of Delhi
Pages 63
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300+ TOP Abnormal Psychology MCQs and Answers Abnormal Psychology Multiple Choice Questions 1. The term that refers to a group of clinical observations or symptoms that tend to re-occur: a. syndrome b. diseases c. resilience d. none of these

Answer: a. syndrome 2. The observed structural and functional characteristics that result from an interaction of the genotype and environment: a. genotype b. phenotype c. heredity d. none of these.

Answer: b. phenotype 3. Avoiding speaking in public for fear of being evaluated could be a symptom of : a. panic disorder

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b. simple phobia c. social phobia d. agoraphobia

Answer: c. social phobia 4. Retreating to an earlier developmental level involving less mature behavior and responsibility: a. sublimation b. projection c. regression d. none of these

Answer: c. regression 5. Channelising frustrated sexual energy into substitutive activities a. sublimation b. projection c. regression d. none of these

Answer: a. sublimation 6. Stress that tend to be good is referred to as a. distress b. ustress c. stress tolerance d. none of these.

Answer: b. ustress

7. Irrational fear of pain is called a. agnosia b. apraxia c. algophobia d. pyrophobia.

Answer: c. algophobia 8. Defence by actual flight is : a. amnesia b. fugue c. hysteria d. none of these

Answer: d. none of these 9. Free floating anxiety is associated with a. ptsd b. ocd c. gad d. stress

Answer: c. gad 10. Fear of enclosed places a. claustrophobia b. zoophobia c. algophobia d. pyrophobia

Answer: a. claustrophobia 11. Conditions involving the disruption in a person sense of personal identity a. somatoform disorder b. ptsd c. dissociative disorders d. hypochondriasis

Answer: c. dissociative disorders 12. Avoiding speaking in public for fear of being evaluated could be a symptom of : a. agoraphobia b. simple phobia c. social phobia d. panic disorder.

Answer: c. social phobia 13. Desensitisation is primarily used for : a. diminishing hallucinations and delusions b. hysteria c. treating depression d. alleviating phobias and mania

Answer: d. alleviating phobias and mania 14. Disorders caused by known and verifiable organic pathology a. substance abuse b. organic mental

c. substance abuse d. ptsd

Answer: d. ptsd 15. What does DSM stand for : a. diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders b. diagnosis services for mental health c. diagnostic and service manual for mental disorders d. none of the above.

Answer: a. diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders 16. ____ characterised by recurrent uncontrollable thought and irresistible behaviors. a. ocd b. stress disorders c. somatoform disorders d. pts

Answer: a. ocd 17. Thoughts or images that intrude into consciousness against a person’s will and which cause anxiety or extreme discomfort . a. compulsion b. obsession c. stress d. anxiety

Answer: b. obsession 18. Disorders that feature disruptions in memory ,consciousness or integrity of identity a. dissociative disorders b. somatoform disorders

c. substance abuse d. depressiom

Answer: a. dissociative disorders 19. A term that refers to a broad range of technique designed to improve psychological functioning and personal or social adjustment. a. psychotherapy b. desensitisation c. behaviorism d. pharmacotherapy.

Answer: a. psychotherapy 20. An event that creates a sense of threat by confronting a person with a demand or opportunity for change. a. stressor b. coping c. resilience d. prevalence.

Answer: a. stressor 21. A mental disorder is conceptualized as a ——— significant behavioral or psychological syndrome. a. physically b. psychologically c. clinically d. systematically

Answer: c. clinically 22. Unrealistic irrational fear of anxiety is known as — a. hypochondriasis

b. phobia c. agoraphobia d. depression

Answer: b. phobia 23. DSM is a scientific classification manual of mental disorders published by a. who b. british psychiatric association c. indian psychiatric association d. american psychiatric association.

Answer: d. american psychiatric association. 24. Dopamine is a ———– a. hormone b. disorder c. medicine d. neurotransmitter.

Answer: d. neurotransmitter. 25. There is a loss of sense of self in ———disorder a. derealisation b. depersonalisation c. stress d. depression

Answer: b. depersonalisation 26. Partial or total inability to recall a. amnesia

b. phobia c. stress d. anxiety

Answer: a. amnesia 27. Fear of water is a. zoophobia b. hydrophobia c. algophobia d. pyrophobia

Answer: b. hydrophobia 28. Term used to describe the phenomenon the person becomes amnesic and departs home with a new identity a. amnesia b. fugue c. ptsd d. phobia

Answer: b. fugue 29. Dream analysis is practiced by —– a. psycho analyst b. behaviorism c. psychiatrist d. neurologist.

