325192019 An Analysis of Educational Values in Totochan the little girl in the window by tetsuko kuronagi based on paulo freire s perspective thesis PDF

Title 325192019 An Analysis of Educational Values in Totochan the little girl in the window by tetsuko kuronagi based on paulo freire s perspective thesis
Author Jlg Class
Course Freshman And/Or Sophomore Oboe For Non-Performance Music Majors
Institution University of Oklahoma
Pages 124
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Research made by JAMALUDDIN. he RI Constitution No. 20 in 2003 about National Education System (UU Sisdiknas) explains that, education was a conscious and deliberate effort to create an atmosphere of learning and the learning process so that learners are actively developing the potential for them to...




Written by: JAMALUDDIN NIM: 18201101030072



The chapter covers discussion about research context, research focus, objective of the study, significance of the study, scope and limitation of the study and definition of key terms.

A. Research Context The RI Constitution No. 20 in 2003 about National Education System (UU Sisdiknas) explains that, education was a conscious and deliberate effort to create an atmosphere of learning and the learning process so that learners are actively developing the potential for them to have the spiritual strength of religious, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, and skills needed by them, society, nation and state.1 Explicitly UU Sisdiknas presented that the purpose of the education is that learners are actively developing the potential that exists within them. Develop the potential that exists in these learners is an important key to the convening of an educational process that liberates. The reality of education in Indonesia apparently is not as beautiful as the education purposes the government declared. It is not only in Indonesia,


Undang-Undang Nomor 20 tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional, (Jakarta: Arta Duta Mas, 1994)



education in many parts of the world seemed to lose the spirit of 'freedom' in its implementation. Since elementary school, students was designed to be same each others. Their dresses, books and what is taught was the same. It seems that the students led to think the same way each other. The teacher becomes a kind of conductor that connects knowledge with the students. As a recipient of knowledge, students only served to listen, do what the habits of 'good' and behave as expected of them. Education is no different from the factory, which produces educational products through educational machines that completely rigid. Education is often practiced as a series of instructions from the teacher to the student. So education with a model like this will produce a ready-made men required by the headhunter. All students are considered equal in this kind of education model, though each student has a uniqueness and different potentials. Bertrand Russel was commenting this case in Sceptical Essay: "Now we are faced with a paradoxical fact that education is one of the main obstacles for achieving intelligence and freedom of thought." 2 Paulo Freire saw this phenomenon as the relationship between the oppressor and the oppressed. Freire assumed that education must be a path of permanent liberation, and he acknowledged that the process consists of two stages. First, human beings become conscious (aware) about the persecution that happened to him; he should run praxis to change the state of the oppressed. Second, build stability based on what has been done in the first


Paulo Freire dkk, Menggugat Pendidikan (Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar, 2006), page xxviii.


stage; This stage is a permanent process that is filled with cultural actions that liberate. 3 Freire saw that the education in almost the whole world is used to restrict the students. Restriction was done in an elegant way and heredity. Students are the oppressed who taught to slavishly devour what was said by the teacher. While the teachers and the system behind it is the oppressor who uses masks of savior. Banking concept of education that is often spoken by Freire in his thought is a reflection of the oppression. In the concept of this kind of education, the student becomes the object of investment, while the teacher as an investor. Students simply a loyal listener and became powerless and submerged in the culture of silence. Human’s critical attitude can not be generated from the model of this kind of education. Freire's concept of education has a philosophical vision of the liberated humanity. This vision is grounded in respect for human beings and the recognition that the future and the expectations are delivered to the oppressed is not just a form of entertainment, as well as not to constantly criticize and challenge the objective power of the oppressed.4 The thought of Paulo Freire supported indirectly by Tetsuko Kuroyanagi. Through her novel entitle Totto Chan: A Little Girl at The Window, Tetsuko shows a description of the lives of students named Totto Chan that are limited by the existing education system. If we correlate it with the thought of Freire, Totto Chan in this novel as the oppressed and the


