3010 Syllabus and schedule 2020 PDF

Title 3010 Syllabus and schedule 2020
Author Yau long ting
Course Financial Accounting I
Institution 香港科技大學
Pages 7
File Size 276.8 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 32
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Accounting 3010 Intermediate Accounting I Blended Learning Model Fall 2020 Instructor: Office: E-mail: Phone:

Professor Amy Zang LSK 6002 [email protected] 2358-7561 Class Schedule* 3:00 - 4:20 pm 10:30 - 11:50 am 6-7 pm

Class Location Watch Online Lecture Zoom Class Zoom Q&A


Mon** Fri Wed***


Mon** Fri Wed***

4:30 - 5:50 pm 12 - 1:20 pm 6-7 pm

Watch Online Lecture Zoom Class Zoom Q&A


Mon** Fri Wed***

1:30 – 2:50 pm 9 - 10:20 am 6-7 pm

Watch Online Lecture Zoom Class Zoom Q&A

*This schedule is a rough plan. For detailed schedule, please see Course Schedule table on page 5. **First class of the semester is a Zoom class. ***Wednesday sessions would be held on the respective six quizzes weeks only and subject to change. See Course Schedule. Instructor office hours: Class Website: Zoom Link:

By email appointment http://canvas.ust.hk/ http://canvas.ust.hk/ (look for Zoom Meeting link)

T.A.: T.A. Contact:

Tracy Wong LSK 6066 Phone: 23587566 e-mail: [email protected] by email appointment

T.A. office hour:


Course Objectives

ACCT3010 is the first in a sequence of the two courses in intermediate financial accounting. Your introductory accounting course gave you an overview of the primary financial statements and the accounting principles used in their preparation. In this intermediate accounting course, students are expected to develop a broad understanding of (1) the environment, the standard setting process, and the conceptual framework underlying financial reporting, (2) the key procedures used for the financial statements including complex topics as revenue recognition and asset valuation. II.

Course Learning Outcomes

At the end of this course, you should be able to: 1

1. Think critically and creatively and make effective decisions supported by analytical and quantitative techniques. 2. Have in-depth grasp of financial accounting frameworks. 3. Become a sophisticated user of financial accounting information, interpret financial strategies, assess financial risk and understand financial accounting choices made by managers. 4. Demonstrate an understanding of the international dimensions of accounting. 5. Understand the role played by accountants in providing and ensuring the integrity of financial and related information. 6. Demonstrate an understanding of the accounting environment in Hong Kong. 7. Demonstrate an understanding of ethical challenges, creative accounting, and earnings management issues, and develop ethical and social responsibility. Required Textbook •

Required textbook: o Kieso, Donald E., Weygandt, Jerry J. AND Warfield, Terry D., “Intermediate Accounting: IFRS Edition, 4th Edition”, Wiley. Paper version or e-textbook available at HKUST bookstore. Class Website https://canvas.ust.hk

• • • •

Zoom meeting links are in Canvas class website. Additional lecture notes and teaching materials can be downloaded from Canvas. Quizzes are held on CANVAS. Please go to the class section you enroll officially to take quiz online. You need to use CANVAS extensively, where you can also find lecture videos, slides, zoom meeting links, solution manuals, announcements, the recommended textbook exercises, read other teaching materials and business articles, and post your questions. III.

General Approach (Blending Learning Model)

The goal of this course is to deepen your accounting knowledge and enhance your accounting skills. The nature of the course is highly technical, because we will encounter many complex accounting issues, such as sale of accounting receivables, estimating inventory value, revaluation model of long-term assets, and various revenue recognition issues. Not only do we need to understand the economic intuition of these accounting issues, but also we need to learn the accounting methods for them, which involve quantitative analyses and calculation, as well as preparation of journal entries and financial statement presentations. Therefore, your expectation should be different from that for introductory-level accounting courses, where the goal is to develop basic accounting understanding. In this class, we mix a user perspective (i.e., to understand and use accounting information) with a preparer perspective (i.e., to prepare accounting information in the form of journal entries and financial statement presentations).