Answer: a. psycho analyst 30. Any detrimental characteristics that is either innate or acquired is : a. temperament b

b. genetic vulnerability c. inherited d. constitutional liability.

Answer: a. temperament b 31. Serotonin is a a. hormone b. disorder c. medicine d. neurotransmitter

Answer: d. neurotransmitter 32. Hippocrates classified all mental disorders into : a. four b. six c. two d. three

Answer: d. three 33. Disorder which consists of physical complaints without any physical pathology is termed as – a. dissociative disorders b. somatoform disorders c. depression d. stress .

Answer: b. somatoform disorders 34. Disorder by which the person feels that his certain bodyparts are with an ugly appearance : a. dysmorphic disorder

b. phobia c. dissociation d. schizophrenia

Answer: a. dysmorphic disorder 35. Clinical term for fear of public places a. algophobia b. agoraphobia c. claustrophobia d. ochlophobia

Answer: b. agoraphobia 36. Outcome of a person’s efforts to deal with stress and meet his or her needs is —— a. adjustment b. resilience c. stressor d. etiology

Answer: a. adjustment 37. ICD is published by ——- a. WHO b. APA c .PSA d .UNO 39. Perception without stimulus is known as ______ a. hallucination b. delusion c. illusion d. sublimation

Answer: a. hallucination 38. Unshakeable false belief keeping out of cultural norms a. hallucination

b. delusion c. illusion d. sublimation

Answer: a. hallucination 39. Hypnosis is dealt with a. behaviorism b. mesmerism c. psychoanalysis d. functionalism

Answer: b. mesmerism 40. Negative stress is known as – a. eustress b. distress c. depression d. anxiety

Answer: b. distress 41. Predisposition or vulnerability to develop a disorder is —a. stress b. diatheses c. diagnosis d. displacement.

Answer: b. diatheses 42. Excessive emotional attachment of a daughter for her father a. electra complex b. oedipus complex

c. inferiority complex d. superiority complex

Answer: a. electra complex 43. Excessive emotional attachment of a son for his mother a. electra complex b. oedipus complex c. inferiority complex d. superiority complex

Answer: b. oedipus complex 44. Feigning of symptoms to maintain the personal benefits that a sick role may provide. a. malingering b. factitious disorder c. somatoform disorder d. hypochondriasis.

Answer: b. factitious disorder 45. Thwarting of a need or a desire is a. frustration b. conflict c. aggression d. pressure.

Answer: a. frustration 46. Preoccupations based on misinterpretations of bodily symptoms,with the fear that one has a serious disease. a. hypochondriasis b. obsessions

c. compulsions d. amnesia

Answer: a. hypochondriasis 47. Partial loss of sensitivity is ——– a. anesthesia b. analgesia c. hypersthesia d. hypertension.

Answer: a. anesthesia 48. MZ twins are otherwise known as : a. identical b. quadraples c. dz d. non identical .

Answer: a. identical 49. Write the odd one a. delusion b. repression c. denial d. sublimation

Answer: a. delusion 50. Fear of animals a. hydrophobia b. zoophobia c. claustrophobia

d. monophobia

Answer: b. zoophobia 51. Shock therapy is otherwise known as— a. eeg b. ect c. cat d. mri

Answer: b. ect 52. Clinical term for causal factor a. epidemiology b. etiology c. prognosis d. relapse

Answer: b. etiology 53. Feeling of apprehension due to the anticipation of danger a. fear b. anxiety c. depression d. stress

Answer: b. anxiety 54. Persistent and disproportionate fear of some specific object or situation that presents little or no actual danger to the person. a. depression b. phobia c. mania

d. stress

Answer: b. phobia 55. Mood disorders are formerly known as — a. depression b. anxiety disorders c. affective disorders d. somatoform disorders

Answer: c. affective disorders 56. Which disorder is formerly called as Briquet’s disorder a. somatisation disorder b. pain disorder c. hypochondriasis d. mania

Answer: a. somatisation disorder 57. Preoccupation with certain aspects of the body a. ocd b. gad c. bdd d. ptsd

Answer: c. bdd 58. In ________one’s sense of self is temporarily lost. a. depersonalisation b. derealisation c. hypochondriasis d. anxiety

Answer: a. depersonalisation 59. Failure to recall previously stored personal information a. dissociative amnesia b. somatoform disorders c. hypochondriasis d. phobia

Answer: a. dissociative amnesia 60. ______means flight a. fugue b. amnesia c. projection d. relapse

Answer: a. fugue 61. —-is an example of behavior therapy a. flooding b. dream analysis c. psychoanalysis d. counselling