Denis Collins, Paulo Freire: Kehidupan, Karya dan Pemikiran, terjemahan Henry Heyneardhi dan Anastasia P., (Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar, 2002) 4 Paulo Freire, Politik Pendidikan , terj. Agung Prihantoro an Fuad Arif Fudiyantoro (Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar, 2004), page 12.


teacher in her old school and also the educational system is the oppressor. Tetsuko, in this novel, invites the reader to enter the life and mindset of a little child with full of curiosity that always think in simple way -which by most adults is regarded as a strange thing. Tetsuko, through her novel, is not only open the reader's mind about the rigidness of education. It also presents a very inspiring story about a principal that thinks 'out of the box' and get out of the habit -which assumes that all children have the right to be free. As a novel, Totto Chan: A Little Girl at The Window is a part of literature. Literature is simply another way that we can experience the world around us through our imagination.5 Literary work used by human to express and share to the readers about feeling, ideas, experience, ambition and imagination. By reading literary work, the readers will get new knowledge and experience. As a creative product the author can drive the readers to become one with the literature itself. Literature can make people feeling the situation, emotion and many things written in literary work. Novel is one form of literary work with more or less complex plot or not pattern of even about human being, their feeling, thought, and human action.6 It reflects the condition and situation of human in real life then illustrated by the author of the novel in a written form. Novel is not only about imagination of the author, but also describe the reality, sometimes it is related with the author’s experience. In this research, the researcher will analyz e a novel entitled “TottoChan: The Little Girl at The Window” by Tetsuko Kuroyanagi by using Paulo 5 6

Kutha Ratna Nyoman, Penelitian Sastra, (Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar, 2004), page 67. I.K. Natia, Apresiasi Sastra Indonesia (Surabaya: Bintang Surabaya, 2010), page 42.


Freire’s perspective about educational value. There are some reasons why the researcher pick up this novel to analyze. First, the researcher think that by reading this novel the readers will know the educational value contained in this novel. Second, the readers will know the educational value in this novel based on Paulo Freire perspective. Third, the readers can increase their understanding about educational value in interesting way, by reading a novel. Finally, the readers can apply the values consist in the novel in their own lives in the real world. The researcher would like to analyze the educational values of the novel “Totto Chan: The Little Girl at The Window” based on Paulo Freire’s perspective. To make sure that this research is original, the researcher would like to present other researches related with this study. There are two researches related to this study. The first research is The Analysis of Educational Values in “By The River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept” Novel by Paulo Coelho on John S. Brubacher’s Perspective written by Fatahillah Erfan (2012). The second research is An Analysis Of Educational Values In Tetsuko Kuroyanagi’s Novel Entitle Totto-Chan: The Little Girl At The Window written by Fardhian Hartanto (2012). Although this research use educational value to analyze novel just like two previous researches, there are differentiation that differentiate this research with previous researches. The differentiation of this research with the research done by Fatahillah Erfan is the novel used as object research is different. Fatahillah Erfan used By The River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept novel Paulo Coelho while this research used “Totto-Chan: The Little Girl at


The Window” by Tetsuko Kuroyanagi. Although this research used the same novel with the second previous research, this research use different perspective to analyze “Totto-Chan: The Little Girl at The Window” novel. The researcher will analyze the novel by using Paulo Freire’s perspective. This is new research because the previous study do not use Paulo Freire’s perspective in analyzing novel. In researcher’s opinion, “Totto-Chan: The Little Girl at The Window” novel have many educational values that we can learn and apply into the real world. This is a novel that have a good quality and became the inspiration in educational world, especially in Japan. This is bestseller novel in Japan, with sales hitting the 4.5 million mark in its first year. Because of the content of this novel is very inspiring and suitable for children, this novel became a learning material with the agreement of educational ministry of Japan. That is the prove that “Totto-Chan: The Little Girl at The Window” novel can influence the readers and also the government. The researcher hopes that this research can give a better view to the problems of education, especially in Indonesia. Therefore, the researcher is interested in conducting research entitled An Analysis of Educational Values in “Totto-Chan: The Little Girl at The Window” by Tetsuko Kuroyanagi based on Paulo Freire’s Perspective.