BLENDED LEARNING MODEL: o Elements: Online lectures + face-to-face zoom class + Q&A o Format:  In the blended learning model, all lectures are videotaped and provided to you according to Course Schedule (see below). Instead of seeing me face-toface in a classroom, you will watch my lecture videos. 2

I expect you to watch the relevant lecture videos before each Friday. The schedule of the lecture delivery is specified in the Course Schedule table below.  Every Friday of the week, I will have a real time zoom class with you. The zoom classes serve several purposes: • Go over the key points of my lecture (i.e., the online videos) • Answer your questions. • Go over exercises together. • Six quizzes (see Course Schedule and mark your calendar). o A typical week goes like this:  You should watch the online lecture videos on the current chapter, together with the slides, ideally before Wednesday.  After watching the lecture videos, you should review the course materials and work on exercises in the textbook just as if you have finished a class in the classroom.  On some of the Wednesday evening, 6-7pm, I have an extra time slot for Q&A.  On Friday, assuming you have watched the lecture videos and attempted the exercises in the textbook, I will explain the key points of the chapter with you, and work on some selected exercises together. On some Fridays, there will be quizzes. •

forre each Friday, you are expected to read the assigned ASSIGNED READINGS: B e fo readings of the textbook. The e-version of the textbook and the PPT slides are available on our class website.

TEXTBOOK EXERCISES: For each topic, I also assign problems from the textbook. They are comprehensive tests of your understanding of the chapter content and the quantitative skills. I do not collect them, but strongly recommend that you work on these exercises. Quizzes and final exam share similar style of these textbook exercises. Note that, the amount of textbook exercises assigned is minimal, you are strongly encouraged to do additional exercises while preparing for the examinations. The full set of solutions to all practice problems at the end of each chapter will be posted on the course website when the chapter is discussed in lecture. If you encounter any difficulty working on these exercises, you can make an appointment with our TA for help.

outt of six qu quizzes izzes wi witt h tthe he hi g he hest st m a rks w ou ld be u se sedd t o QUIZZES: F i ve ou det deter er erm m ine yyo ou r fin inal al ggrrade on tthe he q u iz izzes zes . Please go to the class section you enroll officially to take quiz online (otherwise you cannot join it). You also need to turn on video in Zoom during the time you take quizzes.

EXAMS: Final exam covers the teaching materials of the entire semester (i.e., all the chapters discussed during this semester). The quizzes will be non-cumulative. Format of them will be short questions with similar style as TEXTBOOK EXERCISES (i.e., they are comprehensive and demand quantitative analytical skills and proficient accounting knowledge). Therefore, adequate practice with end-of-chapter exercises would help a lot with your exam performance.

DISCUSSION BOARD: Please use the discussion board on CANVAS to ask questions related to course materials. I will NOT answer such questions by email. Using discussion board benefits everyone – the questioner, the instructor and other students. Tracy and I will 3

check the discussion board and post replies regularly. Students are encouraged to reply to other students’ questions on CANVAS as part of a supportive learning environment. Note that your posts on the discussion board are not considered as part of "class participation". I strongly encourage you to raise your questions on the discussion board as soon as they arise. Please do not allow course-related problems to snowball! IV.


Students taking this course will be assessed by their class participation, quizzes, and the performance in the final exam. Activity Class participation Quizzes* Final exam** Total

Weight 10% 10% ×5 40% 100%

*Six quizzes would be held on Canvas during a fixed time for each section. But the highest five would be considered for final grade. You also need to turn on video in Zoom during the time you take quizzes. **Final exam will be held on December XX (XX) from TBA. WARNINGS: 1. There will be NO make-up arrangement for student who fails to attend any of the above quizzes. 2. NO make-up exams will be given for exams except for medical reasons supported by proper documentation. Students who miss an exam and expect a make-up exam MUST inform me BEFORE the exam ends by email or phone (you can leave a message at my office number). Medical documents MUST be submitted within 24 hours of the end of the exam. It is the sole responsibility of the student to ensure that I receive the medical document. NO make-up exams will be given if the medical documents are submitted 24 hours after the exam is taken. 3. School Honour Code applies to exams. Please keep your integrity. Be aware of the consequence of violating the Honour Code! 4. I will require you to submit HAND-WRITTEN WORKING PAPER for the middle steps to prove that you are the one taking the exams. Cheating in an online exam will be treated the same way as cheating in an exam taken in classrooms. 5. The time provided for the test could be tight and there could be random assignment of different versions of the exam questions to students to deter cheating (that is, if a student assigned A version provides answers of B version). Class Participation You are encouraged to raise questions to the instructor, both during and outside the class, and to participate actively in the Zoom sessions. Some random polling would be held depending on the progress of lectures to encourage Zoom class participation. I also require you to turn on your camera during Zoom sessions. Class participation grade is determined by your attendance, and quality of your answers to questions raised during Zoom sessions, and your contribution to class discussions.


