MGKT 3010 - Chapter 3 PDF

Title MGKT 3010 - Chapter 3
Course Princ Of Marketing
Institution University of Utah
Pages 7
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SOCIAL CONTROL : any means used to maintain behavioral norms and regulate conflict o part of your life at every level, from your family to your local community, to the nation, to the global civilization BEHAVIORAL NORMS : standards of proper or acceptable behavior


ETHICS : the moral principles or values that generally govern the conduct of an individual or group o provide principles of right action LAWS : ethical rules and guidelines codified o not a perfect mechanism for ensuring good corporate and employee behavior FORMAL & INFORMAL GROUPS : businesses, professional organizations, and clubs all have codes of conduct o prescribe acceptable and desired behaviors of their members SELF-REGULATION : involves the voluntary acceptance of standards established by nongovernmental entities o AAAA - American Association of Advertising Agencies THE MEDIA : plays a key role in informing the public about the actions of individuals and organizations - both good & bad AN ACTIVE CIVIL SOCIETY : helps mold individual and corporate ethics as well as socially responsible behavior


the standard of behavior by which conduct is judged o standards that are legal may not always be ethical, and vice versa unwritten rules we have developed for our interactions with one another



states that people should adhere to their obligations and duties when analyzing an ethical dilemma  a person will follow his or her obligations to another individual or society because upholding one’s duty is what is considered ethically correct UTILITARIANISM (UTILITARIAN THEORY) o founded on the ability to predict the consequences of an action  the choice that yields the greatest benefit to the most people is the choice that is ethically correct o 2 TYPES  ACT UTILITARIANISM : adheres exactly to the definition of utilitarianism as just described  a person performs the acts that benefit the most people, regardless of personal feelings or societal constraints  RULE UTILITARIANISM : take into account the law and is concerned with fairness  seeks to benefit the most people but through the fairest and most just means available  values justice and doing good at the same time o however, its hard to predict the future consequences in the first place CASUIST (CASUIST THEORY) o compares a current ethical dilemma with examples of similar ethical dilemmas and their outcomes o determine severity of the situation and create the best possible solution according to other’s experiences MORAL RELATIVISM o a belief in time-and-place ethics - the truth of a moral judgment is relative to the judging person or group o do not believe in absolute rules  beliefs center on the pressure of the moment and whether the pressure justifies the action taken VIRTUE ETHICS o Aristotle, Plato o individuals solve ethical dilemmas when they develop and nurture a set of virtues  VIRTUE : a character trait valued as being good  self-discipline, friendliness, caring, courage, compassion, trust, responsibility, honesty, determination, enthusiasm, humility o


MORALS : the rules people develop as a result of cultural values and norms o PRECONVENTIONAL MORALITY  the most basic level, childlike  calculating, self-centered, selfish, based on what will be immediately punished or rewarded o CONVENTIONAL MORALITY  loyalty and obedience to the organization become paramount  concerned only with whether a proposed action is legal and how it will be viewed by others o POSTCONVENTIONAL MORALITY  less concerned about how other might see them and more concerned about how they see and judge themselves over the long run FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE ETHICAL DECISIONS o EXTENT OF ETHICAL PROBLEMS WITHIN THE ORGANIZATION o TOP MANAGEMENT’S ACTIONS ON ETHICS - top managers influence behavior of marketing professionals by encouraging ethical behavior and discouraging unethical behavior o POTENTIAL MAGNITUDE OF THE CONSEQUENCES o SOCIAL CONSENSUS o PROBABILITY OF A HURTFUL OUTCOME o LENGTH OF TIME BETWEEN DECISION AND CONSEQUENCES o NUMBER OF PEOPLE EFFECTED

CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (CSR) is a business’s concern for society’s welfare 

demonstrated by managers who consider both the long-range best interests of the company and the company’s relationship to the society within which it operates


STAKEHOLDER THEORY o social responsibility is paying attention to the interest of every affected stakeholder in every aspect of a firm’s operation


total corporate social responsibility has 4 components o ECONOMIC o LEGAL o ETHICAL o PHILANTHROPIC portrays economic performance as the foundation for the other three responsibilities o pursues PROFITS (ECONOMIC RESPONSIBILITY) o obey the law (LEGAL RESPONSIBILITY) o to do what is right, just, and fair (ETHICAL RESPONSIBILITY) o to be a good corporate citizen (PHILANTHROPIC RESPONSIBILITY)


CSR CAN BE A DIVISIVE ISSUE some analysts believe that a business should focus on making a profit and leave social & environmental problems to nonprofit organizations and government but its simply the right thing to do


for-profit companies certified by the nonprofit B Lab to meet rigorous standards of social and environmental performance, accountability, and transparency o must score at least 80 points on a 200 point assessment  criteria include things like fair compensation for workers, how much waste the company produces, and the company’s work with local businesses  PATAGONIA, BEN & JERRY’S, ETSY, DANONE COOPERATIVE HOME CARE ASSOCIATES (CHCA) o provides home health care for low-income urban clients

sends its workers into homes to attend elderly and seriously ill clients 10 PRINCIPLES OF THE UNITED NATIONS GLOBAL COMPACT o HUMAN RIGHTS  1) businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights  2) businesses should make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses o LABOR  3) businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective regnitionof the right to collective bargaining  4) businesses should uphold the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labor  5) businesses should uphold the effective abolition of child labor  6) businesses should uphold the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation o ENVIRONMENT  7) businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges  8) businesses should undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility  9) businesses should encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies o ANTI-CORRUPTION  10) businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery SUSTAINABILITY o the idea that socially responsible companies will outperform their peers by focusing on the world’s social, economic, and environmental problems o


outgrowth of the social responsibility and sustainability movements development and marketing of products designed to minimize negative effects on the physical environment or to improve the environment


“cause marketing” - cooperative efforts of a for-profit firm and a nonprofit organization for mutual benefit o the for-profit firm hopes to generate extra sales, and the nonprofit in turn hopes to receive money, goods, and/or services creates good public relation and will often stimulate sales for the brand...

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