B. Research Focus According to Creswell research problem is a general educational issue, concern, or controversy addressed in research that narrow the topic.7 From the explanation above there are some problems that are necessary to be investigate. To analyze the educational values in “Totto-Chan: The Little Girl at The Window” novel in Paulo Freire’s perspective, therefore the following research questions is formulated: 1. What are the educational values found in Totto-Chan: The Little Girl at The Window novel based on Paulo Freire’s perspective? 2. How educational values appear in Totto-Chan: The Little Girl at The Window novel based on Paulo Freire’s perspective?

C. Research Objectives A purpose of research announces the purpose, scope, and direction of the paper. It tells the reader what to expect in a paper and what the specific focus will be. It is formulated by statement.8 From the research problem above, the researcher decide the purposes of this research as the following: 1. To identify the educational values that appear in “Totto-Chan: The Little Girl at The Window” novel based on Paulo Freire’s perspective 2. To describe the educational values in “Totto-Chan: The Little Girl at The Window” novel based on Paulo Freire’s perspective


Jhon W. Creswell, Educational Research (United State: Pearson Education, 2012), page 59. Akademik, Pedoman Penulisan Karya Ilmiah (Pamekasan: STAIN Pamekasan Press, 2011), page 18. 8


D. The Significance of Study The significance of study is whatever researcher have deemed it to be. It explains the benefit of the research.9 In this section the researcher describes the reasons of the important of this research. The finding of this study will be very theoretically and practically. 1. Theoretical Significance a. The result of the study can contribute to the development of educational values. 2. Practical Significance a. For the researcher, to get some advantage from this study in knowing more the educational value in Totto-Chan: The Little Girl at The Window novel and other theories related with it. b. For the readers, to improve the reader’s knowledge about educational values found in Totto-Chan: The Little Girl at The Window novel and develop themselves in real life. c. For the teachers, this study can help them to know that novel can be used to teach educational value, then the teachers can use it in the class to serve values in it to the students. d. For the State of Islamic College (STAIN) Pamekasan, this study can give contribution and dedication for the library that can be read for the library visitors.


Ibid. 19.


E. Scope and Limitation of The Study Scope and limitation of the study explains about limitation of the variables that observed, population or subject of the study and location of the study.10 Limitations may address problems in data collection, unanswered question by participants or better selection of purposeful sampling of individuals or sites for the study.11 The scope of this study is the educational values in “Totto-Chan: The Little Girl at The Window” novel. The researcher analyze the educational values in this novel and explains it clearly. The researcher limits the study on educational values in “Totto-Chan: The Little Girl at The Window” novel from Paulo Freire’s perspective.

F. Definition of Key Terms The definition of key terms are stated below in order to make everything clear and avoid any misinterpretation of terms.12 In this study, here are some definitions of key terms: 1. Educational value are the results of valuing process of comprehension and implementing of God and humanity values in life. So, these values will guide human knowledge and creativity appropriately. 2. Tetsuko Kuroyanagi is a renowned actress, best-selling author and one of Japan’s most popular television personalities. She is the writer of Totto Chan: The Little Girl at The Window.


Ibid. 12. Creswell, Educational Research, page 259 12 Akademik, Pedoman Penulisan , page 19.



3. Totto Chan: The Little Girl at The Window is a novel by Tetsuko Kuroyanagi. This novel tells about Totto-chan, six years old girl who lives in Nogisaka, Japan. She always asks about everything new, she is inquisitive girl. 4. Paulo Freire’s perspective is the perspective of educational value that proposed by Paulo Freire.


In this chapter, the researcher discusses some theories related to the study. Those theories are the theories of literature, educational value, Paulo Freire’s perspective, and also the previous study. The explanation of all as follow.