Accounting 3010 Course Schedule Blended Learning Model (subject to change) Zoom link is in your Canvas Class Website. W 1






Date Sept 7 Mon

Format Reading Assignments Zoom Introduction to the course Class

Sept 11 Fri

Self Online Study

Chapter 1 Financial Accounting and Accounting Standards

Sept 14 Mon

Self Online Study

Chapter 2 Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting

Sept 18 Fri

Zoom Class

• • • •

Sept 21 Mon

Self Online Study

Chapter 4 Income Statement and Related Information

Sept 25 Fri

Zoom Class

• • •

Sep 28 Mon

Self Online Study

Chapter 5 Statement of Financial Position and Statement of Cash Flows (Include Appendix 5A)

Oct 2 Fri

No class.

Public Holiday

Oct 5 Mon

Self Online Study

Chapter 7 Cash and Receivables (Skip Appendix 7A)

Oct 7 Wed 6-7pm

Zoom Q&A

Q&A based on Ch1-5

Oct 9 Fri

Zoom Class

• • •

Oct 12 Mon

Self Online Study

Chapter 7 -- continued

Assigned Problems  Read syllabus  Purchase Wiley Textbook  Check out class website CA1.2, CA1.3

E2.2, E2.7, E2.9

Go over Ch1-2 Preview of Ch3-4 Exercises Discussions E4.4, E4.5, E4.6 E4.7, E4.13, E4.16, P4.7

Go over Ch4-5 Exercises Discussions E5.2, E5.6, E5.12, P5.2 E5.15, E5.17, P5.6

E7.1, E7.5, P7.4, P7.5 E7.14, E7.21, P7.9 E7.12, E7.16, P7.10 P7.11

Quiz (Ch1-5) Discuss Ch7 Exercises




Oct 16 Fri

Zoom Class

Oct 19 Mon

Self Online Study

Oct 21 Wed 6-7 pm

Zoom Q&A

Q&A based on Ch7

Oct 23 Fri

Zoom Class

• • •

Oct 26 Mon

No class.

Public Holiday

Self Online Study

Chapter 9 Inventories -- Additional Valuation Issues

• Go over Ch7 • Exercises • Discussions Chapter 8 Valuation of Inventories: A Cost-Basis Approach (Skip Appendix 8A)

E8.8, E8.13, E8.16, P8.3, P8.4

Quiz (Ch7) Discuss Ch8 Exercises

E9.5, E9.9, E9.12, P9.4 E9.20, P9.5, P9.8, P9.10

Please study Ch9 this week with your own schedule.



Oct 28 Wed 6-7 pm

Zoom Q&A

Q&A based on Ch8

Oct 30 Fri

Zoom Class

• • •

Nov 2 Mon

Self Online Study

Chapter 10 E10.5, E10.6, E10.8, P10.6 Acquisition and Disposition of Property E10.14, E10.22, P10.10 E10.24, E10.27 Plant and Equipment

Nov 4 Wed 6-7 pm

Zoom Q&A

Q&A based on Ch9

Nov 6 Fri

Zoom Class

• • •

Nov 9 Mon

Self Online Study

Chapter 10 -- continued

Nov 11 Wed 6-7 pm

Zoom Q&A

Q&A based on Ch10

Nov 13 Fri

Zoom Class

Quiz (Ch8) Discuss Ch9 Exercises

Quiz (Ch9) Discuss Ch10 Exercises

Quiz (Ch10)


• • 11



Discuss Ch11 Exercises

Nov 16 Mon

Self Online Study

Chapter 11 Depreciation, Impairments and Depletion (Include Appendix 11A)

Nov 18 Wed 6-7 pm

Zoom Q&A

Q&A based on Ch11

Nov 20 Fri

Zoom Class

• •

Nov 23 Mon

Self Online Study

Chapter 11 -- continued

Nov 25 Wed 6-7 pm

Zoom Q&A

Q&A based on Ch11

Nov 27 Fri

Zoom Class

• •

Nov 30 Mon

Self Online Study

Chapter 12 Intangible Assets

Dec 4 Fri

Zoom Class

• •

P11.5, P11.6, P11.10 E11.26, E11.27, E11.29, P11.14 P11.13

Discuss Ch11 Exercises

Quiz Ch11 Discuss Ch12 P12.1, P12.2, P12.3, P12.4, P12.6, E12.12

Discuss Ch12 Exercises

FINAL EXAM (Ch 1-12) Time:


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