Answer: a. flooding 62. Overt repetitive behaviors or more covert mental acts a. obsessions b. compulsions c. suppression d. stereotypes

Answer: b. compulsions 63. Study of the distribution of disorders in a given population a. epedemiology b. prevalence c. prognosis d. relapse

Answer: a. epedemiology 64. The primary method of treatment for demonic possession was a. exorcism b. mass madness c. psychotherapy d. flooding

Answer: a. exorcism 65. Who believed that hysteria is caused by the uterus? a. aristotle b. plato c. hippocrates d. morgan

Answer: b. plato 66. A condition in which people believed themselves possessed by wolves a. lycanthropy b. somatoform disorders c. hypochondriasis d. phobia

Answer: a. lycanthropy 67. Dancing mania is a part of —— a. dissociation b. mass madness c. exorcism d. trephination

Answer: b. mass madness 68. Founder of American psychiatry a. pinel b. rush c. burtonn d. freud

Answer: b. rush 69. Who is the person behind the rise of mental hygiene movement? a. dorothea dix b. pinel c. hippocrates d. plato

Answer: a. dorothea dix 70. Who is the author of the book A Mind that is found in itself ? a. rush b. dorothe dix c. clifford beers d. pinel

Answer: c. clifford beers 71. Free Association is dealt with a. behaviorism b. mesmerism c. psychoanalysis d. functionalism

Answer: c. psychoanalysis 72. Classical conditioning is put forward by a. wolpe b. pavlov c. skinner d. bandura

Answer: b. pavlov 73. Who is the father of Behaviorism? a. john b watson b. pavlov c. skinner d. bandura

Answer: a. john b watson 74. Who put forward operant conditioning? a. wolpe b. pavlov c. skinner d. bandura

Answer: c. skinner 75. Process by which stimulus increases the probability of desirable behavior a. punishment b. reinforcement c. shaping d. chaining

Answer: b. reinforcement 76. Who deve3loped the first diagnostic system? a. clifford beers b. freud c. emil kraeplin d. skinner

Answer: c. emil kraeplin 77. An Austrian physician who conducted early investigations into hypnosis as a medical treatment a. clifford beers b. freud c. emil kraeplin d. anton mesmer

Answer: d. anton mesmer 78. who propounded psychoanalysis? a. clifford beers b. freud c. emil kraeplin d. skinner

Answer: b. freud 79. Condition in which person is intentionally producing or grossly exaggerating physical symptoms and is motivated by external incentives a. malingering b. factitious disorder c. somatoform disorder d. dissociative disorder

Answer: b. factitious disorder 80. Partial or total inability to recall or identify previously acquired information or experience a. retrograde amnesia b. anterograde amnesia c. somatoform disorder d. dissociative disorder

Answer: a. retrograde amnesia 81. Partial or total inability to recall or identify new information or experience a. retrograde amnesia b. anterograde amnesia c. somatoform disorder d. dissociative disorder

Answer: b. anterograde amnesia 82. Legal term for mental disorder a. insanity b. abnormality c. introjection

d. intromission

Answer: a. insanity 83. Emotion or feeling is otherwise known as — a. affect b. mania c. dythymia d. amnesia

Answer: a. affect 84. Institutions meant solely for the care of the mentally ill during ancient times a. asylums b. mental hospitals c. shrines d. church

Answer: a. asylums 85. Discharge of emotions associated with something a. catharsis b. cathexis c. reinforcer d. shaping

Answer: a. catharsis 86. Negative stress is a. eustress b. distress c. frustration

d. pressure

Answer: b. distress 87. Positive stress is a. eustress b. distress c. frustration d. pressure

Answer: a. eustress 88. Religiously inspired treatment procedure to drive out evil spirits. a. exorcism b. shrining c. therapy d. hypnosis

Answer: a. exorcism 89. Characteristic of a person that can be observed or measured a. character b. trait c. type d. trance

Answer: b. trait 90. Conditions involving physical complaints without evidence of physical pathology a. dissociation b. somatoform disorder c. mpd

d. gad

Answer: b. somatoform disorder 91. Effects created within an organism by the application of stressor a. stress b. distress c. frustration d. pressure

Answer: a. stress 92. Write the odd one a. exorcism b. shrine c. trephination d. flooding

Answer: d. flooding 93. Write the odd one a. sublimation b. displacement c. hallucination d. rationalisation

Answer: c. hallucination 94. Conscience,ethical or moral dimensions of personality a. id b. ego c. super ego d. libido

Answer: c. super ego 95. Abnormal physical or mental condition a. psychology b. pathology c. madness d. stress