A. Theoretical Frame 1. Literature Literature is a rival record of what men have seen in life, what they have experience of it, what they have thought and felt about those aspects of it which have the most immediate and enduring interest for all of us.13 According to Lombardi literature is a term used to describe written or spoken material. “Literature” is used to describe anything from creative writing to more technical or scientific works, but the term is most commonly used to refer to works of the creative imagination, including works of poetry, drama, fiction, and non fiction. Literature represents a language or a people: culture and tradition. Literature is more important than just a historical or cultural artifact. Literature introduces us to the new worlds of experience. We learn about books and literature; we enjoy the


Henry Hudson, William, An Introduction to The Study of Literature (London: Second Edition Enlarge publisher, 1913), page 10.



comedies and the tragedies of poems, stories, and plays; and we may even grow and evolve through our literary journey with books.14 In researcher’s opinion literature is another kind of window that can bring us to the world outside that we never know. Literature can bring us to another world full of imagination, but still related to the real world. Time and distance can be annihilated in literary works. We can be the person in the past, knowing the story years ago or even knowing the future by reading literary works. There are number different branches in literature as follows: 1) Drama Drama is a work of literature or a composition which delineates life and human activity by means of presenting various actions of –and dialogues between- a group of characters.15 Drama represent the story in the real form. When we are watching a drama, we can feel the story in the real situation because the story was told directly in front of our eyes. It can said that drama is a kind of literature that is created with the action. There is no narration and description in drama. The playwright automatically must present his ideas and his pictures of the characters almost entirely through the dialogue and action.16 2) Poetry A poetry is the arrangement of a word which contain of a certain requisite like number of line in each couplet, number of word in each 14

Esther Lombardi, http://classiclit.about.com/od/literaryterms/g/aa_whatisliter.htm NN, How to Analyse Drama (New York: Monarch Press, 1966), page 5. 16 Ibid. 13. 15


line, rhythm, and rhyme.17 The message of poetry can be different between what author wants to deliver and what the readers feels when reading or hearing the poetry. This is commonly happen because the author and the readers have different knowledge and sense to the poetry that make their understanding to the poetry is different. 3) Novel Novel is a fiction. Novel is like history, story telling, that under taken to narrative fact, which often presents characters and incidents. The word novel derived from Latin “nevellus” or “navies” that means “new”. It calls “new” since whenever it is compared to drama or poetry, which come letter. The novel is the modern counterparts of various earlier from attended narrative. It is the first was written is versa like the epic and letter in prose as well. Novel is also modern version in the long narrative versa, this is from resembles the epic in the length and emphasis on the narrative, novel is particularly suited to deal with the effect or character of the passage of time. As Clara Reeve stated that the novel is a picture of real life and manners, and of the time in which it is written. The novel is also reflected the situation in the society.18 Novel is a fictional prose narrative of considerable length, typically having a plot that is unfolded by the actions, speech, and thoughts of the characters. Every novel should have certain characteristics. These include an exposition, rising action, climax, 17

Natia, Apresiasi Sastra, page 4. Wellek and Warren, Theory of Literature. A Harvest/HBJ Book (New York and London: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1942), page 282.



falling, and resolution. Most novels also have conflict and main characters. Novel is one of literary works with a more or less complex plot or not pattern of even about human being, their feeling, thought, and human action19. Novel represent the real world and linked it into imagination world. The relation between those two world will bring the readers into the new world that full of many stuffs. There is no limitation in creating the novel. The author can write a novel without following the rule of human world. Novel can go through the place, time, setting, even common understanding. The author freely to deliver the message to the readers through a novel. In my opinion novel is a strong tool to deliver the idea, understanding, concept, and messages. Certain elements of the novel consist of two parts; extrinsic and intrinsic element of the novel, as following: a. Intrinsic The intrinsic elements are the elements that built a novel itself, such as story, plot, characterization, theme, setting, point of view, language style or figurative language.20 Each element com...

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