Answer: b. pathology 96. __________ is the historical name for schizophrenia. a. Delusion b. Paranoia c. Dementia praecox d. Split mind

Answer: c. Dementia praecox 97. The term schizophrenia is coined by ____________ a. Engen Blunter b. Emile Kreaplin c. Setin d. Seligman

Answer: a. Engen Blunter 98. The meaning of the word ‘schizophrenia’ is ________ a. Violent behavior b. Mental disorder c. Split mind d. Aggressive behavior

Answer: c. Split mind 99. Touch related hallucination is known as__________ a. Visual b. Auditory c. Somato sensory d. Tactile

Answer: d. Tactile 100. A feeling of having noise by schizophrenic person is known as_________ a. Visual hallucination b. Auditory hallucination c. Olfactory hallucination d. False perception

Answer: b. Auditory hallucination 101. ____________is the inability to experience joy or pleasure. a. Apathy b. Empathy c. Anhedonia d. Dysthymia

Answer: c. Anhedonia 102. ____________ is something of a waste basket category. a. Hebephrenia b. Undifferentiated c. Paranoid d. Disorganized

Answer: b. Undifferentiated 103. Persecutory delusions are common in ____________ affected person. a. Catatonic b. Undifferentiated c. Disorganized d. Paranoid

Answer: d. Paranoid 104. Waxi-flexibility is an important feature of ___________ a. Paranoid b. Catatonic c. Residual d. Schizophrenic form

Answer: b. Catatonic 105. The term used for intimating the actions of others is ___________ a. Echolalia b. Echopraxia c. Delusion d. Hallucination

Answer: b. Echopraxia 106. A sub type of schizophrenia which is also known as Hebephrenia is__________ a. Simple b. Paranoid c. Undifferentiated

d. Disorganized

Answer: d. Disorganized 107. Schizophrenia is the product of an excess__________ activity at certain synaptic rites. a. Dopamiac b. Nor epinephrine c. Serotonin d. Nor adrenergic

Answer: a. Dopamiac 108. Inappropriate autonomous nerve system is a neurophysiological causal factor for … a. Schizoid b. Schizophrenia c. Schizotypal d. OCPD

Answer: b. Schizophrenia 109. __________ has identified the conflicting and confusing communication of family members as a causal factor of schizophrenia. a. Sigmund Freud b. Hidze c. Koliant d. Gregory Bateson

Answer: d. Gregory Bateson 110. _____________ is a commonly accepted drugs for schizophrenia. a. Antideppresents

b. Valium c. Tranquilizers d. Antianxiety

Answer: c. Tranquilizers 111. Delusional disorder was formerly called as ___________ a. Schizophrenia b. Mania c. Paranoia d. Depression

Answer: c. Paranoia 112. The type of delusional disorder in which the affected person is having a belief that he is a person of extraordinary status, power, ability etc. is__________ a. Grandiose b. Mixed c. Jealous d. Somatic

Answer: a. Grandiose 113. ___________ is a symptom in which individual selectively project the action of others to conform suspiciousness and blames others for their failures. a. Hostility b. Projective thinking c. Hallucination d. Delusion

Answer: b. Projective thinking

114. The moment when everything “false in to place” the individual finally understands the strange feelings and even being experienced is referred to as _________ a. Projective illumination b. Projective thinking c. Delusion d. Hallucination

Answer: a. Projective illumination 115. The type of delusional disorder in which the affected person is having an unshakable belief about having some physical illness is known as ___________ a. Erotomanic b. Persecutory c. Somatic d. Jealous

Answer: c. Somatic 116. The type of delusional disorder in which the predominant delusional them is that one’s sexual partner is unfaithful, is_________ a. Mixed b. Erotomanic c. Jealous d. Persecutory

Answer: c. Jealous 117. ________ is a temporary but relatively sustained and pervasive, affective state with a more specific and short term emotion. a. Mood b. Mania

c. Depression d. Self esteem

Answer: b. Mania 118. ____________ is characterized by the feeling of extra ordinary sadness and dejections. a. Mood b. Mania c. Depression d. Flight of ideas

Answer: c. Depression 119. Which of the following is not a symptom of mood disorder? a. Flight of ideas b. Distractibility c. Inflated self d. Derailment of asocial

Answer: d. Derailment of asocial 120. The disorder in which person experience only depressive episodes is__________ a. Unipolar b. Bipolar c. Schizophrenia d. Paranoia

Answer: a. Unipolar 121. Which of the following is not a symptom of dysthymia? a. Low energy level b. Low self esteem

c. Flight of ideas d. Feeling of hopelessness<